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"W-Well Sweetie said her Mom and Dad are going on a trip to the Crystal Empire this weekend. So Rarity is going to watch us. I don't want to ask her for help, she might try to baby me or something!" Scootaloo protested sounding a little upset. |
Another giggle came from the cyan mare's muzzle. "Scoots, let me tell you a little secret, last time I slept over at Rarity's, I drank a little too much apple cider before bed and I accidentally had an accident, accidentally of course, Rarity did not make fun of me, and I am certain she won't make fun of you for trying to keep yourself all dry at night, because wearing those on a sleepover is the bravest thing, I think you could do right now." Rainbow smiled at her. "Now come on, let's finish packing, you have to be there in an hour." |
Scootaloo smiled and hugged her sister tightly. "You really think I'm brave for wearing the diapers Rainbow Dash?" She asked hopping down from her bed, Scootaloo looked around her room once more seemingly searching for something but not wanting to ask for it. She shrugged her small shoulders and continued pacing in excitement. "Oh I'm so excited!" |
Rainbow smiled and returned to packing Scootaloo's bag, looking through it she frowned slightly. "Scootaloo…?" Rainbow asked. |
"Uh-huh?" |
Rainbow smiled as she faced away from Scootaloo, picking up a small object off of the bed. "I think somepony is going to miss you when you're gone." |
Scootaloo giggled happily. "Rainbow! I'm only going to be gone for the weekend, I'll miss hanging with my big sister but we've got crusading to do!" |
Rainbow smiled and turned around pouncing on the small filly until she lay on top of her on the floor as she tickled her, smiling as she used her free hoof to move a small plush Wonderbolt near Scootaloo's face. "No, I think Spitfire will miss you." Rainbow said as she used her wings to tickle the fillies chest. |
"Hehe st-stop it R-Rainbow! T-That tickles!" Scootaloo said through her fits of laughter, she grabbed the Spitfire plush and cuddled it tight to her chest. Whew! I almost forgot Spitzy! After the two pegasi had finished their tickle fight Scootaloo thanked Dash. "Thanks Rainbow, I almost forgot her." She smiled and looked at her Wonderbolt themed clock. "It's already four thirty?! Rainbow we have to hurry I can't be late for my first sleepover at Sweetie's place!" Scootaloo said trotting in place nervously, her small purple tail flicking back and forth in anticipation. I wouldn't have even packed Spitzy if Dash hadn't mentioned it. I don't want the girls to think I'm silly for sleeping with a plushie. |
Rainbow smiled and let the orange filly free from under her, allowing her to breathe. "I know you can't sleep at all without her." Rainbow said teasing as she put the plush into the bag and zipped it up. "Is that everything? Or do you need something else?" |
"Did you pack my…" Scootaloo gulped and looked around nervously still convinced somepony could hear them "M-My diapers? And my Tooth brush? And my brush?" She asked one question after another, not letting Rainbow answer the first one. |
"Yes I did, your toothbrush is in the side pocket with your toothpaste and your brush is in the other side pocket, your… diapers are in the middle with the rest of the important stuff." Rainbow paused for a moment. "I made sure to pack your favorite silly filly pink, pegasus foal printed ones that you like so much, you know the ones with the butterfly wetness indicators..." Rainbow replied, unsure if Scootaloo would be mad that she even brought it up. |
Scootaloo blushed bright pink but cracked a smile. "D-Dash… I like the Wonderbolt ones! R-Remember?" She said trying to convince Rainbow that she didn't like things that were especially fillyish, although her bed spread was light pink in colour. "B-But thanks I like those ones too. Can we go now?" She asked sounding a little impatient now. "I can't wait for Sweetie to style my ma-" Scootaloo face hooved. "U-Uhm you didn't hear that!" |
Rainbow smiled. "We can't go yet, I need to pack something else for you now." Rainbow giggled as she unzipped the bag and reached under the bed to pull out another pack of diapers, this one with a Wonderbolts logo on the side, still equally pink and frilly as the others. Rainbow placed the pack in the bag and then trotted over to a small, seemingly underused, vanity and picked up a shiny pink ribbon, carrying it over to the bag and placing it inside before zipping it up. "Since you you like your mane styled so much." Rainbow teased as she lifted the small purple and pink bag over her head and started to the door of the bedroom. "I think you would be more concerned that your bag is frilly than things that nopony is even going to see." |
"It's so not frilly! It's purple like my mane! A-And Sweetie told me pink goes with purple. Her sister is the fashion pony remember?" Scootaloo asked following Rainbow Dash out of her bedroom. |
"Suuure she did squirt, just like she told you that the one colt liked you, oh well though, it's not like that was your idea." Rainbow teased again as they walked down the stairs. "Shame I don't remember his name, I really want to tease you some more." |
"H-He has a name, It's R-Rumble!" Scootaloo corrected her big sister blushing as she did. "A-And I don't like him that much anymore. E-Even if he has cute wings." |
"Awww my little sis has a crush on a colt~ Scoots and Rumble sitting on a cloud..." Rainbow teased as she burst into laughter, unable to even finish the sentence as they made it to the front door. |
"I never tease you when you take those silly romance books from Twilight's library." Scootaloo huffed. |
The grin on Rainbow's face disappeared. "H-how do you know about that!?" |
"I saw them on your night stand when you told me to get your mane brush." Scootaloo responded giggling. "If you don't tell anypony, I won't tell anypony. Deal?" |
"Okay I won't…Deal" Rainbow paused for a moment. "But you still like a colt~" |
"Y-Yeah well… You're a plot head!" Scootaloo said in a childish manner. |
"Scootaloo! What did I tell you about saying that word." Rainbow scolded as she opened the front door, gesturing for Scootaloo to jump onto her back. |
The small filly climbed onto the cyan mare's back, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow's neck. "Sorry Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo apologized sounding sincere as she snuggled up to her sister. "Let's go! Please?" |
Rainbow smiled and spread her wings taking off. "Okay, but you still like a colt." She commented as they flew down to the surface. |
Scootaloo chose to ignore the teasing this time as they flew down to the earth below. "Oh look, look!" She shouted in excitement, a tiny orange hoof pointing to a yellow and orange blob below. "It's Apple Bloom and Applejack!" |
Rainbow swooped down over the two and landed just in front of them. "Hay AJ, hay Apple Bloom, on your way to Sweeties I take it?" She asked as she started to trot next to them, Scootaloo still on her back. |
"Rainbow~" Scootaloo whined looking down at her red maned earth pony friend. "Can't I walk like a big pony?" |
"Nah, Scoots, you don't want to wear yourself out before you get there do you?" Rainbow teased, making sure Scootaloo was stuck on her back by moving her wings in a way that prevented her from jumping off. |
"Heya there Dash! Hi Scoot, ya finish all yer homework?" Applejack asked the small pegasus filly with a grin. "Apple Bloom said ya had a big project coming up." She said with a chuckle. |
"We don't have a project comin' up sis!" Apple Bloom protested glaring at the larger earth pony. "Scootaloo did ya bring everything ya need? Yer bag is awful big." |
"I totally did! Did you bring the bonsai trees?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom grinning. |
Rainbow tilted her head confused. "Bonsai trees? What in Equestria, do you need bonsai tree's for? |
"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER BONSAI TREE ARTISTS!" Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo chimed in unison. |
Rainbow's ears fell to the side of her head as Scootaloo shouted in her ear. "The next thing you know, they'll be trying to use tree sap and cut off mane and tail fur to grow moustaches to get cutie marks, wouldn't that be something AJ?" She asked giggling to herself. |
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked down guiltily, the earth pony filly scuffing the earth with a hoof before speaking. "We ah tried that once." She said quickly, the strange look from Applejack making her blush. "What?! Ah thought it was a good idea. Better than bee keeper cutiemarks." |
"You… I… I don't even…" Rainbow said baffled as she suddenly burst into laughter. "Too bad there aren't any pictures of that, I bet it looked hilarious." |
Applejack chuckled softly. "Too bad Dash, we could have had our little sisters doing-" |
"Ah knew Cutie Mark Crusader photo album keepers was a bad idea. Scootaloo ya got rid of those pictures right?" |
"Uh… Sure…" Scootaloo responded a little too quickly, hoping her sister wouldn't look in her own closet for the photo album in question. "If by got rid of you mean hid in some place really awesome." |
"My closet?" Rainbow teased, not even knowing it was the truth. |
"W-Wha? H-How?" Scootaloo sputtered in shock. |
"Wait… is it? Is it really in my closet?" Rainbow asked, starting to giggle, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. "Well then, you better not misbehave…" |
"I won't I promise!" Scootaloo said her eyes twinkling mischievously. "We promise we won't destroy the house." She said giggling as they trotted up the path. Sweetie Belle's house came into a view, two voices could be heard arguing loudly through an open window. |
"Oh jeeze ah hope they aren't deciding to be un-sisters again." Apple Bloom said shaking her head at the sound of the filly and mare arguing. "Ah said one day!" She said laughing. |
"Oh you can't just stop being sisters with somepony." Rainbow said looking back at Scootaloo who was now comfortably resting on her back. "Right Scoots?" |
"Huh? What? Sorry Rainbow I wasn't paying attention." Scootaloo said her mind up in the clouds. What if they find out I have to wear diapers to bed? What if they don't want me to be a Cutie Mark Crusader any more? What if Rarity doesn't know how to put a diaper on a filly?! Her mind was racing with the thoughts of things that could go wrong. |
"Scootaloo? Are you okay? I asked you if I was right, that you can't just stop being sisters with somepony." Dash said, concerned for her little sister. |
"Oh uhm y-yeah I'm okay." Scootaloo said her voice cracking a little. She whispered in Rainbow's ear nervously. "R-Rainbow… Does Rarity know about my…?" She sniffled quietly the thought of her friends laughing at her running through her small brain. |
Rainbow slowed down slightly as Applejack and Apple Bloom trotted ahead, she spoke quietly. "She doesn't, but you can tell her anything Scootaloo, I trust her, she won't tell anypony, she doesn't know because you said not to tell anypony, so I didn't." |
Scootaloo smiled and hugged Rainbow Dash's neck. "Thanks Rainbow Dash, you're the bestest ever!" She said brightening up as Rainbow washed away her fears. |
'Love you too Scoots' Rainbow thought to herself as they caught back up with Applejack and Apple Bloom. |
"Everything alright with Scoot, Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asked sounding a little concerned for the orange pegasus filly. |
"Yeah everything is fine AJ, we were just looking at some of the cloud formations is all, the pegasus ponies today decided to make them more awesome looking, It was my idea to make a lightning bolt shaped one." Rainbow responded pointing a hoof up to a lightning bolt shaped cloud. |
"Wow that's pretty cool Rainbow Dash! How do ya and the other pegasis do that?" Apple Bloom asked trying to ignore the angry squeaks and shouts coming from Sweetie's open window. She giggled as she shouted, "Ah said one day Sweetie! AJ is mah sister!" |
"Really Sweetie if you just let me style your mane you could have any colt you wanted!" |
"Sounds like Rarity is trying to get Sweetie Belle another colt friend." Dash said with a giggle. "Doesn't Sweetie think colts are 'icky' still?" |
"Well she kinda does but I think she likes fillies. Sweetie is always trying to do my mane or paint my hooves, even when we're playing dolls!" Scootaloo said giggling at the thought of her friend likeing fillies instead of colts. "Rainbow don't you dare tell anypony about my dolls either!" |
Rainbow burst out laughing. "I don't need to, Apple Bloom and AJ are right here next to us, remember?" She said with another laugh. |
"Aw shucks Scootaloo why are embarrassed about the dolls? We're only.." Apple Bloom stopped on the road quietly counting her numbers to herself. "We're only like nine!" |
"Unsure about your age there Apple Bloom? 'only like nine' Sure about that?" Rainbow asked teasingly. |
"Ah don't like fancy mathematics! It's all what's 'five eighths and two tenths' ah don't know what any of that stuff means!" |
"You'll learn eventually." Rainbow said as the four of them approached the door to the house, greeted by yelling coming from the other side. "Uh… you first…" Rainbow said to Applejack. |
"No way there sugarcube, you go on in first. Ah have to talk to Apple Bloom about behaving real good for Rarity." The farm pony said motioning for Rainbow Dash to go first. "Ain't that right AB?" |
"Ah already told ya AJ, ah won't track pine needles and sap onto the carpets." Apple Bloom protested grinning at her pegasus friend. |
"Remember this isn't Rarity's boutique, I mean, don't track stuff in but… I think their parents are kinda expecting things to end up a mess, after all, three fillies, alone for most of the weekend… what are they expecting?" Dash asked with a grin on her face. |
"Well ah guess you bring up a good point Dash. Alright you two, ah want you on your best behaviour. That means no sneaking out like you did at Fluttershy's cottage. Got that girls?" Applejack asked the pair of fillies as she knocked knocked on the front door of Sweetie's house. |
"Coming!" A squeaky voice shouted from behind the door. The sound of hooves on a wooden floor could be heard before the door flew open, revealing a small white coated filly with a two toned purple mane. "Scootaloo! Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle shouted jumping up and down. "Are you ready for the sleepover?!" |
"Yeah totally ready! I bet we're going to find our cutie marks tonight or tomorrow night!" Scootaloo said forgetting about her embarrassing night time problem for the time being. She pointed at the ground with a hoof. "Rainbow, we're at Sweetie's house now can I get down?" |
"Well alriiight~." Rainbow said teasingly letting Scootaloo down off of her back and slipping the saddleback onto Scootaloo, she leaned down to the filly's level. "Well I think I should get going before I get in the way of your crusading." She paused and quickly brought Scootaloo into a very weak hug, really only bringing her close so she could whisper into her ear. "Don't forget to put on your-" |
"Rainbow!" Scootaloo hissed. "I'm not going to forget, okay?" |
"Okay, okay. Have a nice time Scoots, remember if you need anything Rarity is going to be there, so don't you worry about a thing, I have to go, making a surprise for when you get home." Rainbow said cryptically before looking up at Applejack. |
"Well don't just stand there Apple Bloom go bring your stuff inside." Applejack said distracting the other two foals. |
Rainbow silently thanked her orange friend for the distraction as she quickly pulled Scootaloo close and nuzzled her. "You have fun, love ya kid." She whispered to Scootaloo before spreading her wings and taking off, a prismatic trail of colours emanating from behind her until she disappeared off into the distance. |
Scootaloo waved her hooves at Dash as she flew out of sight. She turned facing her two friends a devious grin on her muzzle. "Let's get crusading girls!" The orange filly said enthusiastically as Sweetie Belle led her and Apple Bloom inside. They followed the little white filly down the hall and past what appeared to be Rarity's old room."Wow Sweetie how can you have so many dollies and always know which one to play with?" Scootaloo asked looking in awe at the vast collection of both plush dolls and regular ones. |
Apple Bloom giggled. "Ah didn't know ya liked 'dollies' Scoots, ah thought you were too cool for them?" |
"Aw come on Apple Bloom you know I was joking! I always have my Spitfire plushie when I'm staying away from home. You both know I like to sleep cuddling with it! And Rainbow Dash says she used to do the same thing when she was my age." Scootaloo explained to her closest friends. |
"I sleep with plushies too! I have a lot!" Sweetie squeaked pointing to what looked like a pile of stuffed animals until the other two fillies realized there was a bed under it. |
"Sweetie how the hay do you sleep on there?!" Apple Bloom asked dumbstruck at the collection of plushies. "And ah thought you had a lot of stuff at Rarity's place!" |
As if on cue the purple maned unicorn trotted into the room. |
"I just do!" Sweetie giggled and frowned slightly as Rarity entered the room. "I told you I cleaned the kitchen already!" she said protesting before Rarity could even speak. |
Rarity blinked a few times then facehoofed. "Sweetie Belle I was going to ask if you wanted some lemonade." |
"Nu-uh! Not after last time!" Sweetie said cringing at the memory. "It wasn't lemonade girls… it wasn't lemonade." |
"Ah don't even wanna know Sweetie." Apple Bloom said shuddering at the thought. |
"Uh… Rarity… can I talk to you for a moment, uh… Rainbow wanted me to tell you something! Yeah! That's it! She said it was private!" Scootaloo said shuffling her hooves on the floor nervously. |
"Oh are you okay Scootaloo?" Rarity asked looking at the filly with a concerned look on her muzzle. She led the orange filly down the hall to her own bedroom. Rarity patted her bed motioning for Scootaloo to sit down. |
Scootaloo sat down on the bed next to Rarity. "Rarity… I uhm… w-well… I… uh…" She stumbled over her words until Rarity stopped her. |
"It's okay Scootaloo you can tell me what's wrong. I'm one of your sisters best friends after all." Rarity said in a comforting tone. "Now what's so secret you can't tell your best friends?" The white mare inquired of the small pegasus. |
"I…" Scootaloo paused and looked around the room to make sure nopony else was looking, she then took off her saddlebag and placed it next to her on the bed, opening it slowly and gesturing to the small packages inside. "I… I h-have a n-nightime p-prob-blem…" she said quietly. "A-and I c-can't control i-it." Slowly she reached into the bag pulling one of the packages part of the way out. "S-so I have t-to w-wear th-these a-at night a-a-and I d-d-d-d-d-don't w-w-want th-the o-other g-g-g-girls t-t-to know I a-a-a-a-am n-not c-c-c-c-cool." Tears slowly started to build up in the orange filly's eyes as she tried to explain her embarrassing problem. |
Rarity decided not to speak, instead she hugged the filly and gently wiped away her tears with a handkerchief she retrieved from her night stand. "Now Scootaloo there is nothing to be ashamed of! Honestly lots of fillies and colts your age have the same problem. You are very brave wearing diapers to a sleep over. You don't mind if I call them that do you? I can call them your special night supplies?" She asked trying to cheer the filly up. "One more question for you, do you need help putting them on Darling?" |
Scootaloo blushed a deep shade of red. "I uh…N-no! I don't! I d-d-d-don't n-need a-any h-help!" she protested. "A-a-a-and d-d-d-don't c-c-c-call th-them d-diapers… I… I d-d-don't w-want the others t-to know… s-so d-d-don't c-c-call them th-that… a-atleast n-not when the girls c-can hear…" |
"Honestly dear if you need help it's no trouble at all. I used to change Sweetie Belle's diapers all the time when she was just a little foal. It's no trouble at all, I'll just pop in before you get into your pajamas and come get you." Rarity said smiling at the little orange filly. "Now I'm sure the girls are getting concerned about what we're talking about, so lets put your stuff away until later okay?" |
"O-ok-kay… B-b-but I c-c-c-an d-do it m-myself." Scootaloo said quickly pushing the package back into her bag and covering it with several objects before sealing the bag and placing it into it's place on her back, before anything could be said a crash was heard from the other room followed by a screech. |
"We better go see what that was." Rarity said sounding a little frightened as she casually placed the pegasus filly on her back and galloped to Sweetie's room. "Sweetie what in Celestia's name are you doing in here?!" |
"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" Sweetie shouted covering her head with her hooves as she sat on top of her mountain of plushies pointing one of her free hooves at Applebloom who was chasing a spider. |
"Ah'm working on it Sweetie just calm down and climb down from your mountain!" Apple Bloom shouted back chasing a small spider around the room with a broom held firmly in her mouth. |
"It's just a spider! Jeeze you two need to calm down!" Scootaloo shouted at them. |
"A S-Spider?! G-Get it Apple Bloom! Kill it!" Rarity shouted joining Sweetie on the mountain of plush dolls. The two sisters held onto each other as the yellow earth pony filly chased the small spider around the room. |
"Ah got it!" Apple Bloom said triumphantly dropping the broom and dustpan onto the floor. "Ya'll are silly, it's just a teeny tiny little spider. What did ya have to talk to Rarity about Scoots?" The yellow filly asked her friend smiling. |