Unnamed: 0
2 classes
public class GraphicalManifestation extends FeedView implements RenderingCallback { private static ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("GraphicsResourceBundle"); private static final long serialVersionUID = -5934962679343158613L; private final List<FeedProvider> feedProviderList; private GraphicalSettings settings; private List<Brush> layers; private Shape shape; public static final String VIEW_ROLE_NAME = bundle.getString("View_Name"); public GraphicalManifestation(AbstractComponent component, ViewInfo vi) { super(component,vi); layers = new ArrayList<Brush>(); settings = new GraphicalSettings(this); setBackground(UIManager.getColor("background")); this.setOpaque(true); feedProviderList = Collections.singletonList(getFeedProvider(getManifestedComponent())); buildFromSettings(); } @Override protected JComponent initializeControlManifestation() { return new JScrollPane(new GraphicalControlPanel(this), ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { boolean hasTitle = true; NamingContext nc = getNamingContext(); if (nc != null && nc.getContextualName() == null) hasTitle = false; /* Only paint background if we are on a panel or similar */ if (hasTitle) super.paint(g); /* Pad for border, or other stuff */ Rectangle bounds = getBounds().getBounds(); int padding = Math.min(bounds.width, bounds.height) / 20; bounds.grow(-padding, -padding); /* Paint all layers in order */ for (Brush b : layers) { b.draw(shape, g, bounds); } if (!hasTitle) paintDisplayName(g); } private void paintDisplayName(Graphics g) { g.setFont(g.getFont().deriveFont(9.0f)); String name = getManifestedComponent().getDisplayName(); int width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(name); int height = g.getFontMetrics().getAscent() - 2; int x = (getBounds().width - width) / 2; int y = (getBounds().height) - height * 2; g.setColor(new Color(255,255,255,160)); g.fillRoundRect(x - 4, y - 4, width + 8, height + 8, height / 2 , height / 2); g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); g.drawString(name, x, y + height); } /** * Rebuild display to reflect settings */ public void buildFromSettings() { layers = settings.getLayers(); shape = (Shape) settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_SHAPE); requestPredictiveData(); } /** * Get the settings for this manifestation * @return the settings for this manifestation */ public GraphicalSettings getSettings() { return settings; } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return feedProviderList; } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { updateFromFeed(data); } @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { AbstractComponent component = getManifestedComponent(); FeedProvider provider = getFeedProvider(component); if (provider != null) { List<Map<String, String>> feedData = data.get(provider.getSubscriptionId()); if (feedData != null && !feedData.isEmpty()) { Map<String, String> feedDataItem = feedData.get(feedData.size() - 1); List<RenderingInfo> riList = new ArrayList<RenderingInfo>(); riList.add(provider.getRenderingInfo(feedDataItem)); /* Get updates from the appropriate evaluator */ if (settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR) instanceof AbstractComponent) { AbstractComponent comp = (AbstractComponent) settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR); riList.add(comp.getCapability(Evaluator.class).evaluate(data, Collections.singletonList(provider))); } /* Send both numeric state and evaluator state to brushes */ if (riList.get(0).isPlottable()) { // ...only if we have new feed data for (RenderingInfo ri : riList) { for (Brush b : layers) { if (b instanceof StateSensitive) { ((StateSensitive) b).setState(ri.getValueText()); } } } } // TODO: Show status character on LOS } } repaint(); // Update the graphical representation // TODO: Only repaint on change? } private void requestPredictiveData() { /* Explicitly request data if we're using a predictive feed */ boolean predictive = false; for (FeedProvider fp : feedProviderList) { if (fp != null && fp.isPrediction()) { predictive = true; break; } } if (predictive) { requestData(feedProviderList, System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis(), new DataTransformation() { @Override public void transform( Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long startTime, long endTime) {} }, this, true); } /* We expect non-predictive feeds to push their data */ } @Override public void updateMonitoredGUI() { this.buildFromSettings(); } @Override public void updateMonitoredGUI(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { this.buildFromSettings(); // TODO: This may be where to catch naming context changes } @Override public void render(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { updateFromFeed(data); } }
new DataTransformation() { @Override public void transform( Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long startTime, long endTime) {} },
public class GraphicalManifestationTest { private static final int SIZE = 300; private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "mock"; private static final Color BACKGROUND = Color.pink; private GraphicalManifestation view; Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> feedData; @Mock private AbstractComponent mockComponent; @Mock private FeedProvider mockProvider; @Mock private ViewInfo mockViewInfo; @Mock private RenderingInfo mockRenderingInfo; @Mock private ExtendedProperties mockViewProperties; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @BeforeTest public void setupTest() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); Mockito.when(mockComponent.getCapability(FeedProvider.class)).thenReturn(mockProvider); Mockito.when(mockProvider.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn(SUBSCRIPTION_ID); Mockito.when(mockProvider.getRenderingInfo(Mockito.anyMap())).thenReturn(mockRenderingInfo); Mockito.when(mockRenderingInfo.isPlottable()).thenReturn(true); Mockito.when(mockRenderingInfo.getValueText()).thenReturn("50"); view = new GraphicalManifestation(mockComponent, mockViewInfo) { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3323166317731283322L; public ExtendedProperties getViewProperties() { return mockViewProperties; } }; feedData = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); Map<String, String> dummyMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); feedData.put(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, Collections.singletonList(dummyMap)); } @Test public void testManifestationPaint() { Shape shape = (Shape) view.getSettings().getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_SHAPE); List<Brush> brushList = view.getSettings().getLayers(); view.setSize(SIZE, SIZE); view.setBackground(BACKGROUND); final BufferedImage viewImage = new BufferedImage(SIZE, SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); final BufferedImage manualImage = new BufferedImage(SIZE, SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); view.updateFromFeed(feedData); view.paint(viewImage.getGraphics()); Graphics g = manualImage.getGraphics(); g.setColor(BACKGROUND); g.fillRect(0,0,300,300); for (Brush brush : brushList) { if (brush instanceof StateSensitive) { ((StateSensitive) brush).setInterval(0, 100); ((StateSensitive) brush).setState("50"); } // Bounds shrunken by 5% brush.draw(shape, g, new Rectangle(15,15,270,270)); } for (int x = 0; x < 300; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++) { Assert.assertEquals(viewImage.getRGB(x, y), manualImage.getRGB(x, y)); } } } @Test public void testControlManifestation() { JComponent c = view.initializeControlManifestation(); Assert.assertTrue(findControlPanel(c)); } private boolean findControlPanel(JComponent component) { boolean result = component instanceof GraphicalControlPanel; for (Component c : component.getComponents()) { if (c instanceof JComponent) { result |= findControlPanel((JComponent) c); } } return result; } @Test public void testResponseToSettingChange() { Shape shape = (Shape) view.getSettings().getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_SHAPE); List<Brush> originalList = view.getSettings().getLayers(); view.setSize(SIZE, SIZE); view.setBackground(BACKGROUND); final BufferedImage viewImage = new BufferedImage(SIZE, SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); final BufferedImage manualImage = new BufferedImage(SIZE, SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = manualImage.getGraphics(); g.setColor(BACKGROUND); g.fillRect(0,0,300,300); for (Brush brush : originalList) { if (brush instanceof StateSensitive) { ((StateSensitive) brush).setInterval(0, 100); ((StateSensitive) brush).setState("50"); } // Bounds shrunken by 5% brush.draw(shape, g, new Rectangle(15,15,270,270)); } /* Try a different outline color */ Mockito.when(mockViewProperties.getProperty(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_COLOR, String.class)) .thenReturn("Color4"); Color color = (Color) view.getSettings().getNamedObject("Color4"); view.updateMonitoredGUI(); view.updateFromFeed(feedData); view.paint(viewImage.getGraphics()); for (int x = 0; x < 300; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++) { if (viewImage.getRGB(x, y) == color.getRGB()) { /* Outline should be different */ Assert.assertFalse(viewImage.getRGB(x, y) == manualImage.getRGB(x, y)); } else { /* Everyting else should still be the same */ Assert.assertTrue (viewImage.getRGB(x, y) == manualImage.getRGB(x, y)); } } } } @Test public void testVisibleFeedProvider() { Collection<FeedProvider> providers = view.getVisibleFeedProviders(); Assert.assertEquals(providers.size(), 1); Assert.assertEquals(providers.iterator().next(), mockProvider); } }
view = new GraphicalManifestation(mockComponent, mockViewInfo) { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3323166317731283322L; public ExtendedProperties getViewProperties() { return mockViewProperties; } };
public class GraphicalSettings { public static final String NO_EVALUATOR = "No Evaluator"; private GraphicalManifestation manifestation; private static Map<String, Shape> shapeMap; private static Map<String, Color> colorMap; private static Map<String, String> defaultMap; private static Map<String, FillProvider> fillMap; private Map<Object, String> reverseMap; private Map<String, Object> evaluatorMap; private Map<Object, List<String>> enumerationMap; //Maps eval name to possible states public GraphicalSettings (GraphicalManifestation manifestation) { this.manifestation = manifestation; initializeEvaluatorMap(); reverseMap = new HashMap<Object, String>(); addToReverseMap(shapeMap); addToReverseMap(colorMap); addToReverseMap(evaluatorMap); } /* Setting names for persistence */ //TODO shorten names public static final String GRAPHICAL_SHAPE = "GraphicalShapeSetting"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "GraphicalBackgroundColor"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_COLOR = "GraphicalOutlineColor"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_WEIGHT = "GraphicalOutlineWeight"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_FILL = "GraphicalFillStyle"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "GraphicalFillColor"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MIN = "GraphicalFillMinimum"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MAX = "GraphicalFillMaximum"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR = "GraphicalEvaluator"; public static final String GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR_MAP = "GraphicalEvaluatorMap"; public static final String DEFAULT_SHAPE = "Ellipse"; public static final String DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "Color0"; public static final String DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR = "Color1"; public static final String DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WEIGHT = "10"; public static final String DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_FILL = "East"; public static final String DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "Color2"; public static final String DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_MIN = "0"; public static final String DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_MAX = "100"; public static final String DEFAULT_EVALUATOR = NO_EVALUATOR; public static final String DEFAULT_EVALUATOR_MAP = ""; /* Initialize maps */ static { shapeMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Shape>(); shapeMap.put("Ellipse", new Ellipse2D.Float(0, 0, 1, 1)); shapeMap.put("Rectangle", new Rectangle2D.Float(1, 1, 2, 2) ); shapeMap.put("RoundRectangle", new RoundRectangle2D.Float(1.0f, 1.0f, 1,1, 0.5f, 0.5f) ); for (int i = 3; i <= 6; i++) { shapeMap.put("Polygon" + i, new RegularPolygon(i)); } /* TODO - this needs to be color schemed */ /* Most colors taken from canvas ControlareaFormattingConstants */ colorMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Color>(); colorMap.put("Color0", Color.DARK_GRAY.darker()); colorMap.put("Color1", Color.DARK_GRAY); colorMap.put("Color2", Color.BLUE); colorMap.put("Color3", Color.RED); colorMap.put("Color4", Color.green); colorMap.put("Color5", new Color(000, 128, 000)); colorMap.put("Color6", new Color(032, 179, 170)); colorMap.put("Color7", new Color(152, 251, 152)); colorMap.put("Color8", new Color(255, 140, 000)); colorMap.put("Color9", new Color(255, 000, 255)); colorMap.put("Color10", new Color(255, 69, 000)); colorMap.put("Color11", new Color(255, 215, 000)); colorMap.put("Color12", new Color(047, 79, 79)); colorMap.put("Color13", new Color(128, 128, 128)); colorMap.put("Color14", new Color(100, 149, 237)); colorMap.put("Color15", new Color(000, 49, 042)); colorMap.put("Color16", new Color(000, 176, 176)); colorMap.put("Color17", new Color(102, 051, 255)); fillMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, FillProvider>(); fillMap.put("Static", new FillProvider()); fillMap.put("North", new ClippedFillProvider(AxisClip.Y_AXIS, AxisClip.DECREASING)); fillMap.put("South", new ClippedFillProvider(AxisClip.Y_AXIS, AxisClip.INCREASING)); fillMap.put("East", new ClippedFillProvider(AxisClip.X_AXIS, AxisClip.INCREASING)); fillMap.put("West", new ClippedFillProvider(AxisClip.X_AXIS, AxisClip.DECREASING)); fillMap.put("Expanding", new ExpandingFillProvider()); defaultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_SHAPE, DEFAULT_SHAPE); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_COLOR, DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WEIGHT); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_FILL, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_FILL); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MIN, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_MIN); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MAX, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_MAX); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR, DEFAULT_EVALUATOR); defaultMap.put(GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR_MAP, DEFAULT_EVALUATOR_MAP); } private void initializeEvaluatorMap() { evaluatorMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); evaluatorMap.put(NO_EVALUATOR, NO_EVALUATOR); enumerationMap = new HashMap<Object, List<String>>(); enumerationMap.put(NO_EVALUATOR, Collections.<String> emptyList()); AbstractComponent component = manifestation.getManifestedComponent(); addEvaluator(component); for (AbstractComponent parent : component.getReferencingComponents()) { addEvaluator(parent); } } private void addEvaluator(AbstractComponent comp) { Evaluator evaluator = comp.getCapability(Evaluator.class); if (evaluator == null) return; // Can only handle enum & imars/enum ... String language = evaluator.getLanguage(); if (!(language.equals("enum") || language.equals("imars/enum"))) { return; } // Track possible enumerations List<String> enumerations = new ArrayList<String> (); StringTokenizer codes = new StringTokenizer(evaluator.getCode(), "\t"); while (codes.hasMoreTokens()) { String code = codes.nextToken(); int skip = 0; if (language.equals("enum")) skip = 2; // Skip first two terms if (language.equals("imars/enum")) skip = 1; // Skip first token only while (skip-- > 0) { if (code.contains(" ")) code = code.substring(code.indexOf(" ") + 1); else code = ""; } if (code != "") { enumerations.add(code); } } evaluatorMap.put(comp.getDisplayName(), comp); enumerationMap.put(comp, enumerations); } private void addToReverseMap(Map<String, ?> map) { for (Entry<String, ?> e : map.entrySet()) { reverseMap.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } } /** * Get a named object (for instance, a shape from the settings shape map, or * color from the settings color map) * @param name the name of the object * @return the object so named */ public Object getNamedObject(String name) { if (shapeMap.containsKey(name)) return shapeMap.get(name); if (colorMap.containsKey(name)) return colorMap.get(name); if (fillMap.containsKey(name)) return name; // Fill names are mapped only internally return null; } /** * Get the list of brushes which, when drawn, will reflect current settings. * @return a list of brushes */ public List<Brush> getLayers() { List<Brush> brushes = new ArrayList<Brush>(); brushes.add(new Fill((Color) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_BACKGROUND_COLOR))); FillProvider provider = fillMap.get((String) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_FILL)); Object evaluator = getSetting(GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR); if (evaluator == NO_EVALUATOR) { Brush b = provider.getFill((Color) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_COLOR)); Double minimum = Double.parseDouble((String) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MIN)); Double maximum = Double.parseDouble((String) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MAX)); if (b instanceof StateSensitive) ((StateSensitive) b).setInterval(minimum, maximum); brushes.add(b); } else { // Build evaluator brushes Object evMapSetting = getSetting(GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR_MAP); if (evMapSetting instanceof Map) { Map evMap = (Map) evMapSetting; for (Object entry : evMap.entrySet()) { if (entry instanceof Map.Entry) { Object key = ((Map.Entry) entry).getKey(); Object value = ((Map.Entry) entry).getValue(); if (value instanceof Color && key instanceof String) { Fill b = provider.getFill((Color) value); Double minimum = Double.parseDouble((String) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MIN)); Double maximum = Double.parseDouble((String) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_MAX)); b.setInterval(minimum, maximum); brushes.add(new ConditionalBrush(b, (String) key)); } } } } } brushes.add(new Outline((Color) getSetting(GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_COLOR))); return brushes; } /** * Apply the current settings to the managed view. */ public void updateManifestation() { manifestation.buildFromSettings(); manifestation.getManifestedComponent().save(); } /** * Get all shapes that are supported by settings * @return a collection of available shapes */ public Collection<Shape> getSupportedShapes() { return shapeMap.values(); } /** * Get all colors which are supported by settings * @return a collection of available colors */ public Collection<Color> getSupportedColors() { return colorMap.values(); } /** * Get all evaluators which are supported by these settings * @return a collection of evaluators available for the viewed component */ public Collection<Object> getSupportedEvaluators() { return evaluatorMap.values(); } /** * Get the names of all fill types which are supported by these settings * @return a set of names of available fills */ public Set<String> getSupportedFills() { return fillMap.keySet(); } /** * * @param component the component which provides the evaluator * @return a collection of known possible evaluation outputs */ public Collection<String> getSupportedEnumerations() { return enumerationMap.get(getSetting(GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR)); } /** * Determine whether or not the specified key is the name of a setting * @param key the name to check * @return true if this is the name of a setting, false if not */ public boolean isValidKey(String key) { return defaultMap.containsKey(key); } /** * Gets the current setting associated with the specified key, in its * String form. If it has not been set in a manifestation, the default will * be applied and returned. * @param key the name of the setting * @return the current value, as a string */ private String get(String key) { String value = manifestation.getViewProperties().getProperty(key, String.class); if (value == null) { if (!isValidKey(key)) return null; set (key, defaultMap.get(key)); value = defaultMap.get(key); } return value; } /** * Set the value for a specific setting. (In its string form - direct * to the manifestation.) * @param key the name of the setting * @param value the new value */ private void set(String key, String value) { ExtendedProperties viewProperties = manifestation.getViewProperties(); viewProperties.setProperty(key, value); } /** * Get the object represented by current settings. * @param name the name of the settings * @return the object which represents the current choice */ public Object getSetting (String name) { String choice = get(name); if (shapeMap.containsKey(choice)) return shapeMap.get(choice); if (colorMap.containsKey(choice)) return colorMap.get(choice); if (fillMap.containsKey(choice)) return choice; //Not remapped if (evaluatorMap.containsKey(choice)) return evaluatorMap.get(choice); if (name.equals(GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR_MAP)) return decodeMap(choice); else return choice; } /** * Set the value of a setting to correspond with the given Object. Note that * this does nothing if the Object is not supported * @param key the name of the setting * @param value the object to make the current setting */ public void setByObject (String key, Object value) { if (reverseMap.containsKey(value)) { set(key, reverseMap.get(value)); } else if (value instanceof String) { // Fill just publishes keys set(key, (String) value); } else if (value instanceof Map) { set(key, encodeMap((Map) value)); } } /** * Turns a string, as stored in settings ("OK\tColor0\nFAIL\tColor1\n", for example) * into a corresponding map. * @param str the string form of the map, as made by encodeMap * @return a Map object representing the string->color mappings */ private Map<String, Color> decodeMap (String str) { Map<String, Color> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Color>(); StringTokenizer mapTokens = new StringTokenizer(str, "\n"); while (mapTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String pair = mapTokens.nextToken(); if (!pair.isEmpty()) { StringTokenizer entryTokens = new StringTokenizer(pair, "\t"); if (entryTokens.countTokens() == 2) { String key = entryTokens.nextToken(); Color value = colorMap.get(entryTokens.nextToken()); map.put(key, value); } } } return map; } /** * Turns a map of Strings to Colors into a string representation * ("OK=>Color0;FAIL=>Color1;") for storage in settings * @param map the evaluation->color mappings * @return a string describing the same map */ private String encodeMap (Map map) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Set keySet = map.keySet(); for (Object plainKey : keySet) { if (plainKey instanceof String) { String key = (String) plainKey; String value = reverseMap.get(map.get(key)); if (value != null) { s.append(key); s.append("\t"); s.append(value); s.append("\n"); } } } return s.toString(); } private static class FillProvider { public Fill getFill(Color color) { return new Fill(color); } } private static class ExpandingFillProvider extends FillProvider { @Override public Fill getFill(Color color) { return new ScalingFill(color); } } private static class ClippedFillProvider extends FillProvider { private int axis; private int direction; public ClippedFillProvider(int axis, int direction) { this.axis = axis; this.direction = direction; } @Override public Fill getFill(Color color) { return new ClippedFill(color, axis, direction); } } }
private static class ClippedFillProvider extends FillProvider { private int axis; private int direction; public ClippedFillProvider(int axis, int direction) { this.axis = axis; this.direction = direction; } @Override public Fill getFill(Color color) { return new ClippedFill(color, axis, direction); } }
private static class ExpandingFillProvider extends FillProvider { @Override public Fill getFill(Color color) { return new ScalingFill(color); } }
private static class FillProvider { public Fill getFill(Color color) { return new Fill(color); } }
public class GraphicalSettingsTest { private static final String ENUMERATOR_NAME = "Enumerator"; private GraphicalManifestation mockView; private AbstractComponent mockEnumerator; @Mock private AbstractComponent mockComponent; @Mock private ExtendedProperties mockViewProperties; @Mock private Evaluator mockEvaluator; private GraphicalSettings settings; @BeforeMethod public void setup() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); mockView = new GraphicalManifestation(mockComponent, new ViewInfo(GraphicalManifestation.class,"", ViewType.OBJECT)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6036948129496070106L; public ExtendedProperties getViewProperties() { return mockViewProperties; } }; Mockito.when(mockComponent.getCapability(Evaluator.class)).thenReturn(null); Mockito.when(mockComponent.getReferencingComponents()).thenReturn(Collections.<AbstractComponent>emptyList()); Mockito.when(mockEvaluator.getDisplayName()).thenReturn("Phony evaluator"); Mockito.when(mockEvaluator.getLanguage()).thenReturn("enum"); Mockito.when(mockEvaluator.getCode()).thenReturn("= 0 abc\t> 0 xyz"); mockEnumerator = new AbstractComponent() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected <T> T handleGetCapability(Class<T> capability) { if (capability.isAssignableFrom(mockEvaluator.getClass())) return (T) mockEvaluator; else return null; } }; mockEnumerator.setDisplayName(ENUMERATOR_NAME); settings = new GraphicalSettings(mockView); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") /* Unchecked is suppressing so we can mock view properties */ @Test public void testDefaults() { Mockito.when(mockViewProperties.getProperty(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.any(Class.class))).thenReturn(null); Assert.assertEquals(settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), settings.getNamedObject(GraphicalSettings.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); Assert.assertEquals(settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_COLOR), settings.getNamedObject(GraphicalSettings.DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR)); Assert.assertEquals(settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_FOREGROUND_FILL), settings.getNamedObject(GraphicalSettings.DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_FILL)); Assert.assertEquals(settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_OUTLINE_COLOR), settings.getNamedObject(GraphicalSettings.DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR)); Assert.assertEquals(settings.getSetting(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_SHAPE), settings.getNamedObject(GraphicalSettings.DEFAULT_SHAPE)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") /* Unchecked is suppressing so we can mock view properties */ @Test public void testLayerProduction() { List<Brush> layers; /* Does it produce regular fills? */ Mockito.when(mockViewProperties.getProperty(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.any(Class.class))).thenReturn(null); layers = settings.getLayers(); Assert.assertEquals(layers.size(), 3); // Background, foreground, outline Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(0) instanceof Fill); Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(1) instanceof Fill); Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(2) instanceof Outline); /* Does it produce evaluator views? */ Mockito.when(mockViewProperties.getProperty(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR_MAP, String.class)) .thenReturn("A\tColor1\nB\tColor2\n"); Mockito.when(mockViewProperties.getProperty(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR, String.class)) .thenReturn("Mock Evaluator"); layers = settings.getLayers(); Assert.assertEquals(layers.size(), 4); Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(0) instanceof Fill); Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(1) instanceof ConditionalBrush); Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(2) instanceof ConditionalBrush); Assert.assertTrue(layers.get(3) instanceof Outline); } /* Should be able to parse the mock evaluator */ @Test public void testEnumerations() { Assert.assertTrue(settings.getSupportedEnumerations().isEmpty()); Mockito.when(mockComponent.getReferencingComponents()).thenReturn(Collections.<AbstractComponent>singletonList(mockEnumerator)); Mockito.when(mockViewProperties.getProperty(GraphicalSettings.GRAPHICAL_EVALUATOR, String.class)) .thenReturn(ENUMERATOR_NAME); settings = new GraphicalSettings(mockView); Collection<String> enumerations = settings.getSupportedEnumerations(); Assert.assertNotNull(enumerations); Assert.assertEquals(enumerations.size(), 2); Iterator<String> it = enumerations.iterator(); Assert.assertEquals(it.next(), "abc"); Assert.assertEquals(it.next(), "xyz"); } }
new ViewInfo(GraphicalManifestation.class,"", ViewType.OBJECT)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6036948129496070106L; public ExtendedProperties getViewProperties() { return mockViewProperties; } };
mockEnumerator = new AbstractComponent() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected <T> T handleGetCapability(Class<T> capability) { if (capability.isAssignableFrom(mockEvaluator.getClass())) return (T) mockEvaluator; else return null; } };
public class SVGRasterizer { private Dimension nextRenderingSize = null; private Dimension lastRenderingSize = null; private SVGDocument svgDocument = null; private BufferedImage latestImage = null; private GraphicsNode graphicsNode = null; private Runnable callback = null; private boolean isLoading = true; /** * Create a new rasterizer to convert an SVG document * to BufferedImages, for display on a specific component * Note that loading/parsing and rendering are both done * asynchronously. * @param documentURL the URL of the document to rasterize */ public SVGRasterizer(String documentURL) { UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgentAdapter(); SVGDocumentLoader loader = new SVGDocumentLoader(documentURL, new DocumentLoader(userAgent)); loader.addSVGDocumentLoaderListener(new SVGRasterizerListener()); loader.start(); } /** * Inject behavior to be called when rendering is complete * @param callback the behavior to run after rendering */ public void setCallback(Runnable callback) { this.callback = callback; } /** * Request a raster image of the loaded SVG document, * at a specified width and height. * Note that rendering will be done asynchronously; * subsequent calls to getLatestImage() will return * the rendered image once complete (and the previously * rendered image until then) * @param width the width in pixels at which to render * @param height the height in pixels at which to render */ public void requestRender(int width, int height) { width = (width < 1) ? 1 : width; height = (height < 1) ? 1 : height; if (latestImage != null && width == latestImage.getWidth() && height == latestImage.getHeight()) return; nextRenderingSize = new Dimension (width, height); renderIfReady(); } /** * Get the most recently rendered raster image of this * SVG document. This may be null if no renders have * completed, and may not match the size of the last * rendering request if rendering is incomplete. * @return */ public BufferedImage getLatestImage() { return latestImage; } /** * Check to see if document loading failed * @return true if the document could not be loaded/parsed; * false if it was successful, or is still loading */ public boolean hasFailed() { return graphicsNode == null && !isLoading; } /** * Check to see if the document has been loaded & parsed * @return true if loaded; otherwise false */ public boolean isLoaded() { return graphicsNode != null; } /** * Check to see if any rendering operation has completed * (not necessarily the most recently requested one) * @return true if an image is available; false if not */ public boolean isRendered() { return latestImage != null; } /** * Check to see if all rendering options have completed * @return true if an up-to-date image is available */ public boolean isCurrent() { return latestImage != null && nextRenderingSize == null && lastRenderingSize == null; } /** * Check to see if the document is in the process of loading * & parsing. * @return true if loading & parsing; otherwise false */ public boolean isLoading() { return isLoading; } private synchronized void renderIfReady() { if (graphicsNode == null) return; if (nextRenderingSize == null) return; if (lastRenderingSize != null) return; // Still waiting Dimension size = nextRenderingSize; Rectangle2D bounds = graphicsNode.getPrimitiveBounds(); lastRenderingSize = nextRenderingSize; nextRenderingSize = null; // start renderer... double widthScale = size.getWidth() / bounds.getWidth(); double heightScale = size.getHeight() / bounds.getHeight(); AffineTransform renderTransform = new AffineTransform(); renderTransform.scale(widthScale, heightScale); renderTransform.translate(-bounds.getMinX(), -bounds.getMinY()); ImageRenderer renderer = new ConcreteImageRendererFactory().createStaticImageRenderer(); renderer.setTree(graphicsNode); GVTTreeRenderer gvtRenderer = new GVTTreeRenderer( renderer, renderTransform, true, bounds, size.width, size.height); gvtRenderer.addGVTTreeRendererListener(new SVGRasterizerListener()); gvtRenderer.start(); } private class SVGRasterizerListener implements SVGDocumentLoaderListener, GVTTreeBuilderListener, GVTTreeRendererListener { /* SVGDocumentLoaderListener */ @Override public void documentLoadingCancelled(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void documentLoadingCompleted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { svgDocument = arg0.getSVGDocument(); GVTTreeBuilder gvtBuilder; gvtBuilder = new GVTTreeBuilder(svgDocument, new BridgeContext(new UserAgentAdapter())); gvtBuilder.addGVTTreeBuilderListener(this); gvtBuilder.start(); } @Override public void documentLoadingFailed(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { } /* GVTTreeBuilderListener */ @Override public void gvtBuildCancelled(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtBuildCompleted(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { graphicsNode = arg0.getGVTRoot(); renderIfReady(); isLoading = false; } @Override public void gvtBuildFailed(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtBuildStarted(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { } /* GVTTreeRendererListener */ @Override public void gvtRenderingCancelled(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { } @Override public synchronized void gvtRenderingCompleted(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(lastRenderingSize.width, lastRenderingSize.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); img.getGraphics().drawImage(arg0.getImage(), 0, 0, lastRenderingSize.width, lastRenderingSize.height, 0, 0, lastRenderingSize.width, lastRenderingSize.height, null); latestImage = img; lastRenderingSize = null; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtRenderingFailed(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtRenderingPrepare(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { } @Override public void gvtRenderingStarted(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { } } }
private class SVGRasterizerListener implements SVGDocumentLoaderListener, GVTTreeBuilderListener, GVTTreeRendererListener { /* SVGDocumentLoaderListener */ @Override public void documentLoadingCancelled(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void documentLoadingCompleted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { svgDocument = arg0.getSVGDocument(); GVTTreeBuilder gvtBuilder; gvtBuilder = new GVTTreeBuilder(svgDocument, new BridgeContext(new UserAgentAdapter())); gvtBuilder.addGVTTreeBuilderListener(this); gvtBuilder.start(); } @Override public void documentLoadingFailed(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent arg0) { } /* GVTTreeBuilderListener */ @Override public void gvtBuildCancelled(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtBuildCompleted(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { graphicsNode = arg0.getGVTRoot(); renderIfReady(); isLoading = false; } @Override public void gvtBuildFailed(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { isLoading = false; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtBuildStarted(GVTTreeBuilderEvent arg0) { } /* GVTTreeRendererListener */ @Override public void gvtRenderingCancelled(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { } @Override public synchronized void gvtRenderingCompleted(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(lastRenderingSize.width, lastRenderingSize.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); img.getGraphics().drawImage(arg0.getImage(), 0, 0, lastRenderingSize.width, lastRenderingSize.height, 0, 0, lastRenderingSize.width, lastRenderingSize.height, null); latestImage = img; lastRenderingSize = null; if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtRenderingFailed(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { if (callback != null) callback.run(); } @Override public void gvtRenderingPrepare(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { } @Override public void gvtRenderingStarted(GVTTreeRendererEvent arg0) { } }
public class SVGRasterizerTest { private static final String CHECKER = new File("src/test/resources/checker.svg").toURI().toString(); private static final String BAD_FILE = "src/test/resources/NONEXISTANT.svg"; private static final int MAXIMUM_WAIT = 5000; @Test public void testDocumentFailure() throws Exception { SVGRasterizer rasterizer = new SVGRasterizer(BAD_FILE); Assert.assertNull(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); waitForLoad(rasterizer); Assert.assertTrue(rasterizer.hasFailed()); } @Test public void testDocumentLoading() throws Exception { SVGRasterizer rasterizer = new SVGRasterizer(CHECKER); Assert.assertNull(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); waitForLoad(rasterizer); Assert.assertTrue(rasterizer.isLoaded()); } @Test public void testDocumentRendering() throws Exception { SVGRasterizer rasterizer = new SVGRasterizer(CHECKER); Assert.assertNull(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); rasterizer.requestRender(100, 100 ); waitForCurrent(rasterizer); Assert.assertEquals(rasterizer.getLatestImage().getWidth(), 100); Assert.assertEquals(rasterizer.getLatestImage().getHeight(), 100); checkForCheckers(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); BufferedImage stale; synchronized (rasterizer) { rasterizer.requestRender(1000, 1000); Assert.assertFalse(rasterizer.isCurrent()); // Not current... Assert.assertTrue(rasterizer.isRendered()); // ...but has something. stale = rasterizer.getLatestImage(); Assert.assertTrue(stale.getWidth() == 100); } checkForCheckers(stale); waitForCurrent(rasterizer); Assert.assertEquals(rasterizer.getLatestImage().getWidth(), 1000); Assert.assertEquals(rasterizer.getLatestImage().getHeight(), 1000); checkForCheckers(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); /* Using the same value shouldn't require a new render */ rasterizer.requestRender(1000, 1000); Assert.assertTrue(rasterizer.isCurrent()); } private boolean calledBack; @Test public void testCallback() throws Exception { calledBack = false; SVGRasterizer rasterizer = new SVGRasterizer(CHECKER); rasterizer.setCallback(new Runnable() { public void run() { calledBack = true; } }); // Instantiation doesn't call back Assert.assertFalse(calledBack); // Loading doesn't call back waitForLoad(rasterizer); Assert.assertFalse(calledBack); // Rendering does call back rasterizer.requestRender(10, 10); waitForCurrent(rasterizer); Assert.assertTrue(calledBack); } private void checkForCheckers(BufferedImage img) { int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); // Start at 2 to give a couple of pixels of leeway for (int x = 2; x < w / 2 - 2; x++) { for (int y = 2; y < h / 2 - 2; y++) { /* Test for checkerboard pattern, or similar */ // Get colors from four quadrants int[][] rgb = new int[2][2]; rgb[0][0] = img.getRGB( x, y); rgb[0][1] = img.getRGB( x, h-y); rgb[1][0] = img.getRGB(w-x, y); rgb[1][1] = img.getRGB(w-x, h-y); //Not reflected across x Assert.assertFalse(rgb[0][0] == rgb[1][0]); Assert.assertFalse(rgb[0][1] == rgb[1][1]); //Not reflected across y Assert.assertFalse(rgb[0][0] == rgb[0][1]); Assert.assertFalse(rgb[1][0] == rgb[1][1]); //But reflected diagonally Assert.assertTrue (rgb[0][0] == rgb[1][1]); Assert.assertTrue (rgb[1][0] == rgb[0][1]); } } } private void waitForLoad(SVGRasterizer rasterizer) throws Exception { int i = 0; while (rasterizer.isLoading() && i < MAXIMUM_WAIT) { Thread.sleep(100); i += 100; } Assert.assertTrue(i < MAXIMUM_WAIT); // Otherwise we timed out! } private void waitForCurrent(SVGRasterizer rasterizer) throws Exception { int i = 0; while (!rasterizer.isCurrent() && i < MAXIMUM_WAIT) { Thread.sleep(100); i += 100; } Assert.assertTrue(i < MAXIMUM_WAIT); // Otherwise we timed out! } }
rasterizer.setCallback(new Runnable() { public void run() { calledBack = true; } });
public class StaticGraphicalView extends View { private static ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("GraphicsResourceBundle"); private static final long serialVersionUID = -6823838565608622054L; private SVGRasterizer rasterizer = null; private ImagePanel imagePanel = new ImagePanel(); public static final String VIEW_ROLE_NAME = bundle.getString("View_Name"); public StaticGraphicalView(AbstractComponent component, ViewInfo vi) { super(component, vi); setBackground(UIManager.getColor("background")); setForeground(UIManager.getColor("foreground")); imagePanel.setBackground(getBackground()); add(imagePanel); if (component instanceof GraphicalComponent) { GraphicalModel model = ((GraphicalComponent)component).getModelRole(); prepareGraphicalView(model.getGraphicURI()); } else { prepareFailureLabel(bundle.getString("Component_Error")); } } private void prepareGraphicalView(final String graphicURI) { if (graphicURI.endsWith(".svg")) { rasterizer = new SVGRasterizer(graphicURI); rasterizer.setCallback(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (rasterizer.hasFailed()) { prepareRasterImage(graphicURI); // Maybe the extension is wrong } else { imagePanel.setImage(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); } repaint(); } }); addComponentListener( new ComponentListener() { @Override public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent arg0) { /* Get a smaller image - less memory use */ rasterizer.requestRender(50, 50); } @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent arg0) { } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent arg0) { rasterizer.requestRender(getWidth(), getHeight()); } @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent arg0) { rasterizer.requestRender(getWidth(), getHeight()); } }); } else { prepareRasterImage(graphicURI); } } private void prepareRasterImage(String graphicURI) { try { BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new URL(graphicURI)); if (img != null) { imagePanel.setImage(img); } else { prepareFailureLabel("Type_Error", graphicURI); } } catch (IOException ioe) { prepareFailureLabel( (ioe.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) ? "FileNotFound_Error" : "Location_Error", graphicURI); } } private void prepareFailureLabel(String bundleKey, String graphicURI) { String failureString = bundle.getString(bundleKey); prepareFailureLabel( String.format(failureString, graphicURI) ); } private void prepareFailureLabel(final String failureText) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeAll(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel failureLabel = new JLabel(failureText); failureLabel.setBackground(getBackground()); failureLabel.setForeground(getForeground()); add(failureLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); repaint(); } }); } private class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2223786881389122841L; private BufferedImage image = null; public void setImage(BufferedImage image) { this.image = image; } public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if (image != null) { g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), 0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), this); } } } }
rasterizer.setCallback(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (rasterizer.hasFailed()) { prepareRasterImage(graphicURI); // Maybe the extension is wrong } else { imagePanel.setImage(rasterizer.getLatestImage()); } repaint(); } });
addComponentListener( new ComponentListener() { @Override public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent arg0) { /* Get a smaller image - less memory use */ rasterizer.requestRender(50, 50); } @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent arg0) { } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent arg0) { rasterizer.requestRender(getWidth(), getHeight()); } @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent arg0) { rasterizer.requestRender(getWidth(), getHeight()); } });
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeAll(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel failureLabel = new JLabel(failureText); failureLabel.setBackground(getBackground()); failureLabel.setForeground(getForeground()); add(failureLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); repaint(); } });
private class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2223786881389122841L; private BufferedImage image = null; public void setImage(BufferedImage image) { this.image = image; } public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if (image != null) { g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), 0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), this); } } }
public class StaticGraphicalViewTest { private static final String CHECKER_SVG = new File("src/test/resources/checker.svg").toURI().toString(); private static final String CHECKER_PNG = new File("src/test/resources/checker.png").toURI().toString(); private static final String BAD_FILE = "src/test/resources/DOES_NOT_EXIST.svg"; private static final int PAINT_SIZE = 200; @Mock private GraphicalComponent mockComponent; private GraphicalModel checkersModelSVG = new GraphicalModel(); private GraphicalModel checkersModelPNG = new GraphicalModel(); private GraphicalModel badModel = new GraphicalModel(); @BeforeTest public void setup() { checkersModelSVG.setGraphicURI(CHECKER_SVG); checkersModelPNG.setGraphicURI(CHECKER_PNG); badModel.setGraphicURI(BAD_FILE); MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); } @Test public void testViewConstruction() throws Exception { Mockito.when(mockComponent.getModelRole()).thenReturn(checkersModelPNG); /* Create a new static graphical view */ StaticGraphicalView view = new StaticGraphicalView(mockComponent, new ViewInfo(StaticGraphicalView.class, "", ViewType.OBJECT));; /* Give image time to load or fail */ Thread.sleep(1000); /* Should have one component (a JPanel) */ Assert.assertEquals(view.getComponentCount(), 1); Assert.assertTrue(JPanel.class.isAssignableFrom(view.getComponent(0).getClass())); } @Test public void testViewPaintingSVG() throws Exception { Mockito.when(mockComponent.getModelRole()).thenReturn(checkersModelSVG); /* Create a new static graphical view for the sample SVG */ StaticGraphicalView view = new StaticGraphicalView(mockComponent, new ViewInfo(StaticGraphicalView.class, "", ViewType.OBJECT));; /* Should force rendering */ view.setSize(PAINT_SIZE, PAINT_SIZE); view.setVisible(true); view.doLayout(); for (ComponentListener l : view.getComponentListeners()) { l.componentResized(null); } Thread.sleep(1000); /* We should be able to draw the checker pattern now */ BufferedImage testImage = new BufferedImage(PAINT_SIZE, PAINT_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); view.paint(testImage.getGraphics()); checkForCheckers(testImage); } @Test public void testViewPaintingPNG() throws Exception { Mockito.when(mockComponent.getModelRole()).thenReturn(checkersModelPNG); /* Create a new static graphical view for the sample PNG */ StaticGraphicalView view = new StaticGraphicalView(mockComponent, new ViewInfo(StaticGraphicalView.class, "", ViewType.OBJECT));; /* Should force rendering */ view.setSize(PAINT_SIZE, PAINT_SIZE); view.setVisible(true); view.doLayout(); for (ComponentListener l : view.getComponentListeners()) { l.componentResized(null); } Thread.sleep(1000); /* We should be able to draw the checker pattern now */ BufferedImage testImage = new BufferedImage(PAINT_SIZE, PAINT_SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); view.paint(testImage.getGraphics()); checkForCheckers(testImage); } private void checkForCheckers(BufferedImage img) { int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); // Start at 2 to give a couple of pixels of leeway for (int x = 2; x < w / 2 - 2; x++) { for (int y = 2; y < h / 2 - 2; y++) { /* Test for checkerboard pattern, or similar */ // Get colors from four quadrants int[][] rgb = new int[2][2]; rgb[0][0] = img.getRGB( x, y); rgb[0][1] = img.getRGB( x, h-y); rgb[1][0] = img.getRGB(w-x, y); rgb[1][1] = img.getRGB(w-x, h-y); //Not reflected across x Assert.assertFalse(rgb[0][0] == rgb[1][0]); Assert.assertFalse(rgb[0][1] == rgb[1][1]); //Not reflected across y Assert.assertFalse(rgb[0][0] == rgb[0][1]); Assert.assertFalse(rgb[1][0] == rgb[1][1]); //But reflected diagonally Assert.assertTrue (rgb[0][0] == rgb[1][1]); Assert.assertTrue (rgb[1][0] == rgb[0][1]); } } } }
public class AbstractMCTViewManifestationInfoTest { @Test public void testContainsBorder() { MCTViewManifestationInfo info = new MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl("TestName"); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_RIGHT)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_BOTTOM)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_LEFT)); List<Integer> borders = new ArrayList<Integer>(); borders.add(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP); info.setBorders(borders); assertTrue(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_RIGHT)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_BOTTOM)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_LEFT)); } @Test public void testRemoveBorder() { MCTViewManifestationInfo info = new MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl("TestPropertyString"); // Remove a border when no borders exist. info.removeBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_RIGHT)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_BOTTOM)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_LEFT)); List<Integer> borders = new ArrayList<Integer>(); borders.add(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP); info.setBorders(borders); // Remove a border that doesn't exist. info.removeBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_BOTTOM); assertTrue(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_RIGHT)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_BOTTOM)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_LEFT)); // Remove a border that exists. info.removeBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_TOP)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_RIGHT)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_BOTTOM)); assertFalse(info.containsBorder(MCTViewManifestationInfo.BORDER_LEFT)); } }
public abstract class AbstractViewListener implements ViewListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(TreeExpansionEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
public interface ActionContext { /** * This method returns a collection of selected {@link View} instances. * @return non-null collection of MCTViewManifestations */ public Collection<View> getSelectedManifestations(); /** * This method returns the containing window's {@link View} instance. * @return the window manifestation */ public View getWindowManifestation(); /** * This method returns a collection of root level {@link View} instances. * @return a collection of {@link View} */ public Collection<View> getRootManifestations(); }
public class ActionContextImpl implements ActionContext { private AbstractComponent targetComponent; private Set<JComponent> targetViewComponents = new LinkedHashSet<JComponent>(); private MCTHousing targetHousing; private Collection<View> selectedManifestations = new LinkedHashSet<View>(); private AbstractComponent inspectorComponent; /** * Gets the target component for an action. * * @return the target component */ public AbstractComponent getTargetComponent() { if (targetComponent == null) { if (selectedManifestations.isEmpty()) return targetHousing != null ? targetHousing.getWindowComponent() : null; else return selectedManifestations.iterator().next().getManifestedComponent(); } return targetComponent; } /** * Sets the target component for an action. * * @param targetComponent the new target component */ public void setTargetComponent(AbstractComponent targetComponent) { this.targetComponent = targetComponent; } /** * Gets the target view manifestation, a Swing component * that will be affected by the action. If there is more * than one target view manifestation, return the first. * * @return the target view manifestation */ public JComponent getTargetViewComponent() { if (targetViewComponents.isEmpty()) { return null; } return targetViewComponents.iterator().next(); } /** * Gets the set of all target view manifestations. * * @return the target view manifestations */ public Set<JComponent> getAllTargetViewComponent() { return targetViewComponents; } /** * Adds another target view manifestation for an action. * * @param targetViewComponent the new target view manifestation */ public void addTargetViewComponent(JComponent targetViewComponent) { this.targetViewComponents.add(targetViewComponent); if (targetViewComponent instanceof View) selectedManifestations.add((View) targetViewComponent); } /** * Gets the housing containing the target component for an action. * * @return the target housing */ public MCTHousing getTargetHousing() { return targetHousing; } /** * Sets the target housing for an action. * * @param targetHousing the new target housing */ public void setTargetHousing(MCTHousing targetHousing) { this.targetHousing = targetHousing; } @Override public Collection<View> getSelectedManifestations() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(selectedManifestations); } /** An empty action context used as a sentinel value. */ public static final ActionContextImpl NULL_CONTEXT = new ActionContextImpl(); @Override public View getWindowManifestation() { return targetHousing.getHousedViewManifestation(); } @Override public Collection<View> getRootManifestations() { View housingManifestation = getWindowManifestation(); if (housingManifestation == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Collection<View> viewManifestations = new ArrayList<View>(); CompositeViewManifestationProvider compositeProvider = (CompositeViewManifestationProvider)SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(CompositeViewManifestationProvider.class, housingManifestation); Collection<ViewProvider> manifestationsProviders = compositeProvider.getHousedManifestationProviders(); for (ViewProvider manifestProvider: manifestationsProviders) { viewManifestations.add(manifestProvider.getHousedViewManifestation()); } return viewManifestations; } /** * Gets the inspector component this is set. * @return instance of the inspector or null if the inspector is not active */ public AbstractComponent getInspectorComponent() { return inspectorComponent; } /** * Sets the inspector component if the action is triggered from the inspector. * @param inspectorComponent to set as the inspector component */ public void setInspectorComponent(AbstractComponent inspectorComponent) { this.inspectorComponent = inspectorComponent; } }
public final class ActionManager { private static final Logger MENU_TOOLTIP_LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("gov.nasa.arc.mct.gui.menus"); private static Map<String, List<Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu>>> commandMenuMap = new HashMap<String, List<Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu>>>(); private static Map<String, List<Class<? extends ContextAwareAction>>> commandKeyActionMap = new HashMap<String, List<Class<? extends ContextAwareAction>>>(); /** * Registers a new menu within MCT. Each menu within MCT * has an identifier, its command key. This command key * is used to look up the menu by ID using {@link #getMenu(String, ActionContextImpl)}. * * @param menuClass the class that implements the menu * @param commandKey the unique identifier for the new menu */ public static void registerMenu(Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu> menuClass, String commandKey) { List<Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu>> menuList = commandMenuMap.get(commandKey); if (menuList == null) { menuList = new ArrayList<Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu>>(); commandMenuMap.put(commandKey, menuList); } menuList.add(menuClass); } /** * Finds a menu that has the given command key and is applicable * in the given action context. If more than one such menu exits, * return the first one registered. * * @param commandKey the command key of menus to find * @param context the action context in which the menu should be applicable * @return the applicable menu */ public static ContextAwareMenu getMenu(String commandKey, ActionContextImpl context) { List<Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu>> menuList = commandMenuMap.get(commandKey); if (menuList != null) { for (Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu> menuClass : menuList) { try { ContextAwareMenu menu = menuClass.newInstance(); if (menu.canHandle(context)) { menu.addMenuListener(MenuFactory.createMenuListener(menu)); // Populate built-in menus and/or menu items menu.initialize(); // Populate extended menus and/or menu items MenuExtensionManager manager = MenuExtensionManager.getInstance(); for (String menubarPath : menu.getExtensionMenubarPaths()) { List<MenuItemInfo> extendedMenus = manager.getExtendedMenus(menubarPath); menu.addMenuItemInfos(menubarPath, extendedMenus); } if (MENU_TOOLTIP_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) menu.setToolTipText(menu.getClass().getName()); return menu; } } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } /** * Registers an action for use within MCT. An action is associated * with a command key, which ties a menu entry to an action. * * @param actionClass the class implementing the action * @param commandKey the command key for the action */ public static void registerAction(Class<? extends ContextAwareAction> actionClass, String commandKey) { List<Class<? extends ContextAwareAction>> actionClasses = commandKeyActionMap.get(commandKey); if (actionClasses == null) actionClasses = new ArrayList<Class<? extends ContextAwareAction>>(); actionClasses.add(actionClass); commandKeyActionMap.put(commandKey, actionClasses); } /** * Removes an action with the given class and command key. * * @param actionClass the class implementing the action * @param commandKey the command key for the action to remove */ public static void unregisterAction(Class<? extends ContextAwareAction> actionClass, String commandKey) { List<Class<? extends ContextAwareAction>> list = commandKeyActionMap.get(commandKey); list.remove(actionClass); if (list.isEmpty()) commandKeyActionMap.remove(commandKey); } /** * Removes a submenu with the given class and command key. * * @param menuClass the class implementing the submenu * @param commandKey the command key for the submenu to remove */ public static void unregisterMenu(Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu> menuClass, String commandKey) { List<Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu>> list = commandMenuMap.get(commandKey); list.remove(menuClass); if (list.isEmpty()) commandKeyActionMap.remove(commandKey); } /** * Removes a single action object. * * @param action the action to remove */ public static void deregisterAction(ContextAwareAction action) { if (action.getValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY) != null) { if (commandKeyActionMap.containsKey(action.getValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY))) { if (commandKeyActionMap.get(action.getValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY)) != null) { commandKeyActionMap.remove(action.getValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY)); } } } } /** * Returns the first action that can handle the context. * @param key commandKey * @param context action context * @return an action or null if none applicable */ public static ContextAwareAction getAction(String key, ActionContextImpl context) { List<Class<? extends ContextAwareAction>> actionClassList = commandKeyActionMap.get(key); if (actionClassList == null) return null; for (Class<? extends ContextAwareAction> actionClass : actionClassList) { try { ContextAwareAction action = actionClass.newInstance(); if (action.canHandle(context)) return action; } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } }
public class ActionManagerTest { @Mock private ActionContextImpl contextImpl; @BeforeMethod public void setup() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); } @Test public void testMenus() { final String commandKey = "key"; ActionManager.registerMenu(TestContextAwareMenu.class, commandKey); Assert.assertNotNull(ActionManager.getMenu(commandKey, contextImpl)); Assert.assertNull(ActionManager.getMenu("noKey", contextImpl)); } @Test public void testActions() { final String actionKey = "key"; ActionManager.registerAction(TestContextAwareAction.class,actionKey); Assert.assertNotNull(ActionManager.getAction(actionKey, contextImpl)); Assert.assertNull(ActionManager.getAction("junk", contextImpl)); ActionManager.unregisterAction(TestContextAwareAction.class, actionKey); Assert.assertNull(ActionManager.getAction(actionKey, contextImpl)); // add the action and deregister it ContextAwareAction action = null; ActionManager.registerAction(TestContextAwareAction.class,actionKey); Assert.assertNotNull(action = ActionManager.getAction(actionKey, contextImpl)); ActionManager.deregisterAction(action); } public static class TestContextAwareAction extends ContextAwareAction { protected TestContextAwareAction() { super("abc"); putValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY, "key"); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } @Override public boolean canHandle(ActionContext context) { return true; } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return true; } } public static class TestContextAwareMenu extends ContextAwareMenu { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public boolean populated = false; public TestContextAwareMenu() { super("test"); } @Override protected void populate() { populated = true; } @Override public boolean canHandle(ActionContext context) { return true; } } }
public static class TestContextAwareAction extends ContextAwareAction { protected TestContextAwareAction() { super("abc"); putValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY, "key"); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } @Override public boolean canHandle(ActionContext context) { return true; } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return true; } }
public static class TestContextAwareMenu extends ContextAwareMenu { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public boolean populated = false; public TestContextAwareMenu() { super("test"); } @Override protected void populate() { populated = true; } @Override public boolean canHandle(ActionContext context) { return true; } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class CompositeAction extends ContextAwareAction { private Action[] actions; /** * The constructor that takes a {@link String} paramater for the name of this action. * @param name the name of this action. */ protected CompositeAction(String name) { super(name); } /** * This method returns a set of actions that will replace this {@link CompositeAction}. * @return an array of {@link Action}s. */ public final Action[] getActions() { return actions; } /** * This method sets the set of actions to be replaced for this {@link CompositeAction}. * @param actions an array of {@link Action}s. */ protected final void setActions(Action[] actions) { this.actions = actions; } }
public interface CompositeViewManifestationProvider extends ViewProvider { /** * Get the housed manifestations provided by this composite provider. * @return a collection of view manifestations. */ public Collection<ViewProvider> getHousedManifestationProviders(); }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class ContextAwareAction extends AbstractAction { /** * Used in the client property to indicate border style for this action when appeared as a menu item. */ public static final String BORDER = "Border"; // Store value of type javax.swing.Border /** * Used in the client property to indicate the preferred size for this action when appeared as a menu item. */ public static final String PREFERRED_SIZE = "Preferred Size"; // Store value of type java.awt.Dimension /** * The constructor that takes a {@link String} parameter for the name of this action. * @param name the name of this action */ protected ContextAwareAction(String name) { super(); putValue(Action.NAME, name); putValue(BORDER, BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); } /** * Given the {@link ActionContext}, this method determines the availability * (i.e., either shown or hidden) of this action when appearing as a menu item. * @param context the {@link ActionContext} * @return a boolean that indicates the availability of the action */ public abstract boolean canHandle(ActionContext context); /** * This method determines the visibility (i.e., is enabled or disabled) of * this action when appeared as a menu item. * @return a boolean that indicates the availability of the action */ @Override public abstract boolean isEnabled(); /** * This method should be overridden with the implementation that performs this action. * @param e the {@link ActionEvent} */ @Override public abstract void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e); /** * This method should be invoked if persistence must take place before the end of the * {@link #actionPerformed(ActionEvent)} method. */ public void completeWorkUnit() { PlatformAccess.getPlatform().getPersistenceProvider().completeRelatedOperations(true); } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class ContextAwareMenu extends JMenu { private List<MenuSection> sections; private Map<String, MenuSection> map; private String[] menubarPathAdditions; private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; /** * The constructor that takes a {@link String} parameter for the text of this menu. * @param text the text appears in the menu */ public ContextAwareMenu(String text) { this(text, EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } /** * The constructor that takes a name for this menu and an array of menubar paths. * These menubar paths define the extension points of this menu. * @param text the text that appears in the menu * @param additions an array of menubar paths of type @{link String} */ public ContextAwareMenu(String text, String[] additions) { super(text); this.menubarPathAdditions = additions; } /** * This method returns an array of menubar paths for extended menus and/or menu items. * @return array of strings of the menu path additions that is non-null. */ public final String[] getExtensionMenubarPaths() { return menubarPathAdditions; } /** * This method returns a list of @{link {@link MenuSection} defined in this {@link ContextAwareMenu}. * @return a {@link List} of non-null sections */ public List<MenuSection> getMenuSections() { return sections == null ? Collections.<MenuSection>emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(sections); } /** * This method associates a collection of {@link MenuItemInfo} to the menubarPath. * @param menubarPath the menubar path * @param infos a {@link Collection} of {@link MenuItemInfo} */ public final void addMenuItemInfos(String menubarPath, Collection<MenuItemInfo> infos) { if (map == null) map = new HashMap<String, MenuSection>(); if (sections == null) sections = new ArrayList<MenuSection>(); MenuSection section = map.get(menubarPath); if (section == null) { section = new MenuSection(menubarPath); map.put(menubarPath, section); sections.add(section); } for (MenuItemInfo info : infos) section.addMenuItemInfo(info); } /** * Given an {@link ActionContext}, this method determines the availability * (i.e., either shown or hidden) of this menu. * @param context the context * @return a boolean that indicates the menu's visibility. Returns false by default. */ public boolean canHandle(ActionContext context) { return false; } /** * This method initializes the {@link MenuSection}s and {@link MenuItemInfo}s * defined in this {@link ContextAwareMenu} by invoking {@link #populate()}, which is * overridden by subclasses of {@link ContextAwareMenu}. */ public final void initialize() { if (sections != null) return; populate(); } /** * This method is overridden by subclasses and should invoke * {@link #addMenuItemInfos(String, Collection)} that associates a collection of * {@link MenuItemInfo} to a menubar path.. */ protected abstract void populate(); }
public class ExtendedPropertiesTest { private ExtendedProperties ep; @BeforeMethod void setup() { ep = new ExtendedProperties(); } @Test public void testExtendedPropertiesClone() { final String stringKey = "stringKey"; final String stringValue = "stringValue"; final String viewManifestationKey = "viewManifestationValue"; final String viewValue = "newView"; ep.setProperty(stringKey, stringValue); MCTViewManifestationInfo info = new MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl(); info.setManifestedViewType(viewValue); ep.setProperty(viewManifestationKey, info); ExtendedProperties clonedEp = ep.clone(); MCTViewManifestationInfo clonedInfo = clonedEp.getProperty(viewManifestationKey, MCTViewManifestationInfo.class); Assert.assertNotSame(info, clonedInfo); Assert.assertEquals(viewValue, clonedInfo.getManifestedViewType()); Assert.assertEquals(stringValue, clonedEp.getProperty(stringKey, String.class)); } @Test(expectedExceptions={RuntimeException.class}) public void testExtendedPropertiesCloneCycle() { final String viewManifestationKey = "viewManifestationValue"; final String viewValue = "newView"; MCTViewManifestationInfo info = new MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl(); info.setManifestedViewType(viewValue); info.getOwnedProperties().add(ep); ep.setProperty(viewManifestationKey, info); ep.clone(); } }
class FeedCycleRenderer extends SwingWorker<Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>> { private static final MCTLogger LOGGER = MCTLogger.getLogger(FeedCycleRenderer.class); private static final MCTLogger PERF_LOGGER = MCTLogger .getLogger("gov.nasa.arc.mct.performance.feeds.pool"); private final Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews; private final Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times; private final ElapsedTimer dataRequestTimer = new ElapsedTimer(); private final ElapsedTimer uiRenderingTimer = new ElapsedTimer(); /** * Create a new instance of a worker to retrieve and render feed data. * * @param timeMapping * currently in the request set for the feed providers. * @param activeViews * views current maintained * */ public FeedCycleRenderer(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMapping, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { activeFeedViews = activeViews; times = timeMapping; } /** * Returns the list of the feed providers from a manifestation. The default * implementation invokes * {@link FeedView#getVisibleFeedProviders()}. * * @param manifestation * to retrieve feed providers from * @return set of feed providers to retrieve data for */ protected Collection<FeedProvider> getProviders(FeedView manifestation) { return manifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders(); } /** * Group the requests by the specified time mapping. Overriding methods should delegate to this method and then operate on the returned map. * @return the batched set of requests. */ protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> batchByRequestTime() { // build a set of feed providers Set<FeedProvider> allProviders = new HashSet<FeedProvider>(); for (FeedView manifestation : activeFeedViews) { allProviders.addAll(getProviders(manifestation)); } // build a list of requests by time Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> feedRequests = new HashMap<Request, Set<FeedProvider>>(); for (FeedProvider provider : allProviders) { try { Long[] timeMap = times.get(provider); if (timeMap == null) { continue; } Request r = new Request(timeMap[0], timeMap[1]); Set<FeedProvider> ids = feedRequests.get(r); if (ids == null) { ids = new HashSet<FeedProvider>(); feedRequests.put(r, ids); } ids.add(provider); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("exception occurred while creating a request for " + provider, e); } } return feedRequests; } /** * This method provides the ability to make requests which are a subset of the full request. * @param fullSpanRequests the set of requests initially issued with the full request span. This list may be mutated. * @param lastRequests the last set of requests issued * @return the requests for this iteration */ protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> getCurrentIterationRequests(final Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> fullSpanRequests, final Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> lastRequests) { return lastRequests.isEmpty() ? fullSpanRequests:Collections.<Request,Set<FeedProvider>>emptyMap(); } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> doInBackground() { dataRequestTimer.startInterval(); Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> values = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); PERF_LOGGER.debug("size of feed views {0}", activeFeedViews.size()); try { final Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> fullSpanRequests = batchByRequestTime(); Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> currentIterationRequests = getCurrentIterationRequests(fullSpanRequests,Collections.<Request,Set<FeedProvider>>emptyMap()); while (!currentIterationRequests.isEmpty()) { Set<Entry<Request, Set<FeedProvider>>> entries = currentIterationRequests.entrySet(); for (Entry<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> request : entries) { if (isCancelled()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Request r = request.getKey(); Set<String> feedIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (FeedProvider provider : request.getValue()) { try { feedIds.add(provider.getSubscriptionId()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("exception occurred while getting subscription id from " + provider, e); } } FeedAggregator feedAggregator = PlatformAccess.getPlatform().getFeedAggregator(); Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); if (feedAggregator != null) { data = feedAggregator.getData(feedIds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, r.getStartTime(), r.getEndTime()); } Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> adjValues = adjustResponses(data, r.getStartTime()); values.putAll(adjValues); requestCompleted(values, r.getStartTime(), r.getEndTime()); } currentIterationRequests = getCurrentIterationRequests(fullSpanRequests, currentIterationRequests); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("exception occurred while retrieving data ", e); } additionalBackgroundProcessing(values); dataRequestTimer.stopInterval(); return values; } /** * Iterate through the set of response values to ensure that times which are earlier than the specific time are * moved to the current time. * @param values returned from the invocation * @param startTime for the request, values which are less than the request time will be adjusted to reflect this time. */ private Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> adjustResponses(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> values, long startTime) { for (Entry<String, List<Map<String,String>>> entry: values.entrySet()) { // adjust the time for the initial value to be the maximum of the time in the value or the request start time List<Map<String,String>> dataValues = entry.getValue(); // only adjust the value for a request that returns a single data point as this could be the case where the // time of the data point is less than the start time, if so then shift the request time to be the value at the // start time if (dataValues.size() >= 1) { Map<String, String> value = dataValues.get(0); Long l = Long.parseLong(value.get(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY)); if (l < startTime) { ArrayList<Map<String,String>> dataValues2 = new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>(dataValues); Map<String, String> value2 = new HashMap<String, String>(value); value2.put(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY, Long.toString(startTime)); dataValues2.set(0, value2); entry.setValue(dataValues2); } } } return values; } /** * Perform additional background processing before rendering the data. * * @param values * to mutate if necessary prior to rendering the data. */ protected void additionalBackgroundProcessing(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> values) { } /** * Perform background processing on each request before going to the next request. The overriding * implementation is responsible for adjusting the data structure if necessary. For example, if * the implementation is going to be incremental dispatching, using {@link #publish(Object...)}, then * the values dispatched should be cleared before the method returns. * @param values that have currently been retrieved. * @param startTime used for values * @param endTime used for values */ protected void requestCompleted(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> values, long startTime, long endTime) { } /** * Return the requests that should be generated from the existing request list. The expected overriding * of this method is for expanding the number of requests (chunking), such that the number of requests * increases, but the size of each request decreases. This can help reduce the amount of memory for * burst requests. * @param requests the current set of requests * @return the possibly expanded set of requests */ protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> adjustRequests(Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> requests) { return requests; } @Override protected void process(List<Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>> chunks) { if (isCancelled()) { LOGGER.debug("swing worker cancel detected in process method"); return; } LOGGER.debug("Chunks size {0}", chunks.size()); for (Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> chunk:chunks) { dispatchDataToFeeds(chunk); } PERF_LOGGER.debug( "feed cycle performance: data retrieval {0}, ui rendering {1}, total {2}", dataRequestTimer.getIntervalInMillis(), uiRenderingTimer .getIntervalInMillis(), dataRequestTimer .getIntervalInMillis() + uiRenderingTimer.getIntervalInMillis()); } @Override protected void done() { if (isCancelled()) { LOGGER.debug("swing worker cancel detected in done method"); return; } renderFeeds(); PERF_LOGGER.debug( "feed cycle performance: data retrieval {0}, ui rendering {1}, total {2}", dataRequestTimer.getIntervalInMillis(), uiRenderingTimer .getIntervalInMillis(), dataRequestTimer .getIntervalInMillis() + uiRenderingTimer.getIntervalInMillis()); } /** * Returns the data obtained in the background thread. * * @return data obtained in the background thread. */ Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return get(); } /** * Invoked when data has been acquired and is ready for rendering. * * @param manifestation * pass the results to * @param data * retrieved from the feed */ protected void dispatchToFeed(FeedView manifestation, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { manifestation.updateFromFeed(data); } private void dispatchDataToFeeds(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { uiRenderingTimer.startInterval(); for (FeedView fvm : activeFeedViews) { try { dispatchToFeed(fvm, data); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("exception occurred while invoking updateFromFeed " + fvm, e); } } uiRenderingTimer.stopInterval(); } void renderFeeds() { try { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data = getData(); dispatchDataToFeeds(data); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("get generated exception, this indicates a problem in the platform", e); } } }
public class FeedCycleRendererTest { @Mock private FeedView fv1; @Mock private FeedView fv2; @Mock private FeedView fv3; @Mock private FeedView fv4; @Mock private FeedView fv5; @Mock private FeedProvider numericProvider; @Mock private FeedProvider alphaProvider; @Mock private FeedProvider exceptionProvider; private Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> expectedValues; private List<Map<String,String>> singleValue; @Mock private Platform platform; @BeforeMethod public void initialize() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); Mockito.when(fv1.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(numericProvider)); Mockito.when(fv2.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(alphaProvider)); Mockito.when(fv3.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(exceptionProvider)); Mockito.when(fv4.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(numericProvider)); Mockito.when(fv5.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.<FeedProvider>emptySet()); expectedValues = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String,String>>>(); Map<String,String> singleValueMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); singleValueMap.put(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY, "1000"); singleValue = Collections.singletonList(singleValueMap); expectedValues.put("numeric", singleValue); expectedValues.put("alpha", singleValue); Mockito.when(numericProvider.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("numeric"); Mockito.when(alphaProvider.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("alpha"); Mockito.when(exceptionProvider.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("exception"); Mockito.when(platform.getFeedAggregator()).thenReturn(new FeedAggregator() { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData(Set<String> feedIDs, TimeUnit timeUnit, long startTime, long endTime) { return expectedValues; } }); new PlatformAccess().setPlatform(platform); } @AfterMethod public void tearDown() { new PlatformAccess().releasePlatform(); } @Test public void testAdjustResponse() throws Exception { Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times = new HashMap<FeedProvider, Long[]>(); FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, Collections.<FeedView>singleton(fv1)) { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return super.doInBackground(); } }; Method m = worker.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredMethod("adjustResponses", Map.class, Long.TYPE); long startTime = 1000; Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> values = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String,String>>>(); values.put("1", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY, Long.toString(startTime-1)))); values.put("2", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY, Long.toString(startTime+1)))); m.setAccessible(true); m.invoke(worker, values, startTime); Assert.assertEquals(values.get("1").get(0).get(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY), Long.toString(startTime)); Assert.assertEquals(values.get("2").get(0).get(FeedProvider.NORMALIZED_TIME_KEY), Long.toString(startTime+1)); } @Test public void testDoInBackground() throws Exception { Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times = new HashMap<FeedProvider, Long[]>(); times.put(numericProvider, new Long[]{0L,1L}); times.put(alphaProvider, new Long[]{0L,1L}); times.put(exceptionProvider, new Long[]{0L,1L}); FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, Collections.<FeedView>singleton(fv1)) { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return super.doInBackground(); } }; worker.cancel(true); Assert.assertTrue(worker.doInBackground().isEmpty()); worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, new HashSet<FeedView>(Arrays.asList(fv1, fv2, fv3, fv4, fv5))) { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return super.doInBackground(); } }; Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> values = worker.doInBackground(); Assert.assertEquals(values.size(), expectedValues.size()); for (String key:expectedValues.keySet()) { Assert.assertTrue(values.containsKey(key)); } Assert.assertEquals(1, values.get(numericProvider.getSubscriptionId()).size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, values.get(alphaProvider.getSubscriptionId()).size()); Assert.assertNull(values.get(exceptionProvider.getSubscriptionId())); worker.cancel(true); worker.done(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testDone() throws Exception { Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times = new HashMap<FeedProvider, Long[]>(); // setup an exception during rendering to make an exception in the platform won't blog future // rendering cycles FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, new HashSet<FeedView>(Arrays.asList(fv1, fv2, fv3))) { @Override Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { throw new RuntimeException(); } }; worker.done(); FeedView exManifestation = Mockito.mock(FeedView.class); Mockito.doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(exManifestation).updateFromFeed(Mockito.anyMap()); FeedView goodManifestation = Mockito.mock(FeedView.class); worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, new HashSet<FeedView>(Arrays.asList(exManifestation, goodManifestation))) { @Override Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return Collections.emptyMap(); } }; worker.done(); Mockito.verify(exManifestation).updateFromFeed(Mockito.anyMap()); Mockito.verify(goodManifestation).updateFromFeed(Mockito.anyMap()); } }
Mockito.when(platform.getFeedAggregator()).thenReturn(new FeedAggregator() { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData(Set<String> feedIDs, TimeUnit timeUnit, long startTime, long endTime) { return expectedValues; } });
FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, Collections.<FeedView>singleton(fv1)) { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return super.doInBackground(); } };
FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, Collections.<FeedView>singleton(fv1)) { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return super.doInBackground(); } };
worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, new HashSet<FeedView>(Arrays.asList(fv1, fv2, fv3, fv4, fv5))) { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return super.doInBackground(); } };
FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, new HashSet<FeedView>(Arrays.asList(fv1, fv2, fv3))) { @Override Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { throw new RuntimeException(); } };
worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(times, new HashSet<FeedView>(Arrays.asList(exManifestation, goodManifestation))) { @Override Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return Collections.emptyMap(); } };
public final class FeedManagerImpl implements FeedManager { private static FeedManagerImpl INSTANCE = new FeedManagerImpl(); private FeedManagerImpl() { } /** * Returns the feed manager instance. * @return implementation of feed manager */ public static FeedManager getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } @Override public void clear() { Set<FeedView> allFeedManifestations = FeedView.getAllActiveFeedManifestations(); for (FeedView feedViewManifestation: allFeedManifestations) { feedViewManifestation.clear(feedViewManifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders()); } FeedView.resetLastDataRequestTimeToCurrentTime(); } }
class FeedRenderingPool { private final Timer timer; private final int paintRate; // milliseconds between updating feed views /** * This variable determines the currently active subscriptions and will only be accessed * from the timer thread; hence, no synchronization is required. */ private Set<FeedProvider> activeSubscriptions = Collections.emptySet(); private final Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<FeedView>(new IdentityComparator()); private static final MCTLogger LOGGER = MCTLogger.getLogger(FeedRenderingPool.class); private final AtomicInteger activeRenderers = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final int MAX_ACTIVE_REQUESTS = 1; private final ConcurrentHashMap<FeedProvider, Long> activeFeeds = new ConcurrentHashMap<FeedProvider, Long>(); private final AtomicReference<SynchronizationControl> activeSyncControl = new AtomicReference<SynchronizationControl>(); private AtomicBoolean exceededMaxSubscriptions = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static final int maxSubscriptions = initMaxSubscriptions(); private static final Comparator<FeedProvider> FEED_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<FeedProvider>() { @Override public int compare(FeedProvider o1, FeedProvider o2) { return o1.getSubscriptionId().compareTo(o2.getSubscriptionId()); } }; /** * Create a new instance. * @param paintRateInterval how often in milliseconds to paint the feed displays * @throws IllegalArgumentException if paintRateIntervalue is < 1 */ public FeedRenderingPool(int paintRateInterval) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (paintRateInterval < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("paint rate interval must be greater than 0"); } paintRate = paintRateInterval; timer = new Timer("MCT Painting timer",true); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { LOGGER.debug("timer event fired"); try { startWorker(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("exception thrown out of scheduled paint thread. " + "The root cause of this exception should be fixed but operation should continue normally", e); } } }; timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, paintRate, paintRate); } private static class IdentityComparator implements Comparator<Object>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return System.identityHashCode(o2) - System.identityHashCode(o1); } } void cancelTimer() { timer.cancel(); } /** * Add a view to list of feeds being rendered on the paint cycle. * @param manifestation to start delivering feed events to */ public void addFeedView(FeedView manifestation) throws IllegalArgumentException { activeFeedViews.add(manifestation); } /** * Add a view to list of feeds being rendered on the paint cycle. * @param manifestation to stop delivering feed events to */ public void removeFeedView(FeedView manifestation) { activeFeedViews.remove(manifestation); } public SynchronizationControl synchronizeTime(final long syncTime) { final Set<FeedView> syncedManifestations = new HashSet<FeedView>(); SynchronizationControl sc = new SynchronizationControl() { @Override public void update(long syncTime) { /* Assume the "time" is uniform across all providers, this is a limitation that needs to * removed when feeds (non ISP) are added. One way to do this is to pass the time * service along with the time to get offsets between the various time services. For * example, TimeServiceA - 4, TimeServiceB - 2, then if time 3 was passed along with * TimeServiceA then the offset to TimeServiceB would be (2 - 4) = -2 + time to get the * time from TimeServiceB. */ Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times = new HashMap<FeedProvider,Long[]>(); for (FeedView manifestation:activeFeedViews) { for (FeedProvider provider:manifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders()) { times.put(provider, new Long[]{syncTime-2000, syncTime}); } } FeedCycleRenderer renderer = createSyncWorker(syncTime, times, activeFeedViews, syncedManifestations); try { renderer.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } @Override public void synchronizationDone() { activeSyncControl.set(null); for(FeedView m : syncedManifestations) { m.synchronizationDone(); } } }; if (!activeSyncControl.compareAndSet(null, sc)) { return null; } /* Assume the "time" is uniform across all providers, this is a limitation that needs to * removed when feeds (non ISP) are added. One way to do this is to pass the time * service along with the time to get offsets between the various time services. For * example, TimeServiceA - 4, TimeServiceB - 2, then if time 3 was passed along with * TimeServiceA then the offset to TimeServiceB would be (2 - 4) = -2 + time to get the * time from TimeServiceB. */ Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times = new HashMap<FeedProvider,Long[]>(); for (FeedView manifestation:activeFeedViews) { for (FeedProvider provider:manifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders()) { times.put(provider, new Long[]{syncTime-2000, syncTime}); } } FeedCycleRenderer renderer = createSyncWorker(syncTime, times, activeFeedViews, syncedManifestations); try { renderer.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e); sc.synchronizationDone(); sc = null; } return sc; } FeedCycleRenderer createSyncWorker(final long syncTime, Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews, final Set<FeedView> syncedManifestations) { return new FeedCycleRenderer(times,activeFeedViews) { @Override protected void dispatchToFeed(FeedView manifestation, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { syncedManifestations.add(manifestation); manifestation.synchronizeTime(data,syncTime); } }; } FeedCycleRenderer createWorker(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews) { return new FeedCycleRenderer(times, activeFeedViews); } /** * Start a new worker or extend an existing worker. This will only be called from the * timer thread. */ private void startWorker() { handleSubscriptions(); // if the current number of active requests > max number of threads, then wait for the next // one if (activeRenderers.get() < MAX_ACTIVE_REQUESTS && activeSyncControl.get() == null) { Map<TimeService,Long> currentTimes = new HashMap<TimeService,Long>(); Map<FeedProvider,Long[]> times = new TreeMap<FeedProvider,Long[]>(FEED_COMPARATOR); for (Entry<FeedProvider,Long> lastTimeMapping:activeFeeds.entrySet()) { FeedProvider feed = lastTimeMapping.getKey(); long lastRequestTime = lastTimeMapping.getValue(); // ensure that all values coming from the same time service reflect the same time Long cachedTime = currentTimes.get(feed.getTimeService()); if (cachedTime == null) { cachedTime = feed.getTimeService().getCurrentTime(); currentTimes.put(feed.getTimeService(), cachedTime); } long currentTime = cachedTime; Long[] timeRange = new Long[] {lastRequestTime, currentTime}; if (timeRange[0] < timeRange[1]) { timeRange[0]++; times.put(feed, timeRange); activeFeeds.put(feed, currentTime); } } if (!times.isEmpty()) { FeedCycleRenderer worker = createWorker(times, activeFeedViews); worker.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getNewValue() == SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE) { activeRenderers.decrementAndGet(); } } }); activeRenderers.incrementAndGet(); worker.execute(); } } } /** * Determine the current subscriptions required by iterating through the active manifestations * and extracting the providers. * @return */ private Set<FeedProvider> buildRequiredSubscriptions() { Set<FeedProvider> requiredSubscriptions = new TreeSet<FeedProvider>(FEED_COMPARATOR); for (FeedView manifestation: activeFeedViews) { Collection<FeedProvider> providers = manifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders(); if (providers != null) { requiredSubscriptions.addAll(providers); } } return requiredSubscriptions; } SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager() { return PlatformAccess.getPlatform().getSubscriptionManager(); } /** * Use the subscription manager to manage subscriptions */ void handleSubscriptions() { Set<FeedProvider> requiredSubscriptions = buildRequiredSubscriptions(); List<FeedProvider> newSubscriptions = new ArrayList<FeedProvider>(); List<FeedProvider> removedSubscriptions = new ArrayList<FeedProvider>(); Set<FeedProvider> set = new TreeSet<FeedProvider>(FEED_COMPARATOR); set.addAll(requiredSubscriptions); ComponentModelUtil.computeAsymmetricSetDifferences( requiredSubscriptions, activeSubscriptions, newSubscriptions, removedSubscriptions,set); if (exceededMaxSubscriptions(requiredSubscriptions, newSubscriptions)) return; SubscriptionManager manager = getSubscriptionManager(); if (manager != null) { for (FeedProvider feed:removedSubscriptions) { LOGGER.debug("removing subscription for {0}", feed.getSubscriptionId()); manager.unsubscribe(feed.getSubscriptionId()); activeFeeds.remove(feed); } List<String> newlyAddedSubscriptionIds = new ArrayList<String> (newSubscriptions.size()); for (FeedProvider feed:newSubscriptions) { LOGGER.debug("adding subscription for {0}", feed.getSubscriptionId()); newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.add(feed.getSubscriptionId()); activeFeeds.put(feed, feed.getTimeService().getCurrentTime()); } assert newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.size() == newSubscriptions.size(); if (!newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.isEmpty()) { manager.subscribe(newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.toArray(new String[newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.size()])); } activeSubscriptions = requiredSubscriptions; } else { LOGGER.warn("subscription manager not available, subscriptions not updated"); } } private boolean exceededMaxSubscriptions(Set<FeedProvider> requiredSubscriptions, List<FeedProvider> newSubscriptions) { if (requiredSubscriptions.size() > maxSubscriptions && !newSubscriptions.isEmpty()) { if (exceededMaxSubscriptions.getAndSet(true) == false) { LOGGER.error("You have exceeded the maximum number of active subscriptions configured for this application. \n The limit is " +maxSubscriptions+". Please remove some of your unused views."); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { OptionBox.showMessageDialog( null, "You have exceeded the maximum number of active subscriptions \nconfigured for this application. \nPlease remove some of your unused views.", "Maximum subscriptions Error", OptionBox.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }); } return true; } else { exceededMaxSubscriptions.set(false); return false; } } private static int initMaxSubscriptions() { int defaultMax = 3000; int max = defaultMax; final MCTProperties mctProperties = MCTProperties.DEFAULT_MCT_PROPERTIES; String str = mctProperties.getProperty("max.subscriptions", "unset"); if (str.equals("unset")) { LOGGER.error("Property mct.max.subscriptions is not set or empty. Using default of: "+ defaultMax); } try { max = new Integer(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not convert mct.max.subscriptions to a valid number. Using default of: "+ defaultMax); } return max; } Set<FeedView> getAllActiveFeedManifestations() { if (activeFeedViews == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return Collections.<FeedView>unmodifiableSet(activeFeedViews); } void resetLastDataRequestTimeToCurrentTime() { for (Entry<FeedProvider, Long> entry : activeFeeds.entrySet()) { entry.setValue(entry.getKey().getTimeService().getCurrentTime()); } } }
private static final Comparator<FeedProvider> FEED_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<FeedProvider>() { @Override public int compare(FeedProvider o1, FeedProvider o2) { return o1.getSubscriptionId().compareTo(o2.getSubscriptionId()); } };
TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { LOGGER.debug("timer event fired"); try { startWorker(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("exception thrown out of scheduled paint thread. " + "The root cause of this exception should be fixed but operation should continue normally", e); } } };
SynchronizationControl sc = new SynchronizationControl() { @Override public void update(long syncTime) { /* Assume the "time" is uniform across all providers, this is a limitation that needs to * removed when feeds (non ISP) are added. One way to do this is to pass the time * service along with the time to get offsets between the various time services. For * example, TimeServiceA - 4, TimeServiceB - 2, then if time 3 was passed along with * TimeServiceA then the offset to TimeServiceB would be (2 - 4) = -2 + time to get the * time from TimeServiceB. */ Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times = new HashMap<FeedProvider,Long[]>(); for (FeedView manifestation:activeFeedViews) { for (FeedProvider provider:manifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders()) { times.put(provider, new Long[]{syncTime-2000, syncTime}); } } FeedCycleRenderer renderer = createSyncWorker(syncTime, times, activeFeedViews, syncedManifestations); try { renderer.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } @Override public void synchronizationDone() { activeSyncControl.set(null); for(FeedView m : syncedManifestations) { m.synchronizationDone(); } } };
return new FeedCycleRenderer(times,activeFeedViews) { @Override protected void dispatchToFeed(FeedView manifestation, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { syncedManifestations.add(manifestation); manifestation.synchronizeTime(data,syncTime); } };
worker.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getNewValue() == SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE) { activeRenderers.decrementAndGet(); } } });
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { OptionBox.showMessageDialog( null, "You have exceeded the maximum number of active subscriptions \nconfigured for this application. \nPlease remove some of your unused views.", "Maximum subscriptions Error", OptionBox.ERROR_MESSAGE); } });
private static class IdentityComparator implements Comparator<Object>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return System.identityHashCode(o2) - System.identityHashCode(o1); } }
public class FeedRenderingPoolTest { private FeedRenderingPool pool; @Mock private FeedView fv1; @Mock private FeedProvider fp; @Mock private SubscriptionManager manager; private volatile FeedCycleRendererTest activeRenderer; private AtomicLong time; private final AtomicReference<String> feedId1 = new AtomicReference<String>(); @Mock private TimeService timeService; @AfterMethod public void terminate() throws Exception { pool.cancelTimer(); if (activeRenderer != null) { activeRenderer.cancel(true); } } @BeforeMethod public void initialize() throws Exception { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); time = new AtomicLong(0); Field f = FeedView.class.getDeclaredField("feedPool"); f.setAccessible(true); FeedRenderingPool rp = (FeedRenderingPool) f.get(fv1); rp.cancelTimer(); Mockito.when(fv1.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(fp)); Mockito.when(fp.getSubscriptionId()).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return feedId1.get(); } }); Mockito.when(fp.getTimeService()).thenReturn(timeService); Mockito.when(fp.toString()).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return "fp : " + feedId1.get(); } }); Mockito.when(timeService.getCurrentTime()).thenAnswer(new Answer<Long>() { @Override public Long answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return time.getAndIncrement(); } }); pool = new FeedRenderingPool(1000) { @Override FeedCycleRenderer createWorker(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMapping, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews) { return activeRenderer = new FeedCycleRendererTest(timeMapping, activeFeedViews); } @Override FeedCycleRenderer createSyncWorker(long syncTime, Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews, Set<FeedView> syncedManifestations) { return new SyncFeedCycleRenderer(times, activeFeedViews); } @Override SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager() { return manager; } }; activeRenderer = null; } static class SyncFeedCycleRenderer extends FeedCycleRenderer { public SyncFeedCycleRenderer(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { super(timeMappings,activeViews); } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return new HashMap<String, List<Map<String,String>>>(); } @Override Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return Collections.emptyMap(); } } static class FeedCycleRendererTest extends FeedCycleRenderer { private Semaphore lock = new Semaphore(1,true); public FeedCycleRendererTest(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { super(timeMappings,activeViews); } public Semaphore getSemaphore() { return lock; } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { try { lock.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} return new HashMap<String, List<Map<String,String>>>(); } @Override protected void done() { lock.release(); } } static class FeedCycleRendererTest2 extends FeedCycleRendererTest { private Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings; public FeedCycleRendererTest2(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { super(timeMappings,activeViews); this.timeMappings = timeMappings; } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> values = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); for (FeedProvider fp:timeMappings.keySet()) { values.put(fp.getSubscriptionId(), Collections.<Map<String,String>>emptyList()); } return values; } @Override protected void done() { } } @Test(expectedExceptions=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testIntervalChecking() { new FeedRenderingPool(-1); } @Test public void testSynchronizeTime() { pool.addFeedView(fv1); SynchronizationControl sc = pool.synchronizeTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - 2); Assert.assertNotNull(sc); Assert.assertNull(pool.synchronizeTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); sc.synchronizationDone(); Assert.assertNotNull(pool.synchronizeTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); } @Test public void testAddFeedView() throws Exception { pool.addFeedView(fv1); Thread.sleep(750); int maxCount = 15; while (time.get() < 3 && maxCount-- > 0) { Thread.yield(); Thread.sleep(100); } activeRenderer.getSemaphore().release(); activeRenderer.getSemaphore().acquire(); Assert.assertTrue(activeRenderer.isDone()); pool.removeFeedView(fv1); } @Test public void testHandleSubscriptions() throws Exception { pool.cancelTimer(); Field f = FeedView.class.getDeclaredField("feedPool"); f.setAccessible(true); FeedRenderingPool rp = (FeedRenderingPool) f.get(fv1); rp.cancelTimer(); final String feedId = "f1"; FeedView fv2 = Mockito.mock(FeedView.class); FeedProvider fp2 = Mockito.mock(FeedProvider.class); Mockito.when(fp2.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn(feedId); Mockito.when(fp2.toString()).thenReturn("fp2 : " + feedId); Mockito.when(fp2.getTimeService()).thenReturn(timeService); Mockito.when(fv2.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(fp2)); feedId1.set(feedId); Assert.assertEquals(fv1.getVisibleFeedProviders().iterator().next().getSubscriptionId(), feedId); Assert.assertEquals(fv1.getVisibleFeedProviders().iterator().next().getSubscriptionId().compareTo(fv2.getVisibleFeedProviders().iterator().next().getSubscriptionId()),0); pool.addFeedView(fv1); pool.handleSubscriptions(); Mockito.verify(manager).subscribe(feedId); pool.handleSubscriptions(); Mockito.verify(manager).subscribe(feedId); pool.addFeedView(fv2); pool.handleSubscriptions(); Mockito.verify(manager,Mockito.times(1)).subscribe(feedId); pool.removeFeedView(fv1); pool.removeFeedView(fv2); pool.handleSubscriptions(); Mockito.verify(manager).unsubscribe(feedId); } @Test public void testSubscriptionsExceeded() { for (Window w: Window.getWindows()) { w.setVisible(false); w.dispose(); } Assert.assertTrue(Window.getWindows().length == 0); Collection<FeedProvider> providers = new ArrayList<FeedProvider>(3000); for (int i = 0; i < 3001; i++) { FeedProvider fp = Mockito.mock(FeedProvider.class); Mockito.when(fp.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn(Integer.toString(i)); providers.add(fp); } Mockito.when(fv1.getVisibleFeedProviders()).thenReturn(providers); pool.cancelTimer(); pool = new FeedRenderingPool(10000) { SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager() { return manager; } @Override FeedCycleRenderer createWorker(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMapping, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews) { return activeRenderer = new FeedCycleRendererTest(timeMapping, activeFeedViews); } }; pool.addFeedView(fv1); pool.handleSubscriptions(); final AtomicBoolean invokedLater = new AtomicBoolean(false); final AtomicBoolean dialogAppeared = new AtomicBoolean(false); // verify that the max subscriptions exceeded dialog appears SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int windowCount = 0; for (Window w: Window.getWindows()) { if (w instanceof JDialog) { JDialog d = (JDialog) w; String title = d.getTitle(); if (title.equals("Maximum subscriptions Error")) { windowCount++; } d.setVisible(false); d.dispose(); } } dialogAppeared.set(windowCount == 1); invokedLater.set(true); } }); while (!invokedLater.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } Assert.assertTrue(dialogAppeared.get()); } }
Mockito.when(fp.getSubscriptionId()).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return feedId1.get(); } });
Mockito.when(fp.toString()).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return "fp : " + feedId1.get(); } });
Mockito.when(timeService.getCurrentTime()).thenAnswer(new Answer<Long>() { @Override public Long answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { return time.getAndIncrement(); } });
pool = new FeedRenderingPool(1000) { @Override FeedCycleRenderer createWorker(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMapping, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews) { return activeRenderer = new FeedCycleRendererTest(timeMapping, activeFeedViews); } @Override FeedCycleRenderer createSyncWorker(long syncTime, Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> times, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews, Set<FeedView> syncedManifestations) { return new SyncFeedCycleRenderer(times, activeFeedViews); } @Override SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager() { return manager; } };
pool = new FeedRenderingPool(10000) { SubscriptionManager getSubscriptionManager() { return manager; } @Override FeedCycleRenderer createWorker(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMapping, Set<FeedView> activeFeedViews) { return activeRenderer = new FeedCycleRendererTest(timeMapping, activeFeedViews); } };
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int windowCount = 0; for (Window w: Window.getWindows()) { if (w instanceof JDialog) { JDialog d = (JDialog) w; String title = d.getTitle(); if (title.equals("Maximum subscriptions Error")) { windowCount++; } d.setVisible(false); d.dispose(); } } dialogAppeared.set(windowCount == 1); invokedLater.set(true); } });
static class FeedCycleRendererTest extends FeedCycleRenderer { private Semaphore lock = new Semaphore(1,true); public FeedCycleRendererTest(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { super(timeMappings,activeViews); } public Semaphore getSemaphore() { return lock; } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { try { lock.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} return new HashMap<String, List<Map<String,String>>>(); } @Override protected void done() { lock.release(); } }
static class FeedCycleRendererTest2 extends FeedCycleRendererTest { private Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings; public FeedCycleRendererTest2(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { super(timeMappings,activeViews); this.timeMappings = timeMappings; } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> values = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); for (FeedProvider fp:timeMappings.keySet()) { values.put(fp.getSubscriptionId(), Collections.<Map<String,String>>emptyList()); } return values; } @Override protected void done() { } }
static class SyncFeedCycleRenderer extends FeedCycleRenderer { public SyncFeedCycleRenderer(Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> timeMappings, Set<FeedView> activeViews) { super(timeMappings,activeViews); } @Override protected Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> doInBackground() { return new HashMap<String, List<Map<String,String>>>(); } @Override Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return Collections.emptyMap(); } }
public abstract class FeedView extends View { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final int PAINT_RATE = 250; // paint rate in milliseconds private static final FeedRenderingPool feedPool = new FeedRenderingPool(PAINT_RATE); /** * The maximum number of data points that are returned from a data request. This will cause the * requests to be split into a number of requests that the client will need to merge as they are completed. * */ private static final int MAX_DATA_POINTS = 1000; /** * Adjust the rendering cycle based on the visibility of this component, if the component is visible * then add to the rendering list if it is not, then remove it. */ private final AncestorListener ancestorListener = new AncestorListener() { @Override public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent event) { feedPool.addFeedView(FeedView.this); } @Override public void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent event) { } @Override public void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent event) { feedPool.removeFeedView(FeedView.this); } }; /** * Creates a new feed view manifestation with characteristics given by * persisted view manifestation information. * * @param component the currently bound component * @param info info for this component */ public FeedView(AbstractComponent component, ViewInfo info) { super(component,info); addAncestorListener(ancestorListener); } /** * Creates a new feed view manifestation with characteristics given by * persisted view manifestation information. * * @param ac the <code>AbstractComponent</code> */ public FeedView(AbstractComponent ac) { addAncestorListener(ancestorListener); } /** * Updates the view manifestation because of a change in the data available from the feed. * This method will be invoked for periodic refreshes as well as special requests from data. * Invocation of this method from the MCT platform will always be in the AWT thread. * @param data to update this view with. The map will contain a mapping from subscriptionId for * each feed to the list (time sequenced) set of values. The will be one element in the list for each change occurring during * the last paint cycle. There will be at least one data point per time unit. */ public abstract void updateFromFeed(Map<String,List<Map<String,String>>> data); /** * Adjust the max time request to ensure that data is not requested beyond the end of the possible time. * @param requestSet to adjust */ private Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> adjustEndTimeForRequest(Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> requestSet) { Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> adjustedRequest = new HashMap<Request,Set<FeedProvider>>(); for (Entry<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> entry: requestSet.entrySet()) { // check each entry and adjust the maximum request time for (FeedProvider fp:entry.getValue()) { Request request = new Request(Math.min(entry.getKey().getStartTime(), fp.getValidDataExtent()),Math.min(entry.getKey().getEndTime(), fp.getValidDataExtent())); Set<FeedProvider> providers = adjustedRequest.get(request); if (providers == null) { adjustedRequest.put(request, providers = new HashSet<FeedProvider>()); } providers.add(fp); } } return adjustedRequest; } private int getMaxSamplesSecond(Set<FeedProvider> feeds) { int maxSamples = 0; for (FeedProvider fp: feeds) { maxSamples += fp.getMaximumSampleRate(); } return maxSamples; } /** * Perform a special request for data. Invoking this method is asynchronous and will return * immediately, the transformer and renderer callback parameters are used to transform data off the AWT * thread and to render the data. The data request may be split in multiple requests which are dispatched * incrementally. * @param providers to use for the data retrieval operation. If this argument is null, then the * return value from {@link #getVisibleFeedProviders()}. No attempt is made to subscribe to ongoing events * for feed providers. * @param startTime to use for the request, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 * @param endTime to use for the request, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 * @param transformer to use during the background processing (this will not be invoked in the AWT thread). * Null can be passed, in which case no transformation will be applied to the data. * @param renderer to use for visualizing the data. This will be invoked in the AWT thread and must not * be null. * @param reverseOrder true if the data should be retrieved in reverse order, with the slice containing the end time arriving first, false otherwise. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if renderer is null * @return SwingWorker representing the running task, which may be canceled. */ public SwingWorker<Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>> requestData(Collection<FeedProvider> providers, long startTime, long endTime, final DataTransformation transformer, final RenderingCallback renderer, final boolean reverseOrder) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (renderer == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("renderer cannot be null"); } if (providers == null) { providers = getVisibleFeedProviders(); } assert providers != null : "visible feed providers cannot be null"; final Collection<FeedProvider> feedProviders = providers; Map<FeedProvider, Long[]> requestTimes = new HashMap<FeedProvider, Long[]>(); for (FeedProvider provider:feedProviders) { requestTimes.put(provider, new Long[]{!reverseOrder?startTime:endTime,!reverseOrder?endTime:startTime}); } final Semaphore s = new Semaphore(1); try { s.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // ignore this exception } FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(requestTimes, Collections.singleton(this)) { @Override protected void dispatchToFeed(FeedView manifestation, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { assert manifestation == FeedView.this; renderer.render(data); s.release(); } @Override protected Collection<FeedProvider> getProviders(FeedView manifestation) { assert manifestation == FeedView.this; return feedProviders; } @Override protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> batchByRequestTime() { return adjustEndTimeForRequest(super.batchByRequestTime()); } @Override protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> getCurrentIterationRequests( Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> fullSpanRequests, Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> lastRequests) { return getCurrentIterationRequestsImpl(fullSpanRequests, lastRequests, MAX_DATA_POINTS); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void requestCompleted(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> values, long startTime, long endTime) { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> clonedValues = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(values); if (transformer != null) { transformer.transform(clonedValues, startTime, endTime); } publish(clonedValues); values.clear(); try { while (!isCancelled() && !s.tryAcquire(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { // nothing } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // this may be interrupted if the request is canceled so just return // from this method } } }; worker.execute(); return worker; } private Request findLastRequest(Set<FeedProvider> provider, Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> lastRequests) { // simply iterate through the list to find the last request from the feed provider Request r = null; for (Entry<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> entry:lastRequests.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == provider) { r = entry.getKey(); break; } } return r; } private Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> getCurrentIterationRequestsImpl( Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> fullSpanRequests, Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> lastRequests, int maxPoints) { Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> iterationRequests = new LinkedHashMap<Request, Set<FeedProvider>>(); for (Entry<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> entry: fullSpanRequests.entrySet()) { int maxSamplesSecond = getMaxSamplesSecond(entry.getValue()); long requestInterval = entry.getKey().getEndTime() - entry.getKey().getStartTime(); double requestSpan = requestInterval/(double)1000; double requests = Math.abs((requestSpan * maxSamplesSecond) / maxPoints); long chunks = Math.max(1, Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(requests)).longValue()); long chunkSize = requestInterval / chunks; Request lastRequest = findLastRequest(entry.getValue(), lastRequests); Request fullRangeRequest = entry.getKey(); if (lastRequests.isEmpty() || (lastRequest == null)) { // bootstrap the request, initialize the request to decrement, which is the default long start = fullRangeRequest.getStartTime()+1; long end = start-chunkSize; if (requestInterval > 0) { end = fullRangeRequest.getStartTime()-1; start = end + chunkSize; } lastRequest = new Request(start,end); } assert lastRequest != null : "Last request should not be null."; Request r; if (requestInterval != 0) { boolean startToEnd = requestInterval > 0; if (startToEnd) { assert chunkSize > 0; r = new Request(lastRequest.getEndTime()+1, Math.min(lastRequest.getEndTime()+chunkSize,fullRangeRequest.getEndTime())); if (r.getStartTime() > fullRangeRequest.getEndTime()) { r = null; } } else { assert chunkSize < 0; r = new Request(Math.max(lastRequest.getStartTime()+chunkSize, fullRangeRequest.getEndTime()), lastRequest.getStartTime()-1); if (r.getEndTime() < fullRangeRequest.getEndTime()) { r = null; } } } else { r = lastRequests.isEmpty() ? fullRangeRequest:null; } if (r != null) { iterationRequests.put(r, entry.getValue()); } } return iterationRequests; } /** * This interface defines an arbitrary operation performed on set of feed data. This is intended to be used * for both data transformation and rendering. */ public interface RenderingCallback { /** * Render the supplied feed data. The type of processing is arbitrary and based on the context * in which the method is invoked. * @param data to use during the operation */ void render(Map<String,List<Map<String,String>>> data); } /** * This interface defines an arbitrary transformation on a set of feed data. * */ public interface DataTransformation { /** * Provide a data transformation on the supplied feed data. The type of processing is arbitrary and based on the context * in which the method is invoked. * @param data for the parameters in the given time range * @param startTime for the data request, this may not correspond to any times in the data set. * @param endTime for the data request, this may not correspond to any times in the data set. */ void transform(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data, long startTime, long endTime); } /** * Update the view manifestation because of a request to synchronize all views to the * given time. The definition of synchronization of time is specific to the view. * @param data retrieved that was available at the syncTime * @param syncTime to show in the view */ public abstract void synchronizeTime(Map<String,List<Map<String,String>>> data, long syncTime); /** * Gets called when time synchronization is over. */ protected void synchronizationDone() { } /** * Show the synchronize time in a view specific manner. BETA. * @param time to synchronize across all views, in Unix Epoch time. * @return control or null if time cannot currently be synchronized */ public SynchronizationControl synchronizeTime(long time) { return feedPool.synchronizeTime(time); } /** * Provide interaction with the synchronization time state. * */ public interface SynchronizationControl { /** * Updates the synchronization time. * Using this method is preferable to calling {@link #synchronizationDone()} followed by {@link FeedView#synchronizeTime(long)} * because it is atomic. * @param time new time to synchronize on */ void update(long time); /** * Complete the time synchronization across views. This must be called in order to * restart normal feed activity. */ void synchronizationDone(); } /** * Return feed providers current used in this manifestation. An implementation of this method * should attempt to use visibility to only request feeds which are currently being used (instead of * everything that could potentially be used). This method may be called from multiple threads and thus * the implementation should ensure that iterating over the collection will not cause a concurrent modification * exception. The easiest way to achieve this is to create the collection upon each subsequent change so the * collection will only be write once. * @return the feed providers currently visible in this component. */ public abstract Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders(); /** * A convenience method to retrieve a feed provider from a component. * @param component to extract feed provider from * @return FeedProvider instance or null if the component does not support feeds */ public FeedProvider getFeedProvider(AbstractComponent component) { return component.getCapability(FeedProvider.class); } /** * Clear the display of this manifestation that matches the provided feedProviders. * @param feedProviders the feedProviders to be cleared. */ public void clear(Collection<FeedProvider> feedProviders) { // } // exposed for white box testing FeedRenderingPool getRenderingPool() { return feedPool; } /** * Get all the active feed manifestations. * @return all the active feed manifestations. */ public static Set<FeedView> getAllActiveFeedManifestations() { return feedPool.getAllActiveFeedManifestations(); } static void resetLastDataRequestTimeToCurrentTime() { feedPool.resetLastDataRequestTimeToCurrentTime(); } }
private final AncestorListener ancestorListener = new AncestorListener() { @Override public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent event) { feedPool.addFeedView(FeedView.this); } @Override public void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent event) { } @Override public void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent event) { feedPool.removeFeedView(FeedView.this); } };
FeedCycleRenderer worker = new FeedCycleRenderer(requestTimes, Collections.singleton(this)) { @Override protected void dispatchToFeed(FeedView manifestation, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { assert manifestation == FeedView.this; renderer.render(data); s.release(); } @Override protected Collection<FeedProvider> getProviders(FeedView manifestation) { assert manifestation == FeedView.this; return feedProviders; } @Override protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> batchByRequestTime() { return adjustEndTimeForRequest(super.batchByRequestTime()); } @Override protected Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> getCurrentIterationRequests( Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> fullSpanRequests, Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> lastRequests) { return getCurrentIterationRequestsImpl(fullSpanRequests, lastRequests, MAX_DATA_POINTS); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void requestCompleted(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> values, long startTime, long endTime) { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> clonedValues = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(values); if (transformer != null) { transformer.transform(clonedValues, startTime, endTime); } publish(clonedValues); values.clear(); try { while (!isCancelled() && !s.tryAcquire(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { // nothing } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // this may be interrupted if the request is canceled so just return // from this method } } };
public interface DataTransformation { /** * Provide a data transformation on the supplied feed data. The type of processing is arbitrary and based on the context * in which the method is invoked. * @param data for the parameters in the given time range * @param startTime for the data request, this may not correspond to any times in the data set. * @param endTime for the data request, this may not correspond to any times in the data set. */ void transform(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data, long startTime, long endTime); }
public interface RenderingCallback { /** * Render the supplied feed data. The type of processing is arbitrary and based on the context * in which the method is invoked. * @param data to use during the operation */ void render(Map<String,List<Map<String,String>>> data); }
public interface SynchronizationControl { /** * Updates the synchronization time. * Using this method is preferable to calling {@link #synchronizationDone()} followed by {@link FeedView#synchronizeTime(long)} * because it is atomic. * @param time new time to synchronize on */ void update(long time); /** * Complete the time synchronization across views. This must be called in order to * restart normal feed activity. */ void synchronizationDone(); }
public class FeedViewManifestationTest { private FeedView feedManifestation; private FeedView feedManifestation2; private AbstractComponent component; @Mock private FeedProvider provider; @Mock private FeedProvider provider2; @Mock private TimeService timeService; @Mock private TimeService timeService2; @Mock private Platform platform; @BeforeMethod public void initialize() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); component = new FeedComponent(); Mockito.when(provider.getTimeService()).thenReturn(timeService); Mockito.when(provider2.getTimeService()).thenReturn(timeService2); feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Collections.singleton(getFeedProvider(getManifestedComponent())); } }; feedManifestation2 = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Collections.singleton(getFeedProvider(getManifestedComponent())); } }; new PlatformAccess().setPlatform(platform); } @AfterMethod public void tearDown() { new PlatformAccess().releasePlatform(); } private static class FeedComponent extends AbstractComponent implements FeedProvider { public FeedComponent() { } @Override public String getSubscriptionId() { return null; } @Override public TimeService getTimeService() { return null; } @Override public int getMaximumSampleRate() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isPrediction() { return false; } @Override public String getCanonicalName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public long getValidDataExtent() { return 0; } @Override protected <T> T handleGetCapability(Class<T> capability) { if (FeedProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(capability)) { return capability.cast(this); } return null; } @Override public String getLegendText() { return null; } @Override public RenderingInfo getRenderingInfo(Map<String, String> data) { return null; } @Override public FeedType getFeedType() { return FeedType.STRING; } @Override public boolean isNonCODDataBuffer() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } } @Test public void testPool() { Assert.assertNotNull(feedManifestation.getRenderingPool()); } @Test public void testgetFeedProvider() { Assert.assertSame(feedManifestation.getVisibleFeedProviders().iterator().next(), component); Assert.assertSame(feedManifestation2.getVisibleFeedProviders().iterator().next(), component); // increase coverage by invoking ancestor listeners Assert.assertEquals(feedManifestation.getAncestorListeners().length, 1); for (AncestorListener l : feedManifestation.getAncestorListeners()) { l.ancestorAdded(null); l.ancestorMoved(null); l.ancestorRemoved(null); } } @Test(expectedExceptions=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testRequestDataIllegalArgumentException() { feedManifestation.requestData(null, 0, 1, null, null, true); } @DataProvider(name="feedRequests") Object[][] generateFeedRequestTestData() { return new Object[][] { new Object[] { 1, 100, new long[] {50,Long.MAX_VALUE,50}, new long[] {50,100,50} }, new Object[] { 7, 100, new long[] {50,25,50,2000}, new long[] {50,25,50,100} } }; } @Test(dataProvider="feedRequests") public void testAdjustEndTimeForRequest(long start, long end, long[] maxTimes, long[] expectedTimes) throws Exception { Method m = feedManifestation.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredMethod("adjustEndTimeForRequest", new Class[]{Map.class}); m.setAccessible(true); Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> requestSet = new HashMap<Request,Set<FeedProvider>>(); Request r = new Request(start,end); Set<FeedProvider> providers = new HashSet<FeedProvider>(); Map<FeedProvider,Request> expectedMaxValues = new HashMap<FeedProvider,Request>(); Set<Request> expectedRequests = new HashSet<Request>(); for (int i = 0; i < maxTimes.length; i++) { FeedProvider fp = Mockito.mock(FeedProvider.class); Mockito.when(fp.getValidDataExtent()).thenReturn(maxTimes[i]); Mockito.when(fp.getMaximumSampleRate()).thenReturn(1); Mockito.when(fp.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("feed"+i); providers.add(fp); expectedMaxValues.put(fp, new Request(start,expectedTimes[i])); expectedRequests.add(new Request(start, expectedTimes[i])); } requestSet.put(r, providers); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>> returnValue = (Map<Request,Set<FeedProvider>>) m.invoke(feedManifestation, requestSet); Assert.assertEquals(returnValue.size(), expectedRequests.size()); for (Entry<FeedProvider,Request> entry:expectedMaxValues.entrySet()) { Assert.assertTrue(returnValue.get(entry.getValue()).contains(entry.getKey())); } } @Test public void testRequestData() throws InterruptedException { TestDataTransform transformer = new TestDataTransform(); TestDataCallback renderer = new TestDataCallback(); final Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> value = Collections.singletonMap("abc", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap("time", "0"))); Mockito.when(timeService.getCurrentTime()).thenReturn(System.currentTimeMillis()); Mockito.when(provider.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("abc"); FeedAggregator feedAggregator = new FeedAggregator() { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData(Set<String> feedIDs, TimeUnit timeUnit, long startTime, long endTime) { return value; } }; Mockito.when(platform.getFeedAggregator()).thenReturn(feedAggregator); final AtomicBoolean visibleProvidersInvoked = new AtomicBoolean(false); feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { visibleProvidersInvoked.set(true); return Collections.singleton(provider); } }; feedManifestation.requestData(null, 0, 1, transformer, renderer, false); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((!renderer.invoked.get() || !transformer.invoked.get()) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)<3000)) { try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // verify that the callbacks were invoked Assert.assertTrue(renderer.invoked.get()); Assert.assertTrue(transformer.invoked.get()); Assert.assertTrue(visibleProvidersInvoked.get()); visibleProvidersInvoked.set(false); transformer = new TestDataTransform(); renderer = new TestDataCallback(); SwingWorker<Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>> worker = feedManifestation.requestData(Collections.singleton(provider), 0, 1, transformer, renderer, false); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((!renderer.invoked.get() || !transformer.invoked.get() || !worker.isDone()) && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)<3000)) { try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // verify that the callbacks were invoked Assert.assertTrue(renderer.invoked.get()); Assert.assertTrue(transformer.invoked.get()); Assert.assertFalse(visibleProvidersInvoked.get()); } @DataProvider(name="requestProvider") Object[][] generateDataForCurrentIterationRequestImpl() { FeedProvider fp = Mockito.mock(FeedProvider.class); Mockito.when(fp.getMaximumSampleRate()).thenReturn(1); return new Object[][] { new Object[] {Collections.singletonMap(new Request(1000,3000), Collections.singleton(fp)), Arrays.asList(new Request(1000,1999), new Request(2000,2999), new Request(3000,3000))}, new Object[] {Collections.singletonMap(new Request(3000,1000), Collections.singleton(fp)), Arrays.asList(new Request(2001,3000), new Request(1001,2000), new Request(1000,1000))}, new Object[] {Collections.singletonMap(new Request(1000,1000), Collections.singleton(fp)), Collections.singletonList(new Request(1000,1000))} }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(dataProvider="requestProvider") public void testGetCurrentIterationRequestImpl(Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> initialRequest, List<Request> requests) throws Exception { feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Collections.emptySet(); } }; Method chunkMethod = FeedView.class.getDeclaredMethod("getCurrentIterationRequestsImpl", Map.class, Map.class, Integer.TYPE); chunkMethod.setAccessible(true); int requestNumber = 0; Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> iterationRequest = (Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>>) chunkMethod.invoke(feedManifestation, initialRequest, Collections.emptyMap(), 1); while (!iterationRequest.isEmpty()) { Assert.assertEquals(1, iterationRequest.size()); Entry<Request, Set<FeedProvider>> next = iterationRequest.entrySet().iterator().next(); Assert.assertEquals(next.getKey(),requests.get(requestNumber++)); iterationRequest = (Map<Request, Set<FeedProvider>>) chunkMethod.invoke(feedManifestation, initialRequest, iterationRequest, 1); } Assert.assertEquals(requestNumber, requests.size()); } @Test public void testMultipleTimeServices() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> value = Collections.singletonMap("abc", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap("time", "1"))); final Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> value2 = Collections.singletonMap("abc2", Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonMap("time", "1"))); Mockito.when(provider.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("abc"); Mockito.when(provider2.getSubscriptionId()).thenReturn("abc2"); FeedAggregator feedAggregator = new FeedAggregator() { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData(Set<String> feedIDs, TimeUnit timeUnit, long startTime, long endTime) { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> m = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); m.putAll(value); m.putAll(value2); m.keySet().retainAll(feedIDs); return m; } }; Mockito.when(platform.getFeedAggregator()).thenReturn(feedAggregator); final Set<String> returnedFeeds = new HashSet<String>(); FeedView.RenderingCallback callback = new FeedView.RenderingCallback() { @Override public void render(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { returnedFeeds.addAll(data.keySet()); } }; feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Arrays.asList(provider, provider2); } }; SwingWorker<Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>, Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>> w = feedManifestation .requestData(Arrays.asList(provider, provider2), 0, 10, null, callback, true); w.get(); Assert.assertEquals(returnedFeeds, new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("abc", "abc2"))); } public static class TestDataCallback implements RenderingCallback { public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data; public AtomicBoolean invoked = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Override public void render(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { this.data = data; invoked.set(true); } } public static class TestDataTransform implements DataTransformation { public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data; public AtomicBoolean invoked = new AtomicBoolean(false); public long startTime; public long endTime; @Override public void transform(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long startTime, long endTime) { this.data = data; invoked.set(true); this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; } } @Test public void testRenderingInfo() { RenderingInfo ri = new RenderingInfo("value&value", Color.red, "", Color.orange, true); String riAsString = ri.toString(); RenderingInfo ri2 = RenderingInfo.valueOf(riAsString); Assert.assertEquals(ri2.getStatusColor(), Color.orange); Assert.assertEquals(ri2.getValueText(), "value&value"); Assert.assertEquals(ri2.getValueColor(), Color.red); } }
feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Collections.singleton(getFeedProvider(getManifestedComponent())); } };
feedManifestation2 = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Collections.singleton(getFeedProvider(getManifestedComponent())); } };
FeedAggregator feedAggregator = new FeedAggregator() { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData(Set<String> feedIDs, TimeUnit timeUnit, long startTime, long endTime) { return value; } };
feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { visibleProvidersInvoked.set(true); return Collections.singleton(provider); } };
feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String,String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Collections.emptySet(); } };
FeedAggregator feedAggregator = new FeedAggregator() { @Override public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getData(Set<String> feedIDs, TimeUnit timeUnit, long startTime, long endTime) { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> m = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); m.putAll(value); m.putAll(value2); m.keySet().retainAll(feedIDs); return m; } };
FeedView.RenderingCallback callback = new FeedView.RenderingCallback() { @Override public void render(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { returnedFeeds.addAll(data.keySet()); } };
feedManifestation = new FeedView(component,null) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void updateFromFeed(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { } @Override public void synchronizeTime(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long syncTime) { } @Override public Collection<FeedProvider> getVisibleFeedProviders() { return Arrays.asList(provider, provider2); } };
private static class FeedComponent extends AbstractComponent implements FeedProvider { public FeedComponent() { } @Override public String getSubscriptionId() { return null; } @Override public TimeService getTimeService() { return null; } @Override public int getMaximumSampleRate() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isPrediction() { return false; } @Override public String getCanonicalName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public long getValidDataExtent() { return 0; } @Override protected <T> T handleGetCapability(Class<T> capability) { if (FeedProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(capability)) { return capability.cast(this); } return null; } @Override public String getLegendText() { return null; } @Override public RenderingInfo getRenderingInfo(Map<String, String> data) { return null; } @Override public FeedType getFeedType() { return FeedType.STRING; } @Override public boolean isNonCODDataBuffer() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }
public static class TestDataCallback implements RenderingCallback { public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data; public AtomicBoolean invoked = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Override public void render(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data) { this.data = data; invoked.set(true); } }
public static class TestDataTransform implements DataTransformation { public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data; public AtomicBoolean invoked = new AtomicBoolean(false); public long startTime; public long endTime; @Override public void transform(Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> data, long startTime, long endTime) { this.data = data; invoked.set(true); this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; } }
public class FileChooser { // A couple flags copied from JFileChooser /** Return value if approve (yes, ok) is chosen. */ public final static int APPROVE_OPTION = JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION; /** Instruction to display only files. */ public final static int FILES_ONLY = JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY; /** Instruction to display only files. */ public final static int FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES = JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String dialogTitle; private ModalityType modalityType = ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL; private JFileChooser chooser; private int returnValue; private JDialog dialog; /** * Creates a file chooser that can be shown as a dialog. */ public FileChooser() { chooser = new Chooser(); } /** * Pops up an "Open File" file chooser dialog. Note that the * text that appears in the approve button is determined by * the L&F. * * @param parent the parent component of the dialog, * can be <code>null</code>; * see <code>showDialog</code> for details * @return the return state of the file chooser */ public int showOpenDialog(Component parent) { return showDialog(parent, null); } /** * Pops a custom file chooser dialog with a custom approve button. * * @param parent the parent component of the dialog; * can be <code>null</code> * @param approveButtonText the text of the <code>ApproveButton</code> * @return the return state of the file chooser * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() * returns true. * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */ public int showDialog(final Component parent, final String approveButtonText) throws HeadlessException { returnValue = JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION; Frame parentFrame = (parent != null ? JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(parent) : null); dialog = new JDialog(parentFrame, dialogTitle, modalityType); dialog.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); dialog.add(chooser, BorderLayout.CENTER); dialog.pack(); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(parentFrame); dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.dispose(); dialog = null; return returnValue; } /** * Sets the modality type for the file chooser dialog that will be shown. * * @param modalityType the new modality type */ public void setModalityType(ModalityType modalityType) { this.modalityType = modalityType; } /** * Sets the title of the dialog that will be shown. * * @param newTitle the new title */ public void setDialogTitle(String newTitle) { dialogTitle = newTitle; } /** * Sets the initial directory for the file chooser that will be shown. * * @param aDirectory to show */ public void setInitialDirectory(File aDirectory) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(aDirectory); } /** * Sets the text of the approval button. Default is "open" * for an open dialog box. * * @param newText the new approve button text */ public void setApproveButtonText(String newText) { chooser.setApproveButtonText(newText); } /** * Gets the file that was selected by the user, or null, * if no file was selected. * * @return the selected file */ public File getSelectedFile() { return chooser.getSelectedFile(); } /** * Sets the filter controlling which files we be available * for selection. * * @param filter the file filter */ public void setFileFilter(FileFilter filter) { chooser.setFileFilter(filter); } /** * Sets the file selection mode. See {@link javax.swing.JFileChooser#setFileSelectionMode(int)}. * * @param mode the new file selection mode */ public void setFileSelectionMode(int mode) { chooser.setFileSelectionMode(mode); } /** * Sets whether multiselection is allowed. * * @param b true, if multiple files may be selected */ public void setMultiSelectionEnabled(boolean b) { chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(b); } private void setReturnValue(int returnValue) { this.returnValue = returnValue; } private void hideDialog() { if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(false); } } private class Chooser extends JFileChooser { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void approveSelection() { super.approveSelection(); setReturnValue(JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION); hideDialog(); } @Override public void cancelSelection() { super.cancelSelection(); setReturnValue(JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION); hideDialog(); } } }
private class Chooser extends JFileChooser { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void approveSelection() { super.approveSelection(); setReturnValue(JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION); hideDialog(); } @Override public void cancelSelection() { super.cancelSelection(); setReturnValue(JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION); hideDialog(); } }
public class FrameUtil { /** * Returns the specified component's <code>Frame</code>. * * @param component the component for which we want the containing frame * @return the frame containing the component, or null, if not contained in a frame */ public static Frame getFrameForComponent(Component component) { return JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(component); } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class GroupAction extends ContextAwareAction { private RadioAction[] actions; /** * The constructor that takes a name for this action. * @param name of type {@link String} */ protected GroupAction(String name) { super(name); } /** * This method returns a set of actions to be swapped for this {@link GroupAction}. * @return an array of {@link RadioAction} */ public final RadioAction[] getActions() { return actions; } /** * This method sets the {@link RadioAction}s to be swapped. * @param actions the array of {@link RadioAction}. */ protected final void setActions(RadioAction[] actions) { this.actions = actions; } /** * This abstract class defines the action contained in a {@link GroupAction}. * @author [email protected] */ public static abstract class RadioAction extends AbstractAction { /** * Tests whether this radio action is in the mixed state. The mixed state is shown * when multiple objects are selected but they have different boolean values. This * signals to the user they values are different but selecting this action will make them * the same. * * @return true if the mixed state should be shown for this radio button, false otherwise; */ public abstract boolean isMixed(); /** * Tests whether or not this radio action is selected. * * @return true, if this radio action is selected */ public abstract boolean isSelected(); } }
public static abstract class RadioAction extends AbstractAction { /** * Tests whether this radio action is in the mixed state. The mixed state is shown * when multiple objects are selected but they have different boolean values. This * signals to the user they values are different but selecting this action will make them * the same. * * @return true if the mixed state should be shown for this radio button, false otherwise; */ public abstract boolean isMixed(); /** * Tests whether or not this radio action is selected. * * @return true, if this radio action is selected */ public abstract boolean isSelected(); }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class HidableTabbedPane extends JPanel { /** The component in the first tab. We have to keep track of it here, * because we can't insert it simultaneously into the first tab in * the <code>JTabbedPane</code> and into the top-level panel. We'll * remove it from one and place into the other as needed. */ private Component firstComponent; /** The tabbed pane holding all tabs. */ private JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP, JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT); /** A dummy component used as the first tab component when there is only one tab, * since Java doesn't like the same object as a child of two different containers. */ private JPanel placeholder = new JPanel(); /** * Create a new hideable tabbed pane with no tabs. */ public HidableTabbedPane() { this.firstComponent = null; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); instrumentNames(); } private void instrumentNames() { setName(UniqueNameGenerator.get("hidableTabbedPane")); tabs.setName("tabbedPaneWithin"); } /** * Create a new hideable tabbed pane with the given title and component for the * first tab (which will be hidden until we add more tabs). * * @param firstTabTitle the textual title of the first tab * @param firstComponent the component to show in the first tab */ public HidableTabbedPane(String firstTabTitle, Component firstComponent) { this(); this.firstComponent = firstComponent; addTab(firstTabTitle, placeholder); add(firstComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * Get the number of tabs in the pane. * * @return the number of tabs */ public int getTabCount() { return tabs.getTabCount(); } /** * Get the index of the selected tab, 0-relative. * * @return the selected tab index */ public int getSelectedIndex() { if (tabs.getTabCount() <= 1) { return 0; } else { return tabs.getSelectedIndex(); } } /** * Set the selected tab index. The index must be a valid tab index or -1, which * indicates that no tab should be selected (can also be used when there are no * tabs in the tabbedpane). * * @param index the new selected tab index */ public void setSelectedIndex(int index) { tabs.setSelectedIndex(index); } /** * Get the component shown in the context area of the given tab. * * @param index the index of the tab, 0-relative * @return the component in the content area of the tab */ public Component getComponentAt(int index) { if (index == 0) { return firstComponent; } else { return tabs.getComponentAt(index); } } /** * Get the component in the tab label at the given index. * * @param index the tab whose tab component we want, 0-relative * @return the component for the tab label */ public Component getTabComponentAt(int index) { return tabs.getTabComponentAt(index); } /** * Change the component in the content area for a tab. * * @param index the index of the tab to change * @param component the new component for the content area of the tab */ public void setComponentAt(int index, Component component) { if (isTabsShown()) { tabs.setComponentAt(index, component); } if (index == 0) { if (!isTabsShown()) { if (firstComponent != null) { remove(firstComponent); } if (component != null) { add(component, BorderLayout.CENTER); } } firstComponent = component; } validate(); } /** * Set the tab label component for a tab. * * @param index the index of the tab * @param component the component for the tab label */ public void setTabComponentAt(int index, Component component) { tabs.setTabComponentAt(index, component); } /** * Check whether the tabs are shown. We show the tabs whenever the tab count * is greater than one. * * @return true, if the tabs are shown */ public boolean isTabsShown() { return (tabs.getTabCount() > 1); } /** * Add a new tab with a textual title and content area component. Show the tabs, * if we then have more than one tab. * * @param title the title for the new tab * @param component the component for the content area */ public void addTab(String title, Component component) { tabs.add(title, component); if (tabs.getTabCount() == 2) { showTabs(); } } /** * Remove a tab. Hide the tabs, if we then have only one tab. * * @param index the index of the tab to remove */ public void removeTabAt(int index) { tabs.removeTabAt(index); if (tabs.getTabCount() >= 1) { firstComponent = tabs.getComponentAt(0); } if (tabs.getTabCount() == 1) { hideTabs(); } } /** * Show the tabs. Move the first component into the first tab. */ protected void showTabs() { if (firstComponent != null) { remove(firstComponent); } tabs.setComponentAt(0, firstComponent); add(tabs, BorderLayout.CENTER); validate(); } /** * Hide the tabs. Move the first component from the first tab * to be the entire content area. */ protected void hideTabs() { remove(tabs); tabs.setComponentAt(0, placeholder); add(firstComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); validate(); } /** * Add a listener to notify when the currently selected tab changes. * * @param listener the listener */ public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) { tabs.addChangeListener(listener); } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class MCTFlipFlopAction extends ContextAwareAction { private Action onStateAction; private Action offStateAction; private boolean state; /** * Creates a new toggle action with the given name and on and off * actions. * * @param onStateAction the action to perform when the toggle reaches the on state * @param offStateAction the action to perform when the toggle reaches the off state * @param name the name of the new action */ protected MCTFlipFlopAction(Action onStateAction, Action offStateAction, String name) { super(name); this.onStateAction = onStateAction; this.offStateAction = offStateAction; } /** * Sets the state of the toggle. * * @param state the new state, true if the toggle is in the on state */ protected void setState(boolean state) { this.state = state; } /** * Gets the appropriate action to perform. The on action is * returned if the toggle is in the on state, the off action otherwise. * * @return the on or off action, depending on the toggle state */ public Action getAction() { return state ? onStateAction : offStateAction; } }
public final class MCTGUIResourceBundle { /** The color for the title bar on a selected view manifestation. */ public static final Color ACTIVE_COLOR = SystemColor.textHighlight; /** The color for the title bar on an unselected view manifestation. */ public static final Color INACTIVE_COLOR = new JPanel().getBackground(); /** The width of the thick border on a selected view manifestation. */ public static final int BORDERLINE_SIZE = 5; /** The border to use for a selected view manifestation. */ public static final Border ACTIVE_BORDER = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(MCTGUIResourceBundle.ACTIVE_COLOR, BORDERLINE_SIZE); /** The border to use for an unselected view manifestation. */ public static final Border INACTIVE_BORDER = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(INACTIVE_COLOR, BORDERLINE_SIZE); }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class MCTMutableTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode { /** * A property name to indicate the parent of a tree node. */ public static final String PARENT_CLIENT_PROPERTY_NAME = "parent"; private JTree parentTree; private boolean isProxy = false; private boolean isVisible = true; /** * Creates a new tree node without attaching it to a * parent tree. */ public MCTMutableTreeNode() { super(); } /** * Creates a new tree node that represents the given * user object. * * @param userObject a Swing component that this tree node represents */ public MCTMutableTreeNode(JComponent userObject) { super(userObject); // Add default monitored gui, which is this tree node. if (userObject instanceof View) { ((View) userObject).addMonitoredGUI(this); } } /** * Creates a new tree node within a parent tree, that * represents a specified user object. * * @param userObject a Swing component that this tree node represents * @param parentTree the parent tree for this tree node */ public MCTMutableTreeNode(JComponent userObject, JTree parentTree) { this(userObject); this.parentTree = parentTree; } /** * Creates a new tree node that represents the given * user object. Further, the caller may specify whether * this tree node allows children. * * @param userObject a Swing component that this tree node represents * @param allowsChildren true, if the tree node should allow child nodes */ public MCTMutableTreeNode(JComponent userObject, boolean allowsChildren) { this(userObject); this.setAllowsChildren(allowsChildren); } /** * Creates a new tree node within a parent tree, that * represents a specified user object. * * @param userObject a Swing component that this tree node represents * @param parentTree the parent tree for this tree node * @param allowsChildren true, if the tree node should allow child nodes */ public MCTMutableTreeNode(JComponent userObject, JTree parentTree, boolean allowsChildren) { this(userObject, parentTree); this.setAllowsChildren(allowsChildren); } @Override public void add(MutableTreeNode newChild) { super.add(newChild); View viewManifestation = View.class.cast(DefaultMutableTreeNode.class.cast(newChild).getUserObject()); if (viewManifestation != View.NULL_VIEW_MANIFESTATION) viewManifestation.putClientProperty(PARENT_CLIENT_PROPERTY_NAME, getParentTree()); } /** * Sets whether this tree node is a proxy for another component. * * @param isProxy true, if this is a proxy node */ public void setProxy(boolean isProxy) { this.isProxy = isProxy; } /** * Tests whether this is a proxy node. * * @return true, if this is a proxy node */ public boolean isProxy() { return this.isProxy; } /** * Tests whether this tree node should be visible within the tree. * * @return true, if this node should be shown */ public boolean isVisible() { return this.isVisible; } @Override public TreeNode getChildAt(int index) { if (children == null) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("node has no children"); } return (TreeNode) children.get(index); } @Override public int getChildCount() { if (!isVisible) { return 0; } if (children == null) { return 0; } return children.size(); } //Calls our overridden remove method @Override public void removeAllChildren() { for (int i = super.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { remove(i); } } /** * Remove all child nodes as well as removing registered <code>PropertyChangeListener</code>. * @param listener the registered <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> */ public void removeAllChildren(PropertyChangeListener listener) { for (int i = super.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MCTMutableTreeNode childNode = (MCTMutableTreeNode) getChildAt(i); ((View) childNode.getUserObject()).removePropertyChangeListener(listener); remove(i); } } /** * Gets the parent tree in which this tree node is located. * * @return the parent tree */ public JTree getParentTree() { // When a directory area is created in a new window, only the root node // is associated with the parent tree. Here we use lazy assignment to // to associate the parent tree to the child nodes. if (this.parentTree == null) { this.parentTree = ((MCTMutableTreeNode) this.getRoot()).parentTree; } return this.parentTree; } /** * Sets the parent tree in which the tree node is located. * * @param parentTree the parent tree */ public void setParentTree(JTree parentTree) { this.parentTree = parentTree; } /** * Adds a new child of this node to the data model. * * @param childIndex the index at which to add the new child, or -1 to add at the end * @param childNode the new child node */ private void addChild(int childIndex, MCTMutableTreeNode childNode) { if (childIndex < 0) { childIndex = getChildCount(); } int oldIndex = childIndex; // Adjust the position at which to insert the child, if it // already existed at a position to the left of where we're // going to insert. if (0<=oldIndex && oldIndex<childIndex) { --childIndex; } childNode.setParentTree(getParentTree()); DefaultTreeModel treeModel = (DefaultTreeModel) getParentTree().getModel(); treeModel.insertNodeInto(childNode, this, childIndex); View viewManifestation = View.class.cast(childNode.getUserObject()); viewManifestation.putClientProperty(PARENT_CLIENT_PROPERTY_NAME, getParentTree()); } /** * Adds a child node and registers the <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> to * the view of this child node. * @param index the insert index * @param newNode the child node to be added * @param listener the <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> */ public void addChild(int index, MCTMutableTreeNode newNode, PropertyChangeListener listener) { addChild(index, newNode); ((View) newNode.getUserObject()).addPropertyChangeListener(View.VIEW_STALE_PROPERTY, listener); } /** * Refresh the tree display because of a change in a child node. * * @param childNode the child node that changed */ public void refresh(MCTMutableTreeNode childNode) { childNode.setParentTree(getParentTree()); DefaultTreeModel treeModel = (DefaultTreeModel) parentTree.getModel(); TreePath path = getParentTree().getSelectionPath(); treeModel.insertNodeInto(childNode, this, getChildCount()); if (path != null) { // if the parent node is in the selection path then the refresh can cause the // selected node to be removed from the tree, so reset the selection to the if (Arrays.asList(path).contains(this.getParent())) { getParentTree().setSelectionPath(new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(this.getParent()))); } else { getParentTree().setSelectionPath(path); } } else { path = getPath(this); } getParentTree().collapsePath(path); getParentTree().expandPath(path); } private TreePath getPath(MCTMutableTreeNode node) { List<MCTMutableTreeNode> list = new LinkedList<MCTMutableTreeNode>(); // Add all nodes to list while (node != null) { list.add(node); node = (MCTMutableTreeNode)node.getParent(); } Collections.reverse(list); // Convert array of nodes to TreePath return new TreePath(list.toArray()); } /** * Refresh the tree display of this node. */ public void refresh() { DefaultTreeModel treeModel = (DefaultTreeModel) parentTree.getModel(); treeModel.nodeChanged(this); } /** * Remove a child node from the data model and remove the <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> * associated to the view of the child node. * * @param childNode the child node to remove * @param listener the <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> */ public void removeChild(MCTMutableTreeNode childNode, PropertyChangeListener listener) { DefaultTreeModel treeModel = (DefaultTreeModel) childNode.getParentTree().getModel(); treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(childNode); View viewManifestation = View.class.cast(childNode.getUserObject()); viewManifestation.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); viewManifestation.putClientProperty(PARENT_CLIENT_PROPERTY_NAME, null); } /** * Gets the path to this node in the parent tree. * * @return the path to this node */ public TreePath getTreePath() { return new TreePath(getPath()); } }
public class MCTSplitPaneFactory { private static final String SPLIT_PANE_NAME = "splitPane"; /** * Creates a series of {@link javax.swing.JSplitPane} objects to hold the * given panels, in a horizontal or vertical orientation. If the number * of panels is <em>n</em>, we create <em>n-1</em> instances of <code>JSplitPane</code>. * The first holds the first panel and all the other <code>JSplitPane</code> instances, * and so on recursively. * * @param container the container in which we will place the split panes * @param panels the list of panels to split the container among * @param orientation the orientation, horizontal or vertical * @return a component that contains all the panels, organized into split panes */ public static JComponent createSplitPanes (Container container, List<JPanel> panels, int orientation) { // TODO: Fix this workaround: Ran into a divide by zero condition; so, temporarily // added return statement for new JSplitPane.. if (panels.size() == 0) { JSplitPane splitter = new JSplitPane(); splitter.setOneTouchExpandable(true); instrumentNames(splitter); return splitter; } return createSplitPanes(container, panels, 0, panels.size() - 1, container.getWidth() / panels.size(), orientation); } private static JComponent createSplitPanes(Container container, List<? extends JComponent> components, int start, int end, int divide, int orientation) { if (start == end) return components.get(start); else if (end - start == 1) { JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(orientation, components.get(start), components.get(end)); splitPane.setDividerLocation(divide); splitPane.setContinuousLayout(true); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setBorder(null); instrumentNames(splitPane); return splitPane; } else { int middle = (start + end) / 2; JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(orientation, createSplitPanes(container, components, start, middle, divide, orientation), createSplitPanes(container, components, middle + 1, end, divide, orientation)); splitPane.setDividerLocation(divide * (middle + 1)); splitPane.setContinuousLayout(true); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setBorder(null); instrumentNames(splitPane); return splitPane; } } private static void instrumentNames(JSplitPane splitter) { splitter.setName(UniqueNameGenerator.get(SPLIT_PANE_NAME)); } }
public interface MCTViewManifestationInfo extends Serializable, NamingContext { /** The serial version ID. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 4604437053179587058L; /** A sentinel value indicating that a point variable has not yet been set. */ public final static Point UNDEFINED_POINT = new Point(0, 0); // constants for the Formatting features... /** A flag indicating the left border of a panel. */ public final static int BORDER_LEFT = 0; /** A flag indicating the right border of a panel. */ public final static int BORDER_RIGHT = 1; /** A flag indicating the top border of a panel. */ public final static int BORDER_TOP = 2; /** A flag indicating the bottom border of a panel. */ public final static int BORDER_BOTTOM = 3; /** A flag indicating that a border is a single-line border. */ public final static int BORDER_STYLE_SINGLE = 0; /** A flag indicating that a border is a double-line border. */ public final static int BORDER_STYLE_DOUBLE = 1; /** A flag indicating that a border is a dashed line border. */ public final static int BORDER_STYLE_DASHED = 2; /** A flag indicating that a border is a dotted line border. */ public final static int BORDER_STYLE_DOTS = 3; /** A flag indicating that a border is a mixed, dot-dash border. */ public final static int BORDER_STYLE_MIXED = 4; /* * ----- The interface methods ----- */ /** * Gets the dimensions of the view manifestation. * * @return the manifestation dimensions */ public Dimension getDimension(); /** * Sets the view manifestation dimensions. * * @param dimension the new dimensions */ public void setDimension(Dimension dimension); /** * Gets the upper left point for the view manifestation. * * @return the start point */ public Point getStartPoint(); /** * Sets the upper left point for the view manifestation. * * @param startPoint the new start point */ public void setStartPoint(Point startPoint); /** * Gets the title string to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title of the view manifestation */ public String getPanelTitle(); /** * Gets the title font to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title font of the view manifestation */ public String getPanelTitleFont(); /** * Gets the title font size to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title font size of the view manifestation */ public Integer getPanelTitleFontSize(); /** * Gets the title font style to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title font style of the view manifestation */ public Integer getPanelTitleFontStyle(); /** * Gets the title font underline style to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title font underline style of the view manifestation */ public Integer getPanelTitleFontUnderline(); /** * Gets the title font color to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title font color of the view manifestation */ public Integer getPanelTitleFontForegroundColor(); /** * Gets the title background color to show in the title panel of the view manifestation. * * @return the title background color of the view manifestation */ public Integer getPanelTitleFontBackgroundColor(); /** * Sets the title string for the view manifestation. * * @param title the new title string */ public void setPanelTitle(String title); /** * Sets the title font for the view manifestation. * * @param font the new font string */ public void setPanelTitleFont(String font); /** * Sets the title font size for the view manifestation. * * @param fontSize the new font size */ public void setPanelTitleFontSize(Integer fontSize); /** * Sets the title font sytle for the view manifestation. * * @param fontStyle the new font style */ public void setPanelTitleFontStyle(Integer fontStyle); /** * Sets the title underline style for the view manifestation. * * @param fontStyle the new font underline style */ public void setPanelTitleFontUnderline(Integer fontStyle); /** * Sets the title font color for the view manifestation. * * @param color the new font color */ public void setPanelTitleFontForegroundColor(Integer color); /** * Sets the title background color for the view manifestation. * * @param color the new background color in sRGB */ public void setPanelTitleFontBackgroundColor(Integer color); /** * Gets the type of the view role for this view manifestation. * * @return the view role class */ public String getManifestedViewType(); /** * Sets the view role class for this view manifestation. * * @param viewRoleTypeName the unique identified for this view */ public void setManifestedViewType(String viewRoleTypeName); /** * Tests whether the view manifestation has a border shown. * * @return true, if a border is shown */ public boolean hasBorder(); /** * Tests whether the view manifestation has a border on a given * side. * * @param border the border side value to test * @return true, if the view manifestation has a border on the given side */ public boolean containsBorder(Integer border); /** * Sets whether to show a border in the view manifestation. * * @param showBorder true, if a border should be shown */ public void setHasBorder(boolean showBorder); // formatting aspects of the panel... /** * Gets the border indications for the view manifestation. * * @return a list of border indications */ public List<Integer> getBorders(); // returns which borders are on/off... /** * Sets the border values for the view manifestation. * * @param borderList a list of border values for each border */ public void setBorders(List<Integer> borderList); /** * Remove a given border from the view manifestation. * @param border the border to remove (top, right, bottom, left) */ public void removeBorder(Integer border); /** * Adds a border if it isn't already present. * * @param border the border to add (top, right, bottom, left) */ public void addBorder(Integer border); /** * Gets the border color to use in drawing the borders. * * @return the border color */ public Color getBorderColor(); /** * Sets the color to use in drawing the borders. * * @param newColor the new border color */ public void setBorderColor(Color newColor); /** * Gets the style to use in drawing the borders. * * @return the border style */ public int getBorderStyle(); /** * Sets the style to use in drawing the borders. * * @param newStyle the new border style */ public void setBorderStyle(int newStyle); /** * Tests whether the title panel is displayed. * * @return true, if the title panel is displayed */ public boolean hasTitlePanel(); /** * Sets whether the title panel is displayed. * * @param hasPanel true, if the title panel should be displayed */ public void setHasTitlePanel(boolean hasPanel); /** * Gets the component id of this manifestation info. * * @return the component id */ public String getComponentId(); /** * Sets the component id of this manifestation info. * * @param componentId the component id of this manifestation info */ public void setComponentId(String componentId); /** * Add a property. * * @param property property name * @param value property value */ public void addInfoProperty(String property, String value); /** * Get a property value. * @param property property name * @return property value */ public String getInfoProperty(String property); /** * Check if the manifestation info is dirty. * @return if the manifestation info is dirty. */ public boolean isDirty(); /** * Set the dirty flag of this manifestation info. * @param dirty dirty flag. */ public void setDirty(boolean dirty); /** * Get a named color. The ManifestationInfo is responsible for * deciding if this comes from the UIManager or somewhere else. * @param name the name of the color requested * @return a color which corresponds to the name */ public Color getColor (String name); /** * Gets the nested properties that are owned by this view. * @return the extended properties that are owned by this view */ public List<ExtendedProperties> getOwnedProperties(); }
@XmlType(name = "ManifestInfo") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public final class MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl implements MCTViewManifestationInfo, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8606703540641388677L; private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 150; private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 250; /** The width of the manifested view. */ protected int sizeWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH; /** The height of the manifested view. */ protected int sizeHeight = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; /** The x location of the manifested view. */ protected int startPointX = UNDEFINED_POINT.x; /** The y location of the manifested view. */ protected int startPointY = UNDEFINED_POINT.y; /** Settings for all four borders. */ protected List<Integer> borders; /** The border style to use. */ protected Integer borderStyle; /** The color to use for the borders. */ protected int borderColorRGB; /** If true, the manifested view should be shown with a title bar. */ protected boolean hasTitlePanel = true; /** The title to show in the view title bar. */ protected String panelTitle; /** The title font family to show in the view title bar. */ protected String panelTitleFont; /** The title font size to show in the view title bar. */ protected Integer panelTitleFontSize; /** The title font style to show in the view title bar. */ protected Integer panelTitleFontStyle; /** The title font size to show in the view title bar. */ protected Integer panelTitleFontForegroundColor; /** The title font size to show in the view title bar. */ protected Integer panelTitleFontBackgroundColor; /** The title font text attribute to show in the view title bar. */ protected Integer panelTitleFontTextAttribute; /** The view role type we are manifesting. */ protected String manifestedViewRoleType; private boolean hasBorder = true; private String componentId; private Map<String, String> infoProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<ExtendedProperties> ownedProperties; private transient boolean dirty = false; /** * For jaxb internal use only. */ public MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl() { super(); } /** * Creates new view manifestation information for the given view role type. * * @param viewType * the referenced view type */ public MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl(String viewType) { this.manifestedViewRoleType = viewType; } @Override public Dimension getDimension() { return new Dimension(sizeWidth, sizeHeight); } @Override public void setDimension(Dimension dimension) { this.sizeWidth = dimension.width; this.sizeHeight = dimension.height; } @Override public void setStartPoint(Point p) { startPointX = p.x; startPointY = p.y; } @Override public String getPanelTitle() { return panelTitle; } @Override public String getPanelTitleFont() { return panelTitleFont; } @Override public Integer getPanelTitleFontSize() { return panelTitleFontSize; } @Override public void setPanelTitleFontSize(Integer i) { panelTitleFontSize = i; } @Override public Integer getPanelTitleFontStyle() { return panelTitleFontStyle; } @Override public void setPanelTitleFontStyle(Integer i) { panelTitleFontStyle = i; } @Override public Integer getPanelTitleFontUnderline() { return panelTitleFontTextAttribute; } @Override public void setPanelTitleFontUnderline(Integer i) { panelTitleFontTextAttribute = i; } @Override public Integer getPanelTitleFontForegroundColor() { return panelTitleFontForegroundColor; } @Override public void setPanelTitleFontForegroundColor(Integer s) { panelTitleFontForegroundColor = s; } @Override public Integer getPanelTitleFontBackgroundColor() { return panelTitleFontBackgroundColor; } @Override public void setPanelTitleFontBackgroundColor(Integer s) { panelTitleFontBackgroundColor = s; } @Override public void setPanelTitle(String s) { panelTitle = s; } @Override public void setPanelTitleFont(String s) { panelTitleFont = s; } @Override public String getContextualName() { if (!this.hasTitlePanel()) return null; return getPanelTitle(); } @Override public NamingContext getParentContext() { return null; } @Override public Point getStartPoint() { return new Point(startPointX, startPointY); } @Override public String getManifestedViewType() { return this.manifestedViewRoleType; } @Override public void setManifestedViewType(String viewRoleTypeName) { this.manifestedViewRoleType = viewRoleTypeName; } private transient boolean visited = false; @Override public Object clone() { if (visited) { throw new RuntimeException("cycle detected during clone"); } MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl clonedManifestationInfo = new MCTViewManifestationInfoImpl(); try { visited = true; clonedManifestationInfo.componentId = this.componentId; clonedManifestationInfo.manifestedViewRoleType = this.manifestedViewRoleType; clonedManifestationInfo.sizeWidth = this.sizeWidth; clonedManifestationInfo.sizeHeight = this.sizeHeight; clonedManifestationInfo.startPointX = startPointX; clonedManifestationInfo.startPointY = startPointY; clonedManifestationInfo.hasBorder = this.hasBorder(); clonedManifestationInfo.borderColorRGB = this.borderColorRGB; clonedManifestationInfo.hasTitlePanel = this.hasTitlePanel(); clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitle = this.panelTitle; clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitleFont = this.panelTitleFont; clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitleFontSize = this.panelTitleFontSize; clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitleFontStyle = this.panelTitleFontStyle; clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitleFontTextAttribute = this.panelTitleFontTextAttribute; clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitleFontForegroundColor = this.panelTitleFontForegroundColor; clonedManifestationInfo.panelTitleFontBackgroundColor = this.panelTitleFontBackgroundColor; clonedManifestationInfo.infoProperties.putAll(this.infoProperties); clonedManifestationInfo.ownedProperties = ownedProperties == null ? null : new ArrayList<ExtendedProperties>(ownedProperties.size()); if (ownedProperties != null) { for (ExtendedProperties ep:ownedProperties) { clonedManifestationInfo.ownedProperties.add(ep.clone()); } } } finally { visited = false; } return clonedManifestationInfo; } @Override public boolean hasBorder() { return hasBorder; } @Override public void setHasBorder(boolean setting) { this.hasBorder = setting; } @Override public boolean hasTitlePanel() { return hasTitlePanel; } @Override public void setHasTitlePanel(boolean setting) { hasTitlePanel = setting; } @Override public List<Integer> getBorders() { if (borders == null) { // not initialized yet... borders = new ArrayList<Integer>(); borders.add(BORDER_LEFT); borders.add(BORDER_RIGHT); borders.add(BORDER_TOP); borders.add(BORDER_BOTTOM); } return borders; } @Override public void setBorders(List<Integer> borderList) { this.borders = borderList; } @Override public boolean containsBorder(Integer border) { if (borders == null) { return false; } Iterator<Integer> iter = borders.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer aBorder = iter.next(); if (border.intValue() == aBorder.intValue()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void removeBorder(Integer border) { if (borders != null) { while (borders.contains(border)) { borders.remove(border); } } } @Override public void addBorder(Integer border) { if (borders == null) borders = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (!containsBorder(border)) borders.add(border); setBorders(this.borders); } @Override public Color getBorderColor() { return new Color(borderColorRGB); } @Override public void setBorderColor(Color newColor) { this.borderColorRGB = newColor.getRGB(); } @Override public int getBorderStyle() { if (borderStyle == null) borderStyle = BORDER_STYLE_SINGLE; return borderStyle; } @Override public void setBorderStyle(int newStyle) { this.borderStyle = newStyle; } @Override public String getComponentId() { return componentId; } @Override public void setComponentId(String componentId) { this.componentId = componentId; } @Override public void addInfoProperty(String property, String value) { this.infoProperties.put(property, value); } @Override public String getInfoProperty(String property) { return infoProperties.get(property); } @Override public boolean isDirty() { return dirty; } @Override public void setDirty(boolean dirty) { this.dirty = dirty; } @Override public Color getColor(String name) { return UIManager.getColor(name); } @Override public List<ExtendedProperties> getOwnedProperties() { if (ownedProperties == null) { ownedProperties = new ArrayList<ExtendedProperties>(); } return ownedProperties; } }
public final class MenuExtensionManager implements MenuManager { private static final MCTLogger LOGGER = MCTLogger.getLogger(MenuExtensionManager.class); private static final MenuExtensionManager manager = new MenuExtensionManager(); private final Map<String, List<MenuItemInfo>> map = new HashMap<String, List<MenuItemInfo>>(); /** A private constructor, to enforce the singleton pattern. */ private MenuExtensionManager() { } /** * Gets the singleton instance of the menu extension manager. * * @return the menu extension manager instance */ public static MenuExtensionManager getInstance() { return manager; } /** * Refreshes all extended menus by unregistering all extended * menu actions and then reregistering all those actions from * the given providers. * * @param providers the set of providers of extended menu actions */ public synchronized void refreshExtendedMenus(List<ExtendedComponentProvider> providers) { // Clean up existing extended actions. for (Entry<String, List<MenuItemInfo>> entry : map.entrySet()) { List<MenuItemInfo> infos = entry.getValue(); for (MenuItemInfo info : infos) { if (info.getType() == MenuItemType.SUBMENU) ActionManager.unregisterMenu(info.getMenuClass(), info.getCommandKey()); else ActionManager.unregisterAction(info.getActionClass(), info.getCommandKey()); } } map.clear(); // Add new extended actions. for (ExtendedComponentProvider provider : providers) { try { if (provider.getMenuItemInfos() != null) { for (MenuItemInfo info : provider.getMenuItemInfos()) { registerExtendedMenu(info); } } } catch (Exception e) { // if an exception occurs, log an error for the provider to resolve but // continue through the rest of the providers LOGGER.error("Error occurred while invoking provider: " + provider.getClass().getName() + " from bundle: " + provider.getBundleSymbolicName(), e); } } } /** * Registers a new extended menu item. * * @param info the information describing the new menu item and the associated action */ public void registerExtendedMenu(MenuItemInfo info) { if (info.getType() == MenuItemType.SUBMENU) { ActionManager.registerMenu(info.getMenuClass(), info.getCommandKey()); } else { ActionManager.registerAction(info.getActionClass(), info.getCommandKey()); } String menubarPath = info.getMenubarPath(); List<MenuItemInfo> extendedMenus = map.get(menubarPath); if (extendedMenus == null) { extendedMenus = new ArrayList<MenuItemInfo>(); } extendedMenus.add(info); map.put(menubarPath, extendedMenus); } /** * Gets a list of extended menu items for the given menu path. * * @param menubarPath the path describing the menu path to the items * @return the list of extended menu items at that path */ public List<MenuItemInfo> getExtendedMenus(String menubarPath) { List<MenuItemInfo> list = map.get(menubarPath); return list == null ? Collections.<MenuItemInfo>emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } /** * Returns the <code>JPopupMenu</code> for this <code>MCTViewManifestation</code>. * @param manifestation the manifestation * @return the popup menu */ public JPopupMenu getManifestationPopupMenu(View manifestation) { ActionContextImpl context = new ActionContextImpl(); Container housing = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(MCTHousing.class, manifestation); assert housing instanceof MCTHousing : "All manifestations should be contained in an MCTHousing."; context.setTargetHousing((MCTHousing) housing); Collection<View> selectedManifestations = context.getTargetHousing().getSelectionProvider().getSelectedManifestations(); for (View selectedManifestation: selectedManifestations) { context.addTargetViewComponent(selectedManifestation); } return MenuFactory.createUserObjectPopupMenu(context); } /** * Returns the <code>JPopupMenu</code> applicable for this manifestation when * viewed in the center pane. * @param manifestation the manifestation in the center pane * @return the popup menu */ @Override public JPopupMenu getViewPopupMenu(View manifestation) { ActionContextImpl context = new ActionContextImpl(); context.setTargetComponent(manifestation.getManifestedComponent()); context.setTargetHousing((MCTHousing) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(MCTAbstractHousing.class, manifestation)); return MenuFactory.createViewPopupMenu(context); } }
public final class MenuItemInfo { /** * MCT-supported menu item types. */ public enum MenuItemType { /** Renders the item as a <code>JMenuItem</code>. */ NORMAL, /** Renders the item as a <code>JMenu</code>. */ SUBMENU, /** Renders the item as a <code>JCheckBoxMenuItem</code>. */ CHECKBOX, /** Renders the item as a set of <code>JRadioButtonMenuItems</code>. */ RADIO_GROUP, /** Renders the item as a set of <code>JMenuItems</code>. */ COMPOSITE; } private String menubarPath; private String commandKey; private MenuItemType type; private Class<? extends ContextAwareAction> actionClass; private Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu> menuClass; /** * Create menu item information for the given command key and {@link MenuItemType}. * <p> * This constructor is used when: * <ul> * <li> a menubar path is later provided in {@link ContextAwareMenu#addMenuItemInfos(String, java.util.Collection)} * <li>the actual {@link Class} instance of the {@link ContextAwareAction} is later associated. * </ul> * <p> * <b>Warning:</b> this method is only internally used. * @param commandKey the action command key * @param type the type of the menu item */ public MenuItemInfo(String commandKey, MenuItemType type) { this.commandKey = commandKey; this.type = type; } /** * The constructor that takes a menubar path, command key, {@link MenuItemType}, * and the {@link Class} of a {@link ContextAwareAction}. * @param menubarPath the menubar path of type {@link String} * @param commandKey the command key of type {@link String} * @param type the menu item type of type {@link MenuItemType} * @param actionClass the class instance of a {@link ContextAwareAction} */ public MenuItemInfo(String menubarPath, String commandKey, MenuItemType type, Class<? extends ContextAwareAction> actionClass) { this(commandKey, type); this.menubarPath = menubarPath; this.actionClass = actionClass; } /** * The constructor that takes a menubar path, command key, * and the {@link Class} of a {@link ContextAwareMenu}. * @param menubarPath the menubar path of type {@link String} * @param commandKey the command key of type {@link String} * @param menuClass the class instance of a {@link ContextAwareMenu} */ public MenuItemInfo(String menubarPath, String commandKey, Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu> menuClass) { this(commandKey, MenuItemType.SUBMENU); this.menubarPath = menubarPath; this.menuClass = menuClass; } /** * This method returns the menubar path of this {@link MenuItemInfo}. * @return the menubar path of type {@link String} */ public String getMenubarPath() { return menubarPath; } /** * This method returns the command associated with this {@link MenuItemInfo}. * @return the command key of type {@link String} */ public String getCommandKey() { return commandKey; } /** * This method returns the type of this {@link MenuItemInfo}. * @return the menu item type of type {@link MenuItemType} */ public MenuItemType getType() { return type; } /** * This method returns the associated {@link Class} instance of a * {@link ContextAwareAction}. * @return a {@link Class} instance of the associated {@link ContextAwareAction} */ public Class<? extends ContextAwareAction> getActionClass() { return actionClass; } /** * This method returns the associated {@link Class} instance of a * {@link ContextAwareMenu}. * @return a {@link Class} instance of the associated {@link ContextAwareMenu} */ public Class<? extends ContextAwareMenu> getMenuClass() { return menuClass; } }
public enum MenuItemType { /** Renders the item as a <code>JMenuItem</code>. */ NORMAL, /** Renders the item as a <code>JMenu</code>. */ SUBMENU, /** Renders the item as a <code>JCheckBoxMenuItem</code>. */ CHECKBOX, /** Renders the item as a set of <code>JRadioButtonMenuItems</code>. */ RADIO_GROUP, /** Renders the item as a set of <code>JMenuItems</code>. */ COMPOSITE; }
public final class MenuSection { private String menubarPath; private List<MenuItemInfo> list; /** * Constructor. * @param menubarPath the menubarPath */ public MenuSection(String menubarPath) { this.menubarPath = menubarPath; } /** * @return the menubarPath */ public String getMenubarPath() { return menubarPath; } /** * Adds a MenuItemInfo to this section. * @param info MenuItemInfo */ public void addMenuItemInfo(MenuItemInfo info) { if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<MenuItemInfo>(); boolean found = false; for (MenuItemInfo menuItemInfo : list) { String commandKey = info.getCommandKey(); if (menuItemInfo.getCommandKey().equals(commandKey)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) list.add(info); } /** * @return the list of MenuItemInfo contained in this section */ public List<MenuItemInfo> getMenuItemInfoList() { return list == null ? Collections.<MenuItemInfo>emptyList() : Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } }
public interface NamingContext { /** * Returns the parent context to used for labeling. * @return NamingContext that represents the parent of this context or null if there is no viable parent. */ public NamingContext getParentContext(); /** * Returns a string representing the name used by this labeling context. * @return name that is currently used by this context. */ public String getContextualName(); }
public class OptionBox { // Values copied from JOptionPane, so that code which uses this class doesn't // also need to import JOptionPane. /** No icon is used. */ public static final int PLAIN_MESAGE = JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE; /** Used for error messages. */ public static final int ERROR_MESSAGE = JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE; /** Used for warning messages. */ public static final int WARNING_MESSAGE = JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE; /** Used for questions. */ public static final int QUESTION_MESSAGE = JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE; /** Used for Information messages. */ public static final int INFORMATION_MESSAGE = JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE; /** Type used for <code>showConfirmDialog</code>. */ public static final int OK_CANCEL_OPTION = JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION; /** Return value from class method if YES is chosen. */ public static final int YES_OPTION = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; /** Type used for <code>showConfirmDialog</code>. */ public static final int YES_NO_OPTION = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION; /** Type used for <code>showConfirmDialog</code>. */ public static final int YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION = JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION; /** Return value from class method if user closes window without selecting anything, * more than likely this should be treated as either a <code>CANCEL_OPTION</code> * or <code>NO_OPTION</code>. */ public static final int CLOSED_OPTION = JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; /** Return value from class method if NO is chosen. */ public static final int NO_OPTION = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION; /** Return value from class method if OK is chosen. */ public static final int OK_OPTION = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION; /** Return value from class method if Cancel is chosen. */ public static final int CANCEL_OPTION = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; /** Type meaning Look and Feel should not supply any options -- * only use the options from the <code>JOptionPane</code>. */ public static final int DEFAULT_OPTION = JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION; /** * Brings up an information-message dialog titled "Message". * * @param parentComponent determines the <code>Frame</code> in * which the dialog is displayed; if <code>null</code>, * or if the <code>parentComponent</code> has no * <code>Frame</code>, a default <code>Frame</code> is used * @param message the <code>Object</code> to display * @exception HeadlessException if * <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code> returns * <code>true</code> * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */ public static void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message) throws HeadlessException { showMessageDialog(parentComponent, message, "Message", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } /** * Brings up a dialog that displays a message using a default * icon determined by the <code>messageType</code> parameter. * * @param parentComponent determines the <code>Frame</code> * in which the dialog is displayed; if <code>null</code>, * or if the <code>parentComponent</code> has no * <code>Frame</code>, a default <code>Frame</code> is used * @param message the <code>Object</code> to display * @param title the title string for the dialog * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed: * <code>ERROR_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>INFORMATION_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>WARNING_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>QUESTION_MESSAGE</code>, * or <code>PLAIN_MESSAGE</code> * @exception HeadlessException if * <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code> returns * <code>true</code> * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */ public static void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) throws HeadlessException { showMessageDialog(parentComponent, message, title, messageType, null); } /** * Brings up a dialog displaying a message, specifying all parameters. * * @param parentComponent determines the <code>Frame</code> in which the * dialog is displayed; if <code>null</code>, * or if the <code>parentComponent</code> has no * <code>Frame</code>, a * default <code>Frame</code> is used * @param message the <code>Object</code> to display * @param title the title string for the dialog * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed: * <code>ERROR_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>INFORMATION_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>WARNING_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>QUESTION_MESSAGE</code>, * or <code>PLAIN_MESSAGE</code> * @param icon an icon to display in the dialog that helps the user * identify the kind of message that is being displayed * @exception HeadlessException if * <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code> returns * <code>true</code> * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */ private static void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon) throws HeadlessException { showOptionDialog(parentComponent, message, title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, messageType, icon, null, null); } /** * Brings up a dialog with a specified icon, where the initial * choice is determined by the <code>initialValue</code> parameter and * the number of choices is determined by the <code>optionType</code> * parameter. * <p> * If <code>optionType</code> is <code>YES_NO_OPTION</code>, * or <code>YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION</code> * and the <code>options</code> parameter is <code>null</code>, * then the options are * supplied by the look and feel. * <p> * The <code>messageType</code> parameter is primarily used to supply * a default icon from the look and feel. * * @param parentComponent determines the <code>Frame</code> * in which the dialog is displayed; if * <code>null</code>, or if the * <code>parentComponent</code> has no * <code>Frame</code>, a * default <code>Frame</code> is used * @param message the <code>Object</code> to display * @param title the title string for the dialog * @param optionType an integer designating the options available on the * dialog: <code>DEFAULT_OPTION</code>, * <code>YES_NO_OPTION</code>, * <code>YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION</code>, * or <code>OK_CANCEL_OPTION</code> * @param messageType an integer designating the kind of message this is, * primarily used to determine the icon from the * pluggable Look and Feel: <code>ERROR_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>INFORMATION_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>WARNING_MESSAGE</code>, * <code>QUESTION_MESSAGE</code>, * or <code>PLAIN_MESSAGE</code> * @param icon the icon to display in the dialog * @param options an array of objects indicating the possible choices * the user can make; if the objects are components, they * are rendered properly; non-<code>String</code> * objects are * rendered using their <code>toString</code> methods; * if this parameter is <code>null</code>, * the options are determined by the Look and Feel * @param initialValue the object that represents the default selection * for the dialog; only meaningful if <code>options</code> * is used; can be <code>null</code> * @return an integer indicating the option chosen by the user, * or <code>CLOSED_OPTION</code> if the user closed * the dialog * @exception HeadlessException if * <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code> returns * <code>true</code> * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless */ public static int showOptionDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, Icon icon, Object[] options, Object initialValue) throws HeadlessException { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType, optionType, icon, options, initialValue ); pane.setInitialValue(initialValue); pane.setComponentOrientation(((parentComponent == null) ? JOptionPane.getRootFrame() : parentComponent).getComponentOrientation()); pane.setMessageType(messageType); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); pane.selectInitialValue(); // These two lines are different from JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(). dialog.setModalityType(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(parentComponent); dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.dispose(); Object selectedValue = pane.getValue(); if(selectedValue == null) return JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; if(options == null) { if(selectedValue instanceof Integer) return ((Integer)selectedValue).intValue(); return JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; } for(int counter = 0, maxCounter = options.length; counter < maxCounter; counter++) { if(options[counter].equals(selectedValue)) return counter; } return JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; } }
public class Request { private final long startTime; private final long endTime; /** * Creates a new instance of a request. * @param start time of the request, in Unix epoch time. * @param end time of the request in Unix epoch time. */ public Request(long start, long end) { startTime = start; endTime = end; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof Request && ((Request) obj).endTime == endTime && ((Request) obj).startTime == startTime; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) ((startTime + endTime) % Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Gets the start time. * @return start time of the request. */ public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } /** * Gets the end time. * @return end time of the request. */ public long getEndTime() { return endTime; } @Override public String toString() { return "Request["+getStartTime()+","+getEndTime()+"]"; } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class RowSize implements Serializable { /* * Row key */ private Object rowKey; /** * Gets the key for the row we are storing the row size for. * The row key is used by the caller to remember the row for * which we hold the size. The key is not interpreted by * this class. * * @return the row key */ public Object getRowKey() { return rowKey; } /** * Sets the key for the row we are storing the row size for. * * @param rowKey the key to the row */ public void setRowKey(Object rowKey) { this.rowKey = rowKey; } /* * Row height */ private Integer height; /** * Gets the height of the row we are holding * the height for. * * @return the row height */ public Integer getHeight() { return height; } /** * Sets the row height to a new value. * * @param height the new row height */ public void setHeight(Integer height) { this.height = height; } }
public interface SelectionProvider { /** * Defines the property name when the set of selected manifestations changes. */ public static String SELECTION_CHANGED_PROP = "selectionChanged"; /** * Adds a listener to receive events when the set of selected manifestations * changes. The property name will be {@link SelectionProvider#SELECTION_CHANGED_PROP}. * @param listener to receive events when the selection is changed */ void addSelectionChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); /** * Removes listener. * @param listener to remove. */ void removeSelectionChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); /** * Returns the selected manifestations. * @return currently selected manifestations, the result may be empty but not null */ Collection<View> getSelectedManifestations(); /** * Clears the set of current selections such that calling {@link #getSelectedManifestations()} will return * an empty collection <code>getSelectedManifestations().isEmpty() == true</code>. Selection events must not be fired during * the invocation of this method. */ void clearCurrentSelections(); }