int64 4
| text
stringlengths 6
| ahmed-sentiment
float64 -9.44
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float64 -4.75
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float64 -5.5
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float64 -6.19
| fintwit-sentiment
float64 -10.5
| kaludi-sentiment
float64 -4.88
| lxyuan-sentiment
float64 -5.53
| nlptown-sentiment
float64 -1.96
| siebert-sentiment
float64 -7.63
| soleimanian-sentiment
float64 -8.88
| sentiment
float64 -2.64
104,755 | Just watched Religulous. Everyone needs to see this movie. _USER_ does an amazing job. | 6.9375 | 2.8906 | 5.6875 | 6.3125 | 1.625 | 4.7812 | 2.0312 | 1.5625 | 6.75 | 4.0625 | 1.837203 |
66,087 | Kevin Jonas: I don't like it when a girl is constantly complaining about how she looks. _URL_ | -1.625 | -0.6758 | -4.25 | -5.875 | -0.6719 | 0.9375 | -1.8047 | -0.5781 | -5.625 | -0.8594 | -0.852769 |
110,179 | _USER_ if i say your on my list your on my list now whats your full name | -1.3125 | 0.0078 | 1.1406 | 3.25 | 0.2402 | 2.2812 | 0.4531 | -0.4062 | -4.4375 | 0.0156 | 0.118048 |
35,840 | _USER_ sure! I'll Do it when I get home! | -0.875 | 0.1992 | 5.125 | 4.75 | 1.8828 | 2.7344 | 2.625 | 0.4062 | 4.8438 | 0.7344 | 0.997866 |
133,863 | _USER_ you are a great sister with the soul of a giant. Your voice is needed to Help our Children Heal!! We Love U Dearly | 2.5938 | 2.2812 | 5.1875 | 6.2188 | 1.5703 | 4.8125 | 3.9688 | 1.7812 | 6.6875 | 2.125 | 1.769416 |
41,355 | _USER_ it would have a very short neck and would possibly end up looking like a donkey lol | -0.5469 | 0.1719 | -4.0938 | -4.7188 | -5.25 | -3.1875 | -0.5898 | -0.6875 | -7.2188 | -6.25 | -1.227078 |
137,850 | RT _USER_ Park City Mountain Holding Job Fair Thursday _URL_ | 2.5469 | 0.5625 | 0.5312 | 1.2578 | 0.7422 | 1.9531 | 1.3047 | 0.1875 | 5.7188 | 1.1875 | 0.620924 |
32,913 | Sanford Wallace slammed again for spamming - now owes almost a billion dollars to Facebook and Myspace. _URL_ | -1.75 | -2.5 | -3.8594 | -6.0312 | -6 | -1.7734 | -0.0312 | -1.6016 | -7.5625 | -7.9062 | -1.60897 |
137,008 | fuckin a!! | -0.1562 | 0.3984 | -2.0938 | -5.5312 | -0.2891 | -1.4219 | -1.875 | -0.625 | -3.9375 | -1.9844 | -0.703658 |
40,252 | I'm watching Blackhawks practice from my apartment. Wow, and to think I reject technology. | -0.4844 | -0.1719 | 0.0156 | 2.0938 | -1.9688 | -1.5156 | -0.2051 | -0.8594 | 5.25 | -0.3906 | -0.145381 |
16,703 | good morning, God bless xo | 2.3438 | 0.7266 | 4.875 | 6.5625 | -0.6953 | 2.4062 | 3.9688 | 0.3438 | 6.5938 | 0.1875 | 1.173167 |
77,243 | _URL_ Dining for the Girls (Meetup) Free: Come and support My Hope Chest's f.. _URL_ | 0.3594 | 1.5 | 4.75 | 6.25 | 0.4375 | 3.0312 | 2.3438 | 0.7188 | 6.6875 | 4.9062 | 1.280049 |
111,927 | If we are not renewed _URL_ | -1.625 | 0.0938 | -3.2031 | -1.625 | -2.1406 | 1.6094 | 0.2217 | -0.9375 | -3.9688 | -0.5781 | -0.473142 |
111,455 | RT _USER_: NASA releases iPhone app _URL_ (via _USER_) <--just for _USER_ | 0.4219 | 2.1562 | 1.9219 | 4.9375 | 1.1875 | 2.2344 | 0.6641 | -0.3281 | -4.2188 | 5.0625 | 0.658319 |
56,343 | I am sooooo bored, I need to go back to work! | -2.375 | -1.0781 | -4 | -5.3125 | -1.2188 | -1.9062 | -1.3125 | -1.5703 | -5.1562 | -8.375 | -1.304979 |
147,887 | _USER_ Agree the headline is terrible, ha. I hit bitly then tweeted it, and thought the same thing. Great minds think alike. | -5.4375 | -2.2656 | -3.6562 | -0.3262 | -0.7305 | -0.457 | -2.8594 | -1.6016 | -6.6875 | -7.7188 | -1.39185 |
137,818 | Great energy here at _TAG_. Bring your emails/pages by the MarketingExperiments + MarketingSherpa booth for a tune-up. | -0.8281 | 2.5312 | 6 | 6.6875 | 1.9922 | 4.1562 | 2.2188 | 1.625 | 6.6875 | 8.875 | 1.734748 |
6,921 | RT _USER_: Leadership Goal: To live with more VISION than RESOURCES! Vision will find the people, money & energy to see it thru! | 1.3438 | 3.7969 | 4.25 | 6 | 4.6875 | 3.7344 | 2.25 | 1.3125 | 6.4062 | 1.2188 | 1.692514 |
2,605 | Military Chief Says More Troops Needed for Afghan War _URL_ | -0.4375 | 0.9414 | -3.0156 | 0.4297 | -0.1172 | 1.875 | 0.7344 | -0.2031 | -3.4062 | 0.0781 | -0.005586 |
8,339 | Permanent smile on my face. Loving Arkansas and everything this visit entails. | -1.4844 | -0.1094 | 5.7812 | 6 | -0.4961 | 4.6875 | 1.0156 | 1.6562 | 6.8125 | 7.9375 | 1.224571 |
45,465 | _USER_ LMAOOOOO .... dude why are you sooooo damn retarded! | -1.3906 | -0.8086 | -4.7812 | -5.0625 | -4.4062 | -4.0312 | -1.2891 | -1.4609 | -7.5625 | -7.625 | -1.566351 |
131,222 | Going to be a beautiful night in Denver, spring temps & Regina Spektor at the Fillmore _URL_ Denver's showing off. | 9 | 0.668 | 6.4375 | 6.4688 | 3.875 | 4.3125 | 2.0312 | 0.625 | 6.75 | 7.6562 | 1.840011 |
87,938 | Funny video from SNL with a good message, Don't Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford _URL_ | 2.4688 | 1.3828 | 3.6562 | 6.5 | -0.6562 | 3.9688 | 2.5156 | -0.5781 | 6.4688 | 1.8906 | 1.055981 |
149,748 | RT _USER_: _TAG_ _TAG_ Ep Preview & interview w/ Ashley Eckstein, voice of Ahsoka! _URL_ | 0.2656 | 1.0703 | 1.4531 | 3.0156 | 3.5312 | 3.125 | 1.0078 | 0.1406 | 6.125 | 0.875 | 0.861401 |
67,536 | Why You Should Use Social Bookmarking to Increase Your Back Links: If you have been on the internet lately, you.. _URL_ | -0.0781 | 0.9414 | 1.3984 | 4.5 | 0.0234 | 3.5625 | 0.1953 | -0.4844 | 5.5 | 1.9531 | 0.582591 |
144,724 | Accessorizing Your Treestand: Time may be your most valuable hunting tool, and these items will help you buy a lot ... _URL_ | 2.2188 | 1.3125 | 5.5625 | 6.0625 | 1.625 | 3.875 | 1.7344 | 1.375 | 6.4062 | 0.5312 | 1.351721 |
88,068 | dion dimucci Dion gets back to his country, blues roots _URL_ | -1.7344 | -1.2812 | 4.2812 | 4.2812 | 0.9922 | 3.2656 | 0.8516 | 0.5781 | 6.5938 | 2.5 | 0.722907 |
146,402 | Death of wife's iMac led to her eating words re:me hording Mac Pros. But she's revenged by also nabbing one of my 30 screens. Teh precious! | 0.75 | -0.5625 | -1.0781 | -0.1348 | -2.5469 | 1.9688 | -1.5938 | -0.125 | 6.0625 | -7.6875 | -0.347286 |
106,325 | _TAG_ if he take you to go get something to eat to go back to the | -1 | 0.25 | 0.8867 | 1.8359 | 0.3594 | 1.6719 | -0.1758 | -0.75 | 6.0625 | 0.0625 | 0.219166 |
103,269 | Watching gaelic storm with remy at syr irish fest - first concert! Big ol headphones, so cute! | 0 | -1.4531 | 6.3438 | 6.875 | 1.6484 | 4.1875 | 0.6133 | 1.375 | 6.6562 | 2.5781 | 1.087003 |
129,736 | _USER_ I'll try it online tomorrow since iPhone connection to Gowalla friend feature is spinning out. Thx | -0.9219 | 0.875 | -1.1797 | 0.3398 | 0.4492 | 2.6562 | 0.0449 | -1.1484 | -5.75 | -1.2031 | -0.148026 |
64,297 | Tired of celebs messing up and thinking a public apology will redeem them. It wont. | 0.8281 | 0.4883 | -5 | -5.8125 | -4.5312 | -3.7031 | -2.0625 | -1.4922 | -7.5625 | -8.375 | -1.506854 |
133,040 | So I realized that I will probably NEVER finish or publish Confessions, and it's making me sad because the Tomstav is clawing to get out! D: | -0.207 | -1.3438 | -4.7812 | -5.5625 | -6.1875 | 1.4844 | -3.2812 | -0.9375 | -6.375 | -8.3125 | -1.545335 |
103,577 | RT _USER_ Vote for ONE's Next Top T-shirt: _URL_ | 1.0781 | 1.0859 | 2.5 | 2.3438 | 1.5469 | 2.3438 | 1.4688 | 0.875 | 5.75 | 3.2656 | 0.951066 |
63,768 | _USER_ keep them both that way somebody else cant get a monster qb there are only a few qbs that put up huge numbers. keep away | -0.7812 | 0.25 | -2.375 | -1.7734 | -2 | 0.9531 | -0.8594 | -1.4844 | -6.7188 | 5.2812 | -0.491735 |
28,849 | A glimpse into Hudson's Gamers' Day event that took place in SF last week! _URL_ | -2.1562 | -2.0781 | 3.375 | 3.0469 | 2.4375 | 3.1875 | 0.8359 | 0.3438 | 6.1875 | 0.6094 | 0.550626 |
23,063 | Exhausted? No, not exhausted enough! -___- | -2.4688 | -0.5195 | -1.9609 | -5.625 | -0.9531 | -1.7812 | -0.3145 | -1.25 | -4.0312 | -1.0547 | -0.814491 |
13,338 | _USER_ we are good.. thanks for asking.... | 2.9062 | 2.2188 | 4.7812 | 6.75 | 1.9609 | 3 | 4.3438 | 1.0625 | 6.4688 | 3.9375 | 1.705948 |
134,336 | _USER_ as in mounting dvices?!! | 1.7031 | 1.2109 | -0.7656 | 0.6172 | -2.1875 | -0.1504 | -0.6055 | -0.8125 | -5.4375 | 0.1719 | -0.25529 |
67,879 | Completely agree. RT _USER_ _URL_ I think I have to defend the winning coach on this topic. | 9.1875 | 1.9219 | 2.7344 | 4.2812 | -0.6094 | 3.875 | 1.375 | -1.0547 | 5.9688 | 4.4688 | 1.098984 |
60,706 | _URL_ - My day at the Grammy Offices in Los Angeles | -1.2188 | 0.125 | 3.0781 | 1.9688 | -0.7812 | 2.0938 | 1.2031 | 0.7344 | 6.125 | -0.1094 | 0.550344 |
48,843 | Crap - another friend of mine gets laid off! Make it stop! | -5.75 | -1.75 | -5.125 | -5.625 | -6.4062 | -1.0391 | -0.6602 | -1.9453 | -6.25 | -8.5625 | -1.784184 |
143,111 | says just saying have a happy day to everyone! :-D _URL_ | 7.875 | 3.3281 | 5.9375 | 6.4062 | 1.8594 | 3.6875 | 3.6094 | 0.9531 | 6.75 | 0.5156 | 1.852505 |
39,118 | _USER_ I think AIM is like 90 mil. Skype's getting 300k new users. a DAY. | 7.9688 | 1.25 | 2.3438 | 3.625 | -0.6016 | 3.625 | -0.1211 | -0.8594 | 5.3125 | 7.6875 | 0.918141 |
18,330 | Sam Fisher's online feats to be known any time now: Ubisoft producer Alexandre Parizeau had one or two things .. _URL_ | -1.3125 | 0.5625 | -0.4414 | 3.2031 | -2.2969 | 3.5312 | 0.1846 | -0.1406 | -4.1875 | 0.4219 | 0.038764 |
104,335 | My soul just threw up a little having to write about Jon + Kate. I think I need a shower. | -0.375 | -0.832 | -3.6875 | -5.3438 | -0.8711 | -3.0625 | -0.1289 | 0.0781 | -6.4688 | -8.375 | -0.97318 |
12,275 | _USER_ what are you getting? :) | 0.0938 | -0.2148 | 4.7188 | 5.3125 | 0.3633 | 1.0234 | -0.0645 | 0.625 | 6.0312 | 0.375 | 0.639147 |
12,565 | Acres of Diamonds! _URL_ INSTANT CAPTURE PAGE is a field of diamonds for list building. Now you know. | -0.0781 | 0.6562 | 3.7188 | 3.0938 | 0.7266 | 4.0625 | 0.9805 | 0.2969 | -4.125 | -0.0469 | 0.55666 |
50,052 | needs to muffin more | -2.0312 | 0.5352 | -0.2852 | 2.1719 | -0.9141 | 1.125 | 1.2656 | -0.6562 | -5.625 | -0.1875 | -0.060322 |
136,157 | _USER_ that's a good snack. my trail mix is very similar to that. good nutrition a-go-go! | 3.4531 | 2.3594 | 5.625 | 6.75 | 2.4375 | 4.6875 | 3.4688 | 1.1875 | 6.6562 | 2.1719 | 1.765769 |
60,457 | Become a fan on _TAG_ & CAPTION THE PIC. Win goodies from _USER_! _URL_ Happy Monday, all! _TAG_ _TAG_ | 3.6094 | 3.5938 | 6.4375 | 7.0625 | 1.8594 | 3.9062 | 3.4531 | 0.375 | 6.6562 | 5.9688 | 1.856768 |
100,003 | _USER_ I did this morning | -1.0156 | -0.3516 | 1.25 | 1.3359 | 0.6719 | 1.7188 | 0.6094 | 1.1562 | 3.8438 | -0.0938 | 0.426223 |
26,871 | Why doesn't your heart do what your mind tells it? | -2.25 | -0.5977 | -3.3438 | -3.2656 | -4.125 | 1.0078 | -0.75 | -0.5469 | -5.4375 | -3.7812 | -0.90548 |
2,273 | RT _USER_ will donate 4 meals 2 World Hunger Relief 4 each person who RTs this: _URL_ _TAG_ | -0.0781 | 0.3516 | 2.9688 | 4.0938 | 0.4336 | 3.0625 | 0.9219 | -1.2891 | 5.75 | 7.7812 | 0.719033 |
141,497 | _USER_ 1000 is the best! thanks | 8.625 | 4.3125 | 5.4375 | 6.4375 | 3.4062 | 3.7812 | 4.8438 | 1.9375 | 6.4688 | 2.0312 | 2.287389 |
109,270 | all 120 counties in KY experienced job loss from 9/08 - 9/09 with double-digit unemployment in Jefferson County ~ _URL_ | -8.8125 | -4.25 | -4.25 | -5.875 | -6.4062 | 2.4375 | -1.2812 | -1.5234 | -4.8125 | -8.125 | -1.863723 |
129,976 | _USER_ 3 outcomes: get the 1st down, punt and make peyton go 70yds or miss and make him go 25yds, they were winning!! bonehead play! | 2.3594 | 1.1719 | -2.8125 | -5.75 | 0.7969 | -3.7812 | 1.1172 | 0.0312 | -7.4688 | -7.1875 | -0.523766 |
104,057 | Anyone have quotes of Van Jones? Quotes of _USER_ telling people not to be violent? Writing an article to a newspaper _TAG_ _TAG_ | -0.8438 | -1.5469 | -2.1875 | -2.1875 | -1.9453 | 0.3281 | -0.2754 | -0.9219 | -4.6562 | -0.0781 | -0.653271 |
77,800 | New Post: Pearltrees: A Unique Way to Discover & Organize on the Web: Pearltrees CEO Patrice Lamothe meets us at th... _URL_ | 0.5 | 1.8594 | 4.1875 | 4.0625 | 3.625 | 3.4688 | 1.2734 | 0.9375 | 6.6562 | 0.75 | 1.231038 |
40,774 | Happy _TAG_ Friday _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_ _USER_. Y'all entertainment me for free. | -0.2812 | 0.9297 | 5.4688 | 6.4375 | 1.3516 | 3.2031 | 2.5469 | -0.3906 | 6.4062 | 2.4531 | 1.120158 |
11,869 | New WEBSITE is up now!!! Music mp3 and ringtone downloads available!!! Get yours today! _URL_ | 2.0156 | 1.6484 | 5.875 | 6.1875 | 3.0469 | 4.4062 | 1.4766 | 1.0625 | 6.4688 | 8.25 | 1.642396 |
619 | Ladies & Gentlemen...FOOTBALL! That's all I have to say about that... | -0.8281 | 0.6094 | 2.4688 | 5.6875 | -1.5703 | -2.3438 | 0.3535 | 0.5625 | 5.2188 | 0.2656 | 0.34775 |
59,249 | Are you finding it hard to make money online???? | -2.4375 | -0.7695 | -3.7812 | -4.5625 | -3.7812 | 2.2812 | -0.4414 | -1.0547 | -7 | -8.375 | -1.103023 |
79,966 | San Diego Boy - Dodge Gym - m4m (Harlem / Morningside): We ran into each other again earlier tonight at .. _URL_ _TAG_ | -1.0469 | -0.1172 | 1.9453 | 2.6719 | -0.1562 | 2.3125 | 0.5391 | -0.1875 | 6.1875 | 0.3438 | 0.39992 |
13,912 | _USER_ That's what we do. Great minds think alike. I thin our family could eat only roasted cauliflower and be happy... | 7.6875 | 2.3906 | 4.625 | 6.6562 | 1.2578 | 1.7188 | 1.1406 | 0.375 | 6.3125 | 3.4688 | 1.381346 |
80,494 | Might check out harvest rock church in Pasadena tomorrow. Matters how tired I am and when I want to get home. | -0.1406 | 0.1641 | 1.1328 | 1.1953 | -1.6641 | 3.0625 | -0.9375 | -0.5938 | 6.25 | 0.6094 | 0.150769 |
55,031 | the moral of lost: all god's children are terrible - liz lemon - (via sofresh) _URL_ | -8.4375 | -3.7188 | -3.8281 | -5.6875 | -2.3906 | 2.5312 | -2.6094 | -0.6406 | -5.8125 | -8.125 | -1.597829 |
90,809 | _USER_ hey Tim, can't wait for the footy to start next Saturday. Can you please make sure you're lads don't hammer my lot please?! haha | -1.0625 | -0.4102 | 5.4062 | 6.4062 | -0.1533 | 2.1562 | -0.0708 | -0.7812 | 6.4375 | 1.1719 | 0.537932 |
3,533 | _USER_ Happy Birthday, Donnie! | 1.5156 | 0.8047 | 5.5 | 6.625 | 3.6562 | 2.3281 | 3.5469 | 1.3125 | 6.6875 | 0.3594 | 1.499509 |
117,618 | 1:10am jetlag from Oz & preparing my newsletter, R u signed up to receive it? Go to _URL_ comes with a free mp3 download | 1.5781 | 2.25 | 2.8125 | 1.2109 | 1.8125 | 3.8438 | 0.3613 | -0.9219 | -5.0625 | -0.8281 | 0.449957 |
82,340 | DC sniper to be executed tomorrow night - _URL_ | 0.3438 | 2.2188 | -4.2188 | -2.2812 | 1.3984 | 1.3906 | -1.0469 | -0.8125 | -4.875 | -3.0312 | -0.300452 |
147,800 | BBB warns consumers about online travel company's work from home promise _URL_ | -0.1406 | 0.1016 | -2.875 | -3 | -5.125 | 0.9531 | 0.7422 | -0.2656 | -6.75 | 1.0469 | -0.543603 |
60,299 | WTH! I just realized that Mitch Winehouse (father of Amy Winehouse) was me & _USER_'s can driver in London! Too funny! Small World! | 3.7031 | 1.0938 | 4.5 | 6.5625 | -0.0586 | 2.5156 | 1.7422 | -0.1094 | 4.4375 | -2.7812 | 0.888073 |
31,591 | ...and God is able; and God is most forgiving, most merciful. [60: 7] | 0.0938 | 0.9453 | 4.5312 | 6.5312 | 2 | 2.0625 | 0.6172 | 0.9531 | 5.375 | 7.6875 | 1.18557 |
83,714 | Is BONES going to get something tonight? | -0.8281 | -0.4844 | -0.4219 | 0.8906 | -1.2969 | 1.7578 | -0.0093 | -0.6094 | -5.4062 | 1.375 | -0.208054 |
103,861 | _USER_ don't know haha may end up doing what I do on Friday nights... Nothing haha. | -0.4531 | -0.5117 | -0.9961 | 2.5312 | -1.1562 | -1.3281 | -0.8242 | -1.1719 | -5.75 | -1.8828 | -0.536321 |
115,698 | Time to Fall Back - _URL_ | 2.4062 | -1.9062 | -0.0781 | 0.5078 | -8.125 | 1.5625 | 0.6641 | -1.0938 | -6 | 0.2188 | -0.647037 |
52,167 | Just watched this movie: Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change?: _URL_ via _USER_ Love it! Please watch! | 1.6406 | 0.625 | 6.0625 | 6.8125 | 0.8555 | 4.7188 | 2.6875 | -0.4531 | 6.75 | 7.625 | 1.385965 |
49,118 | _USER_ Can you explain a little more? | -2.3438 | -0.5938 | -0.9648 | 0.1328 | -1.3828 | 2.2969 | 0.1465 | -0.1094 | -5.4375 | -0.5625 | -0.272351 |
147,007 | Do anybody want to spend time wit amariah | -2.4531 | -0.7109 | 0.1133 | 1.1719 | -1.1484 | 1.3125 | 0.21 | 0.125 | -5.1875 | 0.25 | -0.177058 |
75,531 | Colorful and Creative Designs by iwant _URL_ | -1.3125 | 1.3672 | 4 | 3.4688 | 1.1719 | 3.375 | 2 | 1.1562 | 6.4062 | 2.75 | 1.107252 |
80,234 | Copyright Treaty is Policy Laundering at its Finest: The blogosphere is abuzz over an apparently leaked documen.. _URL_ | -6.125 | -1.7031 | -3.4688 | -4.7812 | -3.8125 | 2.4375 | -1.3281 | -1.3281 | -5.0625 | -8.125 | -1.344246 |
113,640 | Just nominated _USER_ NASA Behind Scenes _URL_ for Best Online Video Web Series _URL_ _TAG_ | 5.5 | 1.6094 | 3.75 | 4.9062 | 2.2969 | 3.4219 | 1.5781 | 0.7344 | 6.4062 | 7.5625 | 1.482071 |
122,561 | _TAG_: 10/8 – RAKIM LIVE @ THE CROFOOT (IN PONTIAC) FEATURING PHATBOY CHEF _URL_ | 2.3125 | 1.2578 | 0.7227 | 3.2344 | 1.8984 | 2 | 0.9219 | -0.125 | 5.5625 | 0.5156 | 0.715852 |
22,447 | _USER_ I have visions of you becoming Gareth from The Office :P | 1.2188 | 1.375 | 4.25 | 5.0312 | 0.9727 | -0.5156 | 0.6055 | -0.3281 | 5.3125 | -0.3438 | 0.653092 |
82,725 | _USER_ my status updates wont appear on my blog and when I look @ my profile is says I don't exhist | -0.8594 | 0.2109 | -4.125 | -5.625 | -1.1641 | -0.063 | -0.7031 | -1.2812 | -7.5312 | -0.2188 | -0.825288 |
68,977 | Long awaited teapots and mugs arrived yesterday from FOR LIFE. Complete with infusers inside - very handy. Not yet on website. | 1.6094 | 0.6719 | 4.5625 | 6.1875 | 1.8906 | 4.25 | 0.1875 | 1.3438 | 6.4375 | 4.75 | 1.245935 |
85,398 | _USER_ Hi Diane. Thanks so much for the gracious recommendation for Deeter Gallaher Group. Can't wait to partner with you for _TAG_. | -0.5781 | 0.6094 | 6.1875 | 6.3125 | 0.5703 | 4.5 | 3.3438 | 1.5312 | 6.75 | 5.8125 | 1.523212 |
346 | Next vacation entry: _URL_ Cannes France, animal fat, traffi... - _URL_ | -0.6094 | 0.8906 | -2.2656 | -0.5312 | -1.5312 | 2.5312 | 0.0215 | -1.1172 | -3.75 | 0.2188 | -0.237773 |
100,991 | 2nd class was cancelled, i was anxious for what am i gonna do *sigh* | -1.7891 | -1.0938 | -5 | -5.7188 | -3.0625 | -3.2188 | -2.1094 | -1.5859 | -7.375 | -8.5 | -1.630347 |
125,361 | RT _USER_: Netanyahu: If Palestinians act unilaterally, so will Israel _URL_ | 0.2188 | 0.3438 | -2.3281 | -4.2188 | 1.5 | 1.4688 | 0.0835 | -0.9844 | -4.9375 | 1.6484 | -0.229666 |
26,743 | Pollination - _URL_ - November 18th, 2009 _TAG_ _TAG_ | 0.2812 | 0.6562 | -1.2656 | 0.4688 | -1.5 | 1.7344 | -1.0625 | -0.9219 | -4.2188 | 0.875 | -0.255884 |
106,925 | Yay! March was a great month for indies! _URL_ | 9.0625 | 4.5625 | 6.3125 | 6.3125 | 3.9375 | 4.1875 | 2.8125 | 0.6719 | 6.6875 | 7.1875 | 2.216169 |
7,843 | Getting up early tomorrow to go get the Plam Pre, will post pics | 1.0156 | 0.5703 | 3.375 | 4.875 | 2.6875 | 2.7031 | 0.4082 | -0.25 | 6.1875 | 3.2812 | 0.885926 |
71,857 | just saw Zombieland with JJJ - its an inspirational film _TAG_ | -0.0781 | 2.5781 | 5.8438 | 6.625 | 2 | 4.0312 | 1.4688 | 0.8125 | 6.75 | 8.375 | 1.573388 |
127,539 | Correction: Everyone ever except for _USER_ was at the _USER_ party. Now everyone ever is at Club Charles. | -1.25 | 0.1562 | 1.1172 | 0.3125 | -2.5 | -0.0007 | 0.4805 | -0.7656 | -5.1875 | -0.0625 | -0.27488 |
7,756 | no evidence that templates yield quality designs. Instead, you get lowest common denominator design that's uniformly crappy. _TAG_ | -1.4688 | -0.543 | -4.8125 | -5.9688 | -3.1406 | -4.5938 | -0.4688 | -1.1484 | -7.5938 | -8.0625 | -1.436155 |
120,169 | Watching Karate Kid with _USER_, _USER_, wilx, I hate this bike. _URL_ | 0.6406 | 0.1797 | -4.3438 | -5.2812 | -2.9688 | 1.2969 | -2.2656 | -1.4844 | -7.4688 | -2.5156 | -1.03999 |
31,231 | not worth it at all | -2.2812 | -1.4141 | -3.6406 | -5.8125 | -5.9375 | -4.4375 | -2.375 | -1.6641 | -7.5625 | -8 | -1.853433 |
55,126 | _USER_ let's get together before you leave...or before I leave. Thank you again for tonight robin! | -0.4219 | 1.8125 | 5.75 | 6.75 | -0.0801 | 4.3125 | 2.6562 | 0.5625 | 6.625 | 0.1875 | 1.249757 |
Subsets and Splits