Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| func
stringlengths 33
| target
bool 2
classes | project
stringlengths 82
0 | public class AndroidBuildHookProvider implements ICeylonBuildHookProvider {
private static final class AndroidCeylonBuildHook extends CeylonBuildHook {
public static final String CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX = "ceylonGenerated-";
public static final String ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY = "libs";
public static final String[] ANDROID_PROVIDED_PACKAGES = new String[] {"android.app"};
public static final String[] UNNECESSARY_CEYLON_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES = new String[] {"org.jboss.modules",
boolean areModulesChanged = false;
boolean hasAndroidNature = false;
boolean isReentrantBuild = false;
boolean isFullBuild = false;
WeakReference<IProgressMonitor> monitorRef = null;
WeakReference<IProject> projectRef = null;
private IProgressMonitor getMonitor() {
if (monitorRef != null) {
return monitorRef.get();
return null;
private IProject getProject() {
if (projectRef != null) {
return projectRef.get();
return null;
protected void startBuild(int kind, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map args,
IProject project, IBuildConfiguration config, IBuildContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
try {
hasAndroidNature = project.hasNature("com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AndroidNature");
} catch (CoreException e) {
hasAndroidNature= false;
areModulesChanged = false;
monitorRef = new WeakReference<IProgressMonitor>(monitor);
projectRef = new WeakReference<IProject>(project);
isReentrantBuild = args.containsKey(CeylonBuilder.BUILDER_ID + ".reentrant");
if (hasAndroidNature) {
IJavaProject javaProject =JavaCore.create(project);
boolean CeylonCPCFound = false;
IMarker[] buildMarkers = project.findMarkers(IJavaModelMarker.BUILDPATH_PROBLEM_MARKER, true, DEPTH_ZERO);
for (IMarker m: buildMarkers) {
if (CeylonAndroidPlugin.PLUGIN_ID.equals(m.getAttribute(IMarker.SOURCE_ID))) {
for (IClasspathEntry entry : javaProject.getRawClasspath()) {
if (CeylonClasspathUtil.isProjectModulesClasspathContainer(entry.getPath())) {
CeylonCPCFound = true;
} else {
IPath containerPath = entry.getPath();
int size = containerPath.segmentCount();
if (size > 0) {
if (containerPath.segment(0).equals("com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.LIBRARIES") ||
containerPath.segment(0).equals("com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.DEPENDENCIES")) {
if (! CeylonCPCFound) {
//if the ClassPathContainer is missing, add an error
IMarker marker = project.createMarker(IJavaModelMarker.BUILDPATH_PROBLEM_MARKER);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SOURCE_ID, CeylonAndroidPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, "Invalid Java Build Path for project " + project.getName() + " : " +
"The Ceylon libraries should be set before the Android libraries in the Java Build Path. " +
"Move down the 'Android Private Libraries' and 'Android Dependencies' after the Ceylon Libraries " +
"in the 'Order and Export' tab of the 'Java Build Path' properties page.");
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY, IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LOCATION, "Java Build Path Order");
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, CeylonAndroidPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IResourceStatus.OK,
"Build cancelled because of invalid build path", null));
protected void deltasAnalyzed(List<IResourceDelta> currentDeltas,
BooleanHolder sourceModified,
BooleanHolder mustDoFullBuild,
BooleanHolder mustResolveClasspathContainer,
boolean mustContinueBuild) {
if (mustContinueBuild && hasAndroidNature) {
CeylonBuilder.waitForUpToDateJavaModel(10000, getProject(), getMonitor());
protected void setAndRefreshClasspathContainer() {
areModulesChanged = true;
protected void doFullBuild() {
isFullBuild = true;
protected void afterGeneratingBinaries() {
IProject project = getProject();
if (project == null) {
if (! isReentrantBuild && hasAndroidNature) {
try {
File libsDirectory = project.findMember(ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY).getLocation().toFile();
if (!libsDirectory.exists()) {
Files.walkFileTree(java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(libsDirectory.getAbsolutePath()), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
if (areModulesChanged || isFullBuild ?
path.getFileName().toString().startsWith(CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX) :
path.getFileName().toString().equals(CEYLON_GENERATED_CLASSES_ARCHIVE)) {
try {
} catch(IOException ioe) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Could not delete a ceylon jar from the android libs directory", ioe);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
final List<IFile> filesToAddInArchive = new LinkedList<>();
final IFolder ceylonOutputFolder = CeylonBuilder.getCeylonClassesOutputFolder(project);
ceylonOutputFolder.refreshLocal(DEPTH_INFINITE, getMonitor());
ceylonOutputFolder.accept(new IResourceVisitor() {
public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
if (resource instanceof IFile) {
return true;
if (! filesToAddInArchive.isEmpty()) {
JarPackageData jarPkgData = new JarPackageData();
JarWriter3 jarWriter = null;
try {
jarWriter = new JarWriter3(jarPkgData, null);
for (IFile fileToAdd : filesToAddInArchive) {
jarWriter.write(fileToAdd, fileToAdd.getFullPath().makeRelativeTo(ceylonOutputFolder.getFullPath()));
} finally {
if (jarWriter != null) {
if (isFullBuild || areModulesChanged) {
List<Path> jarsToCopyToLib = new LinkedList<>();
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
List<IClasspathContainer> cpContainers = CeylonClasspathUtil.getCeylonClasspathContainers(javaProject);
if (cpContainers != null) {
for (IClasspathContainer cpc : cpContainers) {
for (IClasspathEntry cpe : cpc.getClasspathEntries()) {
if (cpe.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY) {
Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(cpe.getPath().toOSString());
if (! Files.isDirectory(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) &&
Files.exists(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
boolean isAndroidProvidedJar = false;
for (IPackageFragmentRoot root : javaProject.getAllPackageFragmentRoots()) {
if (javaProject.isOnClasspath(root) &&
cpe.equals(root.getResolvedClasspathEntry())) {
for (String providedPackage : ANDROID_PROVIDED_PACKAGES) {
if (root.getPackageFragment(providedPackage).exists()) {
isAndroidProvidedJar = true;
break providerPackageFound;
if (! isAndroidProvidedJar) {
for (String runtimeJar : CeylonPlugin.getRuntimeRequiredJars()) {
boolean isNecessary = true;
for (String unnecessaryRuntime : UNNECESSARY_CEYLON_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES) {
if (runtimeJar.contains(unnecessaryRuntime + "-")) {
isNecessary = false;
if (isNecessary) {
for (Path archive : jarsToCopyToLib) {
String newName = CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX + archive.getFileName();
if (newName.endsWith(ArtifactContext.CAR)) {
newName = newName.replaceFirst("\\.car$", "\\.jar");
Path destinationPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(project.findMember(ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY).getLocation().toOSString(), newName);
try {
Files.copy(archive, destinationPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Could not copy a ceylon jar to the android libs directory", e);
project.findMember(ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY).refreshLocal(DEPTH_INFINITE, getMonitor());
} catch (Exception e) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Error during the generation of ceylon-derived archives for Android", e);
protected void endBuild() {
areModulesChanged = false;
hasAndroidNature = false;
isReentrantBuild = false;
isFullBuild = false;
monitorRef = null;
projectRef = null;
private static CeylonBuildHook buildHook = new AndroidCeylonBuildHook();
public CeylonBuildHook getHook() {
return buildHook;
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.android.plugin_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_android_plugin_AndroidBuildHookProvider.java |
1 | private static final class AndroidCeylonBuildHook extends CeylonBuildHook {
public static final String CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX = "ceylonGenerated-";
public static final String ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY = "libs";
public static final String[] ANDROID_PROVIDED_PACKAGES = new String[] {"android.app"};
public static final String[] UNNECESSARY_CEYLON_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES = new String[] {"org.jboss.modules",
boolean areModulesChanged = false;
boolean hasAndroidNature = false;
boolean isReentrantBuild = false;
boolean isFullBuild = false;
WeakReference<IProgressMonitor> monitorRef = null;
WeakReference<IProject> projectRef = null;
private IProgressMonitor getMonitor() {
if (monitorRef != null) {
return monitorRef.get();
return null;
private IProject getProject() {
if (projectRef != null) {
return projectRef.get();
return null;
protected void startBuild(int kind, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map args,
IProject project, IBuildConfiguration config, IBuildContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
try {
hasAndroidNature = project.hasNature("com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AndroidNature");
} catch (CoreException e) {
hasAndroidNature= false;
areModulesChanged = false;
monitorRef = new WeakReference<IProgressMonitor>(monitor);
projectRef = new WeakReference<IProject>(project);
isReentrantBuild = args.containsKey(CeylonBuilder.BUILDER_ID + ".reentrant");
if (hasAndroidNature) {
IJavaProject javaProject =JavaCore.create(project);
boolean CeylonCPCFound = false;
IMarker[] buildMarkers = project.findMarkers(IJavaModelMarker.BUILDPATH_PROBLEM_MARKER, true, DEPTH_ZERO);
for (IMarker m: buildMarkers) {
if (CeylonAndroidPlugin.PLUGIN_ID.equals(m.getAttribute(IMarker.SOURCE_ID))) {
for (IClasspathEntry entry : javaProject.getRawClasspath()) {
if (CeylonClasspathUtil.isProjectModulesClasspathContainer(entry.getPath())) {
CeylonCPCFound = true;
} else {
IPath containerPath = entry.getPath();
int size = containerPath.segmentCount();
if (size > 0) {
if (containerPath.segment(0).equals("com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.LIBRARIES") ||
containerPath.segment(0).equals("com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.DEPENDENCIES")) {
if (! CeylonCPCFound) {
//if the ClassPathContainer is missing, add an error
IMarker marker = project.createMarker(IJavaModelMarker.BUILDPATH_PROBLEM_MARKER);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SOURCE_ID, CeylonAndroidPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, "Invalid Java Build Path for project " + project.getName() + " : " +
"The Ceylon libraries should be set before the Android libraries in the Java Build Path. " +
"Move down the 'Android Private Libraries' and 'Android Dependencies' after the Ceylon Libraries " +
"in the 'Order and Export' tab of the 'Java Build Path' properties page.");
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY, IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LOCATION, "Java Build Path Order");
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, CeylonAndroidPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IResourceStatus.OK,
"Build cancelled because of invalid build path", null));
protected void deltasAnalyzed(List<IResourceDelta> currentDeltas,
BooleanHolder sourceModified,
BooleanHolder mustDoFullBuild,
BooleanHolder mustResolveClasspathContainer,
boolean mustContinueBuild) {
if (mustContinueBuild && hasAndroidNature) {
CeylonBuilder.waitForUpToDateJavaModel(10000, getProject(), getMonitor());
protected void setAndRefreshClasspathContainer() {
areModulesChanged = true;
protected void doFullBuild() {
isFullBuild = true;
protected void afterGeneratingBinaries() {
IProject project = getProject();
if (project == null) {
if (! isReentrantBuild && hasAndroidNature) {
try {
File libsDirectory = project.findMember(ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY).getLocation().toFile();
if (!libsDirectory.exists()) {
Files.walkFileTree(java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(libsDirectory.getAbsolutePath()), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
if (areModulesChanged || isFullBuild ?
path.getFileName().toString().startsWith(CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX) :
path.getFileName().toString().equals(CEYLON_GENERATED_CLASSES_ARCHIVE)) {
try {
} catch(IOException ioe) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Could not delete a ceylon jar from the android libs directory", ioe);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
final List<IFile> filesToAddInArchive = new LinkedList<>();
final IFolder ceylonOutputFolder = CeylonBuilder.getCeylonClassesOutputFolder(project);
ceylonOutputFolder.refreshLocal(DEPTH_INFINITE, getMonitor());
ceylonOutputFolder.accept(new IResourceVisitor() {
public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
if (resource instanceof IFile) {
return true;
if (! filesToAddInArchive.isEmpty()) {
JarPackageData jarPkgData = new JarPackageData();
JarWriter3 jarWriter = null;
try {
jarWriter = new JarWriter3(jarPkgData, null);
for (IFile fileToAdd : filesToAddInArchive) {
jarWriter.write(fileToAdd, fileToAdd.getFullPath().makeRelativeTo(ceylonOutputFolder.getFullPath()));
} finally {
if (jarWriter != null) {
if (isFullBuild || areModulesChanged) {
List<Path> jarsToCopyToLib = new LinkedList<>();
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
List<IClasspathContainer> cpContainers = CeylonClasspathUtil.getCeylonClasspathContainers(javaProject);
if (cpContainers != null) {
for (IClasspathContainer cpc : cpContainers) {
for (IClasspathEntry cpe : cpc.getClasspathEntries()) {
if (cpe.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY) {
Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(cpe.getPath().toOSString());
if (! Files.isDirectory(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) &&
Files.exists(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
boolean isAndroidProvidedJar = false;
for (IPackageFragmentRoot root : javaProject.getAllPackageFragmentRoots()) {
if (javaProject.isOnClasspath(root) &&
cpe.equals(root.getResolvedClasspathEntry())) {
for (String providedPackage : ANDROID_PROVIDED_PACKAGES) {
if (root.getPackageFragment(providedPackage).exists()) {
isAndroidProvidedJar = true;
break providerPackageFound;
if (! isAndroidProvidedJar) {
for (String runtimeJar : CeylonPlugin.getRuntimeRequiredJars()) {
boolean isNecessary = true;
for (String unnecessaryRuntime : UNNECESSARY_CEYLON_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES) {
if (runtimeJar.contains(unnecessaryRuntime + "-")) {
isNecessary = false;
if (isNecessary) {
for (Path archive : jarsToCopyToLib) {
String newName = CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX + archive.getFileName();
if (newName.endsWith(ArtifactContext.CAR)) {
newName = newName.replaceFirst("\\.car$", "\\.jar");
Path destinationPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(project.findMember(ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY).getLocation().toOSString(), newName);
try {
Files.copy(archive, destinationPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Could not copy a ceylon jar to the android libs directory", e);
project.findMember(ANDROID_LIBS_DIRECTORY).refreshLocal(DEPTH_INFINITE, getMonitor());
} catch (Exception e) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Error during the generation of ceylon-derived archives for Android", e);
protected void endBuild() {
areModulesChanged = false;
hasAndroidNature = false;
isReentrantBuild = false;
isFullBuild = false;
monitorRef = null;
projectRef = null;
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.android.plugin_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_android_plugin_AndroidBuildHookProvider.java |
2 | Files.walkFileTree(java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(libsDirectory.getAbsolutePath()), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
if (areModulesChanged || isFullBuild ?
path.getFileName().toString().startsWith(CEYLON_GENERATED_ARCHIVES_PREFIX) :
path.getFileName().toString().equals(CEYLON_GENERATED_CLASSES_ARCHIVE)) {
try {
} catch(IOException ioe) {
CeylonAndroidPlugin.logError("Could not delete a ceylon jar from the android libs directory", ioe);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.android.plugin_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_android_plugin_AndroidBuildHookProvider.java |
3 | ceylonOutputFolder.accept(new IResourceVisitor() {
public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
if (resource instanceof IFile) {
return true;
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.android.plugin_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_android_plugin_AndroidBuildHookProvider.java |
4 | public class CeylonAndroidPlugin extends AbstractUIPlugin {
public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.android.plugin";
private static CeylonAndroidPlugin plugin;
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = this;
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = null;
public static CeylonAndroidPlugin getDefault() {
return plugin;
public static void logInfo(String msg) {
plugin.getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.INFO, PLUGIN_ID, msg));
public static void logInfo(String msg, IOException e) {
plugin.getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.INFO, PLUGIN_ID, msg, e));
public static void logError(String msg, Exception e) {
plugin.getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PLUGIN_ID, msg, e));
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.android.plugin_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_android_plugin_CeylonAndroidPlugin.java |
5 | public class BrowserInformationControl extends AbstractInformationControl
implements IInformationControlExtension2, IDelayedInputChangeProvider {
* Tells whether the SWT Browser widget and hence this information
* control is available.
* @param parent the parent component used for checking or <code>null</code> if none
* @return <code>true</code> if this control is available
public static boolean isAvailable(Composite parent) {
if (!fgAvailabilityChecked) {
try {
Browser browser= new Browser(parent, SWT.NONE);
fgIsAvailable= true;
Slider sliderV= new Slider(parent, SWT.VERTICAL);
Slider sliderH= new Slider(parent, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
int width= sliderV.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).x;
int height= sliderH.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).y;
fgScrollBarSize= new Point(width, height);
} catch (SWTError er) {
fgIsAvailable= false;
} finally {
fgAvailabilityChecked= true;
return fgIsAvailable;
* Minimal size constraints.
* @since 3.2
private static final int MIN_WIDTH= 80;
private static final int MIN_HEIGHT= 50;
* Availability checking cache.
private static boolean fgIsAvailable= false;
private static boolean fgAvailabilityChecked= false;
* Cached scroll bar width and height
* @since 3.4
private static Point fgScrollBarSize;
/** The control's browser widget */
private Browser fBrowser;
/** Tells whether the browser has content */
private boolean fBrowserHasContent;
/** Text layout used to approximate size of content when rendered in browser */
private TextLayout fTextLayout;
/** Bold text style */
private TextStyle fBoldStyle;
private BrowserInput fInput;
* <code>true</code> iff the browser has completed loading of the last
* input set via {@link #setInformation(String)}.
* @since 3.4
private boolean fCompleted= false;
* The listener to be notified when a delayed location changing event happened.
* @since 3.4
private IInputChangedListener fDelayedInputChangeListener;
* The listeners to be notified when the input changed.
* @since 3.4
private ListenerList/*<IInputChangedListener>*/fInputChangeListeners= new ListenerList(ListenerList.IDENTITY);
* The symbolic name of the font used for size computations, or <code>null</code> to use dialog font.
* @since 3.4
private final String fSymbolicFontName;
* Creates a browser information control with the given shell as parent.
* @param parent the parent shell
* @param symbolicFontName the symbolic name of the font used for size computations
* @param resizable <code>true</code> if the control should be resizable
* @since 3.4
public BrowserInformationControl(Shell parent, String symbolicFontName,
boolean resizable) {
super(parent, resizable);
fSymbolicFontName= symbolicFontName;
* Creates a browser information control with the given shell as parent.
* @param parent the parent shell
* @param symbolicFontName the symbolic name of the font used for size computations
* @param statusFieldText the text to be used in the optional status field
* or <code>null</code> if the status field should be hidden
* @since 3.4
public BrowserInformationControl(Shell parent, String symbolicFontName,
String statusFieldText) {
super(parent, statusFieldText);
fSymbolicFontName= symbolicFontName;
* Creates a browser information control with the given shell as parent.
* @param parent the parent shell
* @param symbolicFontName the symbolic name of the font used for size computations
* @param toolBarManager the manager or <code>null</code> if toolbar is not desired
* @since 3.4
public BrowserInformationControl(Shell parent, String symbolicFontName,
ToolBarManager toolBarManager) {
super(parent, toolBarManager);
fSymbolicFontName= symbolicFontName;
protected void createContent(Composite parent) {
fBrowser= new Browser(parent, SWT.NONE);
Display display= getShell().getDisplay();
fBrowser.addProgressListener(new ProgressAdapter() {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
fCompleted= true;
fBrowser.addOpenWindowListener(new OpenWindowListener() {
public void open(WindowEvent event) {
event.required= true; // Cancel opening of new windows
// Replace browser's built-in context menu with none
fBrowser.setMenu(new Menu(getShell(), SWT.NONE));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @deprecated use {@link #setInput(Object)}
public void setInformation(final String content) {
setInput(new BrowserInput(null) {
public String getHtml() {
return content;
public String getInputName() {
return "";
* {@inheritDoc} This control can handle {@link String} and
* {@link BrowserInput}.
public void setInput(Object input) {
Assert.isLegal(input == null ||
input instanceof String ||
input instanceof BrowserInput);
if (input instanceof String) {
fInput= (BrowserInput) input;
String content= null;
if (fInput != null)
content= fInput.getHtml();
fBrowserHasContent= content != null && content.length() > 0;
if (!fBrowserHasContent)
content= "<html><body ></html>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
boolean RTL= (getShell().getStyle() & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0;
boolean resizable= isResizable();
// The default "overflow:auto" would not result in a predictable width for the client area
// and the re-wrapping would cause visual noise
String[] styles= null;
if (RTL && resizable)
styles= new String[] { "direction:rtl;", "overflow:scroll;", "word-wrap:break-word;" }; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
else if (RTL && !resizable)
styles= new String[] { "direction:rtl;", "overflow:hidden;", "word-wrap:break-word;" }; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
else if (!resizable)
//XXX: In IE, "word-wrap: break-word;" causes bogus wrapping even in non-broken words :-(see e.g. Javadoc of String).
// Re-check whether we really still need this now that the Javadoc Hover header already sets this style.
styles= new String[] { "overflow:hidden;"/*, "word-wrap: break-word;"*/}; //$NON-NLS-1$
styles= new String[] { "overflow:scroll;" }; //$NON-NLS-1$
StringBuilder buffer= new StringBuilder(content);
HTMLPrinter.insertStyles(buffer, styles);
content= buffer.toString();
* XXX: Should add some JavaScript here that shows something like
* "(continued...)" or "..." at the end of the visible area when the page overflowed
* with "overflow:hidden;".
fCompleted= false;
Object[] listeners= fInputChangeListeners.getListeners();
for (int i= 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
Shell shell= getShell();
if (shell.isVisible() == visible)
if (!visible) {
* The Browser widget flickers when made visible while it is not completely loaded.
* The fix is to delay the call to setVisible until either loading is completed
* (see ProgressListener in constructor), or a timeout has been reached.
final Display display= shell.getDisplay();
// Make sure the display wakes from sleep after timeout:
display.timerExec(100, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
fCompleted= true;
while (!fCompleted) {
// Drive the event loop to process the events required to load the browser widget's contents:
if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
shell= getShell();
if (shell == null || shell.isDisposed())
* Avoids flickering when replacing hovers, especially on Vista in ON_CLICK mode.
* Causes flickering on GTK. Carbon does not care.
if ("win32".equals(SWT.getPlatform())) //$NON-NLS-1$
public void setSize(int width, int height) {
fBrowser.setRedraw(false); // avoid flickering
try {
super.setSize(width, height);
} finally {
* Creates and initializes the text layout used
* to compute the size hint.
* @since 3.2
private void createTextLayout() {
fTextLayout= new TextLayout(fBrowser.getDisplay());
// Initialize fonts
String symbolicFontName= fSymbolicFontName == null ? JFaceResources.DIALOG_FONT : fSymbolicFontName;
Font font= JFaceResources.getFont(symbolicFontName);
font= JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().getBold(symbolicFontName);
fBoldStyle= new TextStyle(font, null, null);
// Compute and set tab width
fTextLayout.setText(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
int tabWidth= fTextLayout.getBounds().width;
fTextLayout.setTabs(new int[] { tabWidth });
fTextLayout.setText(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
protected void handleDispose() {
if (fTextLayout != null) {
fTextLayout= null;
fBrowser= null;
public Point computeSizeHint() {
Point sizeConstraints = getSizeConstraints();
Rectangle trim = computeTrim();
//FIXME: The HTML2TextReader does not render <p> like a browser.
// Instead of inserting an empty line, it just adds a single line break.
// Furthermore, the indentation of <dl><dd> elements is too small (e.g with a long @see line)
TextPresentation presentation= new TextPresentation();
HTML2TextReader reader= new HTML2TextReader(new StringReader(fInput.getHtml()), presentation);
String text;
try {
text= reader.getString();
} catch (IOException e) {
text= "";
finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
fTextLayout.setWidth(sizeConstraints==null ? SWT.DEFAULT : sizeConstraints.x-trim.width);
Iterator<StyleRange> iter = presentation.getAllStyleRangeIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
StyleRange sr = iter.next();
if (sr.fontStyle == SWT.BOLD)
fTextLayout.setStyle(fBoldStyle, sr.start, sr.start + sr.length);
Rectangle bounds = fTextLayout.getBounds(); // does not return minimum width, see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=217446
int lineCount = fTextLayout.getLineCount();
int textWidth = 0;
for (int i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
Rectangle rect = fTextLayout.getLineBounds(i);
int lineWidth = rect.x + rect.width;
if (i==0) {
lineWidth *= 1.25; //to accommodate it is not only bold but also monospace
lineWidth += 20;
textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, lineWidth);
bounds.width = textWidth;
int minWidth = textWidth;
int minHeight = trim.height + bounds.height;
// Add some air to accommodate for different browser renderings
minWidth += 30;
minHeight += 60;
// Apply max size constraints
if (sizeConstraints!=null) {
if (sizeConstraints.x!=SWT.DEFAULT)
minWidth = Math.min(sizeConstraints.x, minWidth + trim.width);
if (sizeConstraints.y!=SWT.DEFAULT)
minHeight = Math.min(sizeConstraints.y, minHeight);
// Ensure minimal size
int width = Math.max(MIN_WIDTH, minWidth);
int height = Math.max(MIN_HEIGHT, minHeight);
return new Point(width, height);
public Rectangle computeTrim() {
Rectangle trim= super.computeTrim();
if (isResizable() && fgScrollBarSize!=null) {
boolean RTL= (getShell().getStyle() & SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) != 0;
if (RTL) {
trim.x-= fgScrollBarSize.x;
trim.width+= fgScrollBarSize.x;
trim.height+= fgScrollBarSize.y;
return trim;
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be
* notified when the current location has changed or is about to change.
* @param listener the location listener
* @since 3.4
public void addLocationListener(LocationListener listener) {
public void setForegroundColor(Color foreground) {
public void setBackgroundColor(Color background) {
public boolean hasContents() {
return fBrowserHasContent;
* Adds a listener for input changes to this input change provider.
* Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
* @param inputChangeListener the listener to add
* @since 3.4
public void addInputChangeListener(IInputChangedListener inputChangeListener) {
* Removes the given input change listener from this input change provider.
* Has no effect if an identical listener is not registered.
* @param inputChangeListener the listener to remove
* @since 3.4
public void removeInputChangeListener(IInputChangedListener inputChangeListener) {
public void setDelayedInputChangeListener(IInputChangedListener inputChangeListener) {
fDelayedInputChangeListener= inputChangeListener;
* Tells whether a delayed input change listener is registered.
* @return <code>true</code> iff a delayed input change
* listener is currently registered
* @since 3.4
public boolean hasDelayedInputChangeListener() {
return fDelayedInputChangeListener != null;
* Notifies listeners of a delayed input change.
* @param newInput the new input, or <code>null</code> to request cancellation
* @since 3.4
public void notifyDelayedInputChange(Object newInput) {
if (fDelayedInputChangeListener != null)
public String toString() {
String style= (getShell().getStyle() & SWT.RESIZE) == 0 ? "fixed" : "resizeable"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return super.toString() + " - style: " + style; //$NON-NLS-1$
* @return the current browser input or <code>null</code>
public BrowserInput getInput() {
return fInput;
public Point computeSizeConstraints(int widthInChars, int heightInChars) {
if (fSymbolicFontName == null)
return null;
GC gc= new GC(fBrowser);
Font font= fSymbolicFontName == null ? JFaceResources.getDialogFont() : JFaceResources.getFont(fSymbolicFontName);
int width= gc.getFontMetrics().getAverageCharWidth();
int height= gc.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
return new Point(widthInChars * width, heightInChars * height);
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInformationControl.java |
6 | fBrowser.addProgressListener(new ProgressAdapter() {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
fCompleted= true;
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInformationControl.java |
7 | fBrowser.addOpenWindowListener(new OpenWindowListener() {
public void open(WindowEvent event) {
event.required= true; // Cancel opening of new windows
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInformationControl.java |
8 | setInput(new BrowserInput(null) {
public String getHtml() {
return content;
public String getInputName() {
return "";
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInformationControl.java |
9 | display.timerExec(100, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
fCompleted= true;
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInformationControl.java |
10 | public abstract class BrowserInput {
private final BrowserInput fPrevious;
private BrowserInput fNext;
* Create a new Browser input.
* @param previous the input previous to this or <code>null</code> if this is the first
public BrowserInput(BrowserInput previous) {
fPrevious= previous;
if (previous != null)
previous.fNext= this;
* The previous input or <code>null</code> if this
* is the first.
* @return the previous input or <code>null</code>
public BrowserInput getPrevious() {
return fPrevious;
* The next input or <code>null</code> if this
* is the last.
* @return the next input or <code>null</code>
public BrowserInput getNext() {
return fNext;
* @return the HTML contents
public abstract String getHtml();
* A human readable name for the input.
* @return the input name
public abstract String getInputName();
* Returns the HTML from {@link #getHtml()}.
* This is a fallback mode for platforms where the {@link BrowserInformationControl}
* is not available and this input is passed to a {@link DefaultInformationControl}.
* @return {@link #getHtml()}
public String toString() {
return getHtml();
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_browser_BrowserInput.java |
11 | class BasicCompletionProposal extends CompletionProposal {
static void addImportProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
Declaration dec, Scope scope) {
result.add(new BasicCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
dec.getName(), escapeName(dec), dec, cpc));
static void addDocLinkProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
Declaration dec, Scope scope) {
//for doc links, propose both aliases and unaliased qualified form
//we don't need to do this in code b/c there is no fully-qualified form
String name = dec.getName();
String aliasedName = dec.getName(cpc.getRootNode().getUnit());
if (!name.equals(aliasedName)) {
result.add(new BasicCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
aliasedName, aliasedName, dec, cpc));
result.add(new BasicCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
name, getTextForDocLink(cpc, dec), dec, cpc));
private final CeylonParseController cpc;
private final Declaration declaration;
private BasicCompletionProposal(int offset, String prefix,
String desc, String text, Declaration dec,
CeylonParseController cpc) {
super(offset, prefix, getImageForDeclaration(dec),
desc, text);
this.cpc = cpc;
this.declaration = dec;
public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() {
return getDocumentationFor(cpc, declaration);
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_BasicCompletionProposal.java |
12 | public class CeylonCompletionProcessor implements IContentAssistProcessor {
private static final char[] CONTEXT_INFO_ACTIVATION_CHARS = ",(;{".toCharArray();
private static final IContextInformation[] NO_CONTEXTS = new IContextInformation[0];
static ICompletionProposal[] NO_COMPLETIONS = new ICompletionProposal[0];
private ParameterContextValidator validator;
private CeylonEditor editor;
private boolean secondLevel;
private boolean returnedParamInfo;
private int lastOffsetAcrossSessions=-1;
private int lastOffset=-1;
public void sessionStarted() {
secondLevel = false;
public CeylonCompletionProcessor(CeylonEditor editor) {
public ICompletionProposal[] computeCompletionProposals(ITextViewer viewer,
int offset) {
if (offset!=lastOffsetAcrossSessions) {
returnedParamInfo = false;
secondLevel = false;
try {
if (lastOffset>=0 && offset>0 && offset!=lastOffset &&
!isIdentifierCharacter(viewer, offset)) {
//user typed a whitespace char with an open
//completions window, so close the window
catch (BadLocationException ble) {
if (offset==lastOffset) {
secondLevel = !secondLevel;
lastOffset = offset;
lastOffsetAcrossSessions = offset;
try {
ICompletionProposal[] contentProposals =
offset, viewer, secondLevel, returnedParamInfo);
if (contentProposals!=null && contentProposals.length==1 &&
contentProposals[0] instanceof
InvocationCompletionProposal.ParameterInfo) {
returnedParamInfo = true;
return contentProposals;
catch (Exception e) {
private boolean isIdentifierCharacter(ITextViewer viewer, int offset)
throws BadLocationException {
char ch = viewer.getDocument().get(offset-1, 1).charAt(0);
return isLetter(ch) || isDigit(ch) || ch=='_' || ch=='.';
public IContextInformation[] computeContextInformation(final ITextViewer viewer,
final int offset) {
CeylonParseController cpc = editor.getParseController();
cpc.parse(viewer.getDocument(), new NullProgressMonitor(), null);
return computeParameterContextInformation(offset, cpc.getRootNode(), viewer)
public char[] getCompletionProposalAutoActivationCharacters() {
return editor.getPrefStore().getString(AUTO_ACTIVATION_CHARS).toCharArray();
public char[] getContextInformationAutoActivationCharacters() {
public IContextInformationValidator getContextInformationValidator() {
if (validator==null) {
validator = new ParameterContextValidator(editor);
return validator;
public String getErrorMessage() {
return "No completions available";
public ICompletionProposal[] getContentProposals(CeylonParseController cpc,
int offset, ITextViewer viewer, boolean secondLevel,
boolean returnedParamInfo) {
if (cpc==null || viewer==null ||
cpc.getRootNode()==null ||
cpc.getTokens()==null) {
return null;
cpc.parse(viewer.getDocument(), new NullProgressMonitor(), null);
List<CommonToken> tokens = cpc.getTokens();
Tree.CompilationUnit rn = cpc.getRootNode();
//adjust the token to account for unclosed blocks
//we search for the first non-whitespace/non-comment
//token to the left of the caret
int tokenIndex = Nodes.getTokenIndexAtCharacter(tokens, offset);
if (tokenIndex<0) tokenIndex = -tokenIndex;
CommonToken adjustedToken = adjust(tokenIndex, offset, tokens);
int tt = adjustedToken.getType();
if (offset<=adjustedToken.getStopIndex() &&
offset>adjustedToken.getStartIndex()) {
if (isCommentOrCodeStringLiteral(adjustedToken)) {
return null;
if (isLineComment(adjustedToken) &&
offset>adjustedToken.getStartIndex() &&
adjustedToken.getLine()==getLine(offset,viewer)+1) {
return null;
//find the node at the token
Node node = getTokenNode(adjustedToken.getStartIndex(),
tt, rn, offset);
//it's useful to know the type of the preceding
//token, if any
int index = adjustedToken.getTokenIndex();
if (offset<=adjustedToken.getStopIndex()+1 &&
offset>adjustedToken.getStartIndex()) {
int tokenType = adjustedToken.getType();
int previousTokenType = index>=0 ?
adjust(index, offset, tokens).getType() :
//find the type that is expected in the current
//location so we can prioritize proposals of that
//TODO: this breaks as soon as the user starts typing
// an expression, since RequiredTypeVisitor
// doesn't know how to search up the tree for
// the containing InvocationExpression
ProducedType requiredType =
getRequiredType(rn, node, adjustedToken);
String prefix = "";
String fullPrefix = "";
if (isIdentifierOrKeyword(adjustedToken)) {
String text = adjustedToken.getText();
//work from the end of the token to
//compute the offset, in order to
//account for quoted identifiers, where
//the \i or \I is not in the token text
int offsetInToken = offset-adjustedToken.getStopIndex()-1+text.length();
int realOffsetInToken = offset-adjustedToken.getStartIndex();
if (offsetInToken<=text.length()) {
prefix = text.substring(0, offsetInToken);
fullPrefix = getRealText(adjustedToken)
.substring(0, realOffsetInToken);
boolean isMemberOp = isMemberOperator(adjustedToken);
String qualified = null;
// special handling for doc links
boolean inDoc = isAnnotationStringLiteral(adjustedToken) &&
offset>adjustedToken.getStartIndex() &&
if (inDoc) {
if (node instanceof Tree.DocLink) {
Tree.DocLink docLink = (Tree.DocLink) node;
int offsetInLink = offset-docLink.getStartIndex();
String text = docLink.getToken().getText();
int bar = text.indexOf('|')+1;
if (offsetInLink<bar) {
return null;
qualified = text.substring(bar, offsetInLink);
int dcolon = qualified.indexOf("::");
String pkg = null;
if (dcolon>=0) {
pkg = qualified.substring(0, dcolon+2);
qualified = qualified.substring(dcolon+2);
int dot = qualified.indexOf('.')+1;
isMemberOp = dot>0;
prefix = qualified.substring(dot);
if (dcolon>=0) {
qualified = pkg + qualified;
fullPrefix = prefix;
else {
return null;
Scope scope = getRealScope(node, rn);
//construct completions when outside ordinary code
ICompletionProposal[] completions =
constructCompletions(offset, fullPrefix, cpc, node,
adjustedToken, scope, returnedParamInfo,
isMemberOp, viewer.getDocument(), tokenType);
if (completions==null) {
//finally, construct and sort proposals
Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> proposals =
getProposals(node, scope, prefix, isMemberOp, rn);
Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> functionProposals =
getFunctionProposals(node, scope, prefix, isMemberOp);
Set<DeclarationWithProximity> sortedProposals =
sortProposals(prefix, requiredType, proposals);
Set<DeclarationWithProximity> sortedFunctionProposals =
sortProposals(prefix, requiredType, functionProposals);
completions =
constructCompletions(offset, inDoc ? qualified : fullPrefix,
sortedProposals, sortedFunctionProposals,
cpc, scope, node, adjustedToken, isMemberOp,
viewer.getDocument(), secondLevel, inDoc,
requiredType, previousTokenType, tokenType);
return completions;
private String getRealText(CommonToken token) {
String text = token.getText();
int type = token.getType();
int len = token.getStopIndex()-token.getStartIndex()+1;
if (text.length()<len) {
String quote;
if (type==LIDENTIFIER) {
quote = "\\i";
else if (type==UIDENTIFIER) {
quote = "\\I";
else {
quote = "";
return quote + text;
else {
return text;
private boolean isLineComment(CommonToken adjustedToken) {
return adjustedToken.getType()==LINE_COMMENT;
private boolean isCommentOrCodeStringLiteral(CommonToken adjustedToken) {
int tt = adjustedToken.getType();
return tt==MULTI_COMMENT ||
private static boolean isAnnotationStringLiteral(CommonToken token) {
int type = token.getType();
return type == ASTRING_LITERAL ||
private static CommonToken adjust(int tokenIndex, int offset,
List<CommonToken> tokens) {
CommonToken adjustedToken = tokens.get(tokenIndex);
while (--tokenIndex>=0 &&
(adjustedToken.getType()==WS //ignore whitespace
|| adjustedToken.getType()==EOF
|| adjustedToken.getStartIndex()==offset)) { //don't consider the token to the right of the caret
adjustedToken = tokens.get(tokenIndex);
if (adjustedToken.getType()!=WS &&
adjustedToken.getType()!=EOF &&
adjustedToken.getChannel()!=HIDDEN_CHANNEL) { //don't adjust to a ws token
return adjustedToken;
private static Boolean isDirectlyInsideBlock(Node node,
CeylonParseController cpc, Scope scope,
CommonToken token) {
if (scope instanceof Interface ||
scope instanceof Package) {
return false;
else {
//TODO: check that it is not the opening/closing
// brace of a named argument list!
return !(node instanceof Tree.SequenceEnumeration) &&
occursAfterBraceOrSemicolon(token, cpc.getTokens());
private static Boolean occursAfterBraceOrSemicolon(CommonToken token,
List<CommonToken> tokens) {
if (token.getTokenIndex()==0) {
return false;
else {
int tokenType = token.getType();
if (tokenType==LBRACE ||
tokenType==RBRACE ||
tokenType==SEMICOLON) {
return true;
int previousTokenType = adjust(token.getTokenIndex()-1,
token.getStartIndex(), tokens).getType();
return previousTokenType==LBRACE ||
previousTokenType==RBRACE ||
private static Node getTokenNode(int adjustedStart, int adjustedEnd,
int tokenType, Tree.CompilationUnit rn, int offset) {
Node node = Nodes.findNode(rn, adjustedStart, adjustedEnd);
if (node instanceof Tree.StringLiteral &&
!((Tree.StringLiteral) node).getDocLinks().isEmpty()) {
node = Nodes.findNode(node, offset, offset);
if (tokenType==RBRACE &&
!(node instanceof Tree.IterableType) ||
tokenType==SEMICOLON) {
//We are to the right of a } or ;
//so the returned node is the previous
//statement/declaration. Look for the
//containing body.
class BodyVisitor extends Visitor {
Node node, currentBody, result;
BodyVisitor(Node node, Node root) {
this.node = node;
currentBody = root;
public void visitAny(Node that) {
if (that==node) {
result = currentBody;
else {
Node cb = currentBody;
if (that instanceof Tree.Body) {
currentBody = that;
if (that instanceof Tree.NamedArgumentList) {
currentBody = that;
currentBody = cb;
BodyVisitor mv = new BodyVisitor(node, rn);
node = mv.result;
if (node==null) node = rn; //we're in whitespace at the start of the file
return node;
private static boolean isIdentifierOrKeyword(Token token) {
int type = token.getType();
return type==LIDENTIFIER ||
private static ICompletionProposal[] constructCompletions(final int offset,
final String prefix, final CeylonParseController cpc, final Node node,
final CommonToken token, final Scope scope, boolean returnedParamInfo,
boolean memberOp, final IDocument document, int tokenType) {
final List<ICompletionProposal> result = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>();
if (!returnedParamInfo && atStartOfPositionalArgument(node, token)) {
addFakeShowParametersCompletion(node, cpc, result);
else if (node instanceof Tree.PackageLiteral) {
addPackageCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix, null, node, result, false);
else if (node instanceof Tree.ModuleLiteral) {
addModuleCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix, null, node, result, false);
else if (isDescriptorPackageNameMissing(node)) {
addCurrentPackageNameCompletion(cpc, offset, prefix, result);
else if (node instanceof Tree.Import && offset>token.getStopIndex()+1) {
addPackageCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix, null, node, result,
nextTokenType(cpc, token)!=LBRACE);
else if (node instanceof Tree.ImportModule && offset>token.getStopIndex()+1) {
addModuleCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix, null, node, result,
nextTokenType(cpc, token)!=STRING_LITERAL);
else if (node instanceof Tree.ImportPath) {
new ImportVisitor(prefix, token, offset, node, cpc, result)
else if (isEmptyModuleDescriptor(cpc)) {
addModuleDescriptorCompletion(cpc, offset, prefix, result);
addKeywordProposals(cpc, offset, prefix, result, node, null, false, tokenType);
else if (isEmptyPackageDescriptor(cpc)) {
addPackageDescriptorCompletion(cpc, offset, prefix, result);
addKeywordProposals(cpc, offset, prefix, result, node, null, false, tokenType);
else if (node instanceof Tree.TypeArgumentList &&
token.getType()==LARGER_OP) {
if (offset==token.getStopIndex()+1) {
addTypeArgumentListProposal(offset, cpc, node, scope, document, result);
else if (isMemberNameProposable(offset, node, memberOp)) {
addMemberNameProposals(offset, cpc, node, result);
else {
return null;
else {
return null;
return result.toArray(new ICompletionProposal[result.size()]);
private static boolean atStartOfPositionalArgument(final Node node,
final CommonToken token) {
if (node instanceof Tree.PositionalArgumentList) {
int type = token.getType();
return type==LPAREN || type==COMMA;
else if (node instanceof Tree.NamedArgumentList) {
int type = token.getType();
return type==LBRACE || type==SEMICOLON;
else {
return false;
private static boolean isDescriptorPackageNameMissing(final Node node) {
Tree.ImportPath path;
if (node instanceof Tree.ModuleDescriptor) {
Tree.ModuleDescriptor md = (Tree.ModuleDescriptor) node;
path = md.getImportPath();
else if (node instanceof Tree.PackageDescriptor) {
Tree.PackageDescriptor pd = (Tree.PackageDescriptor) node;
path = pd.getImportPath();
else {
return false;
return path==null ||
private static boolean isMemberNameProposable(int offset, Node node,
boolean memberOp) {
return !memberOp &&
node.getEndToken()!=null &&
private static ICompletionProposal[] constructCompletions(final int offset,
final String prefix, Set<DeclarationWithProximity> sortedProposals,
Set<DeclarationWithProximity> sortedFunctionProposals,
CeylonParseController cpc, Scope scope, Node node, CommonToken token,
boolean memberOp, IDocument doc, boolean secondLevel, boolean inDoc,
ProducedType requiredType, int previousTokenType, int tokenType) {
final List<ICompletionProposal> result = new ArrayList<ICompletionProposal>();
OccurrenceLocation ol = getOccurrenceLocation(cpc.getRootNode(), node, offset);
if (node instanceof Tree.TypeConstraint) {
for (DeclarationWithProximity dwp: sortedProposals) {
Declaration dec = dwp.getDeclaration();
if (isTypeParameterOfCurrentDeclaration(node, dec)) {
addReferenceProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dec,
scope, false, null, ol);
else if (prefix.isEmpty() && ol!=IS &&
isMemberNameProposable(offset, node, memberOp) &&
(node instanceof Tree.Type ||
node instanceof Tree.BaseTypeExpression ||
node instanceof Tree.QualifiedTypeExpression)) {
//member names we can refine
ProducedType t=null;
if (node instanceof Tree.Type) {
t = ((Tree.Type) node).getTypeModel();
else if (node instanceof Tree.BaseTypeExpression) {
ProducedReference target = ((Tree.BaseTypeExpression) node).getTarget();
if (target!=null) {
t = target.getType();
else if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedTypeExpression) {
ProducedReference target = ((Tree.BaseTypeExpression) node).getTarget();
if (target!=null) {
t = target.getType();
if (t!=null) {
addRefinementProposals(offset, sortedProposals, cpc, scope, node, doc,
secondLevel, result, ol, t, false);
//otherwise guess something from the type
addMemberNameProposal(offset, prefix, node, result);
else if (node instanceof Tree.TypedDeclaration &&
!(node instanceof Tree.Variable &&
((Tree.Variable) node).getType() instanceof Tree.SyntheticVariable) &&
!(node instanceof Tree.InitializerParameter) &&
isMemberNameProposable(offset, node, memberOp)) {
//member names we can refine
Tree.Type dnt = ((Tree.TypedDeclaration) node).getType();
if (dnt!=null && dnt.getTypeModel()!=null) {
ProducedType t = dnt.getTypeModel();
addRefinementProposals(offset, sortedProposals, cpc, scope, node, doc,
secondLevel, result, ol, t, true);
//otherwise guess something from the type
addMemberNameProposal(offset, prefix, node, result);
else {
boolean isMember =
node instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression ||
node instanceof Tree.QualifiedType ||
node instanceof Tree.MemberLiteral &&
((Tree.MemberLiteral) node).getType()!=null;
if (!secondLevel && !inDoc && !memberOp) {
addKeywordProposals(cpc, offset, prefix, result, node, ol, isMember, tokenType);
//addTemplateProposal(offset, prefix, result);
if (!secondLevel && !inDoc && !isMember) {
if (prefix.isEmpty() && !isTypeUnknown(requiredType) &&
node.getUnit().isCallableType(requiredType)) {
addAnonFunctionProposal(offset, requiredType, result);
boolean isPackageOrModuleDescriptor =
isModuleDescriptor(cpc) || isPackageDescriptor(cpc);
for (DeclarationWithProximity dwp: sortedProposals) {
Declaration dec = dwp.getDeclaration();
try {
if (!dec.isToplevel() &&
!dec.isClassOrInterfaceMember() &&
dec.getUnit().equals(node.getUnit())) {
Node decNode = Nodes.getReferencedNode(dec, cpc.getRootNode());
if (decNode!=null && offset<Nodes.getIdentifyingNode(decNode).getStartIndex()) {
if (isPackageOrModuleDescriptor && !inDoc &&
ol!=META && (ol==null || !ol.reference) &&
(!dec.isAnnotation() || !(dec instanceof Method))) {
if (!secondLevel &&
isParameterOfNamedArgInvocation(scope, dwp) &&
isDirectlyInsideNamedArgumentList(cpc, node, token)) {
addNamedArgumentProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dec, scope);
addInlineFunctionProposal(offset, dec, scope, node, prefix, cpc, doc, result);
CommonToken nextToken = getNextToken(cpc, token);
boolean noParamsFollow = noParametersFollow(nextToken);
if (!secondLevel && !inDoc && noParamsFollow &&
isInvocationProposable(dwp, ol, previousTokenType) &&
(!isQualifiedType(node) || dec.isStaticallyImportable())) {
for (Declaration d: overloads(dec)) {
ProducedReference pr = isMember ?
getQualifiedProducedReference(node, d) :
getRefinedProducedReference(scope, d);
addInvocationProposals(offset, prefix, cpc, result,
d, pr, scope, ol, null, isMember);
if (isProposable(dwp, ol, scope, node.getUnit(),
requiredType, previousTokenType) &&
isProposable(node, ol, dec) &&
(definitelyRequiresType(ol) || noParamsFollow ||
dec instanceof Functional)) {
if (ol==DOCLINK) {
addDocLinkProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dec, scope);
else if (ol==IMPORT) {
addImportProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dec, scope);
else if (ol!=null && ol.reference) {
if (isReferenceProposable(ol, dec)) {
addProgramElementReferenceProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result,
dec, scope, isMember);
else {
ProducedReference pr = isMember ?
getQualifiedProducedReference(node, dec) :
getRefinedProducedReference(scope, dec);
if (secondLevel) {
addSecondLevelProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dec,
scope, false, pr, requiredType, ol);
else {
if (!(dec instanceof Method) ||
!isAbstraction(dec) ||
!noParamsFollow) {
addReferenceProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result,
dec, scope, isMember, pr, ol);
if (!memberOp && !secondLevel &&
isProposable(dwp, ol, scope, node.getUnit(), requiredType,
previousTokenType) &&
ol!=IMPORT && ol!=CASE && ol!=CATCH &&
isDirectlyInsideBlock(node, cpc, scope, token)) {
addForProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dwp, dec);
addIfExistsProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dwp, dec);
addIfNonemptyProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dwp, dec);
addTryProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dwp, dec);
addSwitchProposal(offset, prefix, cpc, result, dwp, dec, node, doc);
if (!memberOp && !isMember && !secondLevel) {
for (Declaration d: overloads(dec)) {
if (isRefinementProposable(d, ol, scope)) {
addRefinementProposal(offset, d, (ClassOrInterface) scope,
node, scope, prefix, cpc, doc, result, true);
catch (Exception e) {
if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression ||
memberOp && node instanceof Tree.QualifiedTypeExpression) {
for (DeclarationWithProximity dwp: sortedFunctionProposals) {
Tree.Primary primary =
((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) node).getPrimary();
addFunctionProposal(offset, cpc, primary, result,
dwp.getDeclaration(), doc);
return result.toArray(new ICompletionProposal[result.size()]);
private static boolean isProposable(Node node, OccurrenceLocation ol,
Declaration dec) {
if (ol!=EXISTS && ol!=NONEMPTY && ol!=IS) {
return true;
else if (dec instanceof Value) {
Value val = (Value) dec;
if (val.isVariable() || val.isTransient() ||
val.isDefault() || val.isFormal() ||
isTypeUnknown(val.getType())) {
return false;
else {
switch (ol) {
case EXISTS:
return node.getUnit().isOptionalType(val.getType());
return node.getUnit().isPossiblyEmptyType(val.getType());
case IS:
return true;
return false;
else {
return false;
private static void addAnonFunctionProposal(int offset,
ProducedType requiredType, List<ICompletionProposal> result) {
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
Unit unit = requiredType.getDeclaration().getUnit();
boolean first = true;
char c = 'a';
for (ProducedType paramType: unit.getCallableArgumentTypes(requiredType)) {
if (first) {
first = false;
else {
text.append(", ");
.append(" ")
String funtext = text.toString() + " => nothing";
result.add(new CompletionProposal(offset, "", null, funtext, funtext) {
public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
return new Point(offset + text.indexOf("nothing"), 7);
public Image getImage() {
return CeylonResources.MINOR_CHANGE;
if (unit.getCallableReturnType(requiredType).getDeclaration()
.equals(unit.getAnythingDeclaration())) {
String voidtext = "void " + text.toString() + " {}";
result.add(new CompletionProposal(offset, "", null, voidtext, voidtext) {
public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
return new Point(offset + text.length()-1, 0);
public Image getImage() {
return CeylonResources.MINOR_CHANGE;
private static boolean isReferenceProposable(OccurrenceLocation ol,
Declaration dec) {
return (ol==VALUE_REF || !(dec instanceof Value)) &&
(ol==FUNCTION_REF || !(dec instanceof Method)) &&
(ol==ALIAS_REF || !(dec instanceof TypeAlias)) &&
(ol==TYPE_PARAMETER_REF || !(dec instanceof TypeParameter)) &&
//note: classes and interfaces are almost always proposable
// because they are legal qualifiers for other refs
(ol!=TYPE_PARAMETER_REF || dec instanceof TypeParameter);
private static void addRefinementProposals(int offset,
Set<DeclarationWithProximity> set, CeylonParseController cpc,
Scope scope, Node node, IDocument doc, boolean filter,
final List<ICompletionProposal> result, OccurrenceLocation ol,
ProducedType t, boolean preamble) {
for (DeclarationWithProximity dwp: set) {
Declaration dec = dwp.getDeclaration();
if (!filter && dec instanceof MethodOrValue) {
MethodOrValue m = (MethodOrValue) dec;
for (Declaration d: overloads(dec)) {
if (isRefinementProposable(d, ol, scope) &&
t.isSubtypeOf(m.getType())) {
try {
String pfx = doc.get(node.getStartIndex(),
addRefinementProposal(offset, d, (ClassOrInterface) scope,
node, scope, pfx, cpc, doc, result, preamble);
catch (BadLocationException e) {
private static boolean isQualifiedType(Node node) {
return (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedType) ||
(node instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression &&
((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) node)
private static boolean noParametersFollow(CommonToken nextToken) {
return nextToken==null ||
//should we disable this, since a statement
//can in fact begin with an LPAREN??
//disabled now because a declaration can
//begin with an LBRACE (an Iterable type)
/*&& nextToken.getType()!=CeylonLexer.LBRACE*/;
private static boolean definitelyRequiresType(OccurrenceLocation ol) {
return ol==SATISFIES ||
ol==OF ||
private static CommonToken getNextToken(final CeylonParseController cpc,
CommonToken token) {
int i = token.getTokenIndex();
CommonToken nextToken=null;
List<CommonToken> tokens = cpc.getTokens();
do {
if (++i<tokens.size()) {
nextToken = tokens.get(i);
else {
while (nextToken.getChannel()==HIDDEN_CHANNEL);
return nextToken;
private static boolean isDirectlyInsideNamedArgumentList(
CeylonParseController cpc, Node node, CommonToken token) {
return node instanceof Tree.NamedArgumentList ||
(!(node instanceof Tree.SequenceEnumeration) &&
occursAfterBraceOrSemicolon(token, cpc.getTokens()));
private static boolean isMemberOperator(Token token) {
int type = token.getType();
return type==MEMBER_OP ||
type==SPREAD_OP ||
private static boolean isRefinementProposable(Declaration dec,
OccurrenceLocation ol, Scope scope) {
return ol==null &&
(dec.isDefault() || dec.isFormal()) &&
(dec instanceof MethodOrValue || dec instanceof Class) &&
scope instanceof ClassOrInterface &&
((ClassOrInterface) scope).isInheritedFromSupertype(dec);
private static boolean isInvocationProposable(DeclarationWithProximity dwp,
OccurrenceLocation ol, int previousTokenType) {
Declaration dec = dwp.getDeclaration();
return dec instanceof Functional &&
previousTokenType!=IS_OP && (previousTokenType!=CASE_TYPES||ol==OF) &&
(ol==null ||
ol==EXPRESSION && (!(dec instanceof Class) || !((Class) dec).isAbstract()) ||
ol==EXTENDS && dec instanceof Class && !((Class) dec).isFinal() &&
((Class) dec).getTypeParameters().isEmpty() ||
ol==CLASS_ALIAS && dec instanceof Class ||
ol==PARAMETER_LIST && dec instanceof Method &&
dec.isAnnotation()) &&
dwp.getNamedArgumentList()==null &&
(!dec.isAnnotation() || !(dec instanceof Method) ||
!((Method) dec).getParameterLists().isEmpty() &&
!((Method) dec).getParameterLists().get(0).getParameters().isEmpty());
private static boolean isProposable(DeclarationWithProximity dwp,
OccurrenceLocation ol, Scope scope, Unit unit,
ProducedType requiredType, int previousTokenType) {
Declaration dec = dwp.getDeclaration();
return (ol!=EXTENDS || dec instanceof Class && !((Class) dec).isFinal()) &&
(ol!=CLASS_ALIAS || dec instanceof Class) &&
(ol!=SATISFIES || dec instanceof Interface) &&
(ol!=OF || dec instanceof Class || isAnonymousClassValue(dec)) &&
dec instanceof TypeDeclaration) &&
(ol!=CATCH || isExceptionType(unit, dec)) &&
dec instanceof TypeDeclaration ||
dec instanceof Method && dec.isAnnotation() || //i.e. an annotation
dec instanceof Value && dec.getContainer().equals(scope)) && //a parameter ref
(ol!=IMPORT || !dwp.isUnimported()) &&
(ol!=CASE || isCaseOfSwitch(requiredType, dec, previousTokenType)) &&
(previousTokenType!=IS_OP && (previousTokenType!=CASE_TYPES||ol==OF) ||
dec instanceof TypeDeclaration) &&
private static boolean isCaseOfSwitch(ProducedType requiredType,
Declaration dec, int previousTokenType) {
return previousTokenType==IS_OP &&
isTypeCaseOfSwitch(requiredType, dec) ||
previousTokenType!=IS_OP &&
isValueCaseOfSwitch(requiredType, dec);
private static boolean isValueCaseOfSwitch(ProducedType requiredType,
Declaration dec) {
TypeDeclaration rtd = requiredType==null ?
null: requiredType.getDeclaration();
if (rtd instanceof UnionType) {
for (ProducedType td: rtd.getCaseTypes()) {
if (isValueCaseOfSwitch(td, dec)) return true;
return false;
else {
return isAnonymousClassValue(dec) &&
(rtd==null || ((TypedDeclaration) dec).getTypeDeclaration().inherits(rtd));
private static boolean isTypeCaseOfSwitch(ProducedType requiredType,
Declaration dec) {
TypeDeclaration rtd = requiredType==null ?
null : requiredType.getDeclaration();
if (rtd instanceof UnionType) {
for (ProducedType td: rtd.getCaseTypes()) {
if (isTypeCaseOfSwitch(td, dec)) return true;
return false;
else {
return dec instanceof TypeDeclaration &&
(rtd==null || ((TypeDeclaration) dec).inherits(rtd));
private static boolean isExceptionType(Unit unit, Declaration dec) {
return dec instanceof TypeDeclaration &&
((TypeDeclaration) dec).inherits(unit.getExceptionDeclaration());
private static boolean isAnonymousClassValue(Declaration dec) {
return dec instanceof Value &&
((Value) dec).getTypeDeclaration()!=null &&
((Value) dec).getTypeDeclaration().isAnonymous();
private static boolean isTypeParameterOfCurrentDeclaration(Node node, Declaration d) {
//TODO: this is a total mess and totally error-prone - figure out something better!
return d instanceof TypeParameter && (((TypeParameter) d).getContainer()==node.getScope() ||
((Tree.TypeConstraint) node).getDeclarationModel()!=null &&
((TypeParameter) d).getContainer()==((Tree.TypeConstraint) node)
private static boolean isParameterOfNamedArgInvocation(Scope scope,
DeclarationWithProximity d) {
return scope==d.getNamedArgumentList();
private static ProducedReference getQualifiedProducedReference(Node node,
Declaration d) {
ProducedType pt;
if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) {
pt = ((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) node)
else if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedType) {
pt = ((Tree.QualifiedType) node).getOuterType().getTypeModel();
else {
return null;
if (pt!=null && d.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) {
pt = pt.getSupertype((TypeDeclaration) d.getContainer());
return d.getProducedReference(pt, Collections.<ProducedType>emptyList());
private static Set<DeclarationWithProximity> sortProposals(String prefix,
ProducedType type, Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> proposals) {
Set<DeclarationWithProximity> set = new TreeSet<DeclarationWithProximity>(
new ProposalComparator(prefix, type));
return set;
public static Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> getProposals(Node node,
Scope scope, Tree.CompilationUnit cu) {
return getProposals(node, scope, "", false, cu);
private static Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> getFunctionProposals(Node node,
Scope scope, String prefix, boolean memberOp) {
if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) {
Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qmte =
(Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) node;
ProducedType type = getPrimaryType(qmte);
if (!qmte.getStaticMethodReference() && !isTypeUnknown(type)) {
return collectUnaryFunctions(type,
scope.getMatchingDeclarations(node.getUnit(), prefix, 0));
else if (memberOp && node instanceof Tree.Term) {
ProducedType type = null;
if (node instanceof Tree.Term) {
type = ((Tree.Term) node).getTypeModel();
if (type!=null) {
return collectUnaryFunctions(type,
scope.getMatchingDeclarations(node.getUnit(), prefix, 0));
else {
return emptyMap();
return emptyMap();
public static Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> collectUnaryFunctions(
ProducedType type, Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> candidates) {
Map<String,DeclarationWithProximity> matches =
new HashMap<String, DeclarationWithProximity>();
for (Map.Entry<String,DeclarationWithProximity> e:
candidates.entrySet()) {
Declaration declaration = e.getValue().getDeclaration();
if (declaration instanceof Method && !declaration.isAnnotation()) {
List<ParameterList> pls = ((Method) declaration).getParameterLists();
if (!pls.isEmpty()) {
ParameterList pl = pls.get(0);
List<Parameter> params = pl.getParameters();
if (!params.isEmpty()) {
boolean unary=true;
for (int i=1; i<params.size(); i++) {
if (!params.get(i).isDefaulted()) {
unary = false;
ProducedType t = params.get(0).getType();
if (unary && !isTypeUnknown(t) && type.isSubtypeOf(t)) {
matches.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return matches;
private static Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> getProposals(Node node,
Scope scope, String prefix, boolean memberOp, Tree.CompilationUnit cu) {
Unit unit = node.getUnit();
if (node instanceof MemberLiteral) { //this case is rather ugly!
Tree.StaticType mlt = ((Tree.MemberLiteral) node).getType();
if (mlt!=null) {
ProducedType type = mlt.getTypeModel();
if (type!=null) {
return type.resolveAliases().getDeclaration()
.getMatchingMemberDeclarations(unit, scope, prefix, 0);
else {
return emptyMap();
if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) {
Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qmte =
(Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) node;
ProducedType type = getPrimaryType(qmte);
if (qmte.getStaticMethodReference()) {
type = unit.getCallableReturnType(type);
if (type!=null) {
return type.resolveAliases().getDeclaration()
.getMatchingMemberDeclarations(unit, scope, prefix, 0);
else if (qmte.getPrimary() instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) {
//it might be a qualified type or even a static method reference
Declaration pmte = ((Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) qmte.getPrimary())
if (pmte instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
type = ((TypeDeclaration) pmte).getType();
if (type!=null) {
return type.resolveAliases().getDeclaration()
.getMatchingMemberDeclarations(unit, scope, prefix, 0);
return emptyMap();
else if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedType) {
ProducedType type =
((Tree.QualifiedType) node).getOuterType().getTypeModel();
if (type!=null) {
return type.resolveAliases().getDeclaration()
.getMatchingMemberDeclarations(unit, scope, prefix, 0);
else {
return emptyMap();
else if (memberOp &&
(node instanceof Tree.Term ||
node instanceof Tree.DocLink)) {
ProducedType type = null;
if (node instanceof Tree.DocLink) {
Declaration d = ((Tree.DocLink)node).getBase();
if (d != null) {
type = getResultType(d);
if (type == null) {
type = d.getReference().getFullType();
// else if (node instanceof Tree.StringLiteral) {
// type = null;
// }
else if (node instanceof Tree.Term) {
type = ((Tree.Term)node).getTypeModel();
if (type!=null) {
return type.resolveAliases().getDeclaration()
.getMatchingMemberDeclarations(unit, scope, prefix, 0);
else {
return emptyMap();
else {
if (scope instanceof ImportList) {
return ((ImportList) scope).getMatchingDeclarations(unit, prefix, 0);
else {
return scope==null ? //a null scope occurs when we have not finished parsing the file
getUnparsedProposals(cu, prefix) :
scope.getMatchingDeclarations(unit, prefix, 0);
private static ProducedType getPrimaryType(Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qme) {
ProducedType type = qme.getPrimary().getTypeModel();
if (type==null) {
return null;
else if (qme.getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.SafeMemberOp) {
return qme.getUnit().getDefiniteType(type);
else if (qme.getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.SpreadOp) {
return qme.getUnit().getIteratedType(type);
else {
return type;
private static Map<String, DeclarationWithProximity> getUnparsedProposals(Node node,
String prefix) {
if (node == null) {
return newEmptyProposals();
Unit unit = node.getUnit();
if (unit == null) {
return newEmptyProposals();
Package pkg = unit.getPackage();
if (pkg == null) {
return newEmptyProposals();
return pkg.getModule().getAvailableDeclarations(prefix);
private static TreeMap<String, DeclarationWithProximity> newEmptyProposals() {
return new TreeMap<String,DeclarationWithProximity>();
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CeylonCompletionProcessor.java |
13 | result.add(new CompletionProposal(offset, "", null, funtext, funtext) {
public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
return new Point(offset + text.indexOf("nothing"), 7);
public Image getImage() {
return CeylonResources.MINOR_CHANGE;
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CeylonCompletionProcessor.java |
14 | class BodyVisitor extends Visitor {
Node node, currentBody, result;
BodyVisitor(Node node, Node root) {
this.node = node;
currentBody = root;
public void visitAny(Node that) {
if (that==node) {
result = currentBody;
else {
Node cb = currentBody;
if (that instanceof Tree.Body) {
currentBody = that;
if (that instanceof Tree.NamedArgumentList) {
currentBody = that;
currentBody = cb;
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CeylonCompletionProcessor.java |
15 | result.add(new CompletionProposal(offset, "", null, voidtext, voidtext) {
public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
return new Point(offset + text.length()-1, 0);
public Image getImage() {
return CeylonResources.MINOR_CHANGE;
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CeylonCompletionProcessor.java |
16 | public class CodeCompletions {
private static boolean forceExplicitTypeArgs(Declaration d,
OccurrenceLocation ol) {
if (ol==EXTENDS) {
return true;
else {
//TODO: this is a pretty limited implementation
// for now, but eventually we could do
// something much more sophisticated to
// guess if explicit type args will be
// necessary (variance, etc)
if (d instanceof Functional) {
List<ParameterList> pls = ((Functional) d).getParameterLists();
return pls.isEmpty() ||
else {
return false;
static String getTextForDocLink(CeylonParseController cpc,
Declaration decl) {
Package pkg = decl.getUnit().getPackage();
String qname = decl.getQualifiedNameString();
// handle language package or same module and package
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
if (pkg!=null &&
|| (unit!=null && pkg.equals(unit.getPackage())))) {
if (decl.isToplevel()) {
return decl.getNameAsString();
else { // not top level in language module
int loc = qname.indexOf("::");
if (loc>=0) {
return qname.substring(loc + 2);
else {
return qname;
else {
return qname;
public static String getTextFor(Declaration dec, Unit unit) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(escapeName(dec, unit));
appendTypeParameters(dec, result);
return result.toString();
public static String getPositionalInvocationTextFor(
Declaration dec, OccurrenceLocation ol,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted,
String typeArgs) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(escapeName(dec, unit));
if (typeArgs!=null) {
else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, ol)) {
appendTypeParameters(dec, result);
appendPositionalArgs(dec, pr, unit, result, includeDefaulted, false);
appendSemiToVoidInvocation(result, dec);
return result.toString();
public static String getNamedInvocationTextFor(Declaration dec,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted,
String typeArgs) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(escapeName(dec, unit));
if (typeArgs!=null) {
else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, null)) {
appendTypeParameters(dec, result);
appendNamedArgs(dec, pr, unit, result, includeDefaulted, false);
appendSemiToVoidInvocation(result, dec);
return result.toString();
private static void appendSemiToVoidInvocation(StringBuilder result,
Declaration dd) {
if ((dd instanceof Method) && ((Method) dd).isDeclaredVoid() &&
((Method) dd).getParameterLists().size()==1) {
public static String getDescriptionFor(Declaration dec, Unit unit) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(dec.getName(unit));
appendTypeParameters(dec, result);
return result.toString();
public static String getPositionalInvocationDescriptionFor(
Declaration dec, OccurrenceLocation ol,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted,
String typeArgs) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(dec.getName(unit));
if (typeArgs!=null) {
else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, ol)) {
appendTypeParameters(dec, result);
appendPositionalArgs(dec, pr, unit, result,
includeDefaulted, true);
return result.toString();
public static String getNamedInvocationDescriptionFor(
Declaration dec, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted, String typeArgs) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(dec.getName(unit));
if (typeArgs!=null) {
else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, null)) {
appendTypeParameters(dec, result);
appendNamedArgs(dec, pr, unit, result,
includeDefaulted, true);
return result.toString();
public static String getRefinementTextFor(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, boolean isInterface,
ClassOrInterface ci, String indent, boolean containsNewline) {
return getRefinementTextFor(d, pr, unit, isInterface, ci,
indent, containsNewline, true);
public static String getRefinementTextFor(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, boolean isInterface,
ClassOrInterface ci, String indent, boolean containsNewline,
boolean preamble) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (preamble) {
result.append("shared actual ");
if (isVariable(d) && !isInterface) {
result.append("variable ");
appendDeclarationHeaderText(d, pr, unit, result);
appendTypeParameters(d, result);
appendParametersText(d, pr, unit, result);
if (d instanceof Class) {
result.append(extraIndent(extraIndent(indent, containsNewline),
.append(" extends super.").append(escapeName(d));
appendPositionalArgs(d, pr, unit, result, true, false);
appendConstraints(d, pr, unit, indent, containsNewline, result);
appendImplText(d, pr, isInterface, unit, indent, result, ci);
return result.toString();
private static void appendConstraints(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, String indent, boolean containsNewline,
StringBuilder result) {
if (d instanceof Functional) {
for (TypeParameter tp: ((Functional) d).getTypeParameters()) {
List<ProducedType> sts = tp.getSatisfiedTypes();
if (!sts.isEmpty()) {
result.append(extraIndent(extraIndent(indent, containsNewline),
.append("given ").append(tp.getName())
.append(" satisfies ");
boolean first = true;
for (ProducedType st: sts) {
if (first) {
first = false;
else {
static String getInlineFunctionTextFor(Parameter p,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, String indent) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
appendNamedArgumentHeader(p, pr, result, false);
appendTypeParameters(p.getModel(), result);
appendParametersText(p.getModel(), pr, unit, result);
if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append(" {}");
else {
result.append(" => nothing;");
return result.toString();
public static boolean isVariable(Declaration d) {
return d instanceof TypedDeclaration &&
((TypedDeclaration) d).isVariable();
static String getRefinementDescriptionFor(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("shared actual ");
if (isVariable(d)) {
result.append("variable ");
appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(d, pr, unit, result);
appendTypeParameters(d, result);
appendParametersDescription(d, pr, unit, result);
/*result.append(" - refine declaration in ")
.append(((Declaration) d.getContainer()).getName());*/
return result.toString();
static String getInlineFunctionDescriptionFor(Parameter p,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
appendNamedArgumentHeader(p, pr, result, true);
appendTypeParameters(p.getModel(), result);
appendParametersDescription(p.getModel(), pr, unit, result);
return result.toString();
public static String getLabelDescriptionFor(Declaration d) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (d!=null) {
appendDeclarationAnnotations(d, result);
appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(d, d.getUnit(), result);
appendTypeParameters(d, result, true);
appendParametersDescription(d, result, null);
return result.toString();
private static void appendDeclarationAnnotations(Declaration d,
StringBuilder result) {
if (d.isActual()) result.append("actual ");
if (d.isFormal()) result.append("formal ");
if (d.isDefault()) result.append("default ");
if (isVariable(d)) result.append("variable ");
public static String getDocDescriptionFor(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(d, pr, unit, result);
appendTypeParameters(d, pr, result, true, unit);
appendParametersDescription(d, pr, unit, result);
return result.toString();
public static StyledString getQualifiedDescriptionFor(Declaration d) {
StyledString result = new StyledString();
if (d!=null) {
appendDeclarationDescription(d, result);
if (d.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) {
Declaration ci = (Declaration) d.getContainer();
result.append(ci.getName(), Highlights.TYPE_ID_STYLER).append('.');
appendMemberName(d, result);
else {
appendDeclarationName(d, result);
appendTypeParameters(d, result, true);
appendParametersDescription(d, result);
if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
if (EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(DISPLAY_RETURN_TYPES)) {
TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (!td.isParameter() &&
!td.isDynamicallyTyped() &&
!(td instanceof Method && ((Method) td).isDeclaredVoid())) {
ProducedType t = td.getType();
if (t!=null) {
result.append(" ∊ ");
appendTypeName(result, t, Highlights.ARROW_STYLER);
/*result.append(" - refines declaration in ")
.append(((Declaration) d.getContainer()).getName());*/
return result;
public static StyledString getStyledDescriptionFor(Declaration d) {
StyledString result = new StyledString();
if (d!=null) {
appendDeclarationAnnotations(d, result);
appendDeclarationDescription(d, result);
appendDeclarationName(d, result);
appendTypeParameters(d, result, true);
appendParametersDescription(d, result);
if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
if (EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(DISPLAY_RETURN_TYPES)) {
TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (!td.isParameter() &&
!td.isDynamicallyTyped() &&
!(td instanceof Method && ((Method) td).isDeclaredVoid())) {
ProducedType t = td.getType();
if (t!=null) {
result.append(" ∊ ");
appendTypeName(result, t, Highlights.ARROW_STYLER);
/*result.append(" - refines declaration in ")
.append(((Declaration) d.getContainer()).getName());*/
return result;
private static void appendDeclarationAnnotations(Declaration d,
StyledString result) {
if (d.isActual()) result.append("actual ", Highlights.ANN_STYLER);
if (d.isFormal()) result.append("formal ", Highlights.ANN_STYLER);
if (d.isDefault()) result.append("default ", Highlights.ANN_STYLER);
if (isVariable(d)) result.append("variable ", Highlights.ANN_STYLER);
public static void appendPositionalArgs(Declaration dec,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
appendPositionalArgs(dec, dec.getReference(),
unit, result, includeDefaulted,
private static void appendPositionalArgs(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
if (d instanceof Functional) {
List<Parameter> params = getParameters((Functional) d,
includeDefaulted, false);
if (params.isEmpty()) {
else {
boolean paramTypes = descriptionOnly &&
for (Parameter p: params) {
ProducedTypedReference typedParameter =
if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) {
if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append("void ");
unit, result,
if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append(" {}");
else {
result.append(" => ")
else {
ProducedType pt = typedParameter.getType();
if (descriptionOnly && paramTypes && !isTypeUnknown(pt)) {
if (p.isSequenced()) {
pt = unit.getSequentialElementType(pt);
if (p.isSequenced()) {
result.append(" ");
else if (p.isSequenced()) {
result.append(descriptionOnly || p.getModel()==null ?
p.getName() : escapeName(p.getModel()));
result.append(", ");
static void appendSuperArgsText(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted) {
if (d instanceof Functional) {
List<Parameter> params = getParameters((Functional) d,
includeDefaulted, false);
if (params.isEmpty()) {
else {
for (Parameter p: params) {
if (p.isSequenced()) {
.append(", ");
private static List<Parameter> getParameters(Functional fd,
boolean includeDefaults, boolean namedInvocation) {
List<ParameterList> plists = fd.getParameterLists();
if (plists==null || plists.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.<Parameter>emptyList();
else {
return CompletionUtil.getParameters(plists.get(0),
includeDefaults, namedInvocation);
private static void appendNamedArgs(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
if (d instanceof Functional) {
List<Parameter> params = getParameters((Functional) d,
includeDefaulted, true);
if (params.isEmpty()) {
result.append(" {}");
else {
boolean paramTypes = descriptionOnly &&
result.append(" { ");
for (Parameter p: params) {
String name = descriptionOnly ?
p.getName() :
if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) {
if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append("void ");
else {
if (paramTypes && !isTypeUnknown(p.getType())) {
result.append(p.getType().getProducedTypeName(unit)).append(" ");
else {
result.append("function ");
unit, result,
if (descriptionOnly) {
result.append("; ");
else if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append(" {} ");
else {
result.append(" => ")
//.append(CeylonQuickFixAssistant.defaultValue(p.getUnit(), p.getType()))
.append("nothing; ");
else {
if (p==params.get(params.size()-1) &&
!isTypeUnknown(p.getType()) &&
unit.isIterableParameterType(p.getType())) {
// result.append(" ");
else {
if (descriptionOnly && paramTypes && !isTypeUnknown(p.getType())) {
result.append(p.getType().getProducedTypeName(unit)).append(" ");
.append(" = ")
//.append(CeylonQuickFixAssistant.defaultValue(p.getUnit(), p.getType()))
.append("; ");
private static void appendTypeParameters(Declaration d,
StringBuilder result) {
appendTypeParameters(d, result, false);
private static void appendTypeParameters(Declaration d,
StringBuilder result, boolean variances) {
if (d instanceof Generic) {
List<TypeParameter> types =
((Generic) d).getTypeParameters();
if (!types.isEmpty()) {
for (TypeParameter tp: types) {
if (variances) {
if (tp.isCovariant()) {
result.append("out ");
if (tp.isContravariant()) {
result.append("in ");
result.append(tp.getName()).append(", ");
private static void appendTypeParameters(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, StringBuilder result,
boolean variances, Unit unit) {
if (d instanceof Generic) {
List<TypeParameter> types =
((Generic) d).getTypeParameters();
if (!types.isEmpty()) {
boolean first = true;
for (TypeParameter tp: types) {
if (first) {
first = false;
else {
result.append(", ");
ProducedType arg = pr==null ?
null : pr.getTypeArguments().get(tp);
if (arg == null) {
if (variances) {
if (tp.isCovariant()) {
result.append("out ");
if (tp.isContravariant()) {
result.append("in ");
else {
if (pr instanceof ProducedType) {
if (variances) {
SiteVariance variance =
((ProducedType) pr).getVarianceOverrides().get(tp);
if (variance==SiteVariance.IN) {
result.append("in ");
if (variance==SiteVariance.OUT) {
result.append("out ");
private static void appendTypeParameters(Declaration d,
StyledString result, boolean variances) {
if (d instanceof Generic) {
List<TypeParameter> types =
((Generic) d).getTypeParameters();
if (!types.isEmpty()) {
int len = types.size(), i = 0;
for (TypeParameter tp: types) {
if (variances) {
if (tp.isCovariant()) {
result.append("out ", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
if (tp.isContravariant()) {
result.append("in ", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
result.append(tp.getName(), Highlights.TYPE_STYLER);
if (++i<len) result.append(", ");
private static void appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(Declaration d,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result) {
appendDeclarationHeader(d, null, unit, result, true);
private static void appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) {
appendDeclarationHeader(d, pr, unit, result, true);
private static void appendDeclarationHeaderText(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) {
appendDeclarationHeader(d, pr, unit, result, false);
private static void appendDeclarationHeader(Declaration d,
ProducedReference pr, Unit unit,
StringBuilder result,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
if (d instanceof Class) {
if (d.isAnonymous()) {
else {
else if (d instanceof Interface) {
else if (d instanceof TypeAlias) {
else if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d;
boolean isSequenced = d.isParameter() &&
((MethodOrValue) d).getInitializerParameter()
ProducedType type;
if (pr == null) {
type = td.getType();
else {
type = pr.getType();
if (isSequenced && type!=null) {
type = unit.getIteratedType(type);
if (type==null) {
type = new UnknownType(unit).getType();
String typeName = type.getProducedTypeName(unit);
if (td.isDynamicallyTyped()) {
else if (td instanceof Value &&
type.getDeclaration().isAnonymous()) {
else if (d instanceof Method) {
if (((Functional) d).isDeclaredVoid()) {
else {
else {
if (isSequenced) {
if (((MethodOrValue) d).getInitializerParameter()
.isAtLeastOne()) {
else {
result.append(" ")
.append(descriptionOnly ?
d.getName() : escapeName(d));
private static void appendNamedArgumentHeader(Parameter p,
ProducedReference pr, StringBuilder result,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) {
Functional fp = (Functional) p.getModel();
result.append(fp.isDeclaredVoid() ? "void" : "function");
else {
result.append(" ")
.append(descriptionOnly ?
p.getName() : escapeName(p.getModel()));
private static void appendDeclarationDescription(Declaration d,
StyledString result) {
if (d instanceof Class) {
if (d.isAnonymous()) {
result.append("object", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else {
result.append("class", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (d instanceof Interface) {
result.append("interface", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (d instanceof TypeAlias) {
result.append("alias", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (d.isParameter()) {
TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d;
ProducedType type = td.getType();
if (td.isDynamicallyTyped()) {
result.append("dynamic", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (type!=null) {
boolean isSequenced = //d.isParameter() &&
((MethodOrValue) d).getInitializerParameter()
if (isSequenced) {
type = d.getUnit().getIteratedType(type);
/*if (td instanceof Value &&
td.getTypeDeclaration().isAnonymous()) {
result.append("object", KW_STYLER);
else*/ if (d instanceof Method) {
if (((Functional)d).isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append("void", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else {
appendTypeName(result, type);
else {
appendTypeName(result, type);
if (isSequenced) {
else if (d instanceof Value) {
Value v = (Value) d;
if (v.isDynamicallyTyped()) {
result.append("dynamic", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (v.getTypeDeclaration()!=null &&
v.getTypeDeclaration().isAnonymous()) {
result.append("object", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else {
result.append("value", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (d instanceof Method) {
Method m = (Method) d;
if (m.isDynamicallyTyped()) {
result.append("dynamic", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (m.isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append("void", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else {
result.append("function", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
else if (d instanceof Setter) {
result.append("assign", Highlights.KW_STYLER);
result.append(" ");
private static void appendMemberName(Declaration d, StyledString result) {
String name = d.getName();
if (name != null) {
if (d instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
result.append(name, Highlights.TYPE_STYLER);
else {
result.append(name, Highlights.MEMBER_STYLER);
private static void appendDeclarationName(Declaration d, StyledString result) {
String name = d.getName();
if (name != null) {
if (d instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
result.append(name, Highlights.TYPE_STYLER);
else {
result.append(name, Highlights.ID_STYLER);
/*private static void appendPackage(Declaration d, StringBuilder result) {
if (d.isToplevel()) {
result.append(" - ").append(getPackageLabel(d));
if (d.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) {
result.append(" - ");
ClassOrInterface td = (ClassOrInterface) d.getContainer();
result.append( td.getName() );
appendPackage(td, result);
private static void appendImplText(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
boolean isInterface, Unit unit, String indent, StringBuilder result,
ClassOrInterface ci) {
if (d instanceof Method) {
if (ci!=null && !ci.isAnonymous()) {
if (d.getName().equals("equals")) {
List<ParameterList> pl = ((Method) d).getParameterLists();
if (!pl.isEmpty()) {
List<Parameter> ps = pl.get(0).getParameters();
if (!ps.isEmpty()) {
appendEqualsImpl(unit, indent, result, ci, ps);
if (!d.isFormal()) {
result.append(" => super.").append(d.getName());
appendSuperArgsText(d, pr, unit, result, true);
else {
if (((Functional) d).isDeclaredVoid()) {
result.append(" {}");
else {
result.append(" => nothing;");
else if (d instanceof Value) {
if (ci!=null && !ci.isAnonymous()) {
if (d.getName().equals("hash")) {
appendHashImpl(unit, indent, result, ci);
if (isInterface/*||d.isParameter()*/) {
//interfaces can't have references,
//so generate a setter for variables
if (d.isFormal()) {
result.append(" => nothing;");
else {
result.append(" => super.")
if (isVariable(d)) {
.append("assign ").append(d.getName())
.append(" {}");
else {
//we can have a references, so use = instead
//of => for variables
String arrow = isVariable(d) ? " = " : " => ";
if (d.isFormal()) {
else {
else {
//TODO: in the case of a class, formal member refinements!
result.append(" {}");
private static void appendHashImpl(Unit unit, String indent,
StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci) {
result.append(" {")
.append("variable value hash = 1;")
String ind = indent+getDefaultIndent();
appendMembersToHash(unit, ind, result, ci);
result.append("return hash;")
private static void appendEqualsImpl(Unit unit, String indent,
StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci, List<Parameter> ps) {
Parameter p = ps.get(0);
result.append(" {")
.append("if (is ").append(ci.getName()).append(" ").append(p.getName()).append(") {")
.append("return ");
String ind = indent+getDefaultIndent()+getDefaultIndent()+getDefaultIndent();
appendMembersToEquals(unit, ind, result, ci, p);
.append("else {")
.append("return false;")
private static boolean isObjectField(Declaration m) {
return m.getName()!=null &&
m.getName().equals("hash") ||
private static void appendMembersToEquals(Unit unit, String indent,
StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci, Parameter p) {
boolean found = false;
for (Declaration m: ci.getMembers()) {
if (m instanceof Value &&
!isObjectField(m)) {
Value value = (Value) m;
if (!value.isTransient()) {
if (!unit.getNullValueDeclaration().getType()
.isSubtypeOf(value.getType())) {
.append(" && ")
found = true;
if (found) {
else {
private static void appendMembersToHash(Unit unit, String indent,
StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci) {
for (Declaration m: ci.getMembers()) {
if (m instanceof Value &&
!isObjectField(m)) {
Value value = (Value) m;
if (!value.isTransient()) {
if (!unit.getNullValueDeclaration().getType()
.isSubtypeOf(value.getType())) {
result.append("hash = 31*hash + ")
private static String extraIndent(String indent, boolean containsNewline) {
return containsNewline ? indent + getDefaultIndent() : indent;
public static void appendParametersDescription(Declaration d, StringBuilder result,
CeylonParseController cpc) {
appendParameters(d, null, d.getUnit(), result, cpc, true);
public static void appendParametersText(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result) {
appendParameters(d, pr, unit, result, null, false);
private static void appendParametersDescription(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result) {
appendParameters(d, pr, unit, result, null, true);
private static void appendParameters(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean descriptionOnly) {
appendParameters(d, pr, unit, result, null, descriptionOnly);
private static void appendParameters(Declaration d, ProducedReference pr,
Unit unit, StringBuilder result, CeylonParseController cpc,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
if (d instanceof Functional) {
List<ParameterList> plists = ((Functional) d).getParameterLists();
if (plists!=null) {
for (ParameterList params: plists) {
if (params.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
else {
for (Parameter p: params.getParameters()) {
appendParameter(result, pr, p, unit,
if (cpc!=null) {
result.append(getDefaultValueDescription(p, cpc));
result.append(", ");
public static void appendParameterText(StringBuilder result,
ProducedReference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit) {
appendParameter(result, pr, p, unit, false);
private static void appendParameter(StringBuilder result,
ProducedReference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit,
boolean descriptionOnly) {
if (p.getModel() == null) {
else {
ProducedTypedReference ppr = pr==null ?
null : pr.getTypedParameter(p);
appendDeclarationHeader(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result,
appendParameters(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result,
public static void appendParameterContextInfo(StringBuilder result,
ProducedReference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit,
boolean namedInvocation, boolean isListedValues) {
if (p.getModel() == null) {
else {
ProducedTypedReference ppr = pr==null ?
null : pr.getTypedParameter(p);
String typeName;
ProducedType type = ppr.getType();
if (isListedValues && namedInvocation) {
ProducedType et = unit.getIteratedType(type);
typeName = et.getProducedTypeName(unit);
if (unit.isEntryType(et)) {
typeName = '<' + typeName + '>';
typeName += unit.isNonemptyIterableType(type) ? '+' : '*';
else if (p.isSequenced() && !namedInvocation) {
ProducedType et = unit.getSequentialElementType(type);
typeName = et.getProducedTypeName(unit);
if (unit.isEntryType(et)) {
typeName = '<' + typeName + '>';
typeName += p.isAtLeastOne() ? '+' : '*';
else {
typeName = type.getProducedTypeName(unit);
result.append(typeName).append(" ").append(p.getName());
appendParametersDescription(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result);
if (namedInvocation && !isListedValues) {
result.append(p.getModel() instanceof Method ?
" => ... " : " = ... " );
private static void appendParametersDescription(Declaration d, StyledString result) {
if (d instanceof Functional) {
List<ParameterList> plists = ((Functional) d).getParameterLists();
if (plists!=null) {
for (ParameterList params: plists) {
if (params.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
else {
int len = params.getParameters().size(), i=0;
for (Parameter p: params.getParameters()) {
if (p.getModel()==null) {
else {
appendDeclarationDescription(p.getModel(), result);
appendDeclarationName(p.getModel(), result);
appendParametersDescription(p.getModel(), result);
/*result.append(p.getType().getProducedTypeName(), TYPE_STYLER)
.append(" ").append(p.getName(), ID_STYLER);
if (p instanceof FunctionalParameter) {
FunctionalParameter fp = (FunctionalParameter) p;
List<Parameter> fpl = fp.getParameterLists().get(0).getParameters();
int len2 = fpl.size(), j=0;
for (Parameter pp: fpl) {
result.append(pp.getType().getProducedTypeName(), TYPE_STYLER)
.append(" ").append(pp.getName(), ID_STYLER);
if (++j<len2) result.append(", ");
if (++i<len) result.append(", ");
} | true | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CodeCompletions.java |
17 | public class CompletionProposal implements ICompletionProposal,
ICompletionProposalExtension2, ICompletionProposalExtension4,
ICompletionProposalExtension6 {
protected final String text;
private final Image image;
protected final String prefix;
private final String description;
protected int offset;
private int length;
private boolean toggleOverwrite;
public CompletionProposal(int offset, String prefix, Image image,
String desc, String text) {
this.text = text;
this.image = image;
this.offset = offset;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.length = prefix.length();
this.description = desc;
public Image getImage() {
return image;
public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
return new Point(offset + text.length() - prefix.length(), 0);
public void apply(IDocument document) {
try {
document.replace(start(), length(document),
catch (BadLocationException e) {
protected ReplaceEdit createEdit(IDocument document) {
return new ReplaceEdit(start(), length(document),
public int length(IDocument document) {
String overwrite = EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore().getString(COMPLETION);
if ("overwrite".equals(overwrite)!=toggleOverwrite) {
int length = prefix.length();
try {
for (int i=offset;
i<document.getLength() &&
i++) {
catch (BadLocationException e) {
return length;
else {
return this.length;
public int start() {
return offset-prefix.length();
public String withoutDupeSemi(IDocument document) {
try {
if (text.endsWith(";") &&
document.getChar(offset)==';') {
return text.substring(0,text.length()-1);
catch (BadLocationException e) {
return text;
public String getDisplayString() {
return description;
public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() {
return null;
public boolean isAutoInsertable() {
return true;
protected boolean qualifiedNameIsPath() {
return false;
public StyledString getStyledDisplayString() {
StyledString result = new StyledString();
Highlights.styleProposal(result, getDisplayString(),
return result;
public IContextInformation getContextInformation() {
return null;
public void apply(ITextViewer viewer, char trigger, int stateMask,
int offset) {
toggleOverwrite = (stateMask&SWT.CTRL)!=0;
length = prefix.length() + offset - this.offset;
public void selected(ITextViewer viewer, boolean smartToggle) {}
public void unselected(ITextViewer viewer) {}
public boolean validate(IDocument document, int offset, DocumentEvent event) {
if (offset<this.offset) {
return false;
try {
//TODO: really this strategy is only applicable
// for completion of declaration names, so
// move this implementation to subclasses
int start = this.offset-prefix.length();
String typedText = document.get(start, offset-start);
return isNameMatching(typedText, text);
// String typedText = document.get(this.offset, offset-this.offset);
// return text.substring(prefix.length())
// .startsWith(typedText);
catch (BadLocationException e) {
return false;
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CompletionProposal.java |
18 | public class CompletionUtil {
public static List<Declaration> overloads(Declaration dec) {
if (dec instanceof Functional && ((Functional) dec).isAbstraction()) {
return ((Functional) dec).getOverloads();
else {
return Collections.singletonList(dec);
static List<Parameter> getParameters(ParameterList pl,
boolean includeDefaults, boolean namedInvocation) {
List<Parameter> ps = pl.getParameters();
if (includeDefaults) {
return ps;
else {
List<Parameter> list = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
for (Parameter p: ps) {
if (!p.isDefaulted() ||
(namedInvocation &&
p==ps.get(ps.size()-1) &&
p.getModel() instanceof Value &&
p.getType()!=null &&
.isIterableParameterType(p.getType()))) {
return list;
static String fullPath(int offset, String prefix,
Tree.ImportPath path) {
StringBuilder fullPath = new StringBuilder();
if (path!=null) {
return fullPath.toString();
static boolean isPackageDescriptor(CeylonParseController cpc) {
return cpc.getRootNode() != null &&
cpc.getRootNode().getUnit() != null &&
static boolean isModuleDescriptor(CeylonParseController cpc) {
return cpc.getRootNode() != null &&
cpc.getRootNode().getUnit() != null &&
static boolean isEmptyModuleDescriptor(CeylonParseController cpc) {
return isModuleDescriptor(cpc) &&
cpc.getRootNode() != null &&
static boolean isEmptyPackageDescriptor(CeylonParseController cpc) {
return cpc.getRootNode() != null &&
cpc.getRootNode().getUnit() != null &&
cpc.getRootNode().getUnit().getFilename().equals("package.ceylon") &&
public static OccurrenceLocation getOccurrenceLocation(Tree.CompilationUnit cu,
Node node, int offset) {
FindOccurrenceLocationVisitor visitor =
new FindOccurrenceLocationVisitor(offset, node);
return visitor.getOccurrenceLocation();
static int nextTokenType(final CeylonParseController cpc,
final CommonToken token) {
for (int i=token.getTokenIndex()+1; i<cpc.getTokens().size(); i++) {
CommonToken tok = cpc.getTokens().get(i);
if (tok.getChannel()!=CommonToken.HIDDEN_CHANNEL) {
return tok.getType();
return -1;
* BaseMemberExpressions in Annotations have funny lying
* scopes, but we can extract the real scope out of the
* identifier! (Yick)
static Scope getRealScope(final Node node, CompilationUnit cu) {
class FindScopeVisitor extends Visitor {
Scope scope;
public void visit(Tree.Declaration that) {
AnnotationList al = that.getAnnotationList();
if (al!=null) {
for (Tree.Annotation a: al.getAnnotations()) {
Integer i = a.getPrimary().getStartIndex();
Integer j = node.getStartIndex();
if (i.intValue()==j.intValue()) {
scope = that.getDeclarationModel().getScope();
public void visit(Tree.DocLink that) {
scope = ((Tree.DocLink)node).getPkg();
FindScopeVisitor fsv = new FindScopeVisitor();
return fsv.scope==null ? node.getScope() : fsv.scope;
static int getLine(final int offset, ITextViewer viewer) {
int line=-1;
try {
line = viewer.getDocument().getLineOfOffset(offset);
catch (BadLocationException e) {
return line;
public static boolean isInBounds(List<ProducedType> upperBounds, ProducedType t) {
boolean ok = true;
for (ProducedType ub: upperBounds) {
if (!t.isSubtypeOf(ub) &&
!(ub.containsTypeParameters() &&
t.getDeclaration().inherits(ub.getDeclaration()))) {
ok = false;
return ok;
public static List<DeclarationWithProximity> getSortedProposedValues(Scope scope, Unit unit) {
List<DeclarationWithProximity> results = new ArrayList<DeclarationWithProximity>(
scope.getMatchingDeclarations(unit, "", 0).values());
Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<DeclarationWithProximity>() {
public int compare(DeclarationWithProximity x, DeclarationWithProximity y) {
if (x.getProximity()<y.getProximity()) return -1;
if (x.getProximity()>y.getProximity()) return 1;
int c = x.getDeclaration().getName().compareTo(y.getDeclaration().getName());
if (c!=0) return c;
return x.getDeclaration().getQualifiedNameString()
return results;
public static boolean isIgnoredLanguageModuleClass(Class clazz) {
String name = clazz.getName();
return name.equals("String") ||
name.equals("Integer") ||
name.equals("Float") ||
name.equals("Character") ||
public static boolean isIgnoredLanguageModuleValue(Value value) {
String name = value.getName();
return name.equals("process") ||
name.equals("runtime") ||
name.equals("system") ||
name.equals("operatingSystem") ||
name.equals("language") ||
name.equals("emptyIterator") ||
name.equals("infinity") ||
name.endsWith("IntegerValue") ||
public static boolean isIgnoredLanguageModuleMethod(Method method) {
String name = method.getName();
return name.equals("className") ||
name.equals("flatten") ||
name.equals("curry") ||
name.equals("uncurry") ||
name.equals("compose") ||
static boolean isIgnoredLanguageModuleType(TypeDeclaration td) {
String name = td.getName();
return !name.equals("Object") &&
!name.equals("Anything") &&
!name.equals("String") &&
!name.equals("Integer") &&
!name.equals("Character") &&
!name.equals("Float") &&
public static String getInitialValueDescription(final Declaration dec, CeylonParseController cpc) {
Node refnode = Nodes.getReferencedNode(dec, cpc);
Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression sie = null;
String arrow = null;
if (refnode instanceof Tree.AttributeDeclaration) {
sie = ((Tree.AttributeDeclaration) refnode).getSpecifierOrInitializerExpression();
arrow = " = ";
else if (refnode instanceof Tree.MethodDeclaration) {
sie = ((Tree.MethodDeclaration) refnode).getSpecifierExpression();
arrow = " => ";
if (sie==null) {
class FindInitializerVisitor extends Visitor {
Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression result;
public void visit(Tree.InitializerParameter that) {
Declaration d = that.getParameterModel().getModel();
if (d!=null && d.equals(dec)) {
result = that.getSpecifierExpression();
FindInitializerVisitor fiv = new FindInitializerVisitor();
sie = fiv.result;
if (sie!=null) {
if (sie.getExpression()!=null) {
Tree.Term term = sie.getExpression().getTerm();
if (term.getUnit().equals(cpc.getRootNode().getUnit())) {
return arrow + Nodes.toString(term, cpc.getTokens());
else if (term instanceof Tree.Literal) {
return arrow + term.getToken().getText();
else if (term instanceof Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression) {
Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression bme =
(Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression) term;
if (bme.getIdentifier()!=null && bme.getTypeArguments()==null) {
return arrow + bme.getIdentifier().getText();
//don't have the token stream :-/
//TODO: figure out where to get it from!
return arrow + "...";
return "";
public static String getDefaultValueDescription(Parameter p,
CeylonParseController cpc) {
if (p.isDefaulted()) {
if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) {
return " => ...";
else {
return getInitialValueDescription(p.getModel(), cpc);
else {
return "";
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CompletionUtil.java |
19 | Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<DeclarationWithProximity>() {
public int compare(DeclarationWithProximity x, DeclarationWithProximity y) {
if (x.getProximity()<y.getProximity()) return -1;
if (x.getProximity()>y.getProximity()) return 1;
int c = x.getDeclaration().getName().compareTo(y.getDeclaration().getName());
if (c!=0) return c;
return x.getDeclaration().getQualifiedNameString()
}); | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CompletionUtil.java |
20 | class FindInitializerVisitor extends Visitor {
Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression result;
public void visit(Tree.InitializerParameter that) {
Declaration d = that.getParameterModel().getModel();
if (d!=null && d.equals(dec)) {
result = that.getSpecifierExpression();
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CompletionUtil.java |
21 | class FindScopeVisitor extends Visitor {
Scope scope;
public void visit(Tree.Declaration that) {
AnnotationList al = that.getAnnotationList();
if (al!=null) {
for (Tree.Annotation a: al.getAnnotations()) {
Integer i = a.getPrimary().getStartIndex();
Integer j = node.getStartIndex();
if (i.intValue()==j.intValue()) {
scope = that.getDeclarationModel().getScope();
public void visit(Tree.DocLink that) {
scope = ((Tree.DocLink)node).getPkg();
}; | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_CompletionUtil.java |
22 | class ControlStructureCompletionProposal extends CompletionProposal {
static void addForProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Declaration d) {
if (d instanceof Value) {
TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (td.getType()!=null &&
d.getUnit().isIterableType(td.getType())) {
String elemName;
String name = d.getName();
if (name.length()==1) {
elemName = "element";
else if (name.endsWith("s")) {
elemName = name.substring(0, name.length()-1);
else {
elemName = name.substring(0, 1);
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
result.add(new ControlStructureCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
"for (" + elemName + " in " + getDescriptionFor(d, unit) + ")",
"for (" + elemName + " in " + getTextFor(d, unit) + ") {}",
d, cpc));
static void addIfExistsProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Declaration d) {
if (!dwp.isUnimported()) {
if (d instanceof Value) {
TypedDeclaration v = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (v.getType()!=null &&
d.getUnit().isOptionalType(v.getType()) &&
!v.isVariable()) {
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
result.add(new ControlStructureCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
"if (exists " + getDescriptionFor(d, unit) + ")",
"if (exists " + getTextFor(d, unit) + ") {}",
d, cpc));
static void addIfNonemptyProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Declaration d) {
if (!dwp.isUnimported()) {
if (d instanceof Value) {
TypedDeclaration v = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (v.getType()!=null &&
d.getUnit().isPossiblyEmptyType(v.getType()) &&
!v.isVariable()) {
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
result.add(new ControlStructureCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
"if (nonempty " + getDescriptionFor(d, unit) + ")",
"if (nonempty " + getTextFor(d, unit) + ") {}",
d, cpc));
static void addTryProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Declaration d) {
if (!dwp.isUnimported()) {
if (d instanceof Value) {
TypedDeclaration v = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (v.getType()!=null &&
.inherits(d.getUnit().getObtainableDeclaration()) &&
!v.isVariable()) {
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
result.add(new ControlStructureCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
"try (" + getDescriptionFor(d, unit) + ")",
"try (" + getTextFor(d, unit) + ") {}",
d, cpc));
static void addSwitchProposal(int offset, String prefix,
CeylonParseController cpc, List<ICompletionProposal> result,
DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Declaration d, Node node,
IDocument doc) {
if (!dwp.isUnimported()) {
if (d instanceof Value) {
TypedDeclaration v = (TypedDeclaration) d;
if (v.getType()!=null &&
v.getType().getCaseTypes()!=null &&
!v.isVariable()) {
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
String indent = getIndent(node, doc);
for (ProducedType pt: v.getType().getCaseTypes()) {
body.append(indent).append("case (");
if (!pt.getDeclaration().isAnonymous()) {
body.append("is ");
.append(") {}")
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
result.add(new ControlStructureCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
"switch (" + getDescriptionFor(d, unit) + ")",
"switch (" + getTextFor(d, unit) + ")" +
getDefaultLineDelimiter(doc) + body,
d, cpc));
private final CeylonParseController cpc;
private final Declaration declaration;
private ControlStructureCompletionProposal(int offset, String prefix,
String desc, String text, Declaration dec,
CeylonParseController cpc) {
super(offset, prefix, CeylonLabelProvider.MINOR_CHANGE,
desc, text);
this.cpc = cpc;
this.declaration = dec;
public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() {
return getDocumentationFor(cpc, declaration);
public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
return new Point(offset + text.indexOf('}') - prefix.length(), 0);
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_ControlStructureCompletionProposal.java |
23 | public class ControlStructureCompletions {
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_ControlStructureCompletions.java |
24 | class FindOccurrenceLocationVisitor extends Visitor
implements NaturalVisitor {
private Node node;
private int offset;
private OccurrenceLocation occurrence;
private boolean inTypeConstraint = false;
FindOccurrenceLocationVisitor(int offset, Node node) {
this.offset = offset;
this.node = node;
OccurrenceLocation getOccurrenceLocation() {
return occurrence;
public void visitAny(Node that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
//otherwise, as a performance optimization
//don't go any further down this branch
public void visit(Tree.Condition that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = EXPRESSION;
public void visit(Tree.ExistsCondition that) {
if (that.getVariable()==null ?
inBounds(that) :
inBounds(that.getVariable().getIdentifier())) {
occurrence = EXISTS;
public void visit(Tree.NonemptyCondition that) {
if (that.getVariable()==null ?
inBounds(that) :
inBounds(that.getVariable().getIdentifier())) {
occurrence = NONEMPTY;
public void visit(Tree.IsCondition that) {
boolean inBounds;
if (that.getVariable()!=null) {
inBounds = inBounds(that.getVariable().getIdentifier());
else if (that.getType()!=null) {
inBounds = inBounds(that) && offset>that.getType().getStopIndex()+1;
else {
inBounds = false;
if (inBounds) {
occurrence = IS;
public void visit(Tree.TypeConstraint that) {
public void visit(Tree.ImportMemberOrTypeList that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = IMPORT;
public void visit(Tree.ExtendedType that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = EXTENDS;
public void visit(Tree.SatisfiedTypes that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = inTypeConstraint?
public void visit(Tree.CaseTypes that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = OF;
public void visit(Tree.CatchClause that) {
if (inBounds(that) &&
!inBounds(that.getBlock())) {
occurrence = CATCH;
else {
public void visit(Tree.CaseClause that) {
if (inBounds(that) &&
!inBounds(that.getBlock())) {
occurrence = CASE;
public void visit(Tree.BinaryOperatorExpression that) {
Term right = that.getRightTerm();
if (right==null) {
right = that;
Term left = that.getLeftTerm();
if (left==null) {
left = that;
if (inBounds(left, right)) {
occurrence = EXPRESSION;
public void visit(Tree.UnaryOperatorExpression that) {
Term term = that.getTerm();
if (term==null) {
term = that;
if (inBounds(that, term) || inBounds(term, that)) {
occurrence = EXPRESSION;
public void visit(Tree.ParameterList that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = PARAMETER_LIST;
public void visit(Tree.TypeParameterList that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
public void visit(Tree.TypeSpecifier that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = TYPE_ALIAS;
public void visit(Tree.ClassSpecifier that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = CLASS_ALIAS;
public void visit(Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = EXPRESSION;
public void visit(Tree.ArgumentList that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = EXPRESSION;
public void visit(Tree.TypeArgumentList that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = TYPE_ARGUMENT_LIST;
public void visit(QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression that) {
if (inBounds(that.getMemberOperator(), that.getIdentifier())) {
occurrence = EXPRESSION;
else {
public void visit(Tree.Declaration that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
if (occurrence!=PARAMETER_LIST) {
public void visit(Tree.MetaLiteral that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
if (occurrence!=TYPE_ARGUMENT_LIST) {
switch (that.getNodeType()) {
case "ModuleLiteral":
case "PackageLiteral":
case "ValueLiteral":
case "FunctionLiteral":
case "InterfaceLiteral":
case "ClassLiteral":
case "TypeParameterLiteral":
case "AliasLiteral":
occurrence = META;
public void visit(Tree.StringLiteral that) {
if (inBounds(that)) {
occurrence = DOCLINK;
public void visit(Tree.DocLink that) {
if (this.node instanceof Tree.DocLink) {
occurrence = DOCLINK;
private boolean inBounds(Node that) {
return inBounds(that, that);
private boolean inBounds(Node left, Node right) {
if (left==null) return false;
if (right==null) right=left;
Integer startIndex = left.getStartIndex();
Integer stopIndex = right.getStopIndex();
return startIndex!=null && stopIndex!=null &&
startIndex <= node.getStartIndex() &&
stopIndex >= node.getStopIndex();
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_FindOccurrenceLocationVisitor.java |
25 | final class FunctionCompletionProposal extends
CompletionProposal {
private final CeylonParseController cpc;
private final Declaration dec;
private FunctionCompletionProposal(int offset, String prefix,
String desc, String text, Declaration dec,
CeylonParseController cpc) {
super(offset, prefix,
getDecoratedImage(dec.isShared() ?
getDecorationAttributes(dec), false),
desc, text);
this.cpc = cpc;
this.dec = dec;
private DocumentChange createChange(IDocument document)
throws BadLocationException {
DocumentChange change =
new DocumentChange("Complete Invocation", document);
change.setEdit(new MultiTextEdit());
HashSet<Declaration> decs = new HashSet<Declaration>();
Tree.CompilationUnit cu = cpc.getRootNode();
importDeclaration(decs, dec, cu);
int il=applyImports(change, decs, cu, document);
return change;
public boolean isAutoInsertable() {
return false;
public void apply(IDocument document) {
try {
createChange(document).perform(new NullProgressMonitor());
catch (Exception e) {
protected static void addFunctionProposal(int offset,
final CeylonParseController cpc,
Tree.Primary primary,
List<ICompletionProposal> result,
final Declaration dec,
IDocument doc) {
Tree.Term arg = primary;
while (arg instanceof Tree.Expression) {
arg = ((Tree.Expression) arg).getTerm();
final int start = arg.getStartIndex();
final int stop = arg.getStopIndex();
int origin = primary.getStartIndex();
String argText;
String prefix;
try {
//the argument
argText = doc.get(start, stop-start+1);
//the text to replace
prefix = doc.get(origin, offset-origin);
catch (BadLocationException e) {
String text = dec.getName(arg.getUnit())
+ "(" + argText + ")";
if (((Functional)dec).isDeclaredVoid()) {
text += ";";
Unit unit = cpc.getRootNode().getUnit();
result.add(new FunctionCompletionProposal(offset, prefix,
getDescriptionFor(dec, unit) + "(...)", text, dec, cpc));
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_FunctionCompletionProposal.java |
26 | final class ImportVisitor extends Visitor {
private final String prefix;
private final CommonToken token;
private final int offset;
private final Node node;
private final CeylonParseController cpc;
private final List<ICompletionProposal> result;
ImportVisitor(String prefix, CommonToken token, int offset,
Node node, CeylonParseController cpc,
List<ICompletionProposal> result) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.token = token;
this.offset = offset;
this.node = node;
this.cpc = cpc;
this.result = result;
public void visit(Tree.ModuleDescriptor that) {
if (that.getImportPath()==node) {
addCurrentPackageNameCompletion(cpc, offset,
fullPath(offset, prefix, that.getImportPath()) + prefix,
public void visit(Tree.PackageDescriptor that) {
if (that.getImportPath()==node) {
addCurrentPackageNameCompletion(cpc, offset,
fullPath(offset, prefix, that.getImportPath()) + prefix,
public void visit(Tree.Import that) {
if (that.getImportPath()==node) {
addPackageCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix,
(Tree.ImportPath) node, node, result,
nextTokenType(cpc, token)!=CeylonLexer.LBRACE);
public void visit(Tree.PackageLiteral that) {
if (that.getImportPath()==node) {
addPackageCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix,
(Tree.ImportPath) node, node, result, false);
public void visit(Tree.ImportModule that) {
if (that.getImportPath()==node) {
addModuleCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix,
(Tree.ImportPath) node, node, result,
nextTokenType(cpc, token)!=CeylonLexer.STRING_LITERAL);
public void visit(Tree.ModuleLiteral that) {
if (that.getImportPath()==node) {
addModuleCompletions(cpc, offset, prefix,
(Tree.ImportPath) node, node, result, false);
} | false | plugins_com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui_src_com_redhat_ceylon_eclipse_code_complete_ImportVisitor.java |
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