--- |
tags: |
- espnet |
- audio |
- text-to-speech |
language: en |
datasets: |
- ljspeech |
license: cc-by-4.0 |
--- |
## ESPnet2 TTS model |
### `imdanboy/jets` |
This model was trained by imdanboy using ljspeech recipe in [espnet](https://github.com/espnet/espnet/). |
### Demo: How to use in ESPnet2 |
```bash |
cd espnet |
git checkout c173c30930631731e6836c274a591ad571749741 |
pip install -e . |
cd egs2/ljspeech/tts1 |
./run.sh --skip_data_prep false --skip_train true --download_model imdanboy/jets |
``` |
## TTS config |
<details><summary>expand</summary> |
``` |
config: conf/tuning/train_jets.yaml |
print_config: false |
log_level: INFO |
dry_run: false |
iterator_type: sequence |
output_dir: exp/tts_train_jets_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space |
ngpu: 1 |
seed: 777 |
num_workers: 4 |
num_att_plot: 3 |
dist_backend: nccl |
dist_init_method: env:// |
dist_world_size: 4 |
dist_rank: 0 |
local_rank: 0 |
dist_master_addr: localhost |
dist_master_port: 39471 |
dist_launcher: null |
multiprocessing_distributed: true |
unused_parameters: true |
sharded_ddp: false |
cudnn_enabled: true |
cudnn_benchmark: false |
cudnn_deterministic: false |
collect_stats: false |
write_collected_feats: false |
max_epoch: 1000 |
patience: null |
val_scheduler_criterion: |
- valid |
- loss |
early_stopping_criterion: |
- valid |
- loss |
- min |
best_model_criterion: |
- - valid |
- text2mel_loss |
- min |
- - train |
- text2mel_loss |
- min |
- - train |
- total_count |
- max |
keep_nbest_models: 5 |
nbest_averaging_interval: 0 |
grad_clip: -1 |
grad_clip_type: 2.0 |
grad_noise: false |
accum_grad: 1 |
no_forward_run: false |
resume: true |
train_dtype: float32 |
use_amp: false |
log_interval: 50 |
use_matplotlib: true |
use_tensorboard: true |
use_wandb: false |
wandb_project: null |
wandb_id: null |
wandb_entity: null |
wandb_name: null |
wandb_model_log_interval: -1 |
detect_anomaly: false |
pretrain_path: null |
init_param: [] |
ignore_init_mismatch: false |
freeze_param: [] |
num_iters_per_epoch: 1000 |
batch_size: 20 |
valid_batch_size: null |
batch_bins: 3000000 |
valid_batch_bins: null |
train_shape_file: |
- exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/text_shape.phn |
- exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/speech_shape |
valid_shape_file: |
- exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/valid/text_shape.phn |
- exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/valid/speech_shape |
batch_type: numel |
valid_batch_type: null |
fold_length: |
- 150 |
- 204800 |
sort_in_batch: descending |
sort_batch: descending |
multiple_iterator: false |
chunk_length: 500 |
chunk_shift_ratio: 0.5 |
num_cache_chunks: 1024 |
train_data_path_and_name_and_type: |
- - dump/raw/tr_no_dev/text |
- text |
- text |
- - dump/raw/tr_no_dev/wav.scp |
- speech |
- sound |
- - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/collect_feats/pitch.scp |
- pitch |
- npy |
- - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/collect_feats/energy.scp |
- energy |
- npy |
valid_data_path_and_name_and_type: |
- - dump/raw/dev/text |
- text |
- text |
- - dump/raw/dev/wav.scp |
- speech |
- sound |
- - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/valid/collect_feats/pitch.scp |
- pitch |
- npy |
- - exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/valid/collect_feats/energy.scp |
- energy |
- npy |
allow_variable_data_keys: false |
max_cache_size: 0.0 |
max_cache_fd: 32 |
valid_max_cache_size: null |
optim: adamw |
optim_conf: |
lr: 0.0002 |
betas: |
- 0.8 |
- 0.99 |
eps: 1.0e-09 |
weight_decay: 0.0 |
scheduler: exponentiallr |
scheduler_conf: |
gamma: 0.999875 |
optim2: adamw |
optim2_conf: |
lr: 0.0002 |
betas: |
- 0.8 |
- 0.99 |
eps: 1.0e-09 |
weight_decay: 0.0 |
scheduler2: exponentiallr |
scheduler2_conf: |
gamma: 0.999875 |
generator_first: true |
token_list: |
- <blank> |
- <unk> |
- AH0 |
- N |
- T |
- D |
- S |
- R |
- L |
- DH |
- K |
- Z |
- IH1 |
- IH0 |
- M |
- EH1 |
- W |
- P |
- AE1 |
- AH1 |
- V |
- ER0 |
- F |
- ',' |
- AA1 |
- B |
- HH |
- IY1 |
- UW1 |
- IY0 |
- AO1 |
- EY1 |
- AY1 |
- . |
- OW1 |
- SH |
- NG |
- G |
- ER1 |
- CH |
- JH |
- Y |
- AW1 |
- TH |
- UH1 |
- EH2 |
- OW0 |
- EY2 |
- AO0 |
- IH2 |
- AE2 |
- AY2 |
- AA2 |
- UW0 |
- EH0 |
- OY1 |
- EY0 |
- AO2 |
- ZH |
- OW2 |
- AE0 |
- UW2 |
- AH2 |
- AY0 |
- IY2 |
- AW2 |
- AA0 |
- '''' |
- ER2 |
- UH2 |
- '?' |
- OY2 |
- '!' |
- AW0 |
- UH0 |
- OY0 |
- .. |
- <sos/eos> |
odim: null |
model_conf: {} |
use_preprocessor: true |
token_type: phn |
bpemodel: null |
non_linguistic_symbols: null |
cleaner: tacotron |
g2p: g2p_en_no_space |
feats_extract: fbank |
feats_extract_conf: |
n_fft: 1024 |
hop_length: 256 |
win_length: null |
fs: 22050 |
fmin: 80 |
fmax: 7600 |
n_mels: 80 |
normalize: global_mvn |
normalize_conf: |
stats_file: exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/feats_stats.npz |
tts: jets |
tts_conf: |
generator_type: jets_generator |
generator_params: |
adim: 256 |
aheads: 2 |
elayers: 4 |
eunits: 1024 |
dlayers: 4 |
dunits: 1024 |
positionwise_layer_type: conv1d |
positionwise_conv_kernel_size: 3 |
duration_predictor_layers: 2 |
duration_predictor_chans: 256 |
duration_predictor_kernel_size: 3 |
use_masking: true |
encoder_normalize_before: true |
decoder_normalize_before: true |
encoder_type: transformer |
decoder_type: transformer |
conformer_rel_pos_type: latest |
conformer_pos_enc_layer_type: rel_pos |
conformer_self_attn_layer_type: rel_selfattn |
conformer_activation_type: swish |
use_macaron_style_in_conformer: true |
use_cnn_in_conformer: true |
conformer_enc_kernel_size: 7 |
conformer_dec_kernel_size: 31 |
init_type: xavier_uniform |
transformer_enc_dropout_rate: 0.2 |
transformer_enc_positional_dropout_rate: 0.2 |
transformer_enc_attn_dropout_rate: 0.2 |
transformer_dec_dropout_rate: 0.2 |
transformer_dec_positional_dropout_rate: 0.2 |
transformer_dec_attn_dropout_rate: 0.2 |
pitch_predictor_layers: 5 |
pitch_predictor_chans: 256 |
pitch_predictor_kernel_size: 5 |
pitch_predictor_dropout: 0.5 |
pitch_embed_kernel_size: 1 |
pitch_embed_dropout: 0.0 |
stop_gradient_from_pitch_predictor: true |
energy_predictor_layers: 2 |
energy_predictor_chans: 256 |
energy_predictor_kernel_size: 3 |
energy_predictor_dropout: 0.5 |
energy_embed_kernel_size: 1 |
energy_embed_dropout: 0.0 |
stop_gradient_from_energy_predictor: false |
generator_out_channels: 1 |
generator_channels: 512 |
generator_global_channels: -1 |
generator_kernel_size: 7 |
generator_upsample_scales: |
- 8 |
- 8 |
- 2 |
- 2 |
generator_upsample_kernel_sizes: |
- 16 |
- 16 |
- 4 |
- 4 |
generator_resblock_kernel_sizes: |
- 3 |
- 7 |
- 11 |
generator_resblock_dilations: |
- - 1 |
- 3 |
- 5 |
- - 1 |
- 3 |
- 5 |
- - 1 |
- 3 |
- 5 |
generator_use_additional_convs: true |
generator_bias: true |
generator_nonlinear_activation: LeakyReLU |
generator_nonlinear_activation_params: |
negative_slope: 0.1 |
generator_use_weight_norm: true |
segment_size: 64 |
idim: 78 |
odim: 80 |
discriminator_type: hifigan_multi_scale_multi_period_discriminator |
discriminator_params: |
scales: 1 |
scale_downsample_pooling: AvgPool1d |
scale_downsample_pooling_params: |
kernel_size: 4 |
stride: 2 |
padding: 2 |
scale_discriminator_params: |
in_channels: 1 |
out_channels: 1 |
kernel_sizes: |
- 15 |
- 41 |
- 5 |
- 3 |
channels: 128 |
max_downsample_channels: 1024 |
max_groups: 16 |
bias: true |
downsample_scales: |
- 2 |
- 2 |
- 4 |
- 4 |
- 1 |
nonlinear_activation: LeakyReLU |
nonlinear_activation_params: |
negative_slope: 0.1 |
use_weight_norm: true |
use_spectral_norm: false |
follow_official_norm: false |
periods: |
- 2 |
- 3 |
- 5 |
- 7 |
- 11 |
period_discriminator_params: |
in_channels: 1 |
out_channels: 1 |
kernel_sizes: |
- 5 |
- 3 |
channels: 32 |
downsample_scales: |
- 3 |
- 3 |
- 3 |
- 3 |
- 1 |
max_downsample_channels: 1024 |
bias: true |
nonlinear_activation: LeakyReLU |
nonlinear_activation_params: |
negative_slope: 0.1 |
use_weight_norm: true |
use_spectral_norm: false |
generator_adv_loss_params: |
average_by_discriminators: false |
loss_type: mse |
discriminator_adv_loss_params: |
average_by_discriminators: false |
loss_type: mse |
feat_match_loss_params: |
average_by_discriminators: false |
average_by_layers: false |
include_final_outputs: true |
mel_loss_params: |
fs: 22050 |
n_fft: 1024 |
hop_length: 256 |
win_length: null |
window: hann |
n_mels: 80 |
fmin: 0 |
fmax: null |
log_base: null |
lambda_adv: 1.0 |
lambda_mel: 45.0 |
lambda_feat_match: 2.0 |
lambda_var: 1.0 |
lambda_align: 2.0 |
sampling_rate: 22050 |
cache_generator_outputs: true |
pitch_extract: dio |
pitch_extract_conf: |
reduction_factor: 1 |
use_token_averaged_f0: false |
fs: 22050 |
n_fft: 1024 |
hop_length: 256 |
f0max: 400 |
f0min: 80 |
pitch_normalize: global_mvn |
pitch_normalize_conf: |
stats_file: exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/pitch_stats.npz |
energy_extract: energy |
energy_extract_conf: |
reduction_factor: 1 |
use_token_averaged_energy: false |
fs: 22050 |
n_fft: 1024 |
hop_length: 256 |
win_length: null |
energy_normalize: global_mvn |
energy_normalize_conf: |
stats_file: exp/tts_stats_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space/train/energy_stats.npz |
required: |
- output_dir |
- token_list |
version: '202204' |
distributed: true |
``` |
</details> |
### Citing ESPnet |
```BibTex |
@inproceedings{watanabe2018espnet, |
author={Shinji Watanabe and Takaaki Hori and Shigeki Karita and Tomoki Hayashi and Jiro Nishitoba and Yuya Unno and Nelson Yalta and Jahn Heymann and Matthew Wiesner and Nanxin Chen and Adithya Renduchintala and Tsubasa Ochiai}, |
title={{ESPnet}: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit}, |
year={2018}, |
booktitle={Proceedings of Interspeech}, |
pages={2207--2211}, |
doi={10.21437/Interspeech.2018-1456}, |
url={http://dx.doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2018-1456} |
} |
@inproceedings{hayashi2020espnet, |
title={{Espnet-TTS}: Unified, reproducible, and integratable open source end-to-end text-to-speech toolkit}, |
author={Hayashi, Tomoki and Yamamoto, Ryuichi and Inoue, Katsuki and Yoshimura, Takenori and Watanabe, Shinji and Toda, Tomoki and Takeda, Kazuya and Zhang, Yu and Tan, Xu}, |
booktitle={Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, |
pages={7654--7658}, |
year={2020}, |
organization={IEEE} |
} |
``` |
or arXiv: |
```bibtex |
@misc{watanabe2018espnet, |
title={ESPnet: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit}, |
author={Shinji Watanabe and Takaaki Hori and Shigeki Karita and Tomoki Hayashi and Jiro Nishitoba and Yuya Unno and Nelson Yalta and Jahn Heymann and Matthew Wiesner and Nanxin Chen and Adithya Renduchintala and Tsubasa Ochiai}, |
year={2018}, |
eprint={1804.00015}, |
archivePrefix={arXiv}, |
primaryClass={cs.CL} |
} |
``` |