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一蕊花 | tsi̍t luí hue | 一朵花 | A flower. |
紅嬰仔哭甲一身軀汗。 | Âng-enn-á khàu kah tsi̍t sin-khu kuānn. | 小嬰兒哭得滿身大汗。 | The baby's crying all sweaty. |
一睏仔 | tsi̍t-khùn-á | 一下子 | Just for a second. |
一絲仔 | tsi̍t-si-á | 一點點 | A little bit. |
一流 | it-liû | 一流 | First class. |
𪜶兩个生做一模一樣。 | In nn̄g ê senn-tsò it-bôo-it-iūnn. | 他們兩個長得一模一樣。 | They look exactly the same. |
一生 | it-sing | 一生 | A lifetime. |
一向 | it-hiòng | 一向 | Always. |
𪜶兩兄弟仔為著拚生理,就按呢一刀兩斷無來去。 | In nn̄g hiann-tī-á uī-tio̍h piànn-sing-lí, tō án-ne it-to-lióng-tuān bô lâi-khì. | 他們兄弟倆為了拚生意,就這樣斷絕關係,不相往來。 | The brothers broke up their relationship in order to fight for business, so they didn't get along with each other. |
小等一下。 | Sió-tán--tsi̍t-ē. | 稍等一會兒。 | Hold on a second. |
老母一下死,囡仔就大聲吼。 | Lāu-bú tsi̍t-ē sí, gín-á tō tuā-siann háu. | 媽媽一死,小孩子就大聲的哭。 | As soon as Mom dies, the kids cry loudly. |
氣一下袂講話。 | Khì tsi̍t-ē bē kóng-uē. | 氣得說不出話來。 | I can't tell you how angry I am. |
你一月日趁偌濟錢? | Lí tsi̍t gue̍h-ji̍t thàn guā-tsē tsînn? | 你一個月賺多少錢? | How much do you make a month? |
你毋好一日到暗拋拋走。 | Lí m̄-hó tsi̍t-ji̍t-kàu-àm pha-pha-tsáu. | 你不要一天到晚四處亂跑。 | You don't run around all day. |
我一世人毋捌做過對不起別人的代誌。 | Guá tsi̍t-sì-lâng m̄ bat tsò-kuè tuì-put-khí pa̍t-lâng ê tāi-tsì. | 我一輩子不曾做過對不起他人的事。 | I've never done anything wrong to anyone in my life. |
買果子的錢,一人愛出一半。 | Bé kué-tsí ê tsînn, tsi̍t lâng ài tshut tsi̍t-puànn. | 買水果的錢,一人要出一半。 | I'll give you half of the money for the fruit. |
塗跤一半擺仔無拭,袂偌垃圾啦! | Thôo-kha tsi̍t-puànn-pái-á bô tshit, bē guā lah-sap--lah! | 地板一兩次沒擦,不會多髒啦! | The floor won't be dirty if it hasn't been wiped once or twice! |
有一半个仔人客真𠢕嫌東嫌西。 | Ū tsi̍t-puànn-ê-á lâng-kheh tsin gâu hiâm-tang-hiâm-sai. | 有一兩個客人很會嫌東嫌西。 | There's one or two guests who are very uncomfortable with each other. |
頭家人真好,我一半日仔無去,伊嘛袂按怎。 | Thâu-ke lâng tsin hó, guá tsi̍t-puànn-ji̍t-á bô khì, i mā bē án-tsuánn. | 老闆人真好,我一兩天沒去,他也不會怎樣。 | He's a nice boss. I haven't been there in a day or two. He won't do anything. |
物件毋通掖甲一四界。 | Mi̍h-kiānn m̄-thang iā kah tsi̍t-sì-kè. | 東西不要撒得滿地都是。 | Don't spread everything. |
一旦地動,彼間厝就會倒。 | It-tàn tē-tāng, hit king tshù tō ē tó. | 一旦地震,那間房子就會倒。 | In the event of an earthquake, the house would fall. |
毀於一旦 | huí î it-tàn | 毀於一旦 | It's ruined in the first place. |
你毋通放蕩過一生。 | Lí m̄-thang hòng-tōng kuè it-sing. | 你不要放蕩過一生。 | You don't want to spend the rest of your life. |
做教授是我一生的願望。 | Tsò kàu-siū sī guá it-sing ê guān-bōng. | 當教授是我一生的願望。 | Being a professor is my life's wish. |
對阮厝到公司,行路一目𥍉仔就到矣。 | Tuì guán tshù kàu kong-si, kiânn-lōo tsi̍t-ba̍k-nih-á tō kàu--ah. | 從我家裡到公司,走路只要一眨眼的時間就可以到了。 | From my home to the company, it'll only take a second to walk. |
一目𥍉仔大學四年就過去矣。 | Tsi̍t-ba̍k-nih-á tāi-ha̍k sì nî tō kuè--khì--ah. | 一轉眼大學四年就過去了。 | Four years have passed since the beginning of college. |
一來我無時間,二來我無興趣,所以我無欲參加。 | It--lâi guá bô sî-kan, jī--lâi guá bô hìng-tshù, sóo-í guá bô beh tsham-ka. | 一來我沒時間,二來我沒興趣,所以我沒有要參加。 | I don't have time. I'm not interested, so I'm not going. |
你講過的話,一定愛會記得。 | Lí kóng--kuè ê uē, it-tīng ài ē-kì--tit. | 你說過的話一定要記得。 | You must remember what you said. |
伊食飯攏無一定的時間。 | I tsiah-pn̄g lóng bô it-tīng ê sî-kan. | 他吃飯時間不固定。 | He doesn't eat regularly. |
一直向前行,毋免轉斡。 | It-ti̍t hiòng-tsiân kiânn, m̄-bián tńg-uat. | 一直向前走過去,不用轉彎。 | Keep going, don't turn around. |
阿美一直咧掃塗跤,攏無歇睏。 | A-bí it-ti̍t teh sàu thôo-kha, lóng bô hioh-khùn. | 阿美一直在掃地,都沒有休息。 | May has been cleaning the floor without rest. |
伊對伊的學生一律攏真嚴格。 | I tuì i ê ha̍k-sing it-lu̍t lóng tsin giâm-keh. | 他對他的學生一律都很嚴格。 | He was very strict with his students. |
伊佮我的看法並無一致。 | I kah guá ê khuànn-huat pīng bô it-tì. | 他跟我的看法並不一致。 | He doesn't agree with me. |
伊一面做工,一面讀冊。 | I tsi̍t-bīn tsò-kang, tsi̍t-bīn tha̍k-tsheh. | 他一邊工作,一邊讀書。 | He works while he reads books. |
一面抹壁雙面光。 | Tsi̍t-bīn buah-piah siang-bīn kng. | 用抹刀抹牆壁,不但牆壁光滑,連抹刀也光滑。形容人很會做人,雙方面都能討好。 | It's not only smooth walls, it's smooth, it's smooth. It's good at characterizing people, it's good at both sides. |
伊食一屑仔飯爾爾。 | I tsia̍h tsi̍t-sut-á pn̄g niā-niā. | 他吃一點點飯而已。 | He's just having a little dinner. |
𪜶一家伙仔對人攏真客氣。 | In tsi̍t-ke-hué-á tuì lâng lóng tsin kheh-khì. | 他們一家子對人都很客氣。 | Their families are very nice to people. |
一般人攏真愛面子。 | It-puann lâng lóng tsin ài bīn-tsú. | 一般人都很愛面子。 | Most people love face. |
這擺欲替伊開刀的醫生攏是一粒一的。 | Tsit pái beh thè i khui-to ê i-sing lóng sī it-lia̍p-it--ê. | 這次為他開刀的醫生都是最好的。 | The doctors who opened the knife for him this time were the best. |
阿英佮我是一粒一的好朋友。 | A-ing kah guá sī it-lia̍p-it ê hó-pîng-iú. | 阿英和我是最要好的朋友。 | Ying and I are the best friends. |
伊跤手真緊,穡頭一睏仔就做了矣。 | I kha-tshiú tsin kín, sit-thâu tsi̍t-khùn-á tō tsò-liáu--ah. | 他的動作真快,工作一下子就做完了。 | He's fast. He'll be done in a minute. |
遮的物件伊做一睏仔共伊食了。 | Tsia ê mi̍h-kiānn i tsò tsi̍t-khùn-á kā i tsia̍h-liáu. | 這裡的東西他一口氣把它吃完。 | Here's something he took a breath to finish it. |
眾人的意見伊一概反對。 | Tsìng-lâng ê ì-kiàn i it-khài huán-tuì. | 眾人的意見他一概反對。 | He is opposed to all views expressed by the public. |
祝恁一路平安。 | Tsiok lín tsi̍t-lōo pîng-an. | 祝福你們一路平安。 | May you have a safe journey. |
加減食一寡。 | Ke-kiám tsia̍h--tsi̍t-kuá. | 多少吃一點。 | Eat a little more. |
猶有一寡仔物件無整理。 | Iáu-ū tsi̍t-kuá-á mi̍h-kiānn bô tsíng-lí. | 還有一些東西沒整理。 | There's something else that hasn't been cleaned up. |
藥仔食落去,到今一對時矣。 | Io̍h-á tsia̍h--lo̍h-khì, kàu-tann tsi̍t tuì-sî--ah. | 藥吃下,到現在二十四小時了。 | It's been 24 hours. |
伊來一霎仔久就轉去矣。 | I lâi tsi̍t-tiap-á-kú tō tńg--khì--ah. | 他來一下子就回去了。 | He'll be back in a minute. |
你才食一點仔物件哪會飽? | Lí tsiah tsia̍h tsi̍t-tiám-á mi̍h-kiānn ná ē pá? | 你才吃一點點東西怎麼會飽? | Why are you so full when you only eat a little? |
甲乙丙丁 | kah it piánn ting | 甲乙丙丁 | Alpha-ethyl-butyl-butyl-methyl-acetylene-methyl-acetylene-methyl-acetylene-methyl-methyl-acetylene-propylene |
乙等 | it tíng | 乙等 | B |
甲乙丙丁 | kah it piánn ting | 甲乙丙丁 | Alpha-ethyl-butyl-butyl-methyl-acetylene-methyl-acetylene-methyl-acetylene-methyl-methyl-acetylene-propylene |
出丁 | tshut-ting | 生男孩子 | Have a boy. |
七个人 | tshit ê lâng | 七個人 | Seven. |
七老八老 | tshit-lāu-peh-lāu | 強調很老 | It's very old-fashioned. |
七除八扣 | tshit-tû-peh-khàu | 計算時一再折扣,自總數中盡量減除。 | Discounts are calculated repeatedly and are reduced from the totals to the extent possible. |
十喙九尻川。 | Tsa̍p tshuì káu kha-tshng. | 形容人多嘴雜。 | It's a lot of talk. |
三教九流 | sam-kàu-kiú-liû | 三教九流 | I'm so proud of you. |
飯食了才食果子。 | Pn̄g tsia̍h-liáu tsiah tsia̍h kué-tsí. | 飯吃完再吃水果。 | Eat the fruit after dinner. |
了解 | liáu-kái | 了解 | Got it. |
了力 | liáu-la̍t | 白費力氣 | It's a waste of effort. |
了工 | liáu-kang | 白費功夫 | It's a waste of effort. |
了錢生理無人做。 | Liáu-tsînn sing-lí bô lâng tsò. | 賠錢生意沒人做。 | There's no one to pay for the business. |
講了真清楚。 | Kóng liáu tsin tshing-tshó. | 說得很清楚。 | It's very clear. |
洗了無清氣。 | Sé liáu bô tshing-khì. | 洗得不乾淨。 | It's not clean. |
第二 | tē-jī | 第二 | Second |
人類 | jîn-luī | 人類 | Human. |
人情 | jîn-tsîng | 人情 | It's love. |
人事 | jîn-sū | 人事 | Personnel |
聖人 | sìng-jîn | 聖人 | Holy man. |
軍人 | kun-jîn | 軍人 | Soldiers. |
做牛著拖,做人著磨。 | Tsò gû tio̍h thua, tsò lâng tio̍h buâ. | 做牛得要拖犁耕田,做人得受生活的折磨。 | The cattle have to be plough-ploughed, and the people have to suffer from life. |
莫共人講! | Mài kā lâng kóng! | 不要跟別人說! | Don't tell anyone! |
予人看無 | hōo lâng khuànn-bô | 讓別人瞧不起 | Make people look down. |
好人 | hó-lâng | 好人 | Good man. |
讀冊人 | tha̍k-tsheh-lâng | 讀書人 | Reader. |
中人 | tiong-lâng | 仲介者 | Broker |
人毋管啦! | Lâng m̄-kuán--lah! | 我不管啦! | I don't care! |
伊人真好。 | I lâng tsin hó. | 他待人很好。 | He's nice. |
人無爽快 | lâng bô sóng-khuài | 身體不舒服 | I'm not feeling well. |
入去 | ji̍p--khì | 進去 | Get in. |
入來 | ji̍p--lâi | 進來 | Come in. |
入被 | ji̍p phuē | 把被子裝進被套裡 | Put the covers in the covers. |
收入 | siu-ji̍p | 收入 | Income |
入數 | ji̍p siàu | 入帳 | Checking in. |
三八婦女節 | Sam-pat Hū-lí-tseh | 三八婦女節 | Thirty-eight Women's Day. |
八个人 | peh ê lâng | 八個人 | Eight. |
鉸刀 | ka-to | 剪刀 | Scissors. |
伊昨暝去予人刣幾若刀。 | I tsa-mê khì hōo lâng thâi kuí-nā to. | 他昨晚被人砍了好幾刀。 | He was stabbed several times last night. |
伊欲買一刀紙。 | I beh bé tsi̍t to tsuá. | 他想買一刀紙。 | He wants to buy a blade of paper. |
𪜶頭家真𠢕共人刁。 | In thâu-ke tsin gâu kā lâng tiau. | 他們的老闆很會為難人。 | Their boss is a very difficult man. |
刁故意 | tiau-kòo-ì | 故意 | On purpose. |
刁工 | tiau-kang | 故意 | On purpose. |
無力 | bô-la̍t | 沒有力氣 | There's no strength. |
氣力 | khuì-la̍t | 力氣 | Power. |
力量 | li̍k-liōng | 力量 | Power |
財力 | tsâi-li̍k | 財力 | Money. |
兵力 | ping-li̍k | 兵力 | Troop strength |
十个人 | tsa̍p ê lâng | 十個人 | Ten. |
十喙九尻川 | tsa̍p-tshuì káu kha-tshng | 人多嘴雜 | There's a lot of talk. |
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