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### Human: 紧接着,整个神国的天空中,都被熊熊的火焰充斥了。### Assistant: Immediately afterwards, the entire sky of the Divine Kingdom was filled with blazing flames. |
### Human: 这火焰燃烧一切,就连神国的界壁上,都布满了恐怖的火焰!### Assistant: This flame burned everything. Even the realm wall of Divine Kingdom was covered in terrifying flames! |
### Human: “这…这…发生了什么?”### Assistant: "What... what happened?" |
### Human: 那两个新神惊呆了。### Assistant: The two New Gods were stunned. |
### Human: 这一幕,完全超出了他们的理解!### Assistant: This scene completely exceeded their understanding! |
### Human: 他们是来瞻仰一下第四层次的神国,感受一下天界之中至强者的气息的。### Assistant: They were here to pay a visit to the fourth rank Divine Kingdom and sense the aura of the strongest experts in the Heavenly Realm. |
### Human: 却没想到,一来,居然看到对方的神国在燃烧!### Assistant: However, he never expected to see the other party's Divine Kingdom burning! |
### Human: 这强烈的反差,刺激得他们简直不要太酸爽!### Assistant: This sharp contrast caused them to not feel too sour! |
### Human: “恐怕有什么我们不知道的大事发生了!”### Assistant: "I' m afraid something big has happened that we don't know about!" |
### Human: 一个新神深深的吸了一口气。### Assistant: A New God took a deep breath. |
### Human: “小心,有强大神明的气息!”### Assistant: "Be careful, there is the aura of a powerful God!" |
### Human: 这时候,另一个新神道。### Assistant: At this moment, another new Supreme Gods way. |
### Human: “嗖!”### Assistant: "Whoosh!" |
### Human: 他俩抬起头,便看到天际之上,不断有强大的神明降临!### Assistant: They looked up and saw powerful gods descending from the horizon! |
### Human: 这些神明,都是赶过来看热闹的神主。### Assistant: These gods were all Divine Masters who had rushed over to watch the show. |
### Human: 林炎燃烧魔魂尊主的神国已经有一段时间了,他们付出了一些代价,终于赶了过来!### Assistant: Lin Yan had been burning the Exalt Demonic Soul’s Divine Kingdom for quite some time now. After paying a price, they had finally arrived! |
### Human: 紧接着,一些神主把自己的圣灵弄了出来,向另一些神主做起了生意。就像岚虚神主那样。### Assistant: Following that, some Divine Masters took out their Holy Spirits and started a business with other Divine Masters. Just like Divine Master Misty Void. |
### Human: 这里降临的神主数量,便徒然多了起来。### Assistant: The number of Divine Masters who had descended from this place had increased in number. |
### Human: “好多的神,他们身上的气息好可怕,我们还是下去吧。”### Assistant: "So many gods, the aura from them is so scary, let's go down." |
### Human: 478女神的惊讶!深渊魔神山的召集令!### Assistant: Chapter 478 Part: 1 Goddess' surprise! The summoning order of the Abyssal Demonic God Mountain! |
### Human: “哇,怎么信仰之力一下子多了这么多?”### Assistant: "Wow, why is the power of belief so much?" |
### Human: 在永夜女神的神国并入后,薇薇拉与梅维丝终于想起去收取自己的信仰之力了。### Assistant: After the Divine Kingdom of Eternal Night was merged, Vera and Mavis finally remembered to collect their own power of belief. |
### Human: 只是,当她俩收取的时候,就吓了一大跳!### Assistant: However, when they collected it, they were shocked! |
### Human: 薇薇拉的从诸神大陆上获得的信仰之力,不仅没有比之前减少,反倒增加了好几倍!### Assistant: Not only had the power of faith Vera had obtained from the Continents of Gods not decreased, but it had increased several times! |
### Human: 梅维丝同样如此。### Assistant: It was the same for Mavis. |
### Human: 这两个精灵女神,一下子就变得格外的吃惊。### Assistant: The two Elven goddesses were shocked. |
### Human: 几个月前,薇薇拉就发现自己的信仰之力有一些不对劲了,不过那时候只是多出了一些,没有多出太多。### Assistant: A few months ago, Vera realized that there was something wrong with her power of belief. However, at that time, there was only a little more, not much more. |
### Human: 直到这一次,一下子多出几倍,彻底让薇薇拉惊住了。### Assistant: Until this time, suddenly more than a few times, so that Vara was completely shocked. |
### Human: “应该跟尊主有关!”### Assistant: "It should be related to the Exalted!" |
### Human: 薇薇拉道。### Assistant: Vera said. |
### Human: “嗯,我在加入神系前不久还收了一次信仰之力,加入神系后才增加了这么多,应该是跟尊主有关,尊主的神系契约还真是神奇啊!”### Assistant: "Hmm, not long ago when I joined the Divine System, I also collected the power of belief. After I joined the Divine System, I only increased it by so much. It should be related to the Exalt. The Exalted Divine System contract is truly miraculous!" |
### Human: 梅维丝感慨道。### Assistant: Mavis sighed. |
### Human: 这两个精灵女神,已经见识了林炎的种种神奇,现在接受起来倒很快。### Assistant: These two Elven goddesses had already witnessed Lin Yan's various wonders, and now they were able to accept it very quickly. |
### Human: 当然,哪怕知道自己的尊主拥有种种神奇的手段,她俩依然还是忍不住震撼了一下。### Assistant: Of course, even though they knew that their Exalt possessed all sorts of miraculous methods, they still couldn't help but be shocked. |
### Human: 而另一边,永夜女神也打开了通道,准备将自己的信仰之力收上来。### Assistant: On the other side, the Eternal Night Goddess also opened the tunnel and prepared to withdraw her power of belief. |
### Human: 永夜女神一般是一个月收取一次信仰之力。### Assistant: The Eternal Night Goddess had already collected the power of faith from the previous month. |
### Human: 这一次,离她加入林炎的神系,也就差几天才满一个月。### Assistant: This time, she was only a few days away from joining Lin Yan's Divine System. |
### Human: 上一个月的信仰之力,永夜女神早就收取了。### Assistant: The Eternal Night Goddess had already collected the power of faith from the previous month. |
### Human: 加入神系后,信仰之力会少一大截,这在天界,几乎是共识了。### Assistant: After joining the Divine System, the power of belief would be greatly reduced. This was almost a common understanding in the Heavenly Realm. |
### Human: 一般的神系,通过神系契约,神系中的每个神,每次收取信仰之力的时候,都要上交30%。### Assistant: Normally, every God in a God lineage would have to hand over 30% of their power of belief. |
### Human: 这也是不少第三层次有神为什么不加入神系的原因。### Assistant: This was also the reason why many third-rank gods did not join the Divine System. |
### Human: 加入神系,有好处,也有坏处。### Assistant: There were both advantages and disadvantages to joining the Divine System. |
### Human: 有利,也有弊。### Assistant: There were pros and cons. |
### Human: 最大的弊端,莫过于需要寄人篱下。### Assistant: The biggest drawback was that he had to rely on others. |
### Human: 而能成神者,哪一个在诸神大陆的时候不是高高在上,许多神明根本不喜欢这种寄人篱下的感觉,所以宁愿选择独来独往。### Assistant: As for those who could become gods, all of them were high and mighty in the Continents of Gods. Many gods didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by people, so they would rather be alone. |
### Human: 除非是一些强大的神系。### Assistant: Unless they were powerful Divine systems. |
### Human: 当然,一般的神,想加神系,人家还不一定会收。### Assistant: Of course, ordinary Divine systems might not be accepted if they wanted to add a Divine System. |
### Human: 像爱伦那样,一个第一层次的新神就进入了强大的仙女神系,还成为仙女尊主的弟子,这种情况,是相当罕见的。### Assistant: Just like Ellen, a New God of the first rank had entered the powerful Godly Fairy family and even became the disciple of Fairy Exalted God. This was a rare situation. |
### Human: 所以,永夜女神当初作出加入林炎神系的决定,其实是下了相当大的决定的。### Assistant: Therefore, the decision of Eternal Night Goddess to join Lin Yan's Divine family was actually a huge decision. |
### Human: 对别的第四层次的神来说,根本不可能再去加入一个第四层次神明的神系。### Assistant: For other fourth-rank gods, it is simply impossible to join a fourth-rank Divine system’s Divine lineage again. |
### Human: 不过,永夜女神说得相当轻描淡写,处理得云淡风轻。### Assistant: However, the Eternal Night Goddess had spoken in a rather casual manner and handled the situation lightly. |
### Human: 这就是她的做事风格,她不喜欢刻意去强调什么。### Assistant: This was her style of doing things. She did not like to emphasize anything deliberately. |
### Human: 永夜女神很快打开了通道,然后,开始收取信仰之力。### Assistant: The Eternal Night Goddess quickly opened the passageway and began to collect the power of belief. |
### Human: 但永夜女神很快注意到,那些信仰之力并没有进入通道,而是…### Assistant: However, the Eternal Night Goddess quickly noticed that the power of belief did not enter the passageway instead... |
### Human: 还在诸神大陆半空中的时候,就被神系契约抽走了!### Assistant: While he was still in the air of the Continents of Gods, he was already sucked away by the contract of the Divine System! |
### Human: 但只隔了不到半秒,那些信仰之力又全部返还回来了。### Assistant: However, less than half a second later, all the power of belief returned. |
### Human: 永夜女神倒也不以为意,她把那一大团信仰之力捏在手中,也没看一下,准备直接塞进神格之中。### Assistant: Eternal Night didn't mind it at all. She held the large ball of power of belief in her hand and prepared to stuff it into her godhead. |
### Human: 不过,马上,她就觉得不对劲。### Assistant: However, she immediately felt that something was wrong. |
### Human: 因为,那一大团信仰之力的数量….似乎有点多!### Assistant: That was because the amount of power of belief was... a little too much! |
### Human: 不是有点多。### Assistant: It wasn't that there were too many. |
### Human: 而是,多很多!### Assistant: Instead, there were many more! |
### Human: “咦?”### Assistant: "Huh?" |
### Human: 永夜女神轻咦了一声,然后感应了一下。### Assistant: The Eternal Night goddess let out a soft exclamation before sensing it. |
### Human: 很快,永夜女神就感应到了这里面的信仰之力的含量。### Assistant: Soon, the Eternal Night Goddess sensed the content of the power of belief. |
### Human: 那相当于.…五千多块高级神石的含量!### Assistant: That was equivalent to... the amount of five thousand high-rank Divine stones! |
### Human: 而永夜女神之前从永夜帝国获得的收益,一年下来,折合高级神石也就一万多块,一个月也就一千块出头。### Assistant: On the other hand, the Eternal Night Continent's earnings from the Eternal Night Continent were only worth more than ten thousand high-grade Divine stones in a year or just over a thousand a month. |
### Human: 每个月的收益,已经相当于星洛帝国这种大帝国十个月以上的收益了。### Assistant: Each month's profit was already equivalent to more than ten months' profit for a large empire like the Star Rock Empire. |
### Human: 而在她加入林炎的神系,永夜帝国又并入火焰帝国,原本永夜帝国的人民保留了双重信仰之后,在永夜女神看来,自己的信仰之力,应该是会大幅度缩水的。### Assistant: After she joined Lin Yan's Divine family and the Eternal Night Continent merged with the Flame Empire, the people of the Eternal Night Continent had retained their dual beliefs. In the eyes of the Eternal Night Goddess, her power of belief should be greatly reduced. |
### Human: 不说别的,光是神系抽取,就要抽取30%。### Assistant: Not to mention anything else, just the extraction of the Divine element would cost 30%. |
### Human: 她不知道,林炎的神系契约,抽取的是50%。### Assistant: She didn't know that Lin Yan's Divine System contract had drawn 50%. |
### Human: 但就是按30%算,她这个月的收益,应该要低于700块高级神石所含的信仰之力的。### Assistant: However, based on 30%, her monthly income should be lower than the power of belief contained in 700 high-rank Divine stones. |
### Human: 可是…现在居然有五千多块!### Assistant: But... there were actually more than five thousand pieces! |
### Human: ### Assistant: 不仅没少,反而多出了五倍之多! |
### Human: Not only was there no less, but it was also even five times more!### Assistant: 这就让永夜女神百思不得其解了。 |
### Human: This puzzled the Eternal Night Goddess.### Assistant: “难道尊主把他的信仰之力分了一些给我?” |
### Human: "Could it be that the Exalt gave me some of his power of belief?"### Assistant: 永夜女神想。 |
### Human: The Eternal Night Goddess thought.### Assistant: 整个永夜帝国的信仰之力,永夜女神最高的收益一个月才相当于一千块出头的高级神石。 |
### Human: The highest yield of the Eternal Night Continent's power of faith was equivalent to a thousand high-grade Divine stones a month.### Assistant: 这一次却有五千块,相当于五个永夜帝国的收益。 |
### Human: This time, there were five thousand pieces, equivalent to the profits of five Eternal Night Empires.### Assistant: “尊主难道还有好几个大的帝国?” |
### Human: "Don't tell me the Exalt has several large empires?"### Assistant: 永夜女神又想。 |
### Human: The Eternal Night Goddess thought again.### Assistant: 可是,相当于五个永夜帝国的收益,那可不是一般的大帝国能够贡献的,而诸神大陆上,像这样的大帝国.…都是名花有主! |
### Human: However, it was equivalent to the profits of five Eternal Night Empires. That was not something an ordinary great empire could contribute to. On the Continents of Gods, a great empire like this... had its own masters!### Assistant: 但不管怎么说,在永夜女神想来,肯定是尊主分了大量的信仰之力给永夜女神。 |
### Human: But no matter what, in Eternal Night's eyes, the Exalt must have given the goddess a large amount of Faith power.### Assistant: 虽然这个可能让永夜女神一想到就挺感动的,但永夜女神决定跟林炎沟通一下。 |
### Human: Although this might have touched the Eternal Night Goddess, she decided to communicate with Lin Yan.### Assistant: 她其实并不是很缺信仰之力。 |
### Human: She did not lack the power of belief.### Assistant: 要知道,她可是将晨星神系数万年的积累一网打尽了。 |
### Human: One had to know that she had managed to capture all the accumulated strength of the Morning Star Divine Family for tens of thousands of years.### Assistant: 晨星神系以前不知道有没有国度,在晨星神系的神都因为乱动法则碎片,全部被法则之力反噬抹杀后,永夜女神也找不到晨星神系的国度。 |
### Human: In the past, the Morning Star Goddess didn't know if there were any kingdoms. After all the fragments of laws were destroyed by the power of laws, she couldn't find any kingdoms of Morning Star.### Assistant: 这个神系藏得太狠了。 |
### Human: This Divine System was hiding too much.### Assistant: 狠到整个神系的神明集体被抹杀后,天界居然没有任何神明知道,白白便宜了永夜女神。 |
### Human: After all the gods of the entire Divine family were killed, no one in the Heavenly Realm knew that the goddess of Eternal Night had benefited in vain.### Assistant: 所以永夜女神身上的高级神石相当之多。 |
### Human: Therefore, the Eternal Night Goddess had quite a few high-grade Divine stones on her.### Assistant: 甚至上一次那些神主赔偿的两百万高级神石,她都没有要,全部给了林炎。 |
### Human: In fact, she didn't even ask for the two million high-rank Divine stones that those Divine Masters had paid Lin Yan last time.### Assistant: 永夜女神来到那片空间之中,见到林炎仍在燃烧法则碎片后,她又怕打扰到了林炎,开不了口了。 |
### Human: When the Eternal Night Goddess arrived at that space and saw that Lin Yan was still burning the fragments of the law, she was afraid that she would disturb Lin Yan.### Assistant: 这时候,林炎的精神波动传来:“妮娜,有什么事?” |
### Human: At this moment, Lin Yan's spiritual fluctuation sounded, "Nina, what is it?"### Assistant: 永夜女神这才道:“尊主,这一次,妮娜从永夜帝国收取的信仰之力突然多出了好几倍,请问尊主,是您将信仰之力分给了妮娜吗?” |
### Human: Only then did the Eternal Night goddess say, "Exalt, this time, Nina's collection of Faith power from the Eternal Night Continent has suddenly increased by several times. Exalt, did you distribute faith power to Nina?"### Assistant: “不是,这是你正常的收益。” |
### Human: "No, this is your normal profit."### Assistant: 林炎淡淡的道。 |
### Human: Lin Yan replied indifferently.### Assistant: 永夜女神听到林炎的话,仍旧是一团雾水。 |
### Human: Hearing Lin Yan's words, the Eternal Night Goddess was still in a daze.### Assistant: 不过,她并没有过多的问。 |
### Human: However, she did not ask too much.### Assistant: 因为她知道,林炎应该不会骗她。 |
### Human: This was because she knew that Lin Yan would not lie to her.### Assistant: 这时候,永夜女神又想到了收取信仰之力时候的异常。 |
### Human: At this moment, the Eternal Night Goddess thought of the anomaly when she collected the power of belief.### Assistant: “难道跟神系契约有关?” |