Request for Citation Details

by Shreyansh-GG - opened

hello ,
i want the code for prediction sentiment model and also need details for citing in our journal . i would be delighted .

Hello @Shreyansh-GG ,

The code used for this model is available here: . Also, you could find the details of this model here: Likewise, DOI is here:

@misc {puja_maharjan_2024,
author = { {Puja Maharjan} },
title = { sci-sentiment-classify (Revision 8f10af2) },
year = 2024,
url = { },
doi = { 10.57967/hf/1592 },
publisher = { Hugging Face }

Please let me know if you have any further queries.


hello puja mam,
i want to know the citation sentiment.csv on which you had trained the model because i want to know how many features you used for sentiment classification since i have only text and i need to classify into one of three sentiment i need to re train ,or maybe not . also i could not find the public dataset from that link and it would be easy if i can get the final dataset before finetuning .it will help me.
thanks for reply ,

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