stringlengths 4
| scrambled
stringlengths 4
| question
stringlengths 26
lotion | ioontl | Unscramble the word 'noolti' |
analyzing | nynialagz | Unscramble the word 'gnalnayiz' |
substrate | sabrtutse | What word do you get when you unscramble 'busrttsea' |
sincerely | yleircsen | Rearrange 'inserlyce' to form a meaningful word |
beaten | atbnee | Can you rearrange the letters in 'eabnet' to form a word? |
piercing | rigpniec | Can you rearrange the letters in 'ngiepcir' to form a word? |
ashanti | ihaasnt | Can you rearrange the letters in 'natshai' to form a word? |
antilles | llntseai | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'snleilta' |
homemade | hdmmeoea | What word do you get when you unscramble 'mehomead' |
ukrainian | anianurki | Can you rearrange the letters in 'inkniauar' to form a word? |
establishments | tnbihetssesalm | Can you rearrange the letters in 'nitlmssshaeetb' to form a word? |
marginal | lmagiran | Unscramble the word 'grmlanai' |
visions | nsiivso | Unscramble the word 'inoviss' |
efficacy | ceiyfcaf | Rearrange 'iaecfcfy' to form a meaningful word |
freshwater | hersefwrta | Rearrange 'rasrhtweef' to form a meaningful word |
topical | lcaotip | Unscramble the word 'plaiotc' |
prestige | irspteeg | Unscramble the word 'ieegrpts' |
cocaine | icceano | Rearrange 'ncoiaec' to form a meaningful word |
accelerated | deaactlerec | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'rcctledaeae' |
pinnacle | enanicpl | Rearrange 'iapelnnc' to form a meaningful word |
tucker | trkuce | Can you rearrange the letters in 'eutcrk' to form a word? |
recognizes | ngecozsire | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ocrzsgniee' |
plugs | pulsg | Can you rearrange the letters in 'lgsup' to form a word? |
isdn | dins | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'dins' |
responsive | inossreevp | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ieospevsnr' |
coded | dodce | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'cdeod' |
supra | arpus | What word do you get when you unscramble 'usrpa' |
omitted | eoimdtt | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'mditeto' |
molly | lomyl | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'yloml' |
proximity | pxytiomir | Unscramble the word 'mrypiioxt' |
alcatel | aellcta | Unscramble the word 'cltaela' |
belonging | nigobelng | Rearrange 'gbinoelgn' to form a meaningful word |
unbiased | abnsiued | What word do you get when you unscramble 'uidsaebn' |
pear | repa | Can you rearrange the letters in 'arpe' to form a word? |
suriname | rinuemsa | Unscramble the word 'eusinamr' |
chiefs | fechis | What word do you get when you unscramble 'shefic' |
franz | znraf | Rearrange 'farzn' to form a meaningful word |
collision | osiilolcn | Can you rearrange the letters in 'islocilno' to form a word? |
supplementary | esalrteyuppnm | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'pnlrytsaemepu' |
parkway | ayawkrp | Rearrange 'prwykaa' to form a meaningful word |
femdom | oemdfm | Can you rearrange the letters in 'mdfeom' to form a word? |
palau | palau | Rearrange 'lpuaa' to form a meaningful word |
clue | eclu | Can you rearrange the letters in 'cleu' to form a word? |
scandal | nldsaac | Rearrange 'ldnasac' to form a meaningful word |
duff | fudf | What word do you get when you unscramble 'ffud' |
lodges | gosdle | Unscramble the word 'gloesd' |
dangers | arensdg | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'esgnrda' |
bonuses | snubseo | Unscramble the word 'snoeusb' |
scam | sacm | Can you rearrange the letters in 'casm' to form a word? |
travellers | atllsveerr | Can you rearrange the letters in 'rltlasrvee' to form a word? |
scream | emrsca | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'sacerm' |
biking | iigknb | Can you rearrange the letters in 'bgniik' to form a word? |
discrepancies | ispcdcisnreea | Rearrange 'epcsarcinsdei' to form a meaningful word |
pirate | traeip | Rearrange 'rtpeia' to form a meaningful word |
microsystems | irsmtemcsoys | Rearrange 'etsosrymcims' to form a meaningful word |
timeout | tteimou | Rearrange 'iteuomt' to form a meaningful word |
senses | esnses | Unscramble the word 'essesn' |
aerosmith | astimrohe | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ihreaosmt' |
repeats | erpaste | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'sepaetr' |
resellers | ssllerere | Unscramble the word 'leelrsser' |
willie | ilewli | Can you rearrange the letters in 'wiiell' to form a word? |
portfolios | ploofsoitr | Rearrange 'ioosortlfp' to form a meaningful word |
rival | valir | Can you rearrange the letters in 'lravi' to form a word? |
slower | roelws | Can you rearrange the letters in 'rloews' to form a word? |
simulated | dmutseila | Can you rearrange the letters in 'smieltadu' to form a word? |
culinary | ryculnai | Unscramble the word 'iyranulc' |
fairfax | fixaraf | What word do you get when you unscramble 'rifxaaf' |
beck | ckbe | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'kbce' |
semantics | entmcisas | What word do you get when you unscramble 'snmicetas' |
scarface | ccrfasea | Unscramble the word 'eaccfrsa' |
accountant | ocuttnnaac | What word do you get when you unscramble 'ncoctatanu' |
beige | ibgee | Rearrange 'geibe' to form a meaningful word |
auditing | ngtiuadi | Can you rearrange the letters in 'nuidtaig' to form a word? |
rolex | erxlo | Rearrange 'erlxo' to form a meaningful word |
propaganda | ppanragaod | What word do you get when you unscramble 'apodpraang' |
amplifiers | rfamlpsiie | Unscramble the word 'peafsmiilr' |
offender | erfnefdo | Can you rearrange the letters in 'onferedf' to form a word? |
waterloo | wtreaool | Can you rearrange the letters in 'tweoaorl' to form a word? |
warwick | rcwiwka | Can you rearrange the letters in 'wrwaick' to form a word? |
coli | iocl | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'iloc' |
executable | bexutcaele | Rearrange 'uleteexcab' to form a meaningful word |
pentax | axeptn | Can you rearrange the letters in 'txnape' to form a word? |
restart | rrestat | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'rsaettr' |
rounded | edduron | Unscramble the word 'edordnu' |
boarding | gaorbnid | Can you rearrange the letters in 'drbnoaig' to form a word? |
vanity | nyvait | Can you rearrange the letters in 'ityavn' to form a word? |
mitigation | igiitnmtoa | Rearrange 'amniigttoi' to form a meaningful word |
tome | oemt | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'omte' |
prof | pfor | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'oprf' |
overstock | rkeocvost | Rearrange 'oosckterv' to form a meaningful word |
homer | horem | What word do you get when you unscramble 'horem' |
daylight | thglyaid | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'ailydgth' |
macdonald | odnlmadca | Can you rearrange the letters in 'manldocad' to form a word? |
gases | sagse | What word do you get when you unscramble 'assge' |
dependency | dnydpecene | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'npdcndeeey' |
dioxide | ddxiieo | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'xoedidi' |
fireworks | fsirekwor | Unscramble the word 'kferoiwrs' |
genus | enusg | Find the correct word from these scrambled letters: 'suegn' |
approached | ocadaerpph | What word do you get when you unscramble 'dahaeoprcp' |
catching | hnicagtc | Unscramble the word 'itaghccn' |