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1411.5722 | Brett Parker | Brett Parker | Tropical enumeration of curves in blowups of the projective plane | 25 pages, 22 pictures. A talk with many more pictures, and a
Mathematica program computing these invariants is available on my website: v2: minor
improvements in exposition, and updated references. v3: An expanded, more
formal version from 2019, more accurately reflecting the published version | null | 10.4310/jdg/1736262182 | null | math.SG math.AG math.DG | | We describe a method for recursively calculating Gromov-Witten invariants of
all blowups of the projective plane. This recursive formula is different from
the recursive formulas due to G\"ottsche and Pandharipande in the zero genus
case, and Caporaso and Harris in the case of no blowups. We use tropical curves
and a recursive computation of Gromov-Witten invariants relative a normal
crossing divisor.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:21:40 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 10 May 2017 01:05:48 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:05:58 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
1608.07601 | James Finley | James P. Finley | The Differential Virial Theorem with Gradient Formulas for the Operators | 12 pages | Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 667, 2017, Pages 244-246 | 10.1016/j.cplett.2016.10.043 | null | physics.chem-ph | | A gradient dependent formula is derived for the spinless one-particle
density-matrix operator z from the differential virial theorem. A gradient
dependent formula is also derived for a spinless one-particle density-matrix
operator that can replace the two operators of the differential virial theorem
that arise from the kinetic energy operator. Other operators are also derived
that can replace the operators mentioned above in the differential virial
theorem; these operators depend on the real part of spinless one-particle
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2016 20:34:13 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"James P.",
] |
1807.04032 | Isaac Ohavi | Isaac Ohavi (GSU, CEREMADE) | Quasi linear parabolic pde posed on a network with non linear Neumann
boundary condition at vertices | null | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Elsevier, 2021 | 10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125154 | null | math.AP | | The purpose of this article is to study quasi linear parabolic partial
differential equations of second order, posed on a bounded network, satisfying
a nonlinear and non dynamical Neumann boundary condition at the vertices. We
prove the existence and the uniqueness of a classical solution.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 11 Jul 2018 09:32:02 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 25 May 2021 08:10:44 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
1809.08956 | Cesar Augusto Ipanaque Zapata Prof. | Cesar A Ipanaque Zapata and Denise de Mattos | Equivariant category of wedges | 26 pages. We added a section in which we also discuss the equivariant
and invariant topological complexities. Comments are welcome | null | null | null | math.AT | | We prove the formula \begin{equation*}
\text{cat}_G(X\vee Y)=\max\{\text{cat}_G(X),\text{cat}_G(Y)\} \end{equation*}
for the equivariant category of the wedge $X\vee Y$. As a direct application,
we have that the wedge $\bigvee_{i=1}^m X_i$ is $G$-contractible if and only if
each $X_i$ is $G$-contractible, for each $i=1,\ldots,m$. One further
application is to compute the equivariant category of the quotient $X/A$, for a
$G$-space $X$ and an invariant subset $A$ such that the inclusion
$A\hookrightarrow X$ is $G$-homotopic to a constant map $\overline{x_0}:A\to
X$, for some $x_0\in X^G$. Additionally, we also discuss the equivariant and
invariant topological complexities for wedges. For instance, as applications of
our results, we obtain the following equalities: \begin{align*}
Y)&=\max\{\text{TC}_G(X),\text{TC}_G(Y),\text{cat}_G(X\times Y)\},
\text{TC}^G(X\vee Y)&=\max\{\text{TC}^G(X),\text{TC}^G(Y),_{X\vee
Y}\text{cat}_{G\times G}(X\times Y)\},
\end{align*} for $G$-connected $G$-CW-complexes $X$ and $Y$ under certain
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 24 Sep 2018 14:13:16 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 25 Jan 2021 02:26:08 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 14 Jan 2022 14:43:30 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 01:30:39 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Cesar A Ipanaque",
"de Mattos",
] |
1811.10421 | Hao Xiao | Wenyi Cai, Yuanyuan Qian, Hao Xiao, Lingyu Zhuo | A new counterexample to Nguyen's conjecture on surface fibration | 6 pages | Journal of Huzhou University, 2019 (08), pp. 31-34 | null | null | math.AG | | Suppose $f:S\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^1$ is a surface fibration of genus $g$ with
$3$ singular fibers. If two of the singular fibers are semistable, Nguyen
conjectured that $f$ does not exist for $g\ge2$. However, a counterexample for
$g=2$ was discovered by Gong-Lu-Tan. Note that such kind of surface fibrations
admit strong arithmetic properties but are rare in fact, and as such the
counterexamples are important. In this paper, we construct a new one for $g=2$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Nov 2018 14:52:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 14 Jan 2019 18:21:12 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sun, 15 Dec 2024 22:12:19 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
1905.04049 | Sandro Franceschi | Sandro Franceschi (LPSM (UMR\_8001), LMO) | Green's Functions with Oblique Neumann Boundary Conditions in the
Quadrant | Journal of Theoretical Probability, Springer, 2020 | J Theor Probab (2021) | 10.1007/s10959-020-01043-8 | null | math.PR | | We study semi-martingale obliquely reflected Brownian motion with drift in
the first quadrant of the plane in the transient case. Our main result
determines a general explicit integral expression for the moment generating
function of Green's functions of this process. To that purpose we establish a
new kernel functional equation connecting moment generating functions of
Green's functions inside the quadrant and on its edges. This is reminiscent of
the recurrent case where a functional equation derives from the basic adjoint
relationship which characterizes the stationary distribution. This equation
leads us to a non-homogeneous Carleman boundary value problem. Its resolution
provides a formula for the moment generating function in terms of contour
integrals and a conformal mapping.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 10 May 2019 10:11:43 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 28 Sep 2020 13:00:32 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
1912.11209 | Vikas Singh | Vikas Singh and Nishchal K. Verma | An Entropy-based Variable Feature Weighted Fuzzy k-Means Algorithm for
High Dimensional Data | null | Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2025/1/21, 1-18 | 10.1007/s11042-024-20493-4 | null | cs.LG stat.ML | | This paper presents a new fuzzy k-means algorithm for the clustering of high
dimensional data in various subspaces. Since, In the case of high dimensional
data, some features might be irrelevant and relevant but may have different
significance in the clustering. For a better clustering, it is crucial to
incorporate the contribution of these features in the clustering process. To
combine these features, in this paper, we have proposed a new fuzzy k-means
clustering algorithm in which the objective function of the fuzzy k-means is
modified using two different entropy term. The first entropy term helps to
minimize the within-cluster dispersion and maximize the negative entropy to
determine clusters to contribute to the association of data points. The second
entropy term helps to control the weight of the features because different
features have different contributing weights in the clustering process for
obtaining the better partition of the data. The efficacy of the proposed method
is presented in terms of various clustering measures on multiple datasets and
compared with various state-of-the-art methods.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Dec 2019 04:58:47 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Nishchal K.",
] |
2002.08270 | Gray Jennings | Gray Jennings | Global-in-Time solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations | revision of various proofs | null | null | null | math.GM | | We establish the existence of a uniformly bounded $ C^\infty $ solution of
the Navier-Stokes equations on $\mathbb{R}^3 x\ [0, \infty) $ without external
forces or boundaries for a divergence free initial condition $ u_o \in \cap_m
H^m $ when the viscosity $ \nu $ is $ > 0 $. Such$ C^\infty $ solution of the
Navier-Stokes equations are a solution of Option A of the Millenium Prize
Problem of the Clay Institute for the Navier-Stokes equations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:02:19 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 15 Mar 2020 17:03:24 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 1 Oct 2024 20:06:33 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 14 Nov 2024 17:29:01 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 18:44:53 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2007.11521 | Alexandre M\"osching | Alexandre M\"osching and Lutz Duembgen | Estimation of a Likelihood Ratio Ordered Family of Distributions | The first versions of this paper have been split into two
manuscripts, arXiv:2209.07868 and the present one | Statistics and Computing 34, 2024 | 10.1007/s11222-023-10370-9 | null | math.ST stat.CO stat.ME stat.TH | | Consider bivariate observations $(X_1,Y_1), \ldots, (X_n,Y_n) \in
\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}$ with unknown conditional distributions $Q_x$ of
$Y$, given that $X = x$. The goal is to estimate these distributions under the
sole assumption that $Q_x$ is isotonic in $x$ with respect to likelihood ratio
order. If the observations are identically distributed, a related goal is to
estimate the joint distribution $\mathcal{L}(X,Y)$ under the sole assumption
that it is totally positive of order two in a certain sense. An algorithm is
developed which estimates the unknown family of distributions $(Q_x)_x$ via
empirical likelihood. The benefit of the stronger regularization imposed by
likelihood ratio order over the usual stochastic order is evaluated in terms of
estimation and predictive performances on simulated as well as real data.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 22 Jul 2020 16:28:32 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 12 Mar 2021 16:18:46 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:42:22 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 5 Sep 2023 13:01:05 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2101.01562 | Sandro Franceschi | M. Bousquet-M\'elou, A. Elvey Price, S. Franceschi, C. Hardouin, and
K. Raschel | On the stationary distribution of reflected Brownian motion in a wedge:
differential properties | 66 pages | Electron. J. Probab. 30: 1-68 (2025) | 10.1214/24-EJP1257 | null | math.PR | | We consider the classical problem of determining the stationary distribution
of the semimartingale reflected Brownian motion (SRBM) in a two-dimensional
wedge. Under standard assumptions on the parameters of the model (opening of
the wedge, angles of the reflections, drift), we study the algebraic and
differential nature of the Laplace transform of this stationary distribution.
We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for this Laplace transform to be
rational, algebraic, differentially finite or more generally differentially
algebraic. These conditions are explicit linear dependencies between the angles
of the model.
A complicated integral expression for this Laplace transform has recently
been obtained by two authors of this paper. In the differentially algebraic
case, we provide a simple, explicit integral-free expression in terms of a
hypergeometric function. It specializes to earlier expressions in several
classical cases: the skew-symmetric case, the orthogonal reflections case and
the sum-of-exponential densities case (corresponding to the so-called
Dieker-Moriarty conditions on the parameters). This paper thus closes, in a
sense, the quest of all ``simple'' cases.
To prove these results, we start from a functional equation that the Laplace
transform satisfies, to which we apply tools from diverse horizons. To
establish differential algebraicity, a key ingredient is Tutte's invariant
approach, which originates in enumerative combinatorics. It allows us to
express the Laplace transform (or its square) as a rational function of a
certain canonical invariant, a hypergeometric function in our context. To
establish differential transcendence, we turn the functional equation into a
difference equation and apply Galoisian results on the nature of the solutions
to such equations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 5 Jan 2021 17:59:20 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 16 Dec 2022 11:17:47 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"A. Elvey",
] |
2101.10752 | Alexander Nazarov | Alexander I. Nazarov and Alexandra P. Shcheglova | Steklov-type 1D inequalities (a survey) | 21 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables | null | null | null | math.CA | | We give a survey of classical and recent results on sharp constants and
symmetry/asymmetry of extremal functions in $1$-dimensional functional
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:47:15 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:40:36 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Alexander I.",
"Alexandra P.",
] |
2102.04502 | Mareike Fischer | Mareike Fischer and Michael Hendriksen | A survey of the monotonicity and non-contradiction of consensus methods
and supertree methods | null | null | null | null | q-bio.PE math.CO | | In a recent study, Bryant, Francis and Steel investigated the concept of
\enquote{future-proofing} consensus methods in phylogenetics. That is, they
investigated if such methods can be robust against the introduction of
additional data like added trees or new species. In the present manuscript, we
analyze consensus methods under a different aspect of introducing new data,
namely concerning the discovery of new clades. In evolutionary biology, often
formerly unresolved clades get resolved by refined reconstruction methods or
new genetic data analyses. In our manuscript we investigate which properties of
consensus methods can guarantee that such new insights do not disagree with
previously found consensus trees, but merely refine them, a property termed
\emph{monotonicity}. Along the lines of analyzing monotonicity, we also study
two {established} supertree methods, namely Matrix Representation with
Parsimony (MRP) and Matrix Representation with Compatibility (MRC), which have
also been suggested as consensus methods in the literature. While we (just like
Bryant, Francis and Steel in their recent study) unfortunately have to conclude
some negative answers concerning general consensus methods, we also state some
relevant and positive results concerning the majority rule ($\mathtt{MR}$) and
strict consensus methods, which are amongst the most frequently used consensus
methods. Moreover, we show that there exist infinitely many consensus methods
which are monotonic and have some other desirable properties.
\textbf{Keywords:} consensus tree, phylogenetics, majority rule, tree
refinement, matrix representation with parsimony
\textbf{MSC:} C92B05, 05C05
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 8 Feb 2021 19:52:46 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 11 Jun 2024 15:37:23 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 12 Oct 2024 02:05:22 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 14:44:01 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2102.09936 | Sara Sangtarash | Sara Sangtarash | Connectivity-Dependent Attenuation Factor in Nanographene-Based
Molecular Wires | null | null | null | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | | Designing molecular nanowires with high electrical conductance that
facilitate efficient charge transport over long distances is highly desirable
for future molecular-scale circuitry. However, most molecular wires act as
tunnel barriers, and their electrical conductance decays exponentially with
increasing length. Only recently have a few studies shown increasing
conductance with length. In this study, we identify a new class of molecular
wires that exhibit both an increase and a decrease in room-temperature
conductance with length (a dual attenuation factor), depending on their
connection points to the electrodes. We show that this dual attenuation factor
is an inherent property of these graphene-like nanowires, and its demonstration
depends on the constructive quantum interference pattern for different
connectivities to the electrodes. This is significant because a given
nanographene molecular wire can show both negative and positive attenuation
factors. This enables the systematic design of connectivity-dependent
high/low-conductance molecular wires for future molecular-scale circuitry.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 19 Feb 2021 13:54:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 15:59:17 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2104.11284 | Zheng Huang | Zheng Huang and Ben Lowe | Beyond almost Fuchsian space | Final version (differ to the journal version only by possible journal
typeset format), to appear American Journal of Mathematics | null | null | null | math.DG math.GT | | An almost Fuchsian manifold is a hyperbolic 3-manifold of the type $S\times
\mathbb{R}$ which admits a closed minimal surface (homeomorphic to $S$) with
the maximum principal curvature $\lambda_0 <1$, while a weakly almost Fuchsian
manifold is of the same type but it admits a closed minimal surface with
$\lambda_0 <= 1$. We first prove that any weakly almost Fuchsian manifold is
geometrically finite, and we construct a Canary-Storm type compactification for
the weakly almost Fuchsian space. We use this to prove uniform upper bounds on
the volume of the convex core and Hausdorff dimension for the limit set of
weakly almost Fuchsian manifolds, and to prove a gap theorem for the principal
curvatures of minimal surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds that fiber over the
circle. We also give examples of quasi-Fuchsian manifolds which admit unique
stable minimal surfaces without being weakly almost Fuchsian.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 22 Apr 2021 18:56:32 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 8 Apr 2022 15:42:12 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 20 Feb 2023 18:32:48 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:28:17 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2104.13323 | Xin Sun | Xin Sun, Zenghui Song, Yongbo Yu, Junyu Dong, Claudia Plant, and
Christian Boehm | Network Embedding via Deep Prediction Model | null | IEEE Transactions on Big Data ( Volume: 9, Issue: 2, 01 April
2023) | 10.1109/TBDATA.2022.3194643 | null | cs.LG | | Network-structured data becomes ubiquitous in daily life and is growing at a
rapid pace. It presents great challenges to feature engineering due to the high
non-linearity and sparsity of the data. The local and global structure of the
real-world networks can be reflected by dynamical transfer behaviors among
nodes. This paper proposes a network embedding framework to capture the
transfer behaviors on structured networks via deep prediction models. We first
design a degree-weight biased random walk model to capture the transfer
behaviors on the network. Then a deep network embedding method is introduced to
preserve the transfer possibilities among the nodes. A network structure
embedding layer is added into conventional deep prediction models, including
Long Short-Term Memory Network and Recurrent Neural Network, to utilize the
sequence prediction ability. To keep the local network neighborhood, we further
perform a Laplacian supervised space optimization on the embedding feature
representations. Experimental studies are conducted on various datasets
including social networks, citation networks, biomedical network, collaboration
network and language network. The results show that the learned representations
can be effectively used as features in a variety of tasks, such as clustering,
visualization, classification, reconstruction and link prediction, and achieve
promising performance compared with state-of-the-arts.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 27 Apr 2021 16:56:00 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2106.05947 | Gwena\"el Joret | Samuel Fiorini and Gwena\"el Joret and Stefan Weltge and Yelena
Yuditsky | Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row | v4: revised following the referees' comments, including a full
rewrite of section 7. v3: minor changes. v2: minor changes, accepted at FOCS
2021 | Journal of the ACM, 72/1:Article 3, 2025 | 10.1145/3695985 | null | math.CO cs.DM cs.DS math.OC | | We give a strongly polynomial-time algorithm for integer linear programs
defined by integer coefficient matrices whose subdeterminants are bounded by a
constant and that contain at most two nonzero entries in each row. The core of
our approach is the first polynomial-time algorithm for the weighted stable set
problem on graphs that do not contain more than $k$ vertex-disjoint odd cycles,
where $k$ is any constant. Previously, polynomial-time algorithms were only
known for $k=0$ (bipartite graphs) and for $k=1$.
We observe that integer linear programs defined by coefficient matrices with
bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per column can be also solved in
strongly polynomial-time, using a reduction to $b$-matching.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 10 Jun 2021 17:46:01 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 25 Aug 2021 08:33:20 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 20 Dec 2022 13:31:35 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 10 Sep 2024 09:15:48 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2106.12430 | Hananeh Aliee | Hananeh Aliee, Fabian J. Theis, Niki Kilbertus | Beyond Predictions in Neural ODEs: Identification and Interventions | null | null | null | null | cs.LG cs.AI | | Spurred by tremendous success in pattern matching and prediction tasks,
researchers increasingly resort to machine learning to aid original scientific
discovery. Given large amounts of observational data about a system, can we
uncover the rules that govern its evolution? Solving this task holds the great
promise of fully understanding the causal interactions and being able to make
reliable predictions about the system's behavior under interventions. We take a
step towards answering this question for time-series data generated from
systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). While the governing ODEs
might not be identifiable from data alone, we show that combining simple
regularization schemes with flexible neural ODEs can robustly recover the
dynamics and causal structures from time-series data. Our results on a variety
of (non)-linear first and second order systems as well as real data validate
our method. We conclude by showing that we can also make accurate predictions
under interventions on variables or the system itself.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 23 Jun 2021 14:35:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 09:14:32 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Fabian J.",
] |
2108.13456 | Pavel Volkov Andreevich | Pavel A. Volkov, Shu Yang Frank Zhao, Nicola Poccia, Xiaomeng Cui,
Philip Kim, J. H. Pixley | Josephson effects in twisted nodal superconductors | null | Phys. Rev. B 111, 014514 (2025) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.111.014514 | null | cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el | | Motivated by the recent proposals for unconventional emergent physics in
twisted bilayers of nodal superconductors, we study the peculiarities of the
Josephson effect at the twisted interface between $d$-wave superconductors. We
demonstrate that for clean interfaces with a twist angle $\theta_0$ in the
range $0^\circ<\theta_0<45^\circ$ the critical current can exhibit nonmonotonic
temperature dependence with a maximum at a nonzero temperature as well as a
complex dependence on the twist angle at low temperatures. The former is shown
to arise quite generically due to the contributions of the momenta around the
gap nodes, which are negative for nonzero twist angles. It is demonstrated that
these features reflect the geometry of the Fermi surface and are sensitive to
the form of the momentum dependence of the tunneling at the twisted interface.
Close to $\theta_0=45^\circ$ we find that the critical current does not vanish
due to Cooper pair cotunneling, which leads to a transition to a time-reversal
breaking topological superconducting $d+id$ phase. Weak interface roughness,
quasiperiodicity, and inhomogeneity broaden the momentum dependence of the
interlayer tunneling leading to a critical current $I_c\sim \cos(2\theta_0)$
with $\cos(6\theta_0)$ corrections. Furthermore, strong disorder at the
interface is demonstrated to suppress the time-reversal breaking
superconducting phase near $\theta_0=45^\circ$. Last, we provide a
comprehensive theoretical analysis of experiments that can reveal the full
current-phase relation for twisted superconductors close to
$\theta_0=45^\circ$. In particular, we demonstrate the emergence of the
Fraunhofer interference pattern near $\theta_0=45^\circ$, while accounting for
realistic sample geometries, and show that its temperature dependence can yield
unambiguous evidence of Cooper pair cotunneling, necessary for topological
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 30 Aug 2021 18:10:42 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Pavel A.",
"Shu Yang Frank",
"J. H.",
] |
2109.07887 | Donu Arapura | Donu Arapura, Botong Wang | Perverse sheaves on varieties with large fundamental groups | Some arguments were clarified; to appear in JDG | Journal of Differential Geometry, vol 129, 2025 | 10.4310/jdg/1736261441 | null | math.AG math.DG | | We conjecture that any perverse sheaf on a compact aspherical K\"ahler
manifold has non-negative Euler characteristic. This extends the Singer-Hopf
conjecture in the K\"ahler setting. We verify the stronger conjecture when the
manifold X has non-positive holomorphic bisectional curvature. We also show
that the conjecture holds when X is projective and in possession of a faithful
semi-simple rigid local system. The first result is proved by expressing the
Euler characteristic as an intersection number involving the characteristic
cycle, and then using the curvature conditions to deduce non-negativity. For
the second result, we have that the local system underlies a complex variation
of Hodge structure. We then deduce the desired inequality from the curvature
properties of the image of the period map.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:41:58 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 11 Oct 2021 12:39:13 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:20:16 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2109.10343 | Sanjay Mukherjee | Sajal Mukherjee and Sanjay Mukherjee | Generalized Larcombe-Fenessey invariants of matrix powers | null | null | 10.1080/03081087.2022.2036087 | null | math.CO | | In this article, we have found significant generalization of the invariance
properties of powers of matrices discovered by Larcombe, Fenessey and further
explored by Zeilberger. Moreover, we found interesting new results exhibiting
similar phenomena in a more general setup.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 21 Sep 2021 17:54:52 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2110.00450 | Maciej Wojtkowski P. | Zbigniew Lipinski, Maciej P. Wojtkowski | On Sequence Groups | null | null | null | null | math.NT | | Linear second order recursive sequences with arbitrary initial conditions are
studied. For sequences with the same parameters a ring and a group is attached,
and isomorphisms and homomorphisms are established for related parameters. In
the group, called the {\it sequence group}, sequences are identified if they
differ by a scalar factor, but not if they differ by a shift, which is the case
for the Laxton group. Prime divisors of sequences are studied with the help of
the sequence group $\mod p$, which is always cyclic of order $p\pm 1$. Even and
odd numbered subsequences are given independent status through the introduction
of one rational parameter in place of two integer parameters. This step brings
significant simplifications in the algebra. All elements of finite order in
Laxton groups and sequence groups are described effectively. A necessary
condition is established for a prime $p$ to be a divisor of a sequence: {\it
the norm (determinant) of the respective element of the ring must be a
quadratic residue $\mod p$}. This leads to an uppers estimate of the set of
divisors by a set of prime density $1/2$. Numerical experiments show that the
actual density is typically close to $0.35$. A conjecture is formulated that
the sets of prime divisors of the even and odd numbered elements are
independent for a large family of parameters.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 1 Oct 2021 14:35:54 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:27:37 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:58:30 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Maciej P.",
] |
2110.05098 | Haoran Zhao | Fei Zhou and Xin Sun and Junyu Dong and Haoran Zhao and Xiao Xiang Zhu | SurroundNet: Towards Effective Low-Light Image Enhancement | null | Pattern Recognition Volume 141, September 2023, 109602 | 10.1016/j.patcog.2023.109602. | 2023 | cs.CV | | Although Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) has made substantial progress in
the low-light image enhancement task, one critical problem of CNNs is the
paradox of model complexity and performance. This paper presents a novel
SurroundNet which only involves less than 150$K$ parameters (about 80-98
percent size reduction compared to SOTAs) and achieves very competitive
performance. The proposed network comprises several Adaptive Retinex Blocks
(ARBlock), which can be viewed as a novel extension of Single Scale Retinex in
feature space. The core of our ARBlock is an efficient illumination estimation
function called Adaptive Surround Function (ASF). It can be regarded as a
general form of surround functions and be implemented by convolution layers. In
addition, we also introduce a Low-Exposure Denoiser (LED) to smooth the
low-light image before the enhancement. We evaluate the proposed method on the
real-world low-light dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the
superiority of our submitted SurroundNet in both performance and network
parameters against State-of-the-Art low-light image enhancement methods. Code
is available at https:
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 11 Oct 2021 09:10:19 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Xiao Xiang",
] |
2110.14368 | Farnaz Shakib | David Dell'Angelo, Mohammad R. Momeni, Shaina Pearson, Farnaz A.
Shakib | Frenkel/charge transfer Holstein Hamiltonian applied to energy transfer
in 2D layered metal-organic frameworks | null | null | 10.1063/5.0076640 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | | Optimizing energy and charge transport is key in design and implementation of
efficient two-dimensional (2D) conductive metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for
practical applications. In this work, for the first time, we investigate the
role of both long-range excitonic and short-range charge transfer (CT) coupling
as well as their dependency on reorganization energy on through-space transport
properties in 2D MOFs. A pi-stacked model system is built based on the
archetypal Ni3(HITP)2 2D MOF and a Frenkel/CT Holstein Hamiltonian is developed
that takes into account both electronic coupling and intramolecular vibrations.
The dependency of the long and short-range couplings of both secondary building
units (SBUs) and organic linkers to different dynamical motions in 2D MOFs are
evaluated which predicts that photophysical properties of 2D MOFs critically
depend on the degree of ordering between layers. Using the model system, we
show that the impact of the two coupling sources in these materials can be
discerned or enhanced by sliding of the SBU in a cofacial configuration along
the long- or short molecular axis. The effects of vibronic spectral signatures
are examined for integrated Frenkel/CT systems in both perturbative and
resonance regimes. Although to the best of our knowledge sliding engineering in
2D MOFs currently remains beyond reach, the findings reported here offer new
details on the photophysical structure-property relationships on 2D MOFs and
provide suggestions into how to combine elements of molecular design and
engineering to achieve desirable properties and functions for nano- and
mesoscale optoelectronic applications.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 27 Oct 2021 12:05:50 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 15 Dec 2021 19:49:10 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Mohammad R.",
"Farnaz A.",
] |
2111.00972 | Sepideh Mosaferi | Sepideh Mosaferi and Mark S. Kaiser | Nonparametric Cointegrating Regression Functions with Endogeneity and
Semi-Long Memory | null | null | null | null | econ.EM | | This article develops nonparametric cointegrating regression models with
endogeneity and semi-long memory. We assume that semi-long memory is produced
in the regressor process by tempering of random shock coefficients. The
fundamental properties of long memory processes are thus retained in the
regressor process. Nonparametric nonlinear cointegrating regressions with
serially dependent errors and endogenous regressors driven by long memory
innovations have been considered in Wang and Phillips (2016). That work also
implemented a statistical specification test for testing whether the regression
function follows a parametric form. The limit theory of test statistic involves
the local time of fractional Brownian motion. The present paper modifies the
test statistic to be suitable for the semi-long memory case. With this
modification, the limit theory for the test involves the local time of the
standard Brownian motion and is free of the unknown parameter d. Through
simulation studies, we investigate the properties of nonparametric regression
function estimation as well as test statistic. We also demonstrate the use of
test statistic through actual data sets.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 1 Nov 2021 14:31:56 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2022 13:53:14 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:49:25 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Mark S.",
] |
2111.03634 | LSC P&P Committee | The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, and the
KAGRA Collaboration: R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C.
Adams, N. Adhikari, R. X. Adhikari, V. B. Adya, C. Affeldt, D. Agarwal, M.
Agathos, K. Agatsuma, N. Aggarwal, O. D. Aguiar, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith,
T. Akutsu, S. Albanesi, A. Allocca, P. A. Altin, A. Amato, C. Anand, S.
Anand, A. Ananyeva, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, M. Ando, T. Andrade, N.
Andres, T. Andri\'c, S. V. Angelova, S. Ansoldi, J. M. Antelis, S. Antier, F.
Antonini, S. Appert, Koji Arai, Koya Arai, Y. Arai, S. Araki, A. Araya, M. C.
Araya, J. S. Areeda, M. Ar\`ene, N. Aritomi, N. Arnaud, S. M. Aronson, K. G.
Arun, H. Asada, Y. Asali, G. Ashton, Y. Aso, M. Assiduo, S. M. Aston, P.
Astone, F. Aubin, C. Austin, S. Babak, F. Badaracco, M. K. M. Bader, C.
Badger, S. Bae, Y. Bae, A. M. Baer, S. Bagnasco, Y. Bai, L. Baiotti, J.
Baird, R. Bajpai, M. Ball, G. Ballardin, S. W. Ballmer, A. Balsamo, G.
Baltus, S. Banagiri, D. Bankar, J. C. Barayoga, C. Barbieri, B. C. Barish, D.
Barker, P. Barneo, F. Barone, B. Barr, L. Barsotti, M. Barsuglia, D. Barta,
J. Bartlett, M. A. Barton, I. Bartos, R. Bassiri, A. Basti, M. Bawaj, J. C.
Bayley, A. C. Baylor, M. Bazzan, B. B\'ecsy, V. M. Bedakihale, M. Bejger, I.
Belahcene, V. Benedetto, D. Beniwal, T. F. Bennett, J. D. Bentley, M.
BenYaala, F. Bergamin, B. K. Berger, S. Bernuzzi, C. P. L. Berry, D.
Bersanetti, A. Bertolini, J. Betzwieser, D. Beveridge, R. Bhandare, U.
Bhardwaj, D. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhaumik, I. A. Bilenko, G. Billingsley, S.
Bini, R. Birney, O. Birnholtz, S. Biscans, M. Bischi, S. Biscoveanu, A.
Bisht, B. Biswas, M. Bitossi, M.-A. Bizouard, J. K. Blackburn, C. D. Blair,
D. G. Blair, R. M. Blair, F. Bobba, N. Bode, M. Boer, G. Bogaert, M.
Boldrini, L. D. Bonavena, F. Bondu, E. Bonilla, R. Bonnand, P. Booker, B. A.
Boom, R. Bork, V. Boschi, N. Bose, S. Bose, V. Bossilkov, V. Boudart, Y.
Bouffanais, A. Bozzi, C. Bradaschia, P. R. Brady, A. Bramley, A. Branch, M.
Branchesi, J. E. Brau, M. Breschi, T. Briant, J. H. Briggs, A. Brillet, M.
Brinkmann, P. Brockill, A. F. Brooks, J. Brooks, D. D. Brown, S. Brunett, G.
Bruno, R. Bruntz, J. Bryant, T. Bulik, H. J. Bulten, A. Buonanno, R.
Buscicchio, D. Buskulic, C. Buy, R. L. Byer, L. Cadonati, G. Cagnoli, C.
Cahillane, J. Calder\'on Bustillo, J. D. Callaghan, T. A. Callister, E.
Calloni, J. Cameron, J. B. Camp, M. Canepa, S. Canevarolo, M. Cannavacciuolo,
K. C. Cannon, H. Cao, Z. Cao, E. Capocasa, E. Capote, G. Carapella, F.
Carbognani, J. B. Carlin, M. F. Carney, M. Carpinelli, G. Carrillo, G.
Carullo, T. L. Carver, J. Casanueva Diaz, C. Casentini, G. Castaldi, S.
Caudill, M. Cavagli\`a, F. Cavalier, R. Cavalieri, M. Ceasar, G. Cella, P.
Cerd\'a-Dur\'an, E. Cesarini, W. Chaibi, K. Chakravarti, S. Chalathadka
Subrahmanya, E. Champion, C.-H. Chan, C. Chan, C. L. Chan, K. Chan, M. Chan,
K. Chandra, P. Chanial, S. Chao, P. Charlton, E. A. Chase, E.
Chassande-Mottin, C. Chatterjee, Debarati Chatterjee, Deep Chatterjee, M.
Chaturvedi, S. Chaty, K. Chatziioannou, C. Chen, H. Y. Chen, J. Chen, K.
Chen, X. Chen, Y.-B. Chen, Y.-R. Chen, Z. Chen, H. Cheng, C. K. Cheong, H. Y.
Cheung, H. Y. Chia, F. Chiadini, C-Y. Chiang, G. Chiarini, R. Chierici, A.
Chincarini, M. L. Chiofalo, A. Chiummo, G. Cho, H. S. Cho, R. K. Choudhary,
S. Choudhary, N. Christensen, H. Chu, Q. Chu, Y-K. Chu, S. Chua, K. W. Chung,
G. Ciani, P. Ciecielag, M. Cie\'slar, M. Cifaldi, A. A. Ciobanu, R. Ciolfi,
F. Cipriano, A. Cirone, F. Clara, E. N. Clark, J. A. Clark, L. Clarke, P.
Clearwater, S. Clesse, F. Cleva, E. Coccia, E. Codazzo, P.-F. Cohadon, D. E.
Cohen, L. Cohen, M. Colleoni, C. G. Collette, A. Colombo, M. Colpi, C. M.
Compton, M. Constancio Jr., L. Conti, S. J. Cooper, P. Corban, T. R. Corbitt,
I. Cordero-Carri\'on, S. Corezzi, K. R. Corley, N. Cornish, D. Corre, A.
Corsi, S. Cortese, C. A. Costa, R. Cotesta, M. W. Coughlin, J.-P. Coulon, S.
T. Countryman, B. Cousins, P. Couvares, D. M. Coward, M. J. Cowart, D. C.
Coyne, R. Coyne, J. D. E. Creighton, T. D. Creighton, A. W. Criswell, M.
Croquette, S. G. Crowder, J. R. Cudell, T. J. Cullen, A. Cumming, R.
Cummings, L. Cunningham, E. Cuoco, M. Cury{\l}o, P. Dabadie, T. Dal Canton,
S. Dall'Osso, G. D\'alya, A. Dana, L. M. DaneshgaranBajastani, B. D'Angelo,
S. Danilishin, S. D'Antonio, K. Danzmann, C. Darsow-Fromm, A. Dasgupta, L. E.
H. Datrier, S. Datta, V. Dattilo, I. Dave, M. Davier, G. S. Davies, D. Davis,
M. C. Davis, E. J. Daw, R. Dean, D. DeBra, M. Deenadayalan, J. Degallaix, M.
De Laurentis, S. Del\'eglise, V. Del Favero, F. De Lillo, N. De Lillo, W. Del
Pozzo, L. M. DeMarchi, F. De Matteis, V. D'Emilio, N. Demos, T. Dent, A.
Depasse, R. De Pietri, R. De Rosa, C. De Rossi, R. DeSalvo, R. De Simone, S.
Dhurandhar, M. C. D\'iaz, M. Diaz-Ortiz Jr., N. A. Didio, T. Dietrich, L. Di
Fiore, C. Di Fronzo, C. Di Giorgio, F. Di Giovanni, M. Di Giovanni, T. Di
Girolamo, A. Di Lieto, B. Ding, S. Di Pace, I. Di Palma, F. Di Renzo, A. K.
Divakarla, A. Dmitriev, Z. Doctor, L. D'Onofrio, F. Donovan, K. L. Dooley, S.
Doravari, I. Dorrington, M. Drago, J. C. Driggers, Y. Drori, J.-G. Ducoin, P.
Dupej, O. Durante, D. D'Urso, P.-A. Duverne, S. E. Dwyer, C. Eassa, P. J.
Easter, M. Ebersold, T. Eckhardt, G. Eddolls, B. Edelman, T. B. Edo, O. Edy,
A. Effler, S. Eguchi, J. Eichholz, S. S. Eikenberry, M. Eisenmann, R. A.
Eisenstein, A. Ejlli, E. Engelby, Y. Enomoto, L. Errico, R. C. Essick, H.
Estell\'es, D. Estevez, Z. Etienne, T. Etzel, M. Evans, T. M. Evans, B. E.
Ewing, V. Fafone, H. Fair, S. Fairhurst, A. M. Farah, S. Farinon, B. Farr, W.
M. Farr, N. W. Farrow, E. J. Fauchon-Jones, G. Favaro, M. Favata, M. Fays, M.
Fazio, J. Feicht, M. M. Fejer, E. Fenyvesi, D. L. Ferguson, A.
Fernandez-Galiana, I. Ferrante, T. A. Ferreira, F. Fidecaro, P. Figura, I.
Fiori, M. Fishbach, R. P. Fisher, R. Fittipaldi, V. Fiumara, R. Flaminio, E.
Floden, H. Fong, J. A. Font, B. Fornal, P. W. F. Forsyth, A. Franke, S.
Frasca, F. Frasconi, C. Frederick, J. P. Freed, Z. Frei, A. Freise, R. Frey,
P. Fritschel, V. V. Frolov, G. G. Fronz\'e, Y. Fujii, Y. Fujikawa, M.
Fukunaga, M. Fukushima, P. Fulda, M. Fyffe, H. A. Gabbard, B. U. Gadre, J. R.
Gair, J. Gais, S. Galaudage, R. Gamba, D. Ganapathy, A. Ganguly, D. Gao, S.
G. Gaonkar, B. Garaventa, C. Garc\'ia-N\'u\~nez, C. Garc\'ia-Quir\'os, F.
Garufi, B. Gateley, S. Gaudio, V. Gayathri, G.-G. Ge, G. Gemme, A. Gennai, J.
George, O. Gerberding, L. Gergely, P. Gewecke, S. Ghonge, Abhirup Ghosh,
Archisman Ghosh, Shaon Ghosh, Shrobana Ghosh, B. Giacomazzo, L. Giacoppo, J.
A. Giaime, K. D. Giardina, D. R. Gibson, C. Gier, M. Giesler, P. Giri, F.
Gissi, J. Glanzer, A. E. Gleckl, P. Godwin, E. Goetz, R. Goetz, N. Gohlke, J.
Golomb, B. Goncharov, G. Gonz\'alez, A. Gopakumar, M. Gosselin, R. Gouaty, D.
W. Gould, B. Grace, A. Grado, M. Granata, V. Granata, A. Grant, S. Gras, P.
Grassia, C. Gray, R. Gray, G. Greco, A. C. Green, R. Green, A. M. Gretarsson,
E. M. Gretarsson, D. Griffith, W. Griffiths, H. L. Griggs, G. Grignani, A.
Grimaldi, S. J. Grimm, H. Grote, S. Grunewald, P. Gruning, D. Guerra, G. M.
Guidi, A. R. Guimaraes, G. Guix\'e, H. K. Gulati, H.-K. Guo, Y. Guo, Anchal
Gupta, Anuradha Gupta, P. Gupta, E. K. Gustafson, R. Gustafson, F. Guzman, S.
Ha, L. Haegel, A. Hagiwara, S. Haino, O. Halim, E. D. Hall, E. Z. Hamilton,
G. Hammond, W.-B. Han, M. Haney, J. Hanks, C. Hanna, M. D. Hannam, O.
Hannuksela, H. Hansen, T. J. Hansen, J. Hanson, T. Harder, T. Hardwick, K.
Haris, J. Harms, G. M. Harry, I. W. Harry, D. Hartwig, K. Hasegawa, B.
Haskell, R. K. Hasskew, C.-J. Haster, K. Hattori, K. Haughian, H. Hayakawa,
K. Hayama, F. J. Hayes, J. Healy, A. Heidmann, A. Heidt, M. C. Heintze, J.
Heinze, J. Heinzel, H. Heitmann, F. Hellman, P. Hello, A. F.
Helmling-Cornell, G. Hemming, M. Hendry, I. S. Heng, E. Hennes, J. Hennig, M.
H. Hennig, A. G. Hernandez, F. Hernandez Vivanco, M. Heurs, S. Hild, P. Hill,
Y. Himemoto, A. S. Hines, Y. Hiranuma, N. Hirata, E. Hirose, S. Hochheim, D.
Hofman, J. N. Hohmann, D. G. Holcomb, N. A. Holland, I. J. Hollows, Z. J.
Holmes, K. Holt, D. E. Holz, Z. Hong, P. Hopkins, J. Hough, S. Hourihane, E.
J. Howell, C. G. Hoy, D. Hoyland, A. Hreibi, B-H. Hsieh, Y. Hsu, G-Z. Huang,
H-Y. Huang, P. Huang, Y-C. Huang, Y.-J. Huang, Y. Huang, M. T. H\"ubner, A.
D. Huddart, B. Hughey, D. C. Y. Hui, V. Hui, S. Husa, S. H. Huttner, R.
Huxford, T. Huynh-Dinh, S. Ide, B. Idzkowski, A. Iess, B. Ikenoue, S. Imam,
K. Inayoshi, C. Ingram, Y. Inoue, K. Ioka, M. Isi, K. Isleif, K. Ito, Y.
Itoh, B. R. Iyer, K. Izumi, V. JaberianHamedan, T. Jacqmin, S. J. Jadhav, S.
P. Jadhav, A. L. James, A. Z. Jan, K. Jani, J. Janquart, K. Janssens, N. N.
Janthalur, P. Jaranowski, D. Jariwala, R. Jaume, A. C. Jenkins, K. Jenner, C.
Jeon, M. Jeunon, W. Jia, H.-B. Jin, G. R. Johns, A. W. Jones, D. I. Jones, J.
D. Jones, P. Jones, R. Jones, R. J. G. Jonker, L. Ju, P. Jung, k. Jung, J.
Junker, V. Juste, K. Kaihotsu, T. Kajita, M. Kakizaki, C. V. Kalaghatgi, V.
Kalogera, B. Kamai, M. Kamiizumi, N. Kanda, S. Kandhasamy, G. Kang, J. B.
Kanner, Y. Kao, S. J. Kapadia, D. P. Kapasi, S. Karat, C. Karathanasis, S.
Karki, R. Kashyap, M. Kasprzack, W. Kastaun, S. Katsanevas, E. Katsavounidis,
W. Katzman, T. Kaur, K. Kawabe, K. Kawaguchi, N. Kawai, T. Kawasaki, F.
K\'ef\'elian, D. Keitel, J. S. Key, S. Khadka, F. Y. Khalili, S. Khan, E. A.
Khazanov, N. Khetan, M. Khursheed, N. Kijbunchoo, C. Kim, J. C. Kim, J. Kim,
K. Kim, W. S. Kim, Y.-M. Kim, C. Kimball, N. Kimura, M. Kinley-Hanlon, R.
Kirchhoff, J. S. Kissel, N. Kita, H. Kitazawa, L. Kleybolte, S. Klimenko, A.
M. Knee, T. D. Knowles, E. Knyazev, P. Koch, G. Koekoek, Y. Kojima, K.
Kokeyama, S. Koley, P. Kolitsidou, M. Kolstein, K. Komori, V. Kondrashov, A.
K. H. Kong, A. Kontos, N. Koper, M. Korobko, K. Kotake, M. Kovalam, D. B.
Kozak, C. Kozakai, R. Kozu, V. Kringel, N. V. Krishnendu, A. Kr\'olak, G.
Kuehn, F. Kuei, P. Kuijer, A. Kumar, P. Kumar, Rahul Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, J.
Kume, K. Kuns, C. Kuo, H-S. Kuo, Y. Kuromiya, S. Kuroyanagi, K. Kusayanagi,
S. Kuwahara, K. Kwak, P. Lagabbe, D. Laghi, E. Lalande, T. L. Lam, A.
Lamberts, M. Landry, P. Landry, B. B. Lane, R. N. Lang, J. Lange, B. Lantz,
I. La Rosa, A. Lartaux-Vollard, P. D. Lasky, M. Laxen, A. Lazzarini, C.
Lazzaro, P. Leaci, S. Leavey, Y. K. Lecoeuche, H. K. Lee, H. M. Lee, H. W.
Lee, J. Lee, K. Lee, R. Lee, J. Lehmann, A. Lema\^itre, M. Leonardi, N.
Leroy, N. Letendre, C. Levesque, Y. Levin, J. N. Leviton, K. Leyde, A. K. Y.
Li, B. Li, J. Li, K. L. Li, T. G. F. Li, X. Li, C-Y. Lin, F-K. Lin, F-L. Lin,
H. L. Lin, L. C.-C. Lin, F. Linde, S. D. Linker, J. N. Linley, T. B.
Littenberg, G. C. Liu, J. Liu, K. Liu, X. Liu, F. Llamas, M.
Llorens-Monteagudo, R. K. L. Lo, A. Lockwood, L. T. London, A. Longo, D.
Lopez, M. Lopez Portilla, M. Lorenzini, V. Loriette, M. Lormand, G. Losurdo,
T. P. Lott, J. D. Lough, C. O. Lousto, G. Lovelace, J. F. Lucaccioni, H.
L\"uck, D. Lumaca, A. P. Lundgren, L.-W. Luo, J. E. Lynam, R. Macas, M.
MacInnis, D. M. Macleod, I. A. O. MacMillan, A. Macquet, I. Maga\~na
Hernandez, C. Magazz\`u, R. M. Magee, R. Maggiore, M. Magnozzi, S. Mahesh, E.
Majorana, C. Makarem, I. Maksimovic, S. Maliakal, A. Malik, N. Man, V.
Mandic, V. Mangano, J. L. Mango, G. L. Mansell, M. Manske, M. Mantovani, M.
Mapelli, F. Marchesoni, M. Marchio, F. Marion, Z. Mark, S. M\'arka, Z.
M\'arka, C. Markakis, A. S. Markosyan, A. Markowitz, E. Maros, A. Marquina,
S. Marsat, F. Martelli, I. W. Martin, R. M. Martin, M. Martinez, V. A.
Martinez, V. Martinez, K. Martinovic, D. V. Martynov, E. J. Marx, H.
Masalehdan, K. Mason, E. Massera, A. Masserot, T. J. Massinger, M.
Masso-Reid, S. Mastrogiovanni, A. Matas, M. Mateu-Lucena, F. Matichard, M.
Matiushechkina, N. Mavalvala, J. J. McCann, R. McCarthy, D. E. McClelland, P.
K. McClincy, S. McCormick, L. McCuller, G. I. McGhee, S. C. McGuire, C.
McIsaac, J. McIver, T. McRae, S. T. McWilliams, D. Meacher, M. Mehmet, A. K.
Mehta, Q. Meijer, A. Melatos, D. A. Melchor, G. Mendell, A. Menendez-Vazquez,
C. S. Menoni, R. A. Mercer, L. Mereni, K. Merfeld, E. L. Merilh, J. D.
Merritt, M. Merzougui, S. Meshkov, C. Messenger, C. Messick, P. M. Meyers, F.
Meylahn, A. Mhaske, A. Miani, H. Miao, I. Michaloliakos, C. Michel, Y.
Michimura, H. Middleton, L. Milano, A. L. Miller, A. Miller, B. Miller, S.
Miller, M. Millhouse, J. C. Mills, E. Milotti, O. Minazzoli, Y. Minenkov, N.
Mio, Ll. M. Mir, M. Miravet-Ten\'es, C. Mishra, T. Mishra, T. Mistry, S.
Mitra, V. P. Mitrofanov, G. Mitselmakher, R. Mittleman, O. Miyakawa, A.
Miyamoto, Y. Miyazaki, K. Miyo, S. Miyoki, Geoffrey Mo, E. Moguel, K.
Mogushi, S. R. P. Mohapatra, S. R. Mohite, I. Molina, M. Molina-Ruiz, M.
Mondin, M. Montani, C. J. Moore, D. Moraru, F. Morawski, A. More, C. Moreno,
G. Moreno, Y. Mori, S. Morisaki, Y. Moriwaki, B. Mours, C. M. Mow-Lowry, S.
Mozzon, F. Muciaccia, Arunava Mukherjee, D. Mukherjee, Soma Mukherjee,
Subroto Mukherjee, Suvodip Mukherjee, N. Mukund, A. Mullavey, J. Munch, E. A.
Mu\~niz, P. G. Murray, R. Musenich, S. Muusse, S. L. Nadji, K. Nagano, S.
Nagano, A. Nagar, K. Nakamura, H. Nakano, M. Nakano, R. Nakashima, Y.
Nakayama, V. Napolano, I. Nardecchia, T. Narikawa, L. Naticchioni, B. Nayak,
R. K. Nayak, R. Negishi, B. F. Neil, J. Neilson, G. Nelemans, T. J. N.
Nelson, M. Nery, P. Neubauer, A. Neunzert, K. Y. Ng, S. W. S. Ng, C. Nguyen,
P. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, L. Nguyen Quynh, W.-T. Ni, S. A. Nichols, A. Nishizawa,
S. Nissanke, E. Nitoglia, F. Nocera, M. Norman, C. North, S. Nozaki, L. K.
Nuttall, J. Oberling, B. D. O'Brien, Y. Obuchi, J. O'Dell, E. Oelker, W.
Ogaki, G. Oganesyan, J. J. Oh, K. Oh, S. H. Oh, M. Ohashi, N. Ohishi, M.
Ohkawa, F. Ohme, H. Ohta, M. A. Okada, Y. Okutani, K. Okutomi, C. Olivetto,
K. Oohara, C. Ooi, R. Oram, B. O'Reilly, R. G. Ormiston, N. D. Ormsby, L. F.
Ortega, R. O'Shaughnessy, E. O'Shea, S. Oshino, S. Ossokine, C. Osthelder, S.
Otabe, D. J. Ottaway, H. Overmier, A. E. Pace, G. Pagano, M. A. Page, G.
Pagliaroli, A. Pai, S. A. Pai, J. R. Palamos, O. Palashov, C. Palomba, H.
Pan, K. Pan, P. K. Panda, H. Pang, P. T. H. Pang, C. Pankow, F. Pannarale, B.
C. Pant, F. H. Panther, F. Paoletti, A. Paoli, A. Paolone, A. Parisi, H.
Park, J. Park, W. Parker, D. Pascucci, A. Pasqualetti, R. Passaquieti, D.
Passuello, M. Patel, M. Pathak, B. Patricelli, A. S. Patron, S. Paul, E.
Payne, M. Pedraza, M. Pegoraro, A. Pele, F. E. Pe\~na Arellano, S. Penn, A.
Perego, A. Pereira, T. Pereira, C. J. Perez, C. P\'erigois, C. C. Perkins, A.
Perreca, S. Perri\`es, J. Petermann, D. Petterson, H. P. Pfeiffer, K. A.
Pham, K. S. Phukon, O. J. Piccinni, M. Pichot, M. Piendibene, F.
Piergiovanni, L. Pierini, V. Pierro, G. Pillant, M. Pillas, F. Pilo, L.
Pinard, I. M. Pinto, M. Pinto, K. Piotrzkowski, M. Pirello, M. D. Pitkin, E.
Placidi, L. Planas, W. Plastino, C. Pluchar, R. Poggiani, E. Polini, D. Y. T.
Pong, S. Ponrathnam, P. Popolizio, E. K. Porter, R. Poulton, J. Powell, M.
Pracchia, T. Pradier, A. K. Prajapati, K. Prasai, R. Prasanna, G. Pratten, M.
Principe, G. A. Prodi, L. Prokhorov, P. Prosposito, L. Prudenzi, A. Puecher,
M. Punturo, F. Puosi, P. Puppo, M. P\"urrer, H. Qi, V. Quetschke, R.
Quitzow-James, F. J. Raab, G. Raaijmakers, H. Radkins, N. Radulesco, P.
Raffai, S. X. Rail, S. Raja, C. Rajan, K. E. Ramirez, T. D. Ramirez, A.
Ramos-Buades, J. Rana, P. Rapagnani, U. D. Rapol, A. Ray, V. Raymond, N.
Raza, M. Razzano, J. Read, L. A. Rees, T. Regimbau, L. Rei, S. Reid, S. W.
Reid, D. H. Reitze, P. Relton, A. Renzini, P. Rettegno, M. Rezac, F. Ricci,
D. Richards, J. W. Richardson, L. Richardson, G. Riemenschneider, K. Riles,
S. Rinaldi, K. Rink, M. Rizzo, N. A. Robertson, R. Robie, F. Robinet, A.
Rocchi, S. Rodriguez, L. Rolland, J. G. Rollins, M. Romanelli, R. Romano, C.
L. Romel, A. Romero-Rodr\'iguez, I. M. Romero-Shaw, J. H. Romie, S. Ronchini,
L. Rosa, C. A. Rose, D. Rosi\'nska, M. P. Ross, S. Rowan, S. J. Rowlinson, S.
Roy, Santosh Roy, Soumen Roy, D. Rozza, P. Ruggi, K. Ryan, S. Sachdev, T.
Sadecki, J. Sadiq, N. Sago, S. Saito, Y. Saito, K. Sakai, Y. Sakai, M.
Sakellariadou, Y. Sakuno, O. S. Salafia, L. Salconi, M. Saleem, F. Salemi, A.
Samajdar, E. J. Sanchez, J. H. Sanchez, L. E. Sanchez, N. Sanchis-Gual, J. R.
Sanders, A. Sanuy, T. R. Saravanan, N. Sarin, B. Sassolas, H. Satari, B. S.
Sathyaprakash, S. Sato, T. Sato, O. Sauter, R. L. Savage, T. Sawada, D.
Sawant, H. L. Sawant, S. Sayah, D. Schaetzl, M. Scheel, J. Scheuer, M.
Schiworski, P. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, R. Schnabel, M. Schneewind, R. M. S.
Schofield, A. Sch\"onbeck, B. W. Schulte, B. F. Schutz, E. Schwartz, J.
Scott, S. M. Scott, M. Seglar-Arroyo, T. Sekiguchi, Y. Sekiguchi, D. Sellers,
A. S. Sengupta, D. Sentenac, E. G. Seo, V. Sequino, A. Sergeev, Y. Setyawati,
T. Shaffer, M. S. Shahriar, B. Shams, L. Shao, A. Sharma, P. Sharma, P.
Shawhan, N. S. Shcheblanov, S. Shibagaki, M. Shikauchi, R. Shimizu, T.
Shimoda, K. Shimode, H. Shinkai, T. Shishido, A. Shoda, D. H. Shoemaker, D.
M. Shoemaker, S. ShyamSundar, M. Sieniawska, D. Sigg, L. P. Singer, D. Singh,
N. Singh, A. Singha, A. M. Sintes, V. Sipala, V. Skliris, B. J. J. Slagmolen,
T. J. Slaven-Blair, J. Smetana, J. R. Smith, R. J. E. Smith, J. Soldateschi,
S. N. Somala, K. Somiya, E. J. Son, K. Soni, S. Soni, V. Sordini, F.
Sorrentino, N. Sorrentino, H. Sotani, R. Soulard, T. Souradeep, E. Sowell, V.
Spagnuolo, A. P. Spencer, M. Spera, R. Srinivasan, A. K. Srivastava, V.
Srivastava, K. Staats, C. Stachie, D. A. Steer, J. Steinlechner, S.
Steinlechner, D. J. Stops, M. Stover, K. A. Strain, L. C. Strang, G. Stratta,
A. Strunk, R. Sturani, A. L. Stuver, S. Sudhagar, V. Sudhir, R. Sugimoto, H.
G. Suh, T. Z. Summerscales, H. Sun, L. Sun, S. Sunil, A. Sur, J. Suresh, P.
J. Sutton, Takamasa Suzuki, Toshikazu Suzuki, B. L. Swinkels, M. J.
Szczepa\'nczyk, P. Szewczyk, M. Tacca, H. Tagoshi, S. C. Tait, H. Takahashi,
R. Takahashi, A. Takamori, S. Takano, H. Takeda, M. Takeda, C. J. Talbot, C.
Talbot, H. Tanaka, Kazuyuki Tanaka, Kenta Tanaka, Taiki Tanaka, Takahiro
Tanaka, A. J. Tanasijczuk, S. Tanioka, D. B. Tanner, D. Tao, L. Tao, E. N.
Tapia San Mart\'in, C. Taranto, J. D. Tasson, S. Telada, R. Tenorio, J. E.
Terhune, L. Terkowski, M. P. Thirugnanasambandam, M. Thomas, P. Thomas, J. E.
Thompson, S. R. Thondapu, K. A. Thorne, E. Thrane, Shubhanshu Tiwari, Srishti
Tiwari, V. Tiwari, A. M. Toivonen, K. Toland, A. E. Tolley, T. Tomaru, Y.
Tomigami, T. Tomura, M. Tonelli, A. Torres-Forn\'e, C. I. Torrie, I. Tosta e
Melo, D. T\"oyr\"a, A. Trapananti, F. Travasso, G. Traylor, M. Trevor, M. C.
Tringali, A. Tripathee, L. Troiano, A. Trovato, L. Trozzo, R. J. Trudeau, D.
S. Tsai, D. Tsai, K. W. Tsang, T. Tsang, J-S. Tsao, M. Tse, R. Tso, K.
Tsubono, S. Tsuchida, L. Tsukada, D. Tsuna, T. Tsutsui, T. Tsuzuki, K.
Turbang, M. Turconi, D. Tuyenbayev, A. S. Ubhi, N. Uchikata, T. Uchiyama, R.
P. Udall, A. Ueda, T. Uehara, K. Ueno, G. Ueshima, C. S. Unnikrishnan, F.
Uraguchi, A. L. Urban, T. Ushiba, A. Utina, H. Vahlbruch, G. Vajente, A.
Vajpeyi, G. Valdes, M. Valentini, V. Valsan, N. van Bakel, M. van Beuzekom,
J. F. J. van den Brand, C. Van Den Broeck, D. C. Vander-Hyde, L. van der
Schaaf, J. V. van Heijningen, J. Vanosky, M. H. P. M. van Putten, N. van
Remortel, M. Vardaro, A. F. Vargas, V. Varma, M. Vas\'uth, A. Vecchio, G.
Vedovato, J. Veitch, P. J. Veitch, J. Venneberg, G. Venugopalan, D. Verkindt,
P. Verma, Y. Verma, D. Veske, F. Vetrano, A. Vicer\'e, S. Vidyant, A. D.
Viets, A. Vijaykumar, V. Villa-Ortega, J.-Y. Vinet, A. Virtuoso, S. Vitale,
T. Vo, H. Vocca, E. R. G. von Reis, J. S. A. von Wrangel, C. Vorvick, S. P.
Vyatchanin, L. E. Wade, M. Wade, K. J. Wagner, R. C. Walet, M. Walker, G. S.
Wallace, L. Wallace, S. Walsh, J. Wang, J. Z. Wang, W. H. Wang, R. L. Ward,
J. Warner, M. Was, T. Washimi, N. Y. Washington, J. Watchi, B. Weaver, S. A.
Webster, M. Weinert, A. J. Weinstein, R. Weiss, C. M. Weller, F. Wellmann, L.
Wen, P. We{\ss}els, K. Wette, J. T. Whelan, D. D. White, B. F. Whiting, C.
Whittle, D. Wilken, D. Williams, M. J. Williams, A. R. Williamson, J. L.
Willis, B. Willke, D. J. Wilson, W. Winkler, C. C. Wipf, T. Wlodarczyk, G.
Woan, J. Woehler, J. K. Wofford, I. C. F. Wong, C. Wu, D. S. Wu, H. Wu, S.
Wu, D. M. Wysocki, L. Xiao, W-R. Xu, T. Yamada, H. Yamamoto, Kazuhiro
Yamamoto, Kohei Yamamoto, T. Yamamoto, K. Yamashita, R. Yamazaki, F. W. Yang,
L. Yang, Y. Yang, Yang Yang, Z. Yang, M. J. Yap, D. W. Yeeles, A. B. Yelikar,
M. Ying, K. Yokogawa, J. Yokoyama, T. Yokozawa, J. Yoo, T. Yoshioka, Hang Yu,
Haocun Yu, H. Yuzurihara, A. Zadro\.zny, M. Zanolin, S. Zeidler, T. Zelenova,
J.-P. Zendri, M. Zevin, M. Zhan, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, T. Zhang, Y.
Zhang, C. Zhao, G. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Yue Zhao, R. Zhou, Z. Zhou, X. J. Zhu,
Z.-H. Zhu, A. B. Zimmerman, Y. Zlochower, M. E. Zucker, J. Zweizig | The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational
waves through GWTC-3 | v2: minor edits, most to Table 1 and caption; v3: rerun with public
data; Data release:; v4: update Fig 14; v5:
updated to match published version | Physical Review X 13, 011048 (2023) | 10.1103/PhysRevX.13.011048 | LIGO-P2100239 | astro-ph.HE gr-qc | | We report on the population properties of compact binary mergers inferred
from gravitational-wave observations of these systems during the first three
LIGO-Virgo observing runs. The Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog 3 contains
signals consistent with three classes of binary mergers: binary black hole,
binary neutron star, and neutron star-black hole mergers. We infer the binary
neutron star merger rate to be between 10 and 1700 Gpc$^{-3} yr$^{-1}$ and the
neutron star-black hole merger rate to be between 7.8 and 140 Gpc$^{-3}
yr$^{-1}$, assuming a constant rate density in the comoving frame and taking
the union of 90% credible intervals for methods used in this work. We infer the
binary black hole merger rate, allowing for evolution with redshift, to be
between 17.9 and 44 Gpc$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$ at a fiducial redshift (z=0.2). The
rate of binary black hole mergers is observed to increase with redshift at a
rate proportional to $(1+z)^\kappa$ with $\kappa=2.9^{+1.7}_{-1.8}$ for
$z\lesssim1$. Using both binary neutron star and neutron star-black hole
binaries, we obtain a broad, relatively flat neutron star mass distribution
extending from $1.2^{+0.1}_{-0.2}$ to $2.0^{+0.3}_{-0.3}\,M_\odot$. We
confidently determine that the merger rate as a function of mass sharply
declines after the expected maximum neutron star mass, but cannot yet confirm
or rule out the existence of a lower mass gap between neutron stars and black
holes. We also find the binary black hole mass distribution has localized over-
and underdensities relative to a power-law distribution, with peaks emerging at
chirp masses of $8.3^{+0.3}_{-0.5}$ and $27.9^{+1.9}_{-1.8}\,M_\odot$. While we
continue to find that the mass distribution of a binary's more massive
component strongly decreases as a function of primary mass, we observe no
evidence of a strongly suppressed merger rate above approximately $60\,M_\odot$
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 5 Nov 2021 17:35:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 23 Nov 2021 13:48:52 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 2 Feb 2022 19:05:42 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Wed, 23 Feb 2022 13:40:36 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:06:46 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"The LIGO Scientific Collaboration",
"the Virgo Collaboration",
"the KAGRA Collaboration",
"T. D.",
"R. X.",
"V. B.",
"O. D.",
"P. A.",
"S. B.",
"W. G.",
"S. V.",
"J. M.",
"M. C.",
"J. S.",
"S. M.",
"K. G.",
"S. M.",
"M. K. M.",
"A. M.",
"S. W.",
"J. C.",
"B. C.",
"M. A.",
"J. C.",
"A. C.",
"V. M.",
"T. F.",
"J. D.",
"B. K.",
"C. P. L.",
"I. A.",
"M. -A.",
"J. K.",
"C. D.",
"D. G.",
"R. M.",
"L. D.",
"B. A.",
"P. R.",
"J. E.",
"J. H.",
"A. F.",
"D. D.",
"H. J.",
"R. L.",
"J. Calderón",
"J. D.",
"T. A.",
"J. B.",
"K. C.",
"J. B.",
"M. F.",
"T. L.",
"J. Casanueva",
"S. Chalathadka",
"C. -H.",
"C. L.",
"E. A.",
"H. Y.",
"Y. -B.",
"Y. -R.",
"C. K.",
"H. Y.",
"H. Y.",
"M. L.",
"H. S.",
"R. K.",
"K. W.",
"A. A.",
"E. N.",
"J. A.",
"P. -F.",
"D. E.",
"C. G.",
"C. M.",
"S. J.",
"T. R.",
"K. R.",
"C. A.",
"M. W.",
"J. -P.",
"S. T.",
"D. M.",
"M. J.",
"D. C.",
"J. D. E.",
"T. D.",
"A. W.",
"S. G.",
"J. R.",
"T. J.",
"T. Dal",
"L. M.",
"L. E. H.",
"G. S.",
"M. C.",
"E. J.",
"De Laurentis",
"Del Favero",
"De Lillo",
"De Lillo",
"Del Pozzo",
"L. M.",
"De Matteis",
"De Pietri",
"De Rosa",
"De Rossi",
"De Simone",
"M. C.",
"N. A.",
"Di Fiore",
"Di Fronzo",
"Di Giorgio",
"Di Giovanni",
"Di Giovanni",
"Di Girolamo",
"Di Lieto",
"Di Pace",
"Di Palma",
"Di Renzo",
"A. K.",
"K. L.",
"J. C.",
"J. -G.",
"P. -A.",
"S. E.",
"P. J.",
"T. B.",
"S. S.",
"R. A.",
"R. C.",
"T. M.",
"B. E.",
"A. M.",
"W. M.",
"N. W.",
"E. J.",
"M. M.",
"D. L.",
"T. A.",
"R. P.",
"J. A.",
"P. W. F.",
"J. P.",
"V. V.",
"G. G.",
"H. A.",
"B. U.",
"J. R.",
"S. G.",
"G. -G.",
"J. A.",
"K. D.",
"D. R.",
"A. E.",
"D. W.",
"A. C.",
"A. M.",
"E. M.",
"H. L.",
"S. J.",
"G. M.",
"A. R.",
"H. K.",
"H. -K.",
"E. K.",
"E. D.",
"E. Z.",
"W. -B.",
"M. D.",
"T. J.",
"G. M.",
"I. W.",
"R. K.",
"C. -J.",
"F. J.",
"M. C.",
"A. F.",
"I. S.",
"M. H.",
"A. G.",
"F. Hernandez",
"A. S.",
"J. N.",
"D. G.",
"N. A.",
"I. J.",
"Z. J.",
"D. E.",
"E. J.",
"C. G.",
"Y. -J.",
"M. T.",
"A. D.",
"D. C. Y.",
"S. H.",
"B. R.",
"S. J.",
"S. P.",
"A. L.",
"A. Z.",
"N. N.",
"A. C.",
"H. -B.",
"G. R.",
"A. W.",
"D. I.",
"J. D.",
"R. J. G.",
"C. V.",
"J. B.",
"S. J.",
"D. P.",
"J. S.",
"F. Y.",
"E. A.",
"J. C.",
"W. S.",
"Y. -M.",
"J. S.",
"A. M.",
"T. D.",
"A. K. H.",
"D. B.",
"N. V.",
"T. L.",
"B. B.",
"R. N.",
"La Rosa",
"P. D.",
"Y. K.",
"H. K.",
"H. M.",
"H. W.",
"J. N.",
"A. K. Y.",
"K. L.",
"T. G. F.",
"H. L.",
"L. C. -C.",
"S. D.",
"J. N.",
"T. B.",
"G. C.",
"R. K. L.",
"L. T.",
"M. Lopez",
"T. P.",
"J. D.",
"C. O.",
"J. F.",
"A. P.",
"L. -W.",
"J. E.",
"D. M.",
"I. A. O.",
"I. Magaña",
"R. M.",
"J. L.",
"G. L.",
"A. S.",
"I. W.",
"R. M.",
"V. A.",
"D. V.",
"E. J.",
"T. J.",
"J. J.",
"D. E.",
"P. K.",
"G. I.",
"S. C.",
"S. T.",
"A. K.",
"D. A.",
"C. S.",
"R. A.",
"E. L.",
"J. D.",
"P. M.",
"A. L.",
"J. C.",
"Ll. M.",
"V. P.",
"S. R. P.",
"S. R.",
"C. J.",
"C. M.",
"E. A.",
"P. G.",
"S. L.",
"R. K.",
"B. F.",
"T. J. N.",
"K. Y.",
"S. W. S.",
"L. Nguyen",
"W. -T.",
"S. A.",
"L. K.",
"B. D.",
"J. J.",
"S. H.",
"M. A.",
"R. G.",
"N. D.",
"L. F.",
"D. J.",
"A. E.",
"M. A.",
"S. A.",
"J. R.",
"P. K.",
"P. T. H.",
"B. C.",
"F. H.",
"A. S.",
"F. E. Peña",
"C. J.",
"C. C.",
"H. P.",
"K. A.",
"K. S.",
"O. J.",
"I. M.",
"M. D.",
"D. Y. T.",
"E. K.",
"A. K.",
"G. A.",
"F. J.",
"S. X.",
"K. E.",
"T. D.",
"U. D.",
"L. A.",
"S. W.",
"D. H.",
"J. W.",
"N. A.",
"J. G.",
"C. L.",
"I. M.",
"J. H.",
"C. A.",
"M. P.",
"S. J.",
"O. S.",
"E. J.",
"J. H.",
"L. E.",
"J. R.",
"T. R.",
"B. S.",
"R. L.",
"H. L.",
"R. M. S.",
"B. W.",
"B. F.",
"S. M.",
"A. S.",
"E. G.",
"M. S.",
"N. S.",
"D. H.",
"D. M.",
"L. P.",
"A. M.",
"B. J. J.",
"T. J.",
"J. R.",
"R. J. E.",
"S. N.",
"E. J.",
"A. P.",
"A. K.",
"D. A.",
"D. J.",
"K. A.",
"L. C.",
"A. L.",
"H. G.",
"T. Z.",
"P. J.",
"B. L.",
"M. J.",
"S. C.",
"C. J.",
"A. J.",
"D. B.",
"E. N. Tapia San",
"J. D.",
"J. E.",
"M. P.",
"J. E.",
"S. R.",
"K. A.",
"A. M.",
"A. E.",
"C. I.",
"I. Tosta e",
"M. C.",
"R. J.",
"D. S.",
"K. W.",
"A. S.",
"R. P.",
"C. S.",
"A. L.",
"van Bakel",
"van Beuzekom",
"J. F. J. van den",
"C. Van Den",
"D. C.",
"van der Schaaf",
"van Heijningen",
"J. V.",
"van Putten",
"M. H. P. M.",
"van Remortel",
"A. F.",
"P. J.",
"A. D.",
"J. -Y.",
"von Reis",
"E. R. G.",
"von Wrangel",
"J. S. A.",
"S. P.",
"L. E.",
"K. J.",
"R. C.",
"G. S.",
"J. Z.",
"W. H.",
"R. L.",
"N. Y.",
"S. A.",
"A. J.",
"C. M.",
"J. T.",
"D. D.",
"B. F.",
"M. J.",
"A. R.",
"J. L.",
"D. J.",
"C. C.",
"J. K.",
"I. C. F.",
"D. S.",
"D. M.",
"F. W.",
"M. J.",
"D. W.",
"A. B.",
"J. -P.",
"X. J.",
"Z. -H.",
"A. B.",
"M. E.",
] |
2111.06818 | Yuqian Zhang | Yuqian Zhang, Weijie Ji and Jelena Bradic | Dynamic treatment effects: high-dimensional inference under model
misspecification | null | null | null | null | stat.ME cs.LG econ.EM math.ST stat.ML stat.TH | | Estimating dynamic treatment effects is crucial across various disciplines,
providing insights into the time-dependent causal impact of interventions.
However, this estimation poses challenges due to time-varying confounding,
leading to potentially biased estimates. Furthermore, accurately specifying the
growing number of treatment assignments and outcome models with multiple
exposures appears increasingly challenging to accomplish. Double robustness,
which permits model misspecification, holds great value in addressing these
challenges. This paper introduces a novel "sequential model doubly robust"
estimator. We develop novel moment-targeting estimates to account for
confounding effects and establish that root-$N$ inference can be achieved as
long as at least one nuisance model is correctly specified at each exposure
time, despite the presence of high-dimensional covariates. Although the
nuisance estimates themselves do not achieve root-$N$ rates, the carefully
designed loss functions in our framework ensure final root-$N$ inference for
the causal parameter of interest. Unlike off-the-shelf high-dimensional
methods, which fail to deliver robust inference under model misspecification
even within the doubly robust framework, our newly developed loss functions
address this limitation effectively.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 12 Nov 2021 17:05:47 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 16 Jun 2023 01:13:51 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 03:30:07 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2111.10064 | Camille Horbez | Sebastian Hensel and Camille Horbez | Measure equivalence rigidity of the handlebody groups | v2: Revised version after a referee report | null | null | null | math.GR math.GT math.OA | | Let $V$ be a connected $3$-dimensional handlebody of finite genus at least
$3$. We prove that the handlebody group $\mathrm{Mod}(V)$ is superrigid for
measure equivalence, i.e. every countable group which is measure equivalent to
$\mathrm{Mod}(V)$ is in fact virtually isomorphic to $\mathrm{Mod}(V)$.
Applications include a rigidity theorem for lattice embeddings of
$\mathrm{Mod}(V)$, an orbit equivalence rigidity theorem for free ergodic
measure-preserving actions of $\mathrm{Mod}(V)$ on standard probability spaces,
and a $W^*$-rigidity theorem among weakly compact group actions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 19 Nov 2021 06:52:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:54:09 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2112.00073 | Eric Ling | Michael K.-H. Kiessling, Eric Ling, and A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh | On the discrete Dirac spectrum of a point electron in the zero-gravity
Kerr-Newman spacetime | 62 pages, 13 figures | J. Math. Phys. 63, 112301 (2022) | 10.1063/5.0084471 | null | math-ph gr-qc math.AP math.DS math.MP quant-ph | | The discrete spectrum of the Dirac operator for a point electron in the
maximal analytically extended Kerr--Newman spacetime is determined in the
zero-$G$ limit (z$G$KN), under some restrictions on the electrical coupling
constant and on the radius of the ring-singularity of the z$G$KN spacetime. The
spectrum is characterized by a triplet of integers, associated with winding
numbers of orbits of dynamical systems on cylinders. A dictionary is
established that relates the spectrum with the known hydrogenic Dirac spectrum.
Numerical illustrations are presented. Open problems are listed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 30 Nov 2021 20:17:55 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Michael K. -H.",
"A. Shadi",
] |
2112.05632 | Warut Suksompong | Xiaohui Bei, Xinhang Lu, Warut Suksompong | Truthful Cake Sharing | Appears in the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI), 2022 | Social Choice and Welfare, 64(1-2):309-343 (2025) | 10.1007/s00355-023-01503-0 | null | cs.GT econ.TH | | The classic cake cutting problem concerns the fair allocation of a
heterogeneous resource among interested agents. In this paper, we study a
public goods variant of the problem, where instead of competing with one
another for the cake, the agents all share the same subset of the cake which
must be chosen subject to a length constraint. We focus on the design of
truthful and fair mechanisms in the presence of strategic agents who have
piecewise uniform utilities over the cake. On the one hand, we show that the
leximin solution is truthful and moreover maximizes an egalitarian welfare
measure among all truthful and position oblivious mechanisms. On the other
hand, we demonstrate that the maximum Nash welfare solution is truthful for two
agents but not in general. Our results assume that mechanisms can block each
agent from accessing parts that the agent does not claim to desire; we provide
an impossibility result when blocking is not allowed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 16:04:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 3 Feb 2022 14:21:05 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 5 Feb 2022 02:31:47 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2112.14332 | Boxin Zhao | Boxin Zhao, Lingxiao Wang, Ziqi Liu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jun Zhou,
Chaochao Chen, and Mladen Kolar | Adaptive Client Sampling in Federated Learning via Online Learning with
Bandit Feedback | 67 pages, 8 figures, to be published on Journal of Machine Learning
Research (JMLR) | null | null | null | cs.LG | | Due to the high cost of communication, federated learning (FL) systems need
to sample a subset of clients that are involved in each round of training. As a
result, client sampling plays an important role in FL systems as it affects the
convergence rate of optimization algorithms used to train machine learning
models. Despite its importance, there is limited work on how to sample clients
effectively. In this paper, we cast client sampling as an online learning task
with bandit feedback, which we solve with an online stochastic mirror descent
(OSMD) algorithm designed to minimize the sampling variance. We then
theoretically show how our sampling method can improve the convergence speed of
federated optimization algorithms over the widely used uniform sampling.
Through both simulated and real data experiments, we empirically illustrate the
advantages of the proposed client sampling algorithm over uniform sampling and
existing online learning-based sampling strategies. The proposed adaptive
sampling procedure is applicable beyond the FL problem studied here and can be
used to improve the performance of stochastic optimization procedures such as
stochastic gradient descent and stochastic coordinate descent.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 28 Dec 2021 23:50:52 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 3 Mar 2022 16:47:06 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 9 Mar 2022 02:42:47 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Wed, 31 May 2023 20:45:25 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:04:31 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2201.10847 | Bianca Marchionna | Ilaria Castellano, Bianca Marchionna, Thomas Weigel | Unimodular totally disconnected locally compact groups of rational
discrete cohomological dimension one | Final revised version. To appear in Mathematische Annalen | null | null | null | math.GR | | It is shown that a Stallings--Swan theorem holds in a totally disconnected
locally compact (= t.d.l.c.) context (cf. Thm. B). More precisely, a compactly
generated $\mathcal{CO}$-bounded t.d.l.c. group $G$ of rational discrete
cohomological dimension less than or equal to $1$ must be isomorphic to the
fundamental group of a finite graph of profinite groups. This result
generalises Dunwoody's rational version of the classical Stallings--Swan
theorem to t.d.l.c. groups. The proof of Theorem B is based on the fact that a
compactly generated unimodular t.d.l.c. group with rational discrete
cohomological dimension $1$ has necessarily non-positive Euler--Poincar\'e
characteristic (cf. Thm. H).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 Jan 2022 10:15:40 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 7 Jul 2024 18:17:56 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 10:50:58 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2204.00347 | Michiko Ogaku PhD | Michiko Ogaku | Insuring uninsurable income | The earlier version of this paper was circulated under the title
"Mutual insurance for uninsurable income" | null | null | null | econ.TH | | In an exchange economy composed of risk-averse individuals subject to shocks,
these shocks may become uninsurable if they are private information. Efficient
smoothing of such shocks across the economy requires to self-report the shocks
they privately experience. This efficient allocation often leads to growing
inequality, a problem that remains largely unresolved. This paper extends an
alternative mechanism proposed by Marcet and Marimon (1992, JET), which
redistributes risk across periods for the same individual. This approach could
reduce the inequality observed in previous studies that allocate risk among
individuals within each period. Marcet and Marimon's mechanism, originally
designed as an efficient growth mechanism combining state-contingent investment
and transfers, is used here to facilitate transfers in an exchange economy
subject to income shocks.
The first key finding of this paper is that the proposed mechanism can
achieve both efficiency and avoidance of immiserization under certain
conditions, specifically, when individuals' degree of risk aversion is not
excessively high relative to the disparity between their highest and lowest
possible incomes. Furthermore, the mechanism preserves equality of opportunity
within the same age group. Where efficiency and equality of opportunity are
achieved by shifting risks to future periods. Even if the sufficient condition
is not met, the mechanism ensures the optimal allocation under the given
condition and continues to avoid immiserization.
The second key finding concerns to the potential sustainability of this
mechanism in a society with a continuum of individuals, where the population,
consisting of different age group, remains constant over time.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 1 Apr 2022 10:49:28 GMT"
"version": "v10",
"created": "Mon, 7 Oct 2024 04:22:58 GMT"
"version": "v11",
"created": "Tue, 14 Jan 2025 13:03:47 GMT"
"version": "v12",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 04:46:32 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 24 May 2022 08:51:52 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 30 May 2022 09:57:57 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 28 Jun 2022 06:10:07 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Mon, 20 Nov 2023 05:22:41 GMT"
"version": "v6",
"created": "Thu, 30 Nov 2023 07:39:23 GMT"
"version": "v7",
"created": "Mon, 4 Dec 2023 03:07:12 GMT"
"version": "v8",
"created": "Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:36:12 GMT"
"version": "v9",
"created": "Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:10:48 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2204.04274 | Fabio Zanasi | Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Robin Piedeleu, Fabio Zanasi | Rewriting for Symmetric Monoidal Categories with Commutative (Co)Monoid
Structure | null | null | null | null | cs.LO math.CT | | String diagrams are pictorial representations for morphisms of symmetric
monoidal categories. They constitute an intuitive and expressive graphical
syntax, which has found application in a very diverse range of fields including
concurrency theory, quantum computing, control theory, machine learning,
linguistics, and digital circuits. Rewriting theory for string diagrams relies
on a combinatorial interpretation as double-pushout rewriting of certain
hypergraphs. As previously studied, there is a `tension' in this
interpretation: in order to make it sound and complete, we either need to add
structure on string diagrams (in particular, Frobenius algebra structure) or
pose restrictions on double-pushout rewriting (resulting in 'convex'
rewriting). From the string diagram viewpoint, imposing a full Frobenius
structure may not always be natural or desirable in applications, which
motivates our study of a weaker requirement: commutative monoid structure. In
this work we characterise string diagram rewriting modulo commutative monoid
equations, via a sound and complete interpretation in a suitable notion of
double-pushout rewriting of hypergraphs.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 8 Apr 2022 20:04:21 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 29 Mar 2023 09:20:29 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 12 Dec 2024 16:33:44 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 12:56:11 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2205.02691 | Jeff Calder | Katrina Yezzi-Woodley, Jeff Calder, Mckenzie Sweno, Chloe Siewert,
Peter J. Olver | The Batch Artifact Scanning Protocol: A new method using computed
tomography (CT) to rapidly create three-dimensional models of objects from
large collections en masse | null | null | null | null | cs.CV | | Within anthropology, the use of three-dimensional (3D) imaging has become
increasingly common and widespread since it broadens the available avenues for
addressing a wide range of key anthropological issues. The ease with which 3D
models can be generated and shared has major impact on research, cultural
heritage, education, science communication, and public engagement, as well as
contributing to the preservation of the physical specimens and archiving
collections in widely accessible data bases. Current scanning protocols have
the ability to create the required research quality 3D models; however, they
tend to be time and labor intensive and not practical when working with large
collections. Here we describe a streamlined Batch Artifact Scanning Protocol to
rapidly create 3D models using a medical CT scanner. While this method can be
used on a variety of material types, we have, for specificity, applied our
protocol to a large collection of experimentally broken ungulate limb bones. By
employing the Batch Artifact Scanning Protocol, we were able to efficiently
create 3D models of 2,474 bone fragments at a rate of less than 4 minutes per
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 5 May 2022 14:57:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 13:16:25 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Peter J.",
] |
2205.07355 | Hui Xia | Yongxin Wu and Hui Xia | Pinning-depinning transitions in two classes of discrete elastic-string
models in (2+1)-dimensions | null | J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 053208 | 10.1088/1742-5468/ad4af9 | null | cond-mat.stat-mech | | The pinning-depinning phase transitions of interfaces for two classes of
discrete elastic-string models are investigated numerically. In the
(1+1)-dimensions, we revisit these two elastic-string models with slight
modification to growth rule, and compare the estimated values with the previous
numerical and experimental results. For the (2+1)-dimensional case, we perform
extensive simulations on pinning-depinning transitions in these { discrete
models with quenched disorder}. For full comparisons in the physically relevant
spatial dimensions, we also perform numerically two distinct universality
classes, including the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson (QEW), and the quenched
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (QKPZ) equations with and without external driving forces.
The critical exponents of these {systems in the presence of quenched disorder}
are numerically estimated. Our results show that the critical exponents satisfy
scaling relations well, and these two discrete elastic-string models do not
fall into the existing universality classes. In order to visually comparisons
of these {discrete systems with quenched disorder} in the (2+1)-dimensional
cases, we present surface morphologies with various external driving forces
during the saturated time regimes. The relationships between surface
morphologies, scaling exponents and correlation length are also revealed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 15 May 2022 18:39:16 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 6 Jul 2022 09:42:30 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 03:23:27 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2206.00884 | Camille Horbez | Camille Horbez and Jingyin Huang | Measure equivalence rigidity among the Higman groups | v3: Final accepted version, to appear in JEMS | null | null | null | math.GR math.GT math.OA | | We prove that all (generalized) Higman groups on at least $5$ generators are
superrigid for measure equivalence. More precisely, let $k\ge 5$, and let $H$
be a group with generators $a_1,\dots,a_k$, and Baumslag-Solitar relations
given by $a_ia_{i+1}^{m_i}a_i^{-1}=a_i^{n_i}$, with $i$ varying in
$\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$ and nonzero integers $|m_i|\neq |n_i|$ for each $i$.
We prove that every countable group which is measure equivalent to $H$, is in
fact virtually isomorphic to $H$. A key ingredient in the proof is a general
statement providing measured group theoretic invariants for groups acting
acylindrically on $\mathrm{CAT}(-1)$ polyhedral complexes with control on
vertex and edge stabilizers.
Among consequences of our work, we obtain rigidity theorems for generalized
Higman groups with respect to lattice embeddings and automorphisms of their
Cayley graphs. We also derive an orbit equivalence and $W^*$-superrigidity
theorem for all free, ergodic, probability measure-preserving actions of
generalized Higman groups.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 2 Jun 2022 05:56:09 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 24 Jan 2023 12:16:17 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 14:38:49 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2206.00903 | Tim French Dr | Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French and Rustam Galimullin | Satisfiability of Quantified Boolean Announcements | The authors regret that the proof of decidability of satisfiability
of BAPAL in the previous versions contains errors and they have not been able
to correct these errors. We still believe that it is likely that BAPAL is
decidable, and we would like to encourage readers to show this independently.
The lack of finite model property for BAPAL holds | null | null | null | cs.LO | | Dynamic epistemic logics consider formal representations of agents'
knowledge, and how the knowledge of agents changes in response to informative
events, such as public announcements. Quantifying over informative events
allows us to ask whether it is possible to achieve some state of knowledge, and
has important applications in synthesising secure communication protocols.
However, quantifying over quite simple informative events, public
announcements, is not computable: such an arbitrary public announcement logic,
APAL, has an undecidable satisfiability problem. Here we consider even simpler
informative events called Boolean announcements, where announcements are
restricted to be a Boolean combination of atomic propositions. The logic is
called Boolean arbitrary public announcement logic, BAPAL. A companion paper
provides a complete finitary axiomatization, and related expressivity results,
for BAPAL. In this work the satisfiability problem for BAPAL is shown to
decidable, and also that BAPAL does not have the finite model property.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 2 Jun 2022 07:51:16 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 02:12:35 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"van Ditmarsch",
] |
2206.08863 | Antonio Maria Cleani | Nick Bezhanishvili and Antonio M. Cleani | Blok-Esakia Theorems via Stable Canonical Rules | 35 pages | null | null | null | math.LO | | We present a new uniform method for studying modal companions of
superintuitionistic rule systems and related notions, based on the machinery of
stable canonical rules. Using this method, we obtain alternative proofs of the
Blok-Esakia theorem and of the Dummett-Lemmon conjecture for rule systems.
Since stable canonical rules may be developed for any rule system admitting
filtration, our method generalizes smoothly to richer signatures. Using
essentially the same argument, we obtain a proof of an analogue of the
Blok-Esakia theorem for bi-superintuitionistic and tense rule systems, and of
the Kuznetsov-Muravitsky isomorphism between rule systems extending the modal
intuitionistic logic $\logic{KM}$ and modal rule systems extending the
provability logic $\logic{GL}$. In addition, our proof of the Dummett-Lemmon
conjecture also generalizes to the bi-superintuitionistic and tense cases.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:05:33 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 18:22:00 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Antonio M.",
] |
2207.00998 | Andreas E. Kyprianou | A.E. Kyprianou, L. Pe\~naloza, T. Rogers | The replicator coalescent | 2 figures | null | null | null | math.PR | | We consider a stochastic model, called the replicator coalescent, describing
a system of blocks of $k$ different types which undergo pairwise mergers at
rates depending on the block types: with rate $C_{i,j}$ blocks of type $i$ and
$j$ merge, resulting in a single block of type $i$. The replicator coalescent
can be seen as generalisation of Kingman's coalescent death chain in a
multi-type setting, although without an underpinning exchangeable partition
structure. The name is derived from a remarkable connection we uncover between
the instantaneous dynamics of this multi-type coalescent when issued from an
arbitrarily large number of blocks, and the so-called replicator equations from
evolutionary game theory. By dilating time arbitrarily close to zero, we see
that initially, on coming down from infinity, the replicator coalescent behaves
like the solution to a certain replicator equation. Thereafter, stochastic
effects are felt and the process evolves more in the spirit of a multi-type
death chain.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 3 Jul 2022 10:17:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:07:26 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 09:57:01 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"A. E.",
] |
2207.03101 | Mathias Staudigl | Pavel Dvurechensky, Gabriele Iommazzo, Shimrit Shtern, Mathias
Staudigl | A conditional gradient homotopy method with applications to Semidefinite
Programming | Largely revised and extended version. Submitted for Publication | null | null | null | math.OC cs.LG | | We propose a new homotopy-based conditional gradient method for solving
convex optimization problems with a large number of simple conic constraints.
Instances of this template naturally appear in semidefinite programming
problems arising as convex relaxations of combinatorial optimization problems.
Our method is a double-loop algorithm in which the conic constraint is treated
via a self-concordant barrier, and the inner loop employs a conditional
gradient algorithm to approximate the analytic central path, while the outer
loop updates the accuracy imposed on the temporal solution and the homotopy
parameter. Our theoretical iteration complexity is competitive when confronted
to state-of-the-art SDP solvers, with the decisive advantage of cheap
projection-free subroutines. Preliminary numerical experiments are provided for
illustrating the practical performance of the method.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 7 Jul 2022 05:48:27 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:24:54 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:48:34 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2207.08622 | Giovanni Bussi | Mattia Bernetti and Giovanni Bussi | Integrating experimental data with molecular simulations to investigate
RNA structural dynamics | Accepted manuscript (post-print) | Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 78, 102503 (2023) | 10.1016/ | null | q-bio.BM | | Conformational dynamics is crucial for ribonucleic acid (RNA) function.
Techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance, cryo-electron microscopy, small-
and wide-angle X-ray scattering, chemical probing, single-molecule F\"orster
resonance energy transfer or even thermal or mechanical denaturation
experiments probe RNA dynamics at different time and space resolutions. Their
combination with accurate atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations paves
the way for quantitative and detailed studies of RNA dynamics. First,
experiments provide a quantitative validation tool for MD simulations. Second,
available data can be used to refine simulated structural ensembles to match
experiments. Finally, comparison with experiments allows for improving MD force
fields that are transferable to new systems for which data is not available.
Here we review the recent literature and provide our perspective on this field.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 18 Jul 2022 14:12:41 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 4 Aug 2022 12:54:44 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2022 09:10:50 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:57:42 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2207.13961 | Armando Gutierrez Terradillos | Armando Gutierrez Terradillos | A truncated Siegel-Weil formula and Borcherds forms | 38 pages; comments welcome | null | null | null | math.NT | | In this paper we use the regularized Siegel-Weil formula of Gan-Qiu-Takeda to
obtain an expression of the integral of the theta function over the truncated
modular curve. We apply this result to express the integral over the truncated
modular curve of the logarithm of the Borcherds form and we describe explicitly
its asymptotic behaviour, and in particular the convergent and divergent
contributions. The result provides a complement to the work of Kudla on
integrals of Borcherds forms in a limiting case which falls out the range of
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 28 Jul 2022 09:01:07 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 9 Dec 2022 13:54:18 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 10:14:14 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Armando Gutierrez",
] |
2208.04885 | Nathaniel Sagman | Nathaniel Sagman and Peter Smillie | Unstable minimal surfaces in symmetric spaces of non-compact type | null | null | null | null | math.DG math.GT | | We prove that if $\Sigma$ is a closed surface of genus at least 3 and $G$ is
a split real semisimple Lie group of rank at least $3$ acting faithfully by
isometries on a symmetric space $N$, then there exists a Hitchin representation
$\rho:\pi_1(\Sigma)\to G$ and a $\rho$-equivariant unstable minimal map from
the universal cover of $\Sigma$ to $N$. This follows from a new lower bound on
the index of high energy minimal maps into an arbitrary symmetric space of
non-compact type. Taking $G=\mathrm{PSL}(n,\mathbb{R})$, $n\geq 4$, this
disproves the Labourie conjecture.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 9 Aug 2022 16:27:32 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 13:42:40 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2208.05829 | Qizhong Lin | Fan Chung and Qizhong Lin | Fan-complete Ramsey numbers | 16 pages | null | null | null | math.CO | | For graphs $G$ and $H$, we consider Ramsey numbers $r(G,H)$ with tight lower
bounds, namely, $r(G,H) \geq (\chi(G)-1)(|H|-1)+1,$ where $\chi(G)$ denotes the
chromatic number of $G$ and $|H|$ denotes the number of vertices in $H$. We say
$H$ is $G$-good if the equality holds.
Let $G+H$ be the join graph obtained from graphs $G$ and $H$ by adding all
edges between the disjoint vertex sets of $G$ and $H$. Let $nH$ denote the
union graph of $n$ disjoint copies of $H$. We show that $K_1+nH$ is $K_p$-good
if $n$ is sufficiently large. In particular, the fan-graph $F_n=K_1 + n K_2$ is
$K_p$-good if $n\geq 27p^2$, improving previous tower-type lower bounds for $n$
due to Li and Rousseau (1996). Moreover, we give a stronger lower bound
inequality for Ramsey number $r(G, K_1+F)$ for the case of $G=K_p(a_1, a_2,
\dots, a_p)$, the complete $p$-partite graph with $a_1=1$ and $a_i \leq
a_{i+1}$. In particular, using a stability-supersaturation lemma by Fox, He and
Wigderson (2021), we show that for any fixed graph $H$, \begin{align*}
r(G,K_1+nH) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (p-1)(n |H|+a_2-1)+1 & \textrm{if
$n|H|+a_2-1$ is even or $a_2-1$ is even,}\\ (p-1)(n |H|+a_2-2)+1 &
\textrm{otherwise,} \end{array}
\right. \end{align*} where $G=K_p(1,a_2, \dots, a_p)$ with $a_i$'s satisfying
some mild conditions and $n$ is sufficiently large. The special case of $H=K_1$
gives an answer to Burr's question (1981) about the discrepancy of $r(G,
K_{1,n})$ from $G$-goodness for sufficiently large $n$. All bounds of $n$ we
obtain are not of tower-types.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 11 Aug 2022 13:54:29 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 01:58:22 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2208.07725 | Or Katz | Or Katz, Meirav Pinkas, Nitzan Akerman, Ming Li, Roee Ozeri | Quantum suppression of cold reactions far from the s-wave energy limit | null | null | null | null | quant-ph physics.atom-ph physics.chem-ph | | Reactions between pairs of atoms are ubiquitous processes in chemistry and
physics. Quantum scattering effects on reactions often require extremely
ultracold temperatures, approaching the $s$-wave regime, with a small number of
partial waves involved. At higher temperatures, the different phases associated
with the centrifugal barriers of different partial waves average out quantum
interference to yield classical reaction rates. Here, we use quantum-logic to
experimentally study resonant charge-exchange reactions between individual cold
pairs of neutral $^{87}$Rb atoms and optically-inaccessible $^{87}$Rb$^{+}$
ions far above the $s$-wave regime. We find that the measured charge-exchange
rate is significantly suppressed with respect to the classical prediction. Our
results indicate that even at temperatures three orders of magnitude higher
than the ultracold $s$-wave regime, quantum interference in collisions persists
and impacts reaction rates.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 16 Aug 2022 12:40:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 22:59:45 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2208.07794 | Zheng-Hao Liu | Zheng-Hao Liu, Yu Meng, Yu-Ze Wu, Ze-Yan Hao, Zhen-Peng Xu, Cheng-Jun
Ai, Hai Wei, Kai Wen, Jing-Ling Chen, Jie Ma, Jin-Shi Xu, Chuan-Feng Li, and
Guang-Can Guo | Exploring the boundary of quantum correlations with a time-domain
optical processor | 20 pages, 9 figures. Clarified definitions. Discussed the potential
path to the rigid contextuality test. Close to the published version | Science Advances 11, eabd8080 (2025) | 10.1126/sciadv.abd8080 | null | quant-ph physics.optics | | Contextuality is a hallmark feature of the quantum theory that captures its
incompatibility with any noncontextual hidden-variable model. The
Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger (GHZ)-type paradoxes are proofs of contextuality
that reveal this incompatibility with deterministic logical arguments. However,
the GHZ-type paradox whose events can be included in the fewest contexts and
which brings the strongest nonclassicality remains elusive. Here, we derive a
GHZ-type paradox with a context-cover number of three and show this number
saturates the lower bound posed by quantum theory. We demonstrate the paradox
with a time-domain fiber optical platform and recover the quantum prediction in
a 37-dimensional setup based on high-speed modulation, convolution, and
homodyne detection of time-multiplexed pulsed coherent light. By proposing and
studying a strong form of contextuality in high-dimensional Hilbert space, our
results pave the way for the exploration of exotic quantum correlations with
time-multiplexed optical systems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 16 Aug 2022 15:12:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:40:19 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 19:13:10 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2208.11147 | Chaitanya Rahalkar | Chaitanya Rahalkar and Anushka Virgaonkar | SoK: Content Moderation Schemes in End-to-End Encrypted Systems | Discrepancies in results and findings | null | null | null | cs.CR | | This paper aims to survey various techniques utilized for content moderation
in end-to-end encryption systems. We assess the challenging aspect of content
moderation: maintaining a safe platform while assuring user privacy. We study
the unique features of some content moderation techniques, such as message
franking and perceptual hashing, and highlight their limitations. Currently
implemented content moderation techniques violate the goals of end-to-end
encrypted messaging to some extent. This has led researchers to develop
remediations and design new security primitives to make content moderation
compatible with end-to-end encryption systems. We detail these developments,
analyze the proposed research efforts, assess their security guarantees,
correlate them with other proposed solutions, and determine suitable
improvements under specific scenarios.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2022 18:27:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:39:41 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 6 Sep 2023 15:42:23 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Sat, 9 Sep 2023 17:42:55 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Sun, 11 Aug 2024 16:17:08 GMT"
"version": "v6",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 16:30:31 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2208.12839 | Fan Yang | Fan Yang, Shichen Liu, Heun Jin Lee, Rob Phillips, Matt Thomson | Dynamic Flow Control Through Active Matter Programming Language | 24 pages, 9 figures | null | null | null | cond-mat.soft physics.flu-dyn | | Cells control fluid flows with a spatial and temporal precision that far
exceeds the capabilities of current microfluidic technologies. Cells achieve
this superior spatio-temporal control by harnessing dynamic networks of
cytoskeleton and motor proteins. Thus, engineering systems to mimic
cytoskeletal protein networks could lead to the development of a new,
active-matter-powered microfluidic device with improved performance over the
existing technologies. However, reconstituted motor-microtubule systems
conventionally generate chaotic flows and cannot perform useful tasks. Here, we
develop an all-optical platform for programming flow fields for transport,
separation and mixing of cells and particles using networks of microtubules and
motor proteins reconstituted in vitro. We employ mathematical modeling for
design optimization, which enables the construction of flow fields that
achieves micron-scale transport. We use the platform to demonstrate that
active-matter-generated flow fields can probe the extensional rheology of
polymers, such as DNA, achieve transport and mixing of beads and human cells,
and isolation of human cell clusters. Our findings provide a bio-inspired
pathway for programmatically engineering dynamic micron-scale flows and
demonstrate the vast potential of active matter systems as an engineering
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2022 18:45:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 20 Jul 2023 07:35:29 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 1 Aug 2023 06:49:55 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 5 Oct 2023 15:56:22 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Heun Jin",
] |
2209.09866 | Ofer Leshkowitz | Bader Abu Radi, Orna Kupferman and Ofer Leshkowitz | A Hierarchy of Nondeterminism | 27 pages, 6 figures, added a section about MDPs and GFM automata | null | null | null | cs.FL cs.LO | | We study three levels in a hierarchy of nondeterminism: A nondeterministic
automaton $\mathcal{A}$ is determinizable by pruning (DBP) if we can obtain a
deterministic automaton equivalent to $\mathcal{A}$ by removing some of its
transitions. Then, $\mathcal{A}$ is history deterministic (HD) if its
nondeterministic choices can be resolved in a way that only depends on the
past. Finally, $\mathcal{A}$ is semantically deterministic (SD) if different
nondeterministic choices in $\mathcal{A}$ lead to equivalent states. Some
applications of automata in formal methods require deterministic automata, yet
in fact can use automata with some level of nondeterminism. For example, DBP
automata are useful in the analysis of online algorithms, and HD automata are
useful in synthesis and control. For automata on finite words, the three levels
in the hierarchy coincide. We study the hierarchy for B\"uchi, co-B\"uchi, and
weak automata on infinite words. We show that the hierarchy is strict, study
the expressive power of the different levels in it, as well as the complexity
of deciding the membership of a language in a given level. Finally, we describe
a probability-based analysis of the hierarchy, which relates the level of
nondeterminism with the probability that a random run on a word in the language
is accepting. We relate the latter to nondeterministic automata that can be
used when reasoning about probabilistic systems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:22:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 23 Jun 2023 07:20:06 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 25 Dec 2023 13:08:06 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 11:37:40 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Bader Abu",
] |
2209.13989 | Sanjay Mukherjee | Sanjay Mukherjee, Kamal Lochan Patra, Binod Kumar Sahoo | On the minimum cut-sets of the power graph of a finite cyclic group | null | null | 10.1142/S0219498824501767 | null | math.CO | | The power graph $\mathcal{P}(G)$ of a finite group $G$ is the simple graph
with vertex set $G$, in which two distinct vertices are adjacent if one of them
is a power of the other. For an integer $n\geq 2$, let $C_n$ denote the cyclic
group of order $n$ and let $r$ be the number of distinct prime divisors of $n$.
The minimum cut-sets of $\mathcal{P}(C_n)$ are characterized in \cite{cps} for
$r\leq 3$. In this paper, for $r\geq 4$, we identify certain cut-sets of
$\mathcal{P}(C_n)$ such that any minimum cut-set of $\mathcal{P}(C_n)$ must be
one of them.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:35:03 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Kamal Lochan",
"Binod Kumar",
] |
2210.03685 | Lu Wang | Lu Wang, Luis F. Abanto-Leon, and Arash Asadi | Joint Communication and Sensing in RIS-enabled mmWave Networks | null | null | 10.1109/TVT.2025.3537323 | null | eess.SP | | Empowering cellular networks with augmented sensing capabilities is one of
the key research areas in 6G communication systems. Recently, we have witnessed
a plethora of efforts to devise solutions that integrate sensing capabilities
into communication systems, i.e., joint communication and sensing (JCAS).
However, most prior works do not consider the impact of reconfigurable
intelligent surfaces (RISs) on JCAS systems, especially at millimeter-wave
(mmWave) bands. Given that RISs are expected to become an integral part of
cellular systems, it is important to investigate their potential in cellular
networks beyond communication goals. In this paper, we study mmWave orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) JCAS systems in the presence of RISs.
Specifically, we jointly design the hybrid beamforming and RIS phase shifts to
guarantee the sensing functionalities via minimizing a chordal-distance metric,
subject to signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) and power constraints. The
non-convexity of the investigated problem poses a challenge which we address by
proposing a solution based on the penalty method and manifold-based alternating
direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Simulation results demonstrate that
under various settings both sensing and communication experience improved
performance when the RIS is adequately designed. In addition, we discuss the
tradeoff between sensing and communication.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Oct 2022 16:43:22 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 24 Mar 2023 16:51:33 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Luis F.",
] |
2210.11439 | Souheib Allout | Souheib Allout, Abderrahmane Belkacem, Abdelghani Zeghib | On homogeneous 3-dimensional spacetimes: focus on plane waves | Several corrections are made | null | null | null | math.DG | | We revisit the classification of Lorentz homogeneous spaces of dimension $3$,
and relax usual completeness assumptions. In particular, non-unimodular
elliptic plane waves, and only them, are neither locally symmetric nor locally
isometric to a left-invariant Lorentz metric on a $3$-dimensional Lie group. We
characterize homogeneous plane waves in dimension $3$, and prove they are
non-extendable, and geodesically complete only if they are symmetric. Finally,
only one non-flat plane wave has a compact model.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Oct 2022 17:40:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 20 Nov 2022 14:10:37 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 4 Jul 2023 13:46:07 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 15:37:24 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2210.17428 | Farnaz Shakib | Zeyu Zhang, Dylan Valente, Yuliang Shi, Dil K. Limbu, Mohammad R.
Momeni, Farnaz A. Shakib | EC-MOF/Phase-I: A computationally ready database of electrically
conductive metal-organic frameworks with high-throughput structural and
electronic properties | null | null | 10.1021/acsami.2c22665 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | | The advent of pi-stacked layered metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) opened up
new horizons for designing compact MOF-based devices as they offer unique
electrical conductivity on top of permanent porosity and exceptionally high
surface area. By taking advantage of the modular nature of these electrically
conductive (EC) MOFs, an unlimited number of materials can be created for
applications in electronic devices such as battery electrodes, supercapacitors,
and spintronics. Permutation of structural building blocks including different
metal nodes and organic linkers results in new systems with unprecedented and
unexplored physical and chemical properties. With the ultimate goal of
providing a platform for accelerated materials design and discovery, here, we
lay the foundations towards creation of the first comprehensive database of
EC-MOFs with an experimentally guided approach. The first phase of this
database, coined EC-MOF/Phase-I, is comprised of 1,061 bulk and mono-layer
structures built by all possible combinations of experimentally reported
organic linkers, functional groups and metal nodes. A high-throughput screening
(HTS) work flow is constructed to implement density functional theory
calculations with periodic boundary conditions to optimize the structures and
calculate some of their most significantly relevant properties. Since research
and development in the area of EC-MOFs has long been suffering from the lack of
appropriate initial crystal structures, all the geometries and property data
have been made available for the use of the community through the online
platform that is developed in the course of this work. This database provides
comprehensive physical and chemical data of EC-MOFs as well as convenience of
selecting appropriate materials for specific applications, thus, accelerating
design and discovery of EC-MOF-based compact devices.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Oct 2022 15:58:50 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Dil K.",
"Mohammad R.",
"Farnaz A.",
] |
2211.05327 | Ronny Ko | Ronny Ko, Chuan Xiao, Makoto Onizuka, Yihe Huang, Zhiqiang Lin | Ultraverse: A System-Centric Framework for Efficient What-If Analysis
for Database-Intensive Web Applications | SIGMOD 2025 accepted publication | null | null | null | cs.DB cs.SE | | Existing what-if analysis systems are predominantly tailored to operate on
either only the application layer or only the database layer of software. This
isolated approach limits their effectiveness in scenarios where intensive
interaction between applications and database systems occurs. To address this
gap, we introduce Ultraverse, a what-if analysis framework that seamlessly
integrates both application and database layers. Ultraverse employs dynamic
symbolic execution to effectively translate application code into compact SQL
procedure representations, thereby synchronizing application semantics at both
SQL and application levels during what-if replays. A novel aspect of Ultraverse
is its use of advanced query dependency analysis, which serves two key
purposes: (1) it eliminates the need to replay irrelevant transactions that do
not influence the outcome, and (2) it facilitates parallel replay of mutually
independent transactions, significantly enhancing the analysis efficiency.
Ultraverse is applicable to existing unmodified database systems and legacy
application codes. Our extensive evaluations of the framework have demonstrated
remarkable improvements in what-if analysis speed, achieving performance gains
ranging from 7.7x to 291x across diverse benchmarks.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 10 Nov 2022 04:13:12 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 15:46:08 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 11 Nov 2024 04:38:46 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 11:53:00 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2211.11337 | Ziyi Dong | Ziyi Dong, Pengxu Wei, Liang Lin | DreamArtist++: Controllable One-Shot Text-to-Image Generation via
Positive-Negative Adapter | null | null | null | null | cs.CV cs.CL cs.MM | | State-of-the-arts text-to-image generation models such as Imagen and Stable
Diffusion Model have succeed remarkable progresses in synthesizing
high-quality, feature-rich images with high resolution guided by human text
prompts. Since certain characteristics of image content \emph{e.g.}, very
specific object entities or styles, are very hard to be accurately described by
text, some example-based image generation approaches have been proposed,
\emph{i.e.} generating new concepts based on absorbing the salient features of
a few input references. Despite of acknowledged successes, these methods have
struggled on accurately capturing the reference examples' characteristics while
keeping diverse and high-quality image generation, particularly in the one-shot
scenario (\emph{i.e.} given only one reference). To tackle this problem, we
propose a simple yet effective framework, namely DreamArtist, which adopts a
novel positive-negative prompt-tuning learning strategy on the pre-trained
diffusion model, and it has shown to well handle the trade-off between the
accurate controllability and fidelity of image generation with only one
reference example. Specifically, our proposed framework incorporates both
positive and negative embeddings or adapters and optimizes them in a joint
manner. The positive part aggressively captures the salient characteristics of
the reference image to drive diversified generation and the negative part
rectifies inadequacies from the positive part. We have conducted extensive
experiments and evaluated the proposed method from image similarity (fidelity)
and diversity, generation controllability, and style cloning. And our
DreamArtist has achieved a superior generation performance over existing
methods. Besides, our additional evaluation on extended tasks, including
concept compositions and prompt-guided image editing, demonstrates its
effectiveness for more applications.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 21 Nov 2022 10:37:56 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 16 Mar 2023 07:38:02 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 5 Apr 2023 13:38:28 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 15:13:01 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2211.12849 | Giuseppe L'Erario | Giuseppe L'Erario, Gabriele Nava, Giulio Romualdi, Fabio Bergonti,
Valentino Razza, Stefano Dafarra, Daniele Pucci | Whole-Body Trajectory Optimization for Robot Multimodal Locomotion | Paper accepted in Humanoids 2022 | null | 10.1109/Humanoids53995.2022.10000241 | null | cs.RO | | The general problem of planning feasible trajectories for multimodal robots
is still an open challenge. This paper presents a whole-body trajectory
optimisation approach that addresses this challenge by combining methods and
tools developed for aerial and legged robots. First, robot models that enable
the presented whole-body trajectory optimisation framework are presented. The
key model is the so-called robot centroidal momentum, the dynamics of which is
directly related to the models of the robot actuation for aerial and
terrestrial locomotion. Then, the paper presents how these models can be
employed in an optimal control problem to generate either terrestrial or aerial
locomotion trajectories with a unified approach. The optimisation problem
considers robot kinematics, momentum, thrust forces and their bounds. The
overall approach is validated using the multimodal robot iRonCub, a flying
humanoid robot that expresses a degree of terrestrial and aerial locomotion. To
solve the associated optimal trajectory generation problem, we employ ADAM, a
custom-made open-source library that implements a collection of algorithms for
calculating rigid-body dynamics using CasADi.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 23 Nov 2022 10:50:50 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2212.14244 | Peter Morfe | Georgiana Chatzigeorgiou, Peter Morfe, Felix Otto, Lihan Wang | The Gaussian free-field as a stream function: asymptotics of effective
diffusivity in infra-red cut-off | 25 pages; In v2, we added Section 9, where we establish real-time
super-diffusivity results for the SDE without infra-red cut-off; In v3, we
incorporated changes suggested by anonymous viewers (accepted version) | null | null | null | math.PR math.AP | | We analyze the large-time asymptotics of a passive tracer with drift equal to
the curl of the Gaussian free field in two dimensions with ultra-violet cut-off
at scale unity. We prove that the mean-squared displacement scales like $t
\sqrt{\ln t}$, as predicted in the physics literature and recently almost
proved by the work of Cannizzaro, Haunschmidt-Sibitz, and Toninelli (2022),
which uses mathematical-physics type analysis in Fock space. Our approach
involves studying the effective diffusivity $\lambda_{L}$ of the process with
an infra-red cut-off at scale $L$, and is based on techniques from stochastic
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 09:52:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 24 May 2023 16:26:28 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:31:22 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2301.04947 | Michele Tizzoni | Lorenzo Amir Nemati Fard, Alberto Bisin, Michele Starnini, Michele
Tizzoni | Modeling adaptive forward-looking behavior in epidemics on networks | null | null | null | null | physics.soc-ph econ.TH | | Incorporating decision-making dynamics during an outbreak poses a challenge
for epidemiology, faced by several modeling approaches siloed by different
disciplines. We propose an epi-economic model where high-frequency choices of
individuals respond to the infection dynamics over heterogeneous networks.
Maintaining a rational forward-looking component to individual choices, agents
follow a behavioral rule-of-thumb in the face of limited perceived forecasting
precision in a highly uncertain epidemic environment. We describe the resulting
equilibrium behavior of the epidemic by analytical expressions depending on the
epidemic conditions. We study existence and welfare of equilibrium, identifying
a fundamental negative externality. We also sign analytically the effects of
the behavioral rule-of-thumb at different phases of the epidemic and
characterize some comparative statics. Through numerical simulations, we
contrast different information structures: global awareness -- where
individuals only know the prevalence of the disease in the population -- with
local awareness, where individuals know the prevalence in their neighborhood.
We show that agents' behavioral response through forward-looking choice can
flatten the epidemic curve, but local awareness, by triggering highly
heterogeneous behavioral responses, more effectively curbs the disease compared
to global awareness.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 12 Jan 2023 11:36:22 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 19:07:53 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Lorenzo Amir Nemati",
] |
2301.13595 | Viatcheslav Belyaev | V.M. Belyaev | HJM Local Volatility Model | 16 pages, 15 Figures. Added Caplets | null | null | null | q-fin.PR q-fin.MF | | Local Volatility (LV) is a powerful tool for market modeling, enabling the
generation of arbitrage-free scenarios calibrated to all European options.
To implement LV, we need to interpolate and extrapolate option prices. This
approach is significantly faster and more accurate than any parameterized
model. The implementation is demonstrated specifically for interest rate
swaptions and caplets. A key component of this method is the Small Volatility
Approximation within the HJM interest rate model, which is used to calculate
sensitivity of forward bond volatility. These calculations are deterministic
and fast, with excellent calibration accuracy.
A detailed description of the calibration procedure is provided.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:50:27 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 14 Apr 2023 16:13:22 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 1 Mar 2024 19:05:39 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 21:45:14 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Tue, 20 Aug 2024 19:49:38 GMT"
"version": "v6",
"created": "Wed, 23 Oct 2024 12:50:24 GMT"
"version": "v7",
"created": "Thu, 23 Jan 2025 14:32:35 GMT"
"version": "v8",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 13:33:22 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"V. M.",
] |
2302.02819 | Anwei Zhang | Anwei Zhang and Jun-Won Rhim | Magneto-nonlinear Hall effect in time-reversal breaking system | 11 pages, 4 figures | New J. Phys. 27 (2025) 013017 | 10.1088/1367-2630/adaa95 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall quant-ph | | Magneto-nonlinear Hall effect is known to be intrinsic and requires
time-reversal symmetry. Here we show that a new type of magneto-nonlinear Hall
effect can occur in the time-reversal breaking materials within the
second-order response to in-plane electric and vertical magnetic fields. Such a
Hall response is generated by the oscillation of the electromagnetic field and
has a quantum origin arising from a geometric quantity associated with the
Berry curvature and band velocity. We demonstrate that the massive Dirac model
of LaAlO3/LaNiO3/LaAlO3 quantum well can be used to detect this Hall effect.
Our work widens the theory of the Hall effect in the time-reversal breaking
system by proposing a new kind of nonlinear electromagnetic response.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 31 Jan 2023 05:41:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:07:57 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 20 Jan 2025 08:39:25 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2302.11887 | Kostia Chardonnet | Kostia Chardonnet, Alexis Saurin, Beno\^it Valiron | A Curry-Howard Correspondence for Linear, Reversible Computation | This version is an extended version of the v1 | 31st EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2023) | 10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2023.13 | null | cs.LO | | In this paper, we present a linear and reversible programming language with
inductives types and recursion. The semantics of the languages is based on
pattern-matching; we show how ensuring syntactical exhaustivity and
non-overlapping of clauses is enough to ensure reversibility. The language
allows to represent any Primitive Recursive Function. We then give a
Curry-Howard correspondence with the logic $\mu$MALL: linear logic extended
with least fixed points allowing inductive statements. The critical part of our
work is to show how primitive recursion yields circular proofs that satisfy
$\mu$MALL validity criterion and how the language simulates the cut-elimination
procedure of $\mu$MALL.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 23 Feb 2023 09:52:36 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jul 2023 09:39:20 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 1 May 2024 15:15:12 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Mon, 14 Oct 2024 11:29:07 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 12:44:37 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2303.02651 | Patrick Foster | Patrick Foster, Georgios Papandroulidakis, Alex Serb, Spyros
Stathopoulos Themis Prodromakis | An RRAM-Based Implementation of a Template Matching Circuit for
Low-Power Analogue Classification | null | null | null | null | eess.SP | | Recent advances in machine learning and neuro-inspired systems enabled the
increased interest in efficient pattern recognition at the edge. A wide variety
of applications, such as near-sensor classification, require fast and low-power
approaches for pattern matching through the use of associative memories and
their more well-known implementation, Content Addressable Memories (CAMs).
Towards addressing the need for low-power classification, this work showcases
an RRAM-based analogue CAM (ACAM) intended for template matching applications,
providing a low-power reconfigurable classification engine for the extreme
edge. The circuit uses a low component count at 6T2R2M, comparable with the
most compact existing cells of this type. In this work, we demonstrate a
hardware prototype, built with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components for
the MOSFET-based circuits, that implements rows of 6T2R2M employing TiOx-based
RRAM devices developed in-house, showcasing competitive matching window
configurability and definition. Furthermore, through simulations, we validate
the performance of the proposed circuit by using a commercially available 180nm
technology and in-house RRAM data-driven model to assess the energy
dissipation, exhibiting 60 pJ per classification event.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 5 Mar 2023 11:58:58 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:43:17 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 11:09:09 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Spyros Stathopoulos Themis",
] |
2303.07411 | O. I. Morozov | Oleg I. Morozov | Lax representations for the magnetohydrodynamics equations | null | null | null | null | nlin.SI | | We find two Lax representations for the reduced magnetohydrodynamics
equations ({\sc rmhd}) and derive a B{\"a}cklund transformation between the
tangent and the cotangent coverings of these equations. Then, we study the
action of the B{\"a}cklund transformation on the second-order cosymmetries and
the action of its inverse on the Lie symmetries of {\sc rmhd}. The action of
the inverse transformation produces another Lax representation for {\sc rmhd}.
The reduction of {\sc rmhd} by the symmetry of shifts along the $z$-axis
coincides with the equations of two-dimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamics
({\sc imhd}). Applied to the Lax representations and the B{\"a}cklund
transformation of {\sc rmhd}, the reduction provides analogous constructions
for {\sc imhd}. The action of the inverse B{\"a}cklund transformation on the
Lie symmetries of {\sc imhd} is expressed in terms of a new four-parameter Lax
representation of these equations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 13 Mar 2023 18:47:14 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 24 Mar 2023 02:53:56 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 9 Sep 2023 08:06:48 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 16:11:26 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Oleg I.",
] |
2304.00418 | Patrick Vega | Liliana Camargo, Sergio Rojas, Patrick Vega | Minimum-residual a posteriori error estimates for hybridizable
discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of the Helmholtz equation | null | null | null | null | math.NA cs.NA | | We propose and analyze two a posteriori error indicators for hybridizable
discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) discretizations of the Helmholtz equation. These
indicators are built to minimize the residual associated with a local
superconvergent postprocessing scheme for the primal variable, measured in a
dual norm of an enlarged discrete test space. The residual minimization is
reformulated into equivalent local saddle-point problems, each yielding a
superconvergent postprocessed approximation of the primal variable in the
asymptotic regime for sufficiently regular exact solutions and a built-in
residual representation with minimal computational effort. Both error
indicators are based on frequency-dependent postprocessing schemes and verify
reliability and efficiency estimates for a frequency-weighted $H^1$-error for
the scalar variable and the $L^2$-error for the flux. We illustrate our
theoretical findings through ad-hoc numerical experiments.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 2 Apr 2023 00:55:17 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 02:50:33 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2304.03376 | Adam Gosztolai | Adam Gosztolai, Robert L. Peach, Alexis Arnaudon, Mauricio Barahona,
Pierre Vandergheynst | Interpretable statistical representations of neural population dynamics
and geometry | null | Nature Methods, 2025 | 10.1038/s41592-024-02582-2 | null | cs.LG math.DS q-bio.NC q-bio.QM | | The dynamics of neuron populations commonly evolve on low-dimensional
manifolds. Thus, we need methods that learn the dynamical processes over neural
manifolds to infer interpretable and consistent latent representations. We
introduce a representation learning method, MARBLE, that decomposes on-manifold
dynamics into local flow fields and maps them into a common latent space using
unsupervised geometric deep learning. In simulated non-linear dynamical
systems, recurrent neural networks, and experimental single-neuron recordings
from primates and rodents, we discover emergent low-dimensional latent
representations that parametrise high-dimensional neural dynamics during gain
modulation, decision-making, and changes in the internal state. These
representations are consistent across neural networks and animals, enabling the
robust comparison of cognitive computations. Extensive benchmarking
demonstrates state-of-the-art within- and across-animal decoding accuracy of
MARBLE compared with current representation learning approaches, with minimal
user input. Our results suggest that manifold structure provides a powerful
inductive bias to develop powerful decoding algorithms and assimilate data
across experiments.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Apr 2023 21:11:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 14 May 2023 08:13:41 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 18 Mar 2024 13:02:17 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 24 Sep 2024 06:54:53 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Robert L.",
] |
2304.04157 | Anandaswarup Vadapalli Mr | Anandaswarup Vadapalli | An investigation of phrase break prediction in an End-to-End TTS system | Accepted for publication in SN Computer Science | SN Computer Science, 6(2):91, 2025 | 10.1007/s42979-024-03652-0 | null | eess.AS cs.CL cs.SD | | Purpose: This work explores the use of external phrase break prediction
models to enhance listener comprehension in End-to-End Text-to-Speech (TTS)
Methods: The effectiveness of these models is evaluated based on listener
preferences in subjective tests. Two approaches are explored: (1) a
bidirectional LSTM model with task-specific embeddings trained from scratch,
and (2) a pre-trained BERT model fine-tuned on phrase break prediction. Both
models are trained on a multi-speaker English corpus to predict phrase break
locations in text. The End-to-End TTS system used comprises a Tacotron2 model
with Dynamic Convolutional Attention for mel spectrogram prediction and a
WaveRNN vocoder for waveform generation.
Results: The listening tests show a clear preference for text synthesized
with predicted phrase breaks over text synthesized without them.
Conclusion: These results confirm the value of incorporating external
phrasing models within End-to-End TTS to enhance listener comprehension.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 9 Apr 2023 04:26:58 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 21 Apr 2023 05:03:27 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 1 Jan 2025 05:55:15 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2304.08017 | Isaac Ohavi | Miguel Martinez, Isaac Ohavi (HUJ) | Well posedness of linear parabolic partial differential equations posed
on a star-shaped network with local time Kirchhoff's boundary condition at
the vertex | null | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2024 | 10.1016/j.jmaa.2024.128294 | null | math.AP | | The main purpose of this work is to provide an existence and uniqueness
result for the solution of a linear parabolic system posed on a star-shaped
network, which presents a new type of Kirchhoff's boundary transmission
condition at the junction. This new type of Kirchhoff's condition-that we
decide to call here local-time Kirchhoff 's condition-induces a dynamical
behavior with respect to an external variable that may be interpreted as a
local time parameter, designed to drive the system only at the singular point
of the network. The seeds of this study point towards a forthcoming theoretical
inquiry of a particular generalization of Walsh's random spider motions, whose
spinning measures would select the available directions according to the local
time of the motion at the junction of the network.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:49:19 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 19 Aug 2024 22:44:00 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2304.08410 | Bartosz Bednarczyk | Bartosz Bednarczyk and Julien Grange | About the Expressive Power and Complexity of Order-Invariance with Two
Variables | arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2207.04986,
under submission to LMCS | null | null | null | cs.LO | | Order-invariant first-order logic is an extension of first-order logic FO
where formulae can make use of a linear order on the structures, under the
proviso that they are order-invariant, i.e. that their truth value is the same
for all linear orders. We continue the study of the two-variable fragment of
order-invariant first-order logic initiated by Zeume and Harwath, and study its
complexity and expressive power. We first establish coNExpTime-completeness for
the problem of deciding if a given two-variable formula is order-invariant,
which tightens and significantly simplifies the coN2ExpTime proof by Zeume and
Harwath. Second, we address the question of whether every property expressible
in order-invariant two-variable logic is also expressible in first-order logic
without the use of a linear order. We suspect that the answer is ``no''. To
justify our claim, we present a class of finite tree-like structures (of
unbounded degree) in which a relaxed variant of order-invariant two-variable FO
expresses properties that are not definable in plain FO. By contrast, we show
that if one restricts their attention to classes of structures of bounded
degree, then the expressive power of order-invariant two-variable FO is
contained within FO.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 Apr 2023 16:24:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 12 Feb 2024 11:54:03 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 30 Sep 2024 08:15:31 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 1 Oct 2024 05:27:17 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Wed, 9 Oct 2024 15:05:43 GMT"
"version": "v6",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 11:29:14 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2304.09332 | Jaroslaw Jaracz | Jaroslaw S. Jaracz | Nonexistence of Solutions to the Coupled Generalized Jang Equation/Zero
Divergence System | null | 2023 Class. Quantum Grav | 10.1088/1361-6382/acf17f | null | gr-qc math-ph math.MP | | In [5], Bray and Khuri proposed coupling the generalized Jang equation to
several different auxiliary equations. The solutions to these coupled systems
would then imply the Penrose inequality. One of these involves coupling the
generalized Jang equation to $\overline{div}(\phi q)=0$, as this would
guarantee the non-negativity of the scalar curvature in the Jang surface. This
coupled system of equations has not received much attention, and we investigate
it's solvability. We prove that there exists a spherically symmetric initial
data set for the Einstein equations for which there do not exist smooth radial
solutions to the system having the appropriate asymptotics for application to
the Penrose inequality.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:39:33 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Jaroslaw S.",
] |
2304.14185 | Sebastian Hartwig | Sebastian Hartwig, Christian van Onzenoodt, Dominik Engel, Pedro
Hermosilla, Timo Ropinski | HPSCAN: Human Perception-Based Scattered Data Clustering | Currently, this manuscript is under revision at CGF | null | null | null | cs.LG cs.HC | | Cluster separation is a task typically tackled by widely used clustering
techniques, such as k-means or DBSCAN. However, these algorithms are based on
non-perceptual metrics, and our experiments demonstrate that their output does
not reflect human cluster perception. To bridge the gap between human cluster
perception and machine-computed clusters, we propose HPSCAN, a learning
strategy that operates directly on scattered data. To learn perceptual cluster
separation on such data, we crowdsourced the labeling of 7,320 bivariate
(scatterplot) datasets to 384 human participants. We train our HPSCAN model on
these human-annotated data. Instead of rendering these data as scatterplot
images, we used their x and y point coordinates as input to a modified
PointNet++ architecture, enabling direct inference on point clouds. In this
work, we provide details on how we collected our dataset, report statistics of
the resulting annotations, and investigate the perceptual agreement of cluster
separation for real-world data. We also report the training and evaluation
protocol for HPSCAN and introduce a novel metric, that measures the accuracy
between a clustering technique and a group of human annotators. We explore
predicting point-wise human agreement to detect ambiguities. Finally, we
compare our approach to ten established clustering techniques and demonstrate
that HPSCAN is capable of generalizing to unseen and out-of-scope data.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:41:12 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 4 Sep 2023 08:24:54 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 6 Mar 2024 07:41:06 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 07:12:45 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"van Onzenoodt",
] |
2304.14422 | Yicun Huang | Yicun Huang, Changfu Zou, Yang Li and Torsten Wik | MINN: Learning the dynamics of differential-algebraic equations and
application to battery modeling | null | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Volume 46, Issue 12. Pages 11331 - 11344 (2024) | 10.1109/TPAMI.2024.3456475 | null | cs.LG | | The concept of integrating physics-based and data-driven approaches has
become popular for modeling sustainable energy systems. However, the existing
literature mainly focuses on the data-driven surrogates generated to replace
physics-based models. These models often trade accuracy for speed but lack the
generalizability, adaptability, and interpretability inherent in physics-based
models, which are often indispensable in modeling real-world dynamic systems
for optimization and control purposes. We propose a novel machine learning
architecture, termed model-integrated neural networks (MINN), that can learn
the physics-based dynamics of general autonomous or non-autonomous systems
consisting of partial differential-algebraic equations (PDAEs). The obtained
architecture systematically solves an unsettled research problem in
control-oriented modeling, i.e., how to obtain optimally simplified models that
are physically insightful, numerically accurate, and computationally tractable
simultaneously. We apply the proposed neural network architecture to model the
electrochemical dynamics of lithium-ion batteries and show that MINN is
extremely data-efficient to train while being sufficiently generalizable to
previously unseen input data, owing to its underlying physical invariants. The
MINN battery model has an accuracy comparable to the first principle-based
model in predicting both the system outputs and any locally distributed
electrochemical behaviors but achieves two orders of magnitude reduction in the
solution time.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 Apr 2023 09:11:40 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 10:34:10 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2305.03440 | Micha{\l} W{\l}odarczyk | Michal Wlodarczyk | Tight Bounds for Chordal/Interval Vertex Deletion Parameterized by
Treewidth | To appear at ICALP'23 | A full peer-reviewed version published in Algorithmica (2025) | 10.1007/s00453-025-01293-0 | null | cs.DS | | In Chordal/Interval Vertex Deletion we ask how many vertices one needs to
remove from a graph to make it chordal (respectively: interval). We study these
problems under the parameterization by treewidth $tw$ of the input graph $G$.
On the one hand, we present an algorithm for Chordal Vertex Deletion with
running time $2^{O(tw)} \cdot |V(G)|$, improving upon the running time
$2^{O(tw^2)} \cdot |V(G)|^{O(1)}$ by Jansen, de Kroon, and Wlodarczyk
(STOC'21). When a tree decomposition of width $tw$ is given, then the base of
the exponent equals $2^{\omega-1}\cdot 3 + 1$. Our algorithm is based on a
novel link between chordal graphs and graphic matroids, which allows us to
employ the framework of representative families. On the other hand, we prove
that the known $2^{O(tw \log tw)} \cdot |V(G)|$-time algorithm for Interval
Vertex Deletion cannot be improved assuming Exponential Time Hypothesis.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 5 May 2023 11:35:52 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
] |
2305.05793 | Daniel Oliver | Daniel J Oliver, Aaron D Johnson, Joel Berrier, Kostas Glampedakis,
Daniel Kennefick | Gravitational Wave Peeps from EMRIs and their Implication for LISA
Signal Confusion Noise | 25 pages, 13 figures | Class. Quantum Grav. 41 115004 (2024) | 10.1088/1361-6382/ad40f2 | null | gr-qc astro-ph.GA | | Scattering events around the center of massive galaxies will occasionally
toss a stellar-mass compact object into an orbit around the massive black hole
at the center, beginning an extreme mass ratio inspiral. The early stages of
such a highly eccentric orbit are not likely to produce detectable
gravitational waves, as the source will only be in a suitable frequency band
briefly when it is close to periapsis during each long-period orbit. This
repeated burst of emission, firmly in the millihertz band, is the gravitational
wave peep. While a single peep is not likely to be detectable, if we consider
an ensemble of such subthreshold sources, spread across the universe, together
they may produce an unresolvable background noise that could obscure sources
otherwise detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. Previous
studies of the extreme mass ratio signal confusion background focused either on
parabolic orbits near the massive black hole or events closer to merger. We
seek to improve this characterization by implementing numerical kludge
waveforms that can calculate highly eccentric orbits with relativistic effects.
Our focus is on orbits at the point of capture that are farther away from the
massive black hole. Here we present the waveforms and spectra of peeps
generated from recent calculations of extreme mass ratio inspirals/bursts
capture parameters and discuss how these can be used to estimate the signal
confusion noise generated by such events. We demonstrate the effects of
changing the orbital parameters on the resulting spectra as well as showing
direct comparisons to parabolic orbits and why the gravitational wave ``peep"
needs to be studied further. The results of this study will be expanded upon in
a further paper that aims to provide an update on the EMRI signal confusion
noise problem.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 9 May 2023 22:56:16 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 29 Aug 2023 18:29:55 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 29 Jan 2025 22:24:57 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Daniel J",
"Aaron D",
] |
2305.06584 | Mo Liu | Mo Liu, Paul Grigas, Heyuan Liu, Zuo-Jun Max Shen | Active Learning For Contextual Linear Optimization: A Margin-Based
Approach | null | null | null | null | cs.LG math.OC stat.ML | | We develop the first active learning method for contextual linear
optimization. Specifically, we introduce a label acquisition algorithm that
sequentially decides whether to request the ``labels'' of feature samples from
an unlabeled data stream, where the labels correspond to the coefficients of
the objective in the linear optimization. Our method is the first to be
directly informed by the decision loss induced by the predicted coefficients,
referred to as the Smart Predict-then-Optimize (SPO) loss. Motivated by the
structure of the SPO loss, our algorithm adopts a margin-based criterion
utilizing the concept of distance to degeneracy. In particular, we design an
efficient active learning algorithm with theoretical excess risk (i.e.,
generalization) guarantees. We derive upper bounds on the label complexity,
defined as the number of samples whose labels are acquired to achieve a desired
small level of SPO risk. These bounds show that our algorithm has a much
smaller label complexity than the naive supervised learning approach that
labels all samples, particularly when the SPO loss is minimized directly on the
collected data. To address the discontinuity and nonconvexity of the SPO loss,
we derive label complexity bounds under tractable surrogate loss functions.
Under natural margin conditions, these bounds also outperform naive supervised
learning. Using the SPO+ loss, a specialized surrogate of the SPO loss, we
establish even tighter bounds under separability conditions. Finally, we
present numerical evidence showing the practical value of our algorithms in
settings such as personalized pricing and the shortest path problem.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 11 May 2023 05:44:36 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 2025 04:08:58 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Zuo-Jun Max",
] |
2305.06744 | Guillermo Raul Zemba | Federico L. Bottesi, Guillermo R. Zemba | Laminar flow of charged quantum fluids of the Calogero-Sutherland
universality class | null | null | 10.1142/S0217751X24501562 | null | hep-th cond-mat.str-el | | The effective field theory of the Calogero-Sutherland model represents a
universality class of quantum hydrodynamic fluids in one spatial dimension. It
describes quantum compressible fluids involving both chiralities in which the
chiral density field obeys the quantum Benjamin-Ono equation. An extension of
this theory to describe a laminar flow of the Calogero-Sutherland fluids in a
rectangular geometry with small transverse width and the topology of a ribbon,
is considered here. The physical picture is based on the edge states in the
hierarchical quantum Hall effect, which may be seen as a collection of parallel
one-dimensional quantum incompressible fluids moving along but confined within
the transverse microscopic width of the edge of the sample. The effective
theory is thus defined as the direct product of two one-dimensional theories of
the Calogero-Sutherland class so that one involves motion while the other is
confining. Charge transport may be induced by coupling the system to an
external electromagnetic field that yields a global translation of the ground
state. The effective theory describes quantum solitonic excitations along the
direction of the flow and possesses a two-dimensional electric current density
which shows a Wigner semicircle law profile in the transverse direction,
suggesting a Poiseuille-like behavior but without dissipative viscous effects
since the velocity of the fluid is not a well-defined quantum field. This
simple physical picture predicts interesting phenomena with distinctive
signatures that may be tested in real samples.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 11 May 2023 12:04:05 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:22:41 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 6 Nov 2024 13:46:58 GMT"
] | 2025-01-31T00:00:00 | [
"Federico L.",
"Guillermo R.",
] |
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