Raphaël Bournhonesque
add new version of the ingredient detection model
license: agpl-3.0
This ingredient detection model was trained on the ingredient detection [dataset v1.1](https://huggingface.co/datasets/openfoodfacts/ingredient-detection/tree/v1.1) using [this training code](https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-ai/tree/a9b4ad6a854fa6f8330b0ff3e6a67ad963c9b96b/ingredient_extraction/train).
Training was tracked on [Wandb](https://wandb.ai/raphaeloff/ingredient-detection-ner/runs/dwbdbjek/overview).
This release provides the following assets:
Training-related assets:
- `predictions` directory: predictions on train and test dataset of the model, in:
HTML format: easier to view
JSONL format: either the raw or the aggregated (post-processed) version
- the HuggingFace serialized model, in the root directory
Serving assets:
- `onnx.tar.gz`: the model exported to ONNX format
## Versions
### 1.1
New version based on [v1.1 of the dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/openfoodfacts/ingredient-detection/tree/v1.1).
“organic”/”issu de l’agriculture biologique” suffixes are now considered as part of the ingredient list.s
### 1.0
First version based on [v1.0 of the dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/openfoodfacts/ingredient-detection/tree/v1.0).