stringlengths 4
| scrambled
stringlengths 4
| question
stringlengths 26
cutter | rttuce | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'cturte' |
connects | esccnotn | Can you rearrange the letters in 'nsnectco' to form a word? |
explores | elporxse | What word do you get when you unscramble 'seolxepr' |
liberals | ellraibs | What word do you get when you unscramble 'erialbls' |
aperture | rteeruap | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'aputerer' |
roofing | rnfooig | Can you rearrange the letters in 'foiongr' to form a word? |
dixon | oixdn | Can you rearrange the letters in 'iodxn' to form a word? |
elastic | lsatcie | Rearrange 'aelctis' to form a meaningful word |
melody | lmyeod | Unscramble the word 'odlmey' |
sins | nssi | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'nsis' |
cousin | oinusc | What word do you get when you unscramble 'nsucoi' |
hath | thah | What word do you get when you unscramble 'htah' |
torque | urqeot | Can you rearrange the letters in 'eroqtu' to form a word? |
recalls | sealclr | Rearrange 'eslcalr' to form a meaningful word |
consultations | usnitostalnco | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'cittosonnsula' |
memberships | emssiebhmrp | Can you rearrange the letters in 'bseisrhemmp' to form a word? |
debts | dsbet | What word do you get when you unscramble 'tebsd' |
renting | trnneig | What word do you get when you unscramble 'ngenrti' |
icann | aincn | What word do you get when you unscramble 'incna' |
ticketmaster | ttimtakcsere | Rearrange 'tsecamkitret' to form a meaningful word |
meridia | mairedi | Can you rearrange the letters in 'diermai' to form a word? |
phillip | pllihip | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'illhipp' |
burial | irulab | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'rlaubi' |
balcony | cnaobly | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'olbyanc' |
prescriptions | psietrcrsnoip | Unscramble the word 'rpiisoeptnrcs' |
prop | prpo | Rearrange 'oppr' to form a meaningful word |
avril | liarv | Rearrange 'ailvr' to form a meaningful word |
willis | sillwi | Can you rearrange the letters in 'lwilsi' to form a word? |
myths | tmhsy | Can you rearrange the letters in 'stymh' to form a word? |
camden | edmnca | What word do you get when you unscramble 'ndacem' |
coupling | colgunpi | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'licgnupo' |
knees | knees | Can you rearrange the letters in 'nseek' to form a word? |
oncology | nyoolcog | Unscramble the word 'lynogcoo' |
neglect | glcnete | Rearrange 'tgnceel' to form a meaningful word |
emerge | ermege | Can you rearrange the letters in 'rmegee' to form a word? |
winchester | hsriwtcnee | Can you rearrange the letters in 'tnerisecwh' to form a word? |
clutch | htculc | Unscramble the word 'uhctcl' |
poets | tospe | Rearrange 'eostp' to form a meaningful word |
woven | evwon | Unscramble the word 'eovnw' |
bloglines | bieosllgn | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'lgsbelnoi' |
auditorium | rmuaoudiit | Unscramble the word 'dumtioauir' |
pedro | rdepo | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'edpro' |
maid | diam | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'idma' |
carrie | rcaier | Can you rearrange the letters in 'reraic' to form a word? |
audioslave | oulaaivdes | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'aeuioadsvl' |
towels | sowlte | What word do you get when you unscramble 'oltsew' |
wikimedia | diikimwea | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ikmdeiawi' |
canterbury | rneubrytac | Unscramble the word 'enctbuayrr' |
lipitor | oritilp | Rearrange 'ioiptrl' to form a meaningful word |
remodeling | edoigremln | Rearrange 'monrdigele' to form a meaningful word |
trent | erttn | Unscramble the word 'rttne' |
redhat | aedrth | Rearrange 'tdhera' to form a meaningful word |
barber | ebbrra | Unscramble the word 'rbbear' |
intuitive | vinitieut | Unscramble the word 'ivtiitneu' |
rigid | igidr | What word do you get when you unscramble 'irgdi' |
enom | moen | Can you rearrange the letters in 'mneo' to form a word? |
degradation | tdireagnaod | What word do you get when you unscramble 'ngadritedoa' |
haha | ahha | Rearrange 'aahh' to form a meaningful word |
orthodox | hrootoxd | Rearrange 'ohrtxdoo' to form a meaningful word |
erin | rnie | Unscramble the word 'nrie' |
ferguson | onursfeg | Unscramble the word 'unergsfo' |
coordinating | odctaiirnngo | Unscramble the word 'rtincdooiagn' |
holistic | oslchtii | Rearrange 'hstliioc' to form a meaningful word |
salsa | alass | What word do you get when you unscramble 'salas' |
fragments | nftargsme | Rearrange 'rmesgatnf' to form a meaningful word |
encarta | naectra | Can you rearrange the letters in 'etcanar' to form a word? |
mariana | mraaian | What word do you get when you unscramble 'aniaamr' |
qualitative | vataiieuqtl | Unscramble the word 'tiuaaeitqvl' |
claude | aedlcu | Can you rearrange the letters in 'ecadul' to form a word? |
minorities | tmiinoisre | Unscramble the word 'onerstiimi' |
childcare | idlhcreac | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'haicdcerl' |
blown | lnobw | What word do you get when you unscramble 'obnwl' |
diffusion | sounifdif | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ofiduinfs' |
baton | bntoa | Can you rearrange the letters in 'bnota' to form a word? |
polynesia | einspyaol | Can you rearrange the letters in 'ipeynolsa' to form a word? |
barton | onbtra | Rearrange 'tonrab' to form a meaningful word |
umbrella | mbaeurll | Can you rearrange the letters in 'umlarelb' to form a word? |
soundtracks | ncrusdskota | Can you rearrange the letters in 'ksurndstcoa' to form a word? |
napster | ntarpes | Unscramble the word 'erpastn' |
rods | odsr | What word do you get when you unscramble 'odsr' |
wong | wgno | Can you rearrange the letters in 'owng' to form a word? |
stimulation | amsulniotit | Can you rearrange the letters in 'uttiiamslon' to form a word? |
abbey | aebyb | Can you rearrange the letters in 'ybeba' to form a word? |
pigs | gspi | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'sipg' |
debugging | idgugnegb | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'gggundbie' |
olivia | iovali | Rearrange 'oiavli' to form a meaningful word |
rechargeable | hereaaebrglc | What word do you get when you unscramble 'gealebcrarhe' |
engineered | gnidreeene | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'rdgneieene' |
jerseys | yejsser | Unscramble the word 'erysjse' |
refugee | egeufer | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ugereef' |
straps | tpsasr | Rearrange 'tsspra' to form a meaningful word |
maya | ayam | Rearrange 'maay' to form a meaningful word |
discourse | ioscuersd | What word do you get when you unscramble 'eucdoisrs' |
lancashire | nehlascair | Can you rearrange the letters in 'rainaechsl' to form a word? |
superstore | pousesrert | Unscramble the word 'ptrsueerso' |
headache | aeahched | What word do you get when you unscramble 'hhceaade' |
stained | isadent | Unscramble the word 'etanisd' |
marital | alrtmai | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'alitamr' |
socialist | ioalcitss | Can you rearrange the letters in 'sltscoaii' to form a word? |
bruno | rbnou | Can you rearrange the letters in 'rbnuo' to form a word? |