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The number of adult grebe in Sunlit Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult marine iguana in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eland in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult acantharian in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult baboon in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult eastern newt in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The number of adult minotaur in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult camel in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult king cobra in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult selkie in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult vervet monkey in Twilight Crest equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult patas monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult numbat in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult gila monster in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bettas in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wallaby in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult penguin in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult grebe in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rattlesnake in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult beluga whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult pelican in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult diatom in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult poison dart frog in South Pole equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Arctic Circle. The number of adult paradise tanager in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult howler monkey in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult green anaconda in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult howler monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tern in Sunlit Crag equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult skimmer in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult red-eared slider in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fiddler crab in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult poison dart frog in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult frigatebird in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sand cat in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult minotaur in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult moas in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult northern cardinal in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult adélie penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gecko in Luminous Apex equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult bettong in Starlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult thaliacean in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult toucan in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult coelacanth in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult paradise tanager in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult peacock in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gibbon in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult noctiluca in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult gopher in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult albatross in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult paca in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cassowary in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nightjar in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult quokka in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult macaque in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult caiman in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult surgeonfish in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult adélie penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult king penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult phoenix in Patagonia equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult hippogriff in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult vaquita in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult king cobra in Mount Fuji equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult little blue penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mandrill in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pegasus in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult leviathan in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult blue tang in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult walrus in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cerberus in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult flamingo in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult dodo in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult aye-aye in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult tomato frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fairy penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pelican in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mole in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult surinam toad in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult opossum in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult dormouse in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chinchilla in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult heron in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult capybara in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ostrich in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult colobus monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult bowhead whale in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult iguana in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult southern mammoth in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gelada in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rhinoceros in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult frigatebird in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult boomslang in Aurorapeak Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult fairy penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult bush baby in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult puffin in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ocelot in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult poison dart frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gray whale in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult slow loris in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult weka in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult royal penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult snares penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult gull in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult gaur in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult chimera in Opalescent Crag equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult golden pheasant in Velvetspire Ascent equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gibbon in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rhea in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blue whale in Moonveil Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult howler monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult gecko in Crystalhorn Peak equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult mangrove snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult california sea lion in Crystalhorn Peak equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult puffin in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult dolphin in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult narwhal in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hippopotamus in Sunlit Crag equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult salp in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult kingfisher in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult king cobra in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult copepod in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult golden mantella in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tinamous in Dreamspire Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult poison dart frog in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nile crocodile in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult shiba inu in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult black widow spider in Opalescent Crag equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult red bishop in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tarsier in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult king penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult kinkajou in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult golden pheasant in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult shearwater in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nile crocodile in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult steamer duck in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult adélie penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult phoenix in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult giraffe in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult black mamba in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tarsier in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult mouse in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult heron in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kingfisher in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult frigatebird in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult pangolin in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bilby in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult silkworm in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult razorbill in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sugar glider in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult moose in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult tintinnid in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lemming in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult centaur in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult monitor lizard in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wildebeest in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult komodo dragon in Himalayas equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kangaroo in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dovekie in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gouldian finch in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult elephant in Svalbard equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Eternal Summit. The number of adult dodo in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult snares penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult black mamba in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult barnacle in Luminous Apex equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult coypu in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Dreamspire Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult manatee in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lionfish in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lynx in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blue monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kitsune in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gelada in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult california sea lion in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult adélie penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult raccoon in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult clownfish in Franz Josef Land equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rat in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult stonefish in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult african forest elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult caiman in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mandarin duck in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sandpiper in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult puffin in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult manatee in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult razorbill in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult bonobo in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult bandicoot in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kraken in Opalescent Crag equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult glass frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Gleaming Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult ostrich in Iceland equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Antarctica. The number of adult russell's viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals 1. The number of adult bowhead whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gouldian finch in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult griffin in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult butterfly in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult copperhead in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult jaguar in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult takahe in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ghost crab in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult snares penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult komodo dragon in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult gannet in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult egret in Sunlit Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mandrill in Twilight Crest equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult vole in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult ball python in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult forest mammoth in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult black panther in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult cane toad in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult clouded leopard in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult moray eel in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult butterflyfish in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult royal penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pegasus in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult iguana in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rhea in Dreamspire Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult coqui frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult albatross in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult egret in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult seal in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult larvacean in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult basilisk in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult porcupine in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult giant salamander in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult paradise tanager in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kiwi in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult antlion in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult beaver in Eternal Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult american alligator in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult african bush elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult emu in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult goblin shark in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sugar glider in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dinoflagellate in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hippopotamus in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult margay in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult northern cardinal in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pelican in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult foraminifera in Frostlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult flamingo in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mandarin duck in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult lion in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult clownfish in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea lion in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult african penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bandicoot in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult agouti in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult american alligator in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ostrich in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tern in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult jaguar in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult snow leopard in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rattlesnake in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult selkie in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult red bishop in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult king cobra in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult kittiwake in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult macaque in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bullfrog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult marine iguana in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult stick insect in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue hawk in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult takahe in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fishing cat in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult kitsune in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult asian elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult puma in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fenrir in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult wood frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult okapi in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult humpback whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult phytoplankton in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult ostrich in Mount McKinley equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult little blue penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mouse lemur in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult centaur in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult flamingo in Nebulight Crest equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult yellow tang in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult penguin in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult milk snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ocelot in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult eyelash viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult king penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult black mamba in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult eastern quoll in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult iguana in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult koala in Starlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult hippogriff in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult panther chameleon in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult corn snake in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult kakapo in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult komodo dragon in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cormorant in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult fire salamander in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue poison dart frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult great auk in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cormorant in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult unicorn in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult zebra in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rock lobster in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult beaver in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult shearwater in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult leviathan in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult frilled lizard in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lemur in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult nemean lion in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult thylacine in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult arabic cow in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cladoceran in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult marlin in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dugong in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult chimpanzee in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult orca in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult toucan in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult painted bunting in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hellbender in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hooded seal in Crystalhorn Peak equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult chimpanzee in Alps equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tarsier in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult egret in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gannet in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult atlas moth in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult skimmer in Twilight Crest equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult manticore in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult frilled lizard in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tapir in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult heron in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult booby in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult langoustine in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult frilled lizard in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult emperor penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult capybara in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult american alligator in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fennec mule in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult booby in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sun conure in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult mandarin duck in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult borneo elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult weka in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bonobo in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult king penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult roc in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult red bishop in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult zebra in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult corn snake in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult corn snake in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult moas in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hedgehog in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult sandpiper in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult box jellyfish in Antarctica equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult blue poison dart frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult axolotl in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult manatee in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult leafhopper in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gannet in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult unicorn in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult nutria in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult king penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult bearded dragon in Luminous Apex equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult shiba inu in North Pole equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult leopard in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult macaw in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult aye-aye in Yukon equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult royal penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult basilisk in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult blue whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gray whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult groundhog in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult marine iguana in Nebulight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult emu in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult giraffe in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hydra in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult radiolaria in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult sea wasp in Opalescent Crag equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bearded dragon in Crystalhorn Peak equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult elephant seal in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult black mamba in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult african penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult orangutan in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pufferfish in Opalescent Crag equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult grebe in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dungeness crab in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dragonfly in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult poison dart frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult barracuda in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult griffin in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult manticore in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fennec fox in Lapland equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Greenland. The number of adult gorilla in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult peacock in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult walrus in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult krill in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult toucan in Velvetspire Ascent equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult gaboon viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gila monster in Opalescent Crag equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult cassowary in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult hognose snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult beluga whale in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lionfish in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult reticulated python in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult panther chameleon in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult monitor lizard in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult little blue penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult african clawed frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult patas monkey in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hornet in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rotifer in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult vervet monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chipmunk in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult elephant bird in Dreamspire Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult skimmer in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult leopard gecko in Velvetspire Ascent equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult dovekie in Sunlit Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult harlequin poison frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult royal penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dragon in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult boomslang in Opalescent Crag equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea otter in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult razorbill in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult snares penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult humpback whale in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult crab in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rattlesnake in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult king cobra in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult inland taipan in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Twilight Crest equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult painted bunting in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sandpiper in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Gleaming Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult kittiwake in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult emperor penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult dung beetle in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult american mastodon in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult king penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult flamingo in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wasp in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rainbow boa in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gorilla in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult quetzal in Velvetspire Ascent equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult albatross in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult great auk in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chaetognath in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult coconut crab in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult tiger prawn in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult penguin in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult marsupial mole in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nemean lion in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea lion in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult caiman in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult hooded seal in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sun conure in Velvetspire Ascent equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult indian elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult harpy cow in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue racer in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult leopard frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult stegodon in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult steamer duck in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult potoroo in Starlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult gecko in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult box jellyfish in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lemur in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult glass frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult blue monkey in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult fairy penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult red panda in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult sun conure in Gloamhaven Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult tiger snake in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult guinea pig in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult orangutan in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult cone snail in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cheetah in Shimmering Spire equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult fairy penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult painted bunting in Velvetspire Ascent equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult caracal in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tinamous in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Starlight Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult king cobra in Opalescent Crag equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gila monster in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bobcat in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult cougar in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult elephant in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult kiwi in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rock wallaby in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult firefly in Eclipse Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult emperor penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult vaquita in Crystalhorn Peak equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult harlequin poison frog in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult guppy in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult stingray in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tapir in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult electric eel in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult sperm whale in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult caiman in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult quetzal in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult red-eared slider in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult flamingo in Sunlit Crag equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult corn snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult hermit crab in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gull in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult bison in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult praying mantis in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wombat in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pteropod in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blue crab in Luminous Apex equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult elephant seal in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult phoenix in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult northern cardinal in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult bats in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green anaconda in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hamster in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult monitor lizard in Luminous Apex equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult glass frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult euphausiid in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult okapi in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult elk in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult flamingo in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult red-eared slider in Crystalhorn Peak equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult sperm whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult seal in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult golden pheasant in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nile crocodile in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult king cobra in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult bearded dragon in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dragon in Gleaming Heights equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult elephant in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult water buffalo in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult panther chameleon in Luminous Apex equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green anaconda in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult toucan in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult baboon in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult goliath beetle in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult african penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult grasshopper in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dolphin in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult dugong in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gerbil in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult copepod in Rockies equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The number of adult gull in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult roc in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult amphipod in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult green anaconda in Luminous Apex equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult chimpanzee in Starshard Peaks equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult serval in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sea otter in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult blue hawk in Frostlight Ridge equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mayfly in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mosquito in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kudu in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult booby in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult scorpionfish in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult walking stick in Eclipse Heights equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult golden cat in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kittiwake in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fenrir in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bush viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult emperor penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gouldian finch in Frostlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult green anaconda in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult angelfish in Greenland equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult dovekie in Nebulight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult shrimp in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cerberus in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult golden mantella in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kingfisher in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult tiger in Shimmering Spire equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult angelfish in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Gloamhaven Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult squirrel in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult komodo dragon in Arctic Circle equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cormorant in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult kakapo in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult komodo dragon in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult orangutan in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tiger in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult blue hawk in Velvetspire Ascent equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult king crab in Luminous Apex equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult tomato frog in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ladybug in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult jaguar in Siberia equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult tiger salamander in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult orca in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult colobus monkey in Twilight Crest equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult spider crab in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult snow crab in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult narwhal in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult elephant bird in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ocelot in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cicada in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starlight Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult agouti in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult marbled salamander in Aurorapeak Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult peacock in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult archerfish in Moonveil Summit equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult golden mantella in Gleaming Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Opalescent Crag equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult zooplankton in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult quetzal in Gloamhaven Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult aardvark in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreamspire Summit equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pufferfish in Moonveil Summit equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult komodo dragon in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Velvetspire Ascent equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lobster in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult sloth in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult hydra in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult african penguin in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult shearwater in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tern in Twilight Crest equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chimera in Gleaming Heights equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult katydid in Eclipse Heights equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bison in Sunlit Crag equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult kraken in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult rhinoceros in Radiant Pinnacle equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult gila monster in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult yak in Radiant Pinnacle equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo.
What is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo?
Define adult wolf in South Zoo as s; so s = 2. Define total number of adult animals in South Zoo as E; so E = s = 2. Answer: 2.
"The number of adult fishing cat in Velvet Sands equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Sou(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch?
"Define adult bear in Bundle Ranch as q; so q = 4. Define total number of adult animals in Bundle Ra(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult leopard seal in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the sum of the number of adult (...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest?
"Define adult fox in Beverly Forest as s; so s = 2. Define total number of adult animals in Beverly (...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult northern cardinal in Bering Sea equals the difference between the number of adu(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside?
"Define adult fox in Oakridge Riverside as u; so u = 3. Define total number of adult animals in Oakr(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult red-eared slider in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult owl in Oakrid(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek?
"Define adult parrot in Maple Creek as I; so I = 4. Define total number of adult animals in Maple Cr(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult atlas moth in Mediterranean Sea equals the total number of adult animals in Ced(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley?
"Define adult racoon in Cedar Valley as m; so m = 4. Define total number of adult animals in Cedar V(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult african forest elephant in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult deer i(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo?
"Define adult deer in South Zoo as b; so b = 4. Define total number of adult animals in South Zoo as(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult tintinnid in Mare Serenitatis equals the sum of the number of adult bear in May(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium?
"Define adult bear in Mayer Aquarium as h; so h = 2. Define total number of adult animals in Mayer A(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult gray whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the difference between the number of a(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge?
"Define adult eagle in Pine Ridge as k; so k = 2. Define total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult crested gecko in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge.(...TRUNCATED)
What is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley?
"Define adult owl in Cedar Valley as y; so y = 4. Define total number of adult animals in Cedar Vall(...TRUNCATED)
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