stringlengths 1
| pacakge-description
stringlengths 0
zzgui | The light Python GUI builder (currently based on PyQt5)How to startWith docker && x11:gitclone sudo if necessarycdzzgui/docker-x11&&./build_and_run_menu.shWith PyPI package:poetrynewproject_01&&cdproject_01&&poetryshell
python-mzzgui> sources:gitclone
python3demo/ All demo launcherpython3demo/ basic: main menu, form & widgetspython3demo/ forms and forms in formpython3demo/ grid form (CSV data), automatic creation of forms based on datapython3demo/ progressbar, data loading, sorting and filteringpython3demo/ nonmodal formpython3demo/ code editorpython3demo/ database app (4 tables, mock data loading) - requires a zzdb packagepython3demo/ database app, requires a zzdb package, autoschemademo/ screenshotBuild standalone executable(The resulting executable file will appear in the folder dist/)One filepyinstaller-Fdemo/demo.pyOne directorypyinstaller-Ddemo/ |
zzh | very log |
zzha529-test | personal redis queue consumer |
zzhfourth | zihaofourthhello world |
zzhfun | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhmodule | UNKNOWN |
zzhprob | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhprob-fifth | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhprobm | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhprobsecond | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhprob-second | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhprobsixth | No description available on PyPI. |
zzhtestlib | 虽说我的库不牛逼,但是描述文档很牛逼加粗斜体this is my code |
zzhtongjione | No description available on PyPI. |
zzip | No description available on PyPI. |
zzjjkk | hhh |
zzk | zzk's tools |
zzkkz | Failed to fetch description. HTTP Status Code: 404 |
zzktest | An feature extraction algorithm, improve the FastICA |
zzlib | ZZlibPython utils for structure-based computer-aided drug design |
zzload | zhizhenOs Software Generation Library |
zzlog | zzlogIzzy setup for logging in Python |
zzltest | Project descriptionAthena is the core SDK for requesting the EnOS APIExample1.1 Queryfromposeidonimportposeidonappkey='7b51b354-f200-45a9-a349-40cc97730c5a'appsecret='65417473-2da3-40cc-b235-513b9123aefg'url='http://{apim-url}/someservice/v1/tyy?sid=28654780'req=poseidon.urlopen(appkey,appsecret,url)print(req)1.2 Headerfromposeidonimportposeidonappkey='7b51b354-f200-45a9-a349-40cc97730c5a'appsecret='65417473-2da3-40cc-b235-513b9123aefg'url='http://{apim-url}/someservice/v1/tyy?sid=28654780'header={}req=poseidon.urlopen(appkey,appsecret,url,None,header)print(req)1.3 Bodyfromposeidonimportposeidonappkey='7b51b354-f200-45a9-a349-40cc97730c5a'appsecret='65417473-2da3-40cc-b235-513b9123aefg'url='http://{apim-url}/someservice/v1/tyy?sid=28654780'data={"username":"11111","password":"11111"}req=poseidon.urlopen(appkey,appsecret,url,data)print(req) |
zzmm | Example Package这是我的包
pip3 uninstall zzmm |
zzmtrgd | Libreria pensada para alojar algoritmos de regresión de múltiples variables |
zz_nester | UNKNOWN |
zzo-bibtex-parser | PuposeThis program parse a .bib file and make new files(, cite.bib) for using zzo theme blogInstallYou have to install pip before type this command.pip3 install zzo-bibtex-parserUsageAfter install thezzo-bibtex-parserpackage, type this command.
This will generate files incontent/publication/...zzo --path mybibtex.bib |
zzpy | Python3 utilities |
zzq-strings-sum | Databus ClientDatabus Client is a Python client for making HTTP requests to the Databus API and retrieving JSON data.InstallationYou can install Databus Client using pip:pip install databus-clientUsageGet datasheet pack datafromapi.apitable_databus_clientimportDatabusClient# Initialize the client with the base URL of the Databus APIhost_address=""client=DatabusClient(host_address)# Make a GET request to fetch the datasheet pack datadatasheet_id="dstbUhd5coNXQoXFD8"result=client.get_datasheet_pack(datasheet_id)ifresult:print(result)else:print("Request failed.")developpython3-mvenv.envsource./env/bin/active
pip3installtwinebuild and publishpython3setup.pysdist
twineuploaddist/* |
zzq-string-sum | rust-github-flow-testtest rust PyO3 github flowpipinstallzzq-string-sumuse it in pythonfromzzq_string_sumimportdatabusprint("zzq see ",databus.sum_as_string(1,2))print("zzq see2 ",databus.sum_as_string(10,20))databus.init("http://loaclhost:8080") |
zzr | UNKNOWN |
zzsnML | This is a simple package. You can use it to write you content. |
zzsn-nlp | # zzsn_nlp#### 介绍
郑州数能软件科技有限公司_自然语言处理#### 软件架构
软件架构说明#### 安装教程xxxxxxxxxxxx#### 使用说明xxxxxxxxxxxx#### 参与贡献Fork 本仓库新建 Feat_xxx 分支提交代码新建 Pull Request#### 特技使用 来支持不同的语言,例如, Readme_zh.mdGitee 官方博客 [](你可以 []( 这个地址来了解 Gitee 上的优秀开源项目[GVP]( 全称是 Gitee 最有价值开源项目,是综合评定出的优秀开源项目Gitee 官方提供的使用手册 []( 封面人物是一档用来展示 Gitee 会员风采的栏目 []( |
zz-spider | 本代码是有关消息中间件组件的一些使用##rabbimqimport zz_spider
from zz_spider.rabbit_mq.MqDeal import DealRabbitMQ使用# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 10/14/21 5:38 PM
# @Author : ZZK
# @File :
# @describe :
from zz_spider.RabbitMq import DealRabbitMQ
host = xxx
port = xxx
user = xxx
password = xxx
queue_name = xxx
url_port = xxx
def spider(res):
:param res:
for i in res:
data =i
mqobeject = DealRabbitMQ(host,user=user,passwd=password,port=port,url_port=url_port)
#spider_main 放置抓取的主要函数
mqobeject.send_mq(queue_name='123_error',msg={'1':1})##kafka# 发送
producer = KkProducer(
bootstrap_servers 创建连接域名:端口; (例:
options_name 话题名称:topics (例:topic_{flow_id}_{execute_id}_{data_time})
try_max_times 失败重试最大次数, 默认为 3
# 接收如需帮助请联系[email protected] |
zzstocklib-pkg-pubbyzz | zzstocklib |
zzsukitest | # ZZSUKI_TEST## Readmenothing happened |
zz-test | zz-test简单IP代理池 simple_pp 是个 异步并发IP代理验证工具,速度很快,一千个代理半分钟左右可完成。安装pip install -U simple-proxy-pool或下载 repo (e.g.,git clone换到 simple-proxy-pool目录执行python install -r requirements.txt
python develop代理验证原理通过IP代理访问, 能成功获取百度返回的头则代理有效。再检查头里面是否含'via', 不含'via'即为匿名代理。参考。用法命令行简单用法python -m simple_ppsimple_pp 会试着以各种方式搜集到不少于 200 个代理,验证后将有效代理输出到屏幕上。普通用法用户可以提供自己的代理:直接将自由格式的代理贴在命令行后面,或提供含自由格式代理的文件名贴在命令行后面,或在运行python -m simple_pp前将代理拷入系统剪贴板。python -m simple_pp贴入需验证的IP代理(格式 ip:端口, 以空格、回车非数字字母或中文隔开均可)。或:python -m simple_pp file1 file2 ...文件内含以上格式的IP代理也可以用pipe,例如curl "" | python -m simple_pp高级用法显示详细用法python -m simple_pp -h给定代理数目python -m simple_pp -p 500只显示有效匿名代理python -m simple_pp -a给定代理数目、只显示有效匿名代理python -m simple_pp -p 800 -apython 程序内调用from simple_pp import simple_pp
from pprint import pprint
ip_list = [ip1, ip2, ...]
res = simple_pp(ip_list)
pprint(res)输出 res 里格式为: res[0] = ip_list[0] +(是否有效,是否匿名,响应时间秒)可参看 或 tests 里面的文件。有疑问或反馈可发 Issues。例如import asyncio
import httpx
from simple_pp import simple_pp
simple_pp(['', ''])输出: [('', True, False, 0.31),
('', True, True, 0.51)]
-> 第一个代理为透明代理,第二个代理为匿名代理也可以直接将网页结果送给 simple_pp, 例如import re
import asyncio
import httpx
from pprint import pprint
from simple_pp import simple_pp
arun = lambda x: asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(x)
_ = [elm for elm in simple_pp([':'.join(elm) if elm[1] else elm[0] for elm in re.findall(r'(?:https?://)?(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?:[\s\t:\'",]+(\d{1,4}))?', arun(httpx.get('')).text)]) if elm[-3] is True]
# 可能拿到将近 10 个代理
# 或
_ = [elm for elm in simple_pp(arun(httpx.get('')).text) if elm[-3] is True]
# ditto鸣谢用了 jhao 的 proxypool 项目里几个文件。感谢jhao开源。 |
zzt-message | No description available on PyPI. |
zztoolbox | zztoolbox |
zzu-low | CrawlAPI Package |
zzu-low2 | CrawlAPI Package | | No description available on PyPI. |
zzx-deep-genome | zzz_deep_genome一个辅助基因组学深度学习模型构建的函数库A library of functions to assist in the construction of deep learning models for genomics.主要功能(Key Features)1、根据给定文件(bed、bigwig等)和条件(序列长度等),获取用于组学深度学习训练的训练集。Obtain a training set for deep learning training in genomics based on a given file (bed, bigwig, etc.) and conditions (sequence length, etc.).2、训练数据(label)的标准化。Normalization of training data (label).3、根据JASPAR数据库的pfms矩阵信息,构建用于初始化CNN的参数矩阵。The parameter matrix for initializing the CNN is constructed based on the pfms matrix information from the JASPAR database.4、获取一组或多组等长短序列对应的pfm、ppm、pwm矩阵。Get the pfm, ppm, and pwm matrices corresponding to one or more sets of equal-length short sequences.5、接收pfms列表,获取符合meme输入格式的文件6、tensorflow(支持1.x和2.x)和pytorch(只支持1.x)模型1d卷积层的motif挖掘7、调用染色质开放性深度学习模型快速开始(Quick Start)安装pipinstallzzx-deep-genome-i获取训练数据集(Obtain training data set)fromzzx_deep_genome.get_datasetimportgenome_datasetgenome_dataset(bed_path,fasta_path,seq_len=1024,genome_size_control=None,dataset_type='regression',bw_path=None,Data_Augmentation=False)1、参数:bed_path:bed文件路径,指定用于构建数据集的样本。对分类任务,要求四列:chr、start、end、class对分类任务,要求三列:chr、start、endfasta_path:参考基因组路径seq_len:指定每个样本长度若bed文件中某样本的长度超过指定长度,则截取中间seq_len长度若bed文件中某样本的长度小于指定长度,则向两边扩展到seq_len长度genome_size_control:控制文件,如果指定该文件路径,则从根据seq_len截取(或扩展)出的样本中过滤掉不符合控制文件条件的样本。控制文件(指定染色体及其最大长度,列由TAB间隔)格式如下:chr01<TAB>1998644
chrn<TAB>6457466dataset_type:该模块支持对三种任务(classification、regression、base_regression)进行数据预处理,获取数据集。bw_path:对回归任务,需要给定对应bigwig文件路径,该模块将从bigwig文件中提取信号。Data_Augmentation:是否进行数据增强,若为True,则会使用反向互补序列进行数据增强。2、返回结果根据dataset_type的选择有不同返回:classification:返回一个三列的数据框,第一列为染色体号起止点等信息(即原始bed文件信息)、第二列为one-hot编码后的对应定长DNA序列,第三列为类别标签。regression:返回一个三列的数据框,第一列为染色体号起止点等信息(即原始bed文件信息)、第二列为one-hot编码后的对应定长DNA序列,第三列为对应序列上的平均信号值。base_regression:返回一个三列的数据框,第一列为染色体号起止点等信息(即原始bed文件信息)、第二列为one-hot编码后的对应定长DNA序列,第三列为对应序列上的信号值(每个碱基位置都有值)。数据集(label)的标准化fromzzx_deep_genome.Standardizationimportbw_scalebw_scale(in_path,out_path,standard=32)1、参数in_path:输入(bigwig)文件路径out_path:输出(标准化后的bigwig)文件路径standard:高斯核的标准差2、返回结果标准化后的(bigwig)文件根据JASPAR数据库先验信息进行CNN初始化fromzzx_deep_genome.filter_initializationimportfilter_initialization_matrixfilter_initialization_matrix(taxonomic_groups='plants',data_local=None,filters=64,L_=8,pattern='ppm_rp25',background_acgt=[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25])1、参数:taxonomic_groups:选择类群,目前只支持plants、fungi、vertebrates、insectsdata_local:本地文件(要求JASPAR PFMS格式)路径,若为None,则该模块将根据taxonomic_groups的设置,自动从JASPAR数据库下载对应文件到当前工作目录。filters:卷积滤波器的数目L_:卷积核的尺寸(对长度超过设定值的PFM,会根据信息熵筛选片段)pattern:模式,支持ppm_rp25(返回ppm矩阵每个位置减0.25后得到的均值为0的矩阵)、ppm(返回pp m矩阵)、pwm(返回pwm矩阵)background_acgt:计算pwm时需要的ACGT背景2、返回结果根据pattern的设置有不同返回:pattern = "ppm_rp25",返回ppm矩阵每个位置减0.25后得到的均值为0的矩阵(可以尝试直接用于初始化)pattern = "ppm",返回ppm矩阵pattern = "pwm",返回pwm矩阵获取pfm、ppm、pwm矩阵fromzzx_deep_genome.get_pwmimportget_pwmget_pwm(file_path,background_acgt=[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25],type_='pfm')1、参数:file_path:输入文件路径,输入文件形如:>1
CGTTTGGGGbackground_acgt:计算pwm需要的ACGT背景type_:可选pfm、ppm、pwm,决定了最终的返回结果2、返回结果根据type_的设置有不同返回:pfm:返回pfm矩阵列表ppm:返回ppm矩阵列表pwm:返回pwm矩阵列表获取meme格式的输入fromzzx_deep_genome.get_meme_fileimportget_pwmget_meme_input_file(pfms_,meme_path)1、参数pfms_:多个pfm矩阵(要求为numpy array格式)构成的列表或numpy arraymeme_path:输出文件路径2、返回结果meme格式的输入文件,形如:MEME version 5.3.3
strands: + -
Background letter frequencies
A 0.25 C 0.25 G 0.25 T 0.25
MOTIF motif_ppm0
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 10
0.0 0.060606062 0.93939394 0.0
0.45454547 0.21212122 0.33333334 0.0
0.54545456 0.0 0.09090909 0.36363637
0.0 0.060606062 0.121212125 0.8181818
0.121212125 0.18181819 0.0 0.6969697
0.42424244 0.121212125 0.0 0.45454547
0.060606062 0.24242425 0.0 0.6969697
0.121212125 0.0 0.0 0.8787879
0.09090909 0.8787879 0.0 0.030303031
0.18181819 0.030303031 0.3030303 0.4848485
MOTIF motif_ppm1
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 22
0.21052632 0.39473686 0.39473686 0.0
0.05263158 0.7105263 0.078947365 0.15789473
0.05263158 0.078947365 0.55263156 0.31578946
0.0 0.9736842 0.02631579 0.0
0.34210527 0.15789473 0.02631579 0.47368422
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.13157895 0.84210527 0.02631579 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.94736844 0.05263158
0.0 0.05263158 0.94736844 0.0
0.0 0.8947368 0.0 0.10526316
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.28947368 0.0 0.6315789 0.078947365
0.2631579 0.23684211 0.42105263 0.078947365
0.02631579 0.81578946 0.15789473 0.0
0.21052632 0.0 0.7631579 0.02631579
0.2631579 0.0 0.5 0.23684211
0.0 0.18421052 0.5263158 0.28947368
0.05263158 0.05263158 0.55263156 0.34210527
0.39473686 0.39473686 0.13157895 0.078947365
0.02631579 0.36842105 0.18421052 0.42105263
0.81578946 0.078947365 0.05263158 0.05263158
0.078947365 0.23684211 0.65789473 0.02631579motif挖掘(tensorflow)fromzzx_deep_genome.cnn_tf_motif_1dimportget_tf_motifget_tf_motif(meme_path,bed_file_path,fasta_file_path,model_path,seq_len,kernel_size,weight_name,weight_,genome_size_control_path,lim__,data_batch,all_batch,stochastic_control)1、参数meme_path:输出文件(meme格式)路径bed_file_path:bed文件路径,即用于motif挖掘的序列fasta_file_path:参考基因组文件路径model_path:待挖掘的模型路径,必须以 "xxx/" 形式给出seq_len:确定用于motif挖掘的序列的长度(截取/扩展bed文件中指定的区间至定长)kernel_size:卷积核尺寸weight_name:需要挖掘的卷积层的名称(一般是第一层)weight_:卷积层权重矩阵(tensor形式),默认为None,若提供该参数,则model_path、weight_name可以给空字符串。genome_size_control_path:控制文件,如果指定该文件路径,则从根据seq_len截取(或扩展)出的样本中过滤掉不符合控制文件条件的样本。lim__:阈值,取值范围为 (0,1]data_batch:每一个batch的数据量all_batch:batch总量stochastic_control:是否对随机性进行控制,默认为False,若设置为True,则只有当 时,2、返回结果符合TOMTOM输入形式的motif挖掘结果,形如:MEME version 5.3.3
strands: + -
Background letter frequencies
A 0.25 C 0.25 G 0.25 T 0.25
MOTIF motif_ppm0
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 9
0.23708807 0.01038254 0.6403269 0.112202495
0.208512 0.7740051 0.015640056 0.0018428406
0.23585951 0.22998169 0.007329206 0.5268296
0.16168216 0.17603946 0.42579857 0.23647982
0.7104572 0.21738292 0.062801115 0.0093587395
0.060103104 0.6903967 0.2046878 0.044812344
0.23376372 0.13233523 0.26143044 0.37247062
0.32773656 0.0613678 0.58124757 0.029648054
0.28716996 0.0468479 0.39660218 0.26937994
MOTIF motif_ppm1
letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= 9
0.540042 0.41781804 0.030677516 0.011462491
0.12956709 0.54485214 0.30183706 0.023743732
0.8500921 0.0020468733 0.13289325 0.014967762
0.2256422 0.34451437 0.021108381 0.40873504
0.006422065 0.79510796 0.16175418 0.03671579
0.26913828 0.5888855 0.022234162 0.119742095
0.14021082 0.0 0.24393614 0.615853
0.024153106 0.10712824 0.8687187 0.0
0.2454713 0.66579676 0.037381027 0.051350936motif挖掘(pytorch)fromzzx_deep_genome.cnn_torch_motif_1dimportget_torch_motifget_torch_motif(meme_path,bed_file_path,fasta_file_path,model_path,weight_name,filter_size,channel_num,seq_len,genome_size_control_path,lim__,data_batch,all_batch,stochastic_control=False)1、参数channel_num:卷积核总数model_path:模型文件路径,形如 "xxx/best_model.pth.tar"其他参数同 motif挖掘(tensorflow)2、返回结果符合TOMTOM输入形式的motif挖掘结果模型调用fromzzx_deep_genome.tf_modelimportSE_Unet_1dmodel=SE_Unet_1d() |
zzy-AxCat | No description available on PyPI. |
zzyzx | Do you believe in the cloud? It’s in fact only somebody else’s computer.
Those might fail or get hacked.Do you believe in bug-free software? Nah, it’s more likely every now and
then a crash, a bug, a race condition or some other back luck will lead
to data corruption of the things that you work on.Do you think you’ll be able to access your notes in thirty years? It’s
likely the data format they’re stored in is going to be hard to read.This is why I store all my notes in my e-mail. It’s been there since the
1970s, it’s going to be there in the 2050s. MIME and IMAP ensure the
data is more-less plaintext and easily human-readable even without any
tool support. Apple Notes support it on both OS X and iOS. Pure win.But wait, what about software failure? What if a bug erases my notes or
there’s a data center fire and the data restored from a backup is in
a state from two days ago? What about bitrot?Enterzzyzx.This is the most primitive backup system ever. Set it up in cron on your
laptop or a server you control and it will create incremental backups
with history between runs (setting up a Mercurial repository). It also
creates useful symlinks to human-readable note titles so you can find
them more easily.InstallationIt requires Python 3.5+ and Click. Just install it from PyPI:$ pip install zzyzx
$ cat >~/.zzyzx
[email protected]
$ zzyzx backupMarkdown exportIf you installedzzyzx[markdown]from PyPI, you can also run:$ zzyzx mdThis will generate a list of files that are a textual representation
of the notes’ contents. This is useful for exporting Apple Notes into
systems that expect Markdown files, likeBear.Configure your Markdown support adding a section like the following
to your.zzyzxconfig:[markdown]
headings=atxHeadings can be “atx” (simple hashes), “atx_closed” (symmetrical
hashes), or “underlined” (ReST-like).Why the namezzyzx?It’s the last place on Earth. It’s the end of the world.Known issuesDon’t put the repo path in Dropbox as it doesn’t support symlinks and
your other computers will see a lot of duplicate files.The Markdown export is not perfect because the HTML syntax used by
Apple Notes is pretty strange. I did what I could, tested against a few
hundred notes against macOS Sierra and iOS 10.2 (they are not consistent
between each other either).Changes2017.1.0the Markdown export update: generally sucks lessalso update the creation and modification date in the Markdown exportallow customization of the Markdown export file extensionsallow exporting folder-based hashtags (for example for use with Bear
editor)2016.6.0bugfix: slashes and backslashes weren’t properly escaped for title
symlinks2016.4.1backwards incompatible:zzyzxfunctionality now available aszzyzx backupnew functionality:zzyzx mdunpacks .eml into text files and
attachments, translating HTML into Markdownbugfix: existing and newly created filenames are normalized to NFD;
existing file tracking won’t be so eager to delete files anymore on
OS X2016.4.0first published versionAuthorsGlued together byŁukasz Langa <[email protected]>. |
zzz | # zzzPython library that waits until something happens.## BenefitYou will no longer have to write annoyingwhile/time.sleep()checks
to wait until a variable is euqal to a certain value.## UsageIt’s real simple.All you gotta do is just have an import statement:` from zzz import z `After that, you use thezfunction on any
variable/object/function/method/thing (“VOFMT”). You pass the aforementioned
VOFMT as the first argument (variable), avaluethat the VOFMT should be
equal to, and lastly an optionaldelayargument, which determines how long to
wait between the checks for the aforementioned conditional equivalence.## Authorzzzwas written by David Gay.## LicenseAGPLv3+. SeeLICENSEfile for full text.## A note about formattingI believe that Markdown is superior to ReStructured Text and do not care that
PyPI only parses ReStructured Text. You will have to deal with it. You are a
smart person. Crack the readme open in your text editor, toss it through a
Markdown renderer, or deal with it. You will have many worse moments before
your continual decay leads to your inevitable final breath and the collection
of atoms called “you” disperse and take their place within other beings. |
zzz001 | No description available on PyPI. |
zzz233 | zzz233A minimal python locallyclone repository:git clone xxxdownload zip:wget xxxdownload released package: TODOinstallinstall locally:pip install .(for developer) install locally:pip install ".[dev]"(for documentation developer) install locally:pip install ".[doc]"install from github:pip install git+ pypiuninstallpip uninstall zzz233scripsrun in command line:zzz233unittest: download locallypytest(require developer install locally) coveragepytest --cov=python/zzz233documentationbuild locally:mkdocs servewebsite: action (CI/CD)build documentation, enable github page (select deploy from actions)unittestreading materialgithub/setuptools_scm(Source Code Management)setuptools/pyproject-configdistribute package to pypiTODO make a clear tableusage# a dummy examplefromzzz233importfrom_pickle,to_picklea=233to_pickle(a=a)assertfrom_pickle('a')==aTODOsemantic versioninglinkdevelopmentnew environmentmicromambacreate-nzzz233python
pipinstall.# pip install -e ".[dev]"mkdocsservepublish to pypi# cleanup the branch and tag the latest commit with a valid version# otherwise the build will failrm-rf./dist
python-mbuild# testpypi# setup testpypi apikey $HOME/.pypirc (the username is "__token__")twineupload--repositorytestpypidist/*# --repository-url
pipinstall--upgrade-i pypi# --repository-url |
zzzeeksphinx | This is zzzeek’s own Sphinx layout, used by SQLAlchemy.This layout is first and foremost pulled in for the SQLAlchemy documentation
builds (and possibly other related projects).NoteThe stability of zzzeeksphinx isnotguaranteed and APIs and
behaviors can change at any time. For use in other projects, please fork
and/or adapt any portion of useful code as needed.Features include:Uses Mako templates instead of Jinja, for more programmatic capabilities
inside of templates.Layout includes an independently scrollable sidebarA unique (to Sphinx) “contextual” sidebar contents that shows the
current page in context with all sibling pages (like that of MySQL’s docs).
This is a form of TOC that Sphinx doesn’t typically have a lot of
capability to do (well it could, with some simple feature adds), but
IMO this kind of navigation is critical for very large and nested
documentation sets, so that the navbar stays relatively small yet provides
context as to where you are in the docs and what else is locally available.Modifications to autodoc which illustrate inherited classes, bases,
method documentation illustrates if a method is only inherited from the
base or overridden.A “dynamic base” feature that will, under ReadTheDocs, pull in optional.makoand.pyfiles from the website of your choice
that will serve as an alternate base template and a source of extra
config setup, respectively, allowing the layout to be integrated into
the layout of an external site when viewing on the web.A “viewsource” extension that can provide highlighted sourcecode to any
Python file arbitrarily.SQLAlchemy-specific stuff, like the [SQL] popups, the dialect info
directives.scss support using pyscss.Configin, the extension is:extensions = [
]The theme is:html_theme = 'zzzeeksphinx'Other configs that SQLAlchemy has set up; these two are probably
needed:# The short X.Y version.
version = "1.0"
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = "1.0.0"
release_date = "Not released"Additional configs for the “dynamic site thing” look like:site_base = os.environ.get("RTD_SITE_BASE", "")
site_adapter_template = "docs_adapter.mako"
site_adapter_py = ""Configs which do some last-minute translation of module names
when running autodoc to display API documentation:autodocmods_convert_modname = {
"sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes": "sqlalchemy.types",
"sqlalchemy.sql.type_api": "sqlalchemy.types",
"sqlalchemy.sql.schema": "sqlalchemy.schema",
"sqlalchemy.sql.elements": "sqlalchemy.sql.expression",
"sqlalchemy.sql.selectable": "sqlalchemy.sql.expression",
"sqlalchemy.sql.dml": "sqlalchemy.sql.expression",
"sqlalchemy.sql.ddl": "sqlalchemy.schema",
"sqlalchemy.sql.base": "sqlalchemy.sql.expression"
autodocmods_convert_modname_w_class = {
("sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces", "Connectable"): "sqlalchemy.engine",
("sqlalchemy.sql.base", "DialectKWArgs"): "sqlalchemy.sql.base",
} |
zzzfs | ZzzFS: dataset management à la ZFSZzzFS (“snooze FS”) brings a set of ZFS management commands to non-ZFS volumes,
turning any directory on a traditional filesystem into a zpool-like object.
Using only the Python standard library, ZzzFS can be useful to, for example,
test tools that use ZFS functionality on a system lacking real ZFS. Of course,
ZzzFS misses all of the low-level features underpinning true ZFS volumes:
checksumming, copy-on-write, etc.Note that this is distinct from the ZFS feature allowing a zpool to be created
using a regular file as a vdev. ZzzFS translates commands into move/copy/symlink
operations in the original filesystem; it does not manage blocks in a virtual
disk.This is a functional work in progress; don’t trust any important data to it
just yet. The test suite covers the following features:create/destroy/list “filesystems” and “pools”clone/promote, send/receive, rollback, diff snapshotsget/set/inherit attributespool command historyExample usage:$ zzzpool create mypool /tmp/pool
$ zzzpool list
mypool - - - - ONLINE -
$ zzzfs create mypool/work
$ zzzfs create mypool/play
$ zzzfs snapshot mypool/work@yesterday
$ zzzfs list -t all
mypool - - - /private/tmp/pool/mypool
mypool/play - - - /private/tmp/pool/mypool/play
mypool/work - - - /private/tmp/pool/mypool/work
mypool/work@yesterday - - - -
$ zzzfs send mypool/work@yesterday | zzzfs receive mypool/more_work
$ zzzpool history
History for 'mypool':
2015-01-13.22:32:38 zzzpool create mypool /tmp/pool
2015-01-13.22:32:50 zzzfs create mypool/work
2015-01-13.22:32:53 zzzfs create mypool/play
2015-01-13.22:32:56 zzzfs snapshot mypool/work@yesterday
2015-01-13.22:33:48 zzzfs receive mypool/more_workFor more details on real ZFS command usage, see the Oracle Solaris ZFS
Administration Guide ( under the CDDL v1.1 license. There’s no original ZFS code present, but
it’s only appropriate to pair “snooze” with “cuddle.” |
zzzing | zzzing CLI by xuanzhi33 |
zzzmmmwwcargoss | Failed to fetch description. HTTP Status Code: 404 |
zzzPyPiTest | No description available on PyPI. |
zzzPyPiTest2 | No description available on PyPI. |
zzzutils | Requests: Python utils - Time=========================Get demand time from all kinds of original time format after delay without specified type.Usage---------------def get_time(ts=None, delay=0, fmt=19)Arguments: [original_time] [delay] [output_fmt:{0,6,8,10,16,17,19}]output_fmt:19: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',8: '%Y%m%d',6: '%Y%m',10: '%Y-%m-%d',16: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',17: '%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S'Input format(Any one of them)------------# 201809# 20180910# 2018-09-10# 2018-09-10 18:00# 20180910-18:00:00# 2018-09-10 18:00:00# 1536573600(int)# 1536573600.00(float)Return format(Any one of them)-------------# 201809# 20180910# 2018-09-10# 2018-09-10 18:00# 20180910-18:00:00# 2018-09-10 18:00:00# 1536573600(int) |
zzz-web | Failed to fetch description. HTTP Status Code: 404 |
zzzymobbe | this converts a pdf to text or to boobs |
zzzz | No description available on PyPI. |
zzzZZZzzz | Failed to fetch description. HTTP Status Code: 404 |