He's gonna outrun us, sir.
Zai iya fitar da mu, Sir.
International Federation of Social
Hukumar International ta kasa da kasa
"Waste not, want not. "
"Shess ba, so ba."
Don't fucking say that.
Kar a fucking cewa.
(c) Legislation and monitoring and sanction bodies and mechanisms to be established (administrative monitoring bodies, supervisory agencies, networks and so forth);
(c) 关于立法的条款和关于必须设立的机构和监督及制裁机制(行政监督机构;观察所;网络等……)的条款;
(C) an daidaita doka da jikkunan jingina da hanyoyin kula da gunkin kula da gunkin (guldo na gudanarwa, hukumomin kula da cibiyoyin sadarwa da sauransu);
United Nations Fund for International Partnerships
Majalisar Dinkin Duniya don haɗin gwiwar duniya
The first time, I came for myself.
第一次 我是为自己而来 The first time, I came for myself.
A karo na farko, na zo don kaina.
Noting with concern that, notwithstanding the current improvement, global economic growth has slipped since the adoption of the Millennium Declaration, with a negative impact on development prospects for developing countries,
Lura da damuwa cewa, duk da ci gaba na yanzu, ci gaban tattalin arzikin duniya ya zamewa tun lokacin da yake da mummunan sanarwar cigaban kasashen ci gaba,
Recalling its resolutions 55/186 of 20 December 2000 and 56/181 of 21 December 2001, both entitled “Towards a strengthened and stable international financial architecture responsive to the priorities of growth and development, especially in developing countries, and to the promotion of economic and social equity”, as well as its resolutions 57/241 of 20 December 2002, 58/202 of 23 December 2003, 59/222 of 22 December 2004, 60/186 of 22 December 2005, 61/187 of 20 December 2006 and 62/185 of 19 December 2007,
Tunawa da shawarwarinsa 55/186 na 20 Disamba 2000 da 56/181 na 21 ga Disamba 2001, duka biyu, duka masu tasirin "zuwa gaban ƙasashen ci gaba, musamman a cikin ƙasashe masu tasowada aski na zamantakewa ", da kuma shawarwarinta 57/241 na 20 Disamba 2002, 58, 68/22 na 22 ga Disamba 2006, 61/186 na 20 Disamba 2006 da62/185 na 19 Disamba 2007,
Thought you'd be in school today.
Tunanin da zaku yi a makaranta yau.
Recalling its previous relevant resolutions, the most recent of which was resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006, as well as relevant resolutions of the Commission for Social Development and the Commission on Human Rights,
Tashi da ya dace da abubuwan da suka dace, mafi yawan kwanan nan shine ƙuduri 61/106 na 13 ga Disamba 2006, da kuma shawarwari masu dacewa na Hukumar Zamani da Hukumar kan haƙƙin ɗan adam,
We struck out on Frank Gephart.
我们搞不定Frank Gephart
Mun buge Frank Gepht.
Note by the Secretary-General
Ka lura da sakatare-janar
∗ The registration data are reproduced in the form in which they were received.
ဪ 登记数据按收到时的原样转载。
* An kirkiro bayanan rajista a cikin hanyar da aka karba.
Robert, you know how I am.
罗伯特 你知道我为人的
Robert, kun san yadda nake.
And carpets raised.
Da carpet da aka tashi.
So what should I do?
Don haka me zan yi?
Thanks for tonight, Mi-young.
Godiya ga daren yau, mi-matasa.
And you know what?
Kuma kun san menene?
The author also alleged that he had not been informed of the name of the reporting judge, which prevented him from exercising the right to challenge the judge on the basis of the right to an impartial tribunal.
Har ila yau, marubucin ya yi zargin cewa bai sanar da shi sunan alkalin ba da labari ba, wanda ya hana shi ya ƙalubalanci alƙalin da ya kamata ya ƙalubarci Alkali a fagen rashin iyawa.
I want you out of my life!
Ina so ku fita daga rayuwata!
The Panel explained that they were carrying out their job according to the mandate of the Security Council and that the Government had told them that there was no restriction on their freedom of travel within the Sudan, including the Darfur region.
Kwamitin ya bayyana cewa suna aiwatar da aikinsu bisa ga umurnin Kwamitin Tsaro kuma gwamnatin ta samu a kasar Sudan, gami da yankin Darfur.
Wani dabam
- Mr. Martens.
我... -馬頓斯先生
- Mr. Martens.
There's a lot of folks on a pressure these days.
Akwai mutane da yawa game da matsin lamba kwanakin nan.
You were right, Muriz.
Kun kasance daidai, Muriz.
Can you come inside?
Za ku iya shiga ciki?
Semper fucking Fi.
Semper fucking fi.
He is, yeah.
Shi ne, yeah.
A/56/1026-5/2002/932, annex II, resolution 14/221.
A / 56 / 1026-5 / 932, Annex II, ƙuduri 14/221.
6. 财务处
Takamai ɗin
Desertification monitoring and the impacts of climate change
Kulawa da Tasanin Canjin Yanayi
We show them what dance is!
我们让他们见识一下 什么是跳舞
Mun nuna musu wane rawa!
Mr. Marshall, if you're here because I didn't show up today, I'm sorry.
马修先生,如果你来就是因为... 我今天没有上班的话,我很抱歉
Mr. Marshall, idan kun kasance saboda ban nuna a yau ba, na yi hakuri.
In addition, I would like to draw the Council's attention to the possibility of using the Chernobyl exclusion zone and abandoned settlements within its territory for working out practical measures on the prevention of acts of nuclear terrorism, as well as for the training of appropriate personnel.
Bugu da kari, Ina so in zana hankalin majalisa ga yiwuwar amfani da wariyar ChernobyL a kan rigakafin ta'addanci na Nuclear, har ma da horar da ma'aikatan nukiliya.
And lo! of his persuasion verily was Abraham
Kuma ga!Daga cikin lallasashensa lalle ne Ibrahim ne
In them are maidens restraining their glances, untouched before by any man or jinn.
A cikinsu akwai mata da suna hanzarta kallonsu, kowane mutum ko aljannu.
Now that alone eliminated big chunks of the city.
Yanzu wanda kaɗai ya kawar da manyan chunks na birni.
It was given to me.
An ba ni.
Mu tafi.
Invites heads of entities of the United Nations system, including programmes, funds, specialized agencies and regional commissions, as well as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the Special Envoys of the Secretary-General on HIV/AIDS, to participate in the review and the high-level meeting, as appropriate;
6. 邀请联合国系统各实体,包括各方案、基金、专门机构和区域委员会,以及全球防治艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金的主管和秘书长艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题特使酌情参加审查会议和高级别会议;
Ya gayyaci shugabannin da ke cikin tsarin Majalisar Dinkin Duniya, ciki har da shirye-shirye, tarin fadin na musamman da kuma manyan hukumomin kasar, da kuma manyan hukumomin kasar nan da kuma manyan harkokin cutar kanjamau a kan kwayar cutar kanjamau.A cikin bita da taron babban matakin, kamar yadda ya dace;
Your son's urine.
'Yar fitsari.
10th meeting
Gwaji 10
For example, a trusted financial advisor, could be a trusted doctor, etc.
例如,一个值得信赖的理财顾问, 也可以变成一个值得信赖的医生,等等。
Misali, mai ba da shawara na tattalin arziki, na iya zama amintaccen likita, da sauransu.
Looks like your other halo agrees with me.
Kamar yadda sauran Halo ya yarda da ni.
I am your commander.
Ni ne kwamandan ku.
Come get a piece of me!
Ku zo wani yanki na!
She's 24, a dance major.
她二十四岁 主修舞蹈
Shekaru 24, rawar rawa.
Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court
Kwamitin shirya wa Kotun hukunta na kasa da kasa
Foreign individuals or legal entities may not acquire on any grounds land or property in national security zones with the intent of financial gain.
Wadanda kasashen waje ko na kasashen waje ba za su iya samun kowane filaye ko dukiya a cikin yankunan tsaro na ƙasa tare da niyyar samun kuɗi na kuɗi ba.
Emphasizing the continuing need for coordination and integration among the organs and organizations of the United Nations system in assisting developing countries, in particular the least developed among them, to foster the development of their human resources, especially that of the most vulnerable groups, and for the United Nations to continue to give priority to human resources development in developing countries,
Yana nanata cigaban buƙatar daidaitawa da haɗin kai a cikin gabobin Majalisar Dinkin Duniya wajen tallafawa ƙasashe na ɗan adam, musamman na ƙungiyoyi masu rauni, kuma donMajalisar Dinkin Duniya ta ci gaba da ba da fifiko ga ci gaban albarkatun dan adam a cikin kasashen da suka bunkasa,
Deplores the use of the print, audio-visual and electronic media, including the Internet, and any other means to incite acts of violence, xenophobia or related intolerance and discrimination against Islam or any other religion;
6. 谴责利用印刷、音像和电子媒介,包括互联网和任何其他手段,煽动对伊斯兰教和任何其他宗教的暴力、仇视或相关的不容忍和歧视行为;
Mai ba da izinin amfani da Buga, kafofin watsa labaru mai sauti da na lantarki, ciki har da wani yanayi da ke cikin rashin ƙarfi da nuna bambanci ga Islama ko wani addini;
- All right, let's go.
- Daidai ne, bari mu tafi.
Well, now you know you're not infected, so you should be all right till I get back, Artie.
你現在沒有感染 所以我回來之前 你應該不會有事 Artie
Da kyau, yanzu kun san ba za ku kamu ba, don haka ya kamata ku zama daidai har sai na dawo, Artie.
5. Invites all States of the region to continue to take part in the activities of the Regional Centre, proposing items for inclusion in its programme of activities and making greater and better use of the potential of the Centre to meet the current challenges facing the international community with a view to fulfilling the aims of the Charter of the United Nations in the areas of peace, disarmament and development;
5. 邀请该区域所有国家继续参加区域中心的各项活动,提出供列入其活动方案的项目,并更多、更好地利用中心的潜力以迎接国际社会目前面临的种种挑战,以期实现《联合国宪章》在和平、裁军与发展领域的各项目标;
5. Yana gayyatar duk jihohin yankin don ci gaba da shiga ayyukan cibiyar, ba da shawarar abubuwa don hada da damar da ke cikin kasashen ta yanzu ke fuskantar kalubalen duniyacommunity with a view to fulfilling the aims of the Charter of the United Nations in the areas of peace, disarmament and development;
I think he's here.
Ina ji yana nan.
As long as I have your family, you're not going anywhere.
只要你家人还在我手上 你哪儿都别想去
Muddin ina da danginku, ba za ku tafi ko'ina ba.
Draft resolutions
A. 决议草案
Can't be a coincidence that you're working for RyneLab now.
Ba za a iya zama daidaituwa ba cewa kuna aiki don Rynelab yanzu.
A/CN.9/614, paras.
A / cn.9 / 614, paras.
Delegations are kindly requested to make 40 copies for minimum distribution to Council members and relevant services, and 200 additional copies for general distribution in the Security Council Chamber.
An nemi wakilai masu kirki don yin kwafin 40 don ƙaramar rarraba membobin majalisa da sabis na dacewa, da ƙarin kwafin Janar a cikin Kwamfutar Kwakwalwar Tsaro a Janar Majalisar Tsaro
I shouldn't really tell you, but I just have to.
Bai kamata in gaya muku da gaske ba, amma kawai in ma.
Get up!
The State party should also take appropriate measures aimed at effectively prohibiting the production and dissemination of material advertising the offences described in the Protocol, in accordance with article 9, paragraph 5.
Jam'iyyar jihar ta dauki matakan da suka dace da kyau wajen hana samarwa da kuma rarraba laifin talla da aka bayyana a cikin ladabi, daidai da talatin na 9, sakin layi na 5.
I'm willing to make it worth your while.
Ina shirye in yi shi sosai.
Who is it?
What do you think D.L. is gonna do when he finds out what we've done?
要是迪尔发现我们所做的 他会有什么反应?
Me kuke tsammani D.l.Shin zai yi idan ya ga abin da muka yi?
That was fantastic!
Wannan abin mamaki ne!
And this is Bamm-Bamm.
Kuma wannan shi ne Bammon-Bamm.
Many Muslims also understand that the problem of Palestine,unsolved for three generations, goes beyond the suffering of thePalestinian people. They know that the region’s dictators haveused Palestine to justify their misrule and to avoid political andeconomic liberalization.
Musulmai da yawa sun kuma fahimci cewa matsalar Falasdinu, ba a sanyaya wa tsararraki uku ba, ya wuce wahalar da mutanen zage-zango.Sun san cewa masana mulkin yankin sun tabbatar da ɓacin rai kuma su guji 'yancin siyasa.
Non-governmental organizations also provide support to women's economic activities so as to improve their economic status.
Kungiyoyin da ba na gwamnati sun ba da tallafi ga ayyukan tattalin arzikin mata don inganta matsayin tattalin arzikinsu.
Unless the Committee decides otherwise, decisions of the Committee with regard to follow-up activities shall not be confidential.
Sai dai idan kwamiti na yanke shawara a ba haka ba, yanke shawara na kwamitin dangane da ayyukan bin diddigin ba zai zama sirri ba.
chapter II, section A, resolution 2000/81.
Fasali na II, Sashi A, ƙuduri 2000/81.
Lucas, please.
卢卡斯 够了 Lucas, please.
Lucas, don Allah.
They shall all appear before God and the weak will say to those who behaved proudly, "We were your followers. Can you protect us from God's punishment?" They will reply, "Had God given us guidance, we would have guided you. It is all the same whether we are patient or impatient; there is no escape for us."
Dukansu suna haɗuwa a gaban Allah da sãɓã wa kãfirai zã su ce wa waɗanda suka yi girman kai. "Mu ne mabiyan Allah?"Suka ce: "Dã Allah Yã shirka da shiriya, dã Mun shiryar da kai. Daidai ne ko mai haƙuri; babu mafaka a gare mu."
But I always go first class!
Amma koyaushe ina zuwa aji na farko!
It's a long story.
Labari ne mai tsawo.
It is the duty of this Conference, it is the duty of all of us who are represented here, to overcome this delicate situation as quickly as possible in order to reconfirm the legitimacy of this body.
Aikin wannan taron, wajibi ne a kan dukkanmu waɗanda ke wakilta anan, suna shawo kan wannan yanayin mawuyacin hali da sauri don daidaita halayen wannan jikin.
They sail barely into the Turkish navy. Fuck that.
Suna yin tafiya da sauri a cikin sojojin Turkawa.Fuck cewa.
- Hey, do you mind if
Children's rights
D. 儿童权利
Hakkokin yara
But, Caleb, she needs your help here as well.
可是 Caleb 在家里她也需要你的帮忙
Amma, Kalibu, tana buƙatar taimakon ku a nan.
- Mmm... hmm.
The conduct of rape trials indicates that undue focus tends to be placed on the character of the victim.
Hakikanin gwaji na fyade yana nuna cewa m mai hankali ya zama da za a sanya shi a kan halin wanda aka azabtar.
So right there? That's where you're staying?
Shin akwai?Wancan ne inda kake zama?
Memorandum by the Secretary-General
Memorandum by Sakatare-Janar
Specialist independent human rights institutions for children, ombudspersons or commissioners for children's rights have been established in a growing number of States parties.
6. 越来越多的缔约国设立了专门处理儿童问题的独立人权机构、监察专员或人权权利专员。
Kimiyya ta 'yancin' yancin ɗan adam masu zaman kanta ga yara, an kafa kwamitocin ko kwamishinan ga haƙƙin yara a cikin manyan jam'iyyun yara.
Thanks for the tea.
Godiya ga shayi.
Please talk to me.
Da fatan za a yi min magana da ni.
The senate is expected to vote more executive powers to the chancellor today.
Majalisar dattijai ana tsammanin za ta zabe ƙarin ikon zartarwa ga shugaban a yau.