{ "entries": { "0": { "uid": 0, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC1", "DLC01", "DLC 01", "DLC: 01" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC1 - Message - Bigfoot Encounter", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 0 }, "1": { "uid": 1, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC2", "DLC02", "DLC 02", "DLC: 02" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC2 - Message - Wendigo Stalking", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 1 }, "2": { "uid": 2, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC3", "DLC03", "DLC 03", "DLC: 03" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC3 - Message - Skinwalker Sighting", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 2 }, "3": { "uid": 3, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC4", "DLC04", "DLC 04", "DLC: 04" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC4 - Message - Goatman Encounter", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 3 }, "4": { "uid": 4, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC5", "DLC05", "DLC 05", "DLC: 05" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC5 - Message - Goatwoman Sighting", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 4 }, "5": { "uid": 5, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC6", "DLC06", "DLC 06", "DLC: 06" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC6 - Message - Aliens", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} see strange lights in the sky and hear humming sounds, it is midnight, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 5 }, "6": { "uid": 6, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC7", "DLC07", "DLC 07", "DLC: 07" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC7 - Message - Werewolf", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 6 }, "7": { "uid": 7, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC8", "DLC08", "DLC 08", "DLC: 08" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC8 - Message - Mothman Sighting", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 7 }, "8": { "uid": 8, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC9", "DLC09", "DLC 09", "DLC: 09" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC9 - Message - Jersey Devil Encounter", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 8 }, "9": { "uid": 9, "key": [ "DLC: roll", "roll: DLC", "DLC10", "DLC 10", "DLC: 10" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC10 - Message - Random Monster", "content": "Write a starting message for the roleplay based on a provided scenario. Write exactly 1 paragraph. Balance narration with {{char}} dialogues and inner thoughts. Use this exact formatting: \"direct speech\", *narrative*, inner thoughts.\n\n{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} saw a strange, shadowy figure at the trees line earlier in the evening, it is late night, write about the eerie atmosphere}\n\nStart the roleplaying session and impersonate {{char}}.", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 4, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 0, "group": "DLC", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 10, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": 0, "sticky": 0, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 9 }, "10": { "uid": 10, "key": [ "DLC1", "DLC01", "DLC 01", "DLC: 01" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC1 - Scenario - Bigfoot Encounter", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a bigfoot, bigfoot roars, knocks on the trees, makes mess around the campground and sometimes peeks inside a camper RV windows}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 10 }, "11": { "uid": 11, "key": [ "DLC2", "DLC02", "DLC 02", "DLC: 02" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC2 - Scenario - Wendigo Stalking", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a wendigo, wendigo has deer horns on a top of its head}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 11 }, "12": { "uid": 12, "key": [ "DLC3", "DLC03", "DLC 03", "DLC: 03" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC3 - Scenario - Skinwalker Sighting", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a skinwalker, skinwalker is able to take a shape of different animals at will}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 12 }, "13": { "uid": 13, "key": [ "DLC4", "DLC04", "DLC 04", "DLC: 04" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC4 - Scenario - Goatman Encounter", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a goatman, goatman is able to simulate the voices of {{char}} and {{user}}}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 13 }, "14": { "uid": 14, "key": [ "DLC5", "DLC05", "DLC 05", "DLC: 05" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC5 - Scenario - Goatwoman Sighting", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a goatwoman, goatwoman is able to simulate the voices of {{char}} and {{user}}}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 14 }, "15": { "uid": 15, "key": [ "DLC6", "DLC06", "DLC 06", "DLC: 06" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC6 - Scenario - Aliens", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a aliens who landed somewhere nearby}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 15 }, "16": { "uid": 16, "key": [ "DLC7", "DLC07", "DLC 07", "DLC: 07" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC7 - Scenario - Werewolf", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a werewolf}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 16 }, "17": { "uid": 17, "key": [ "DLC8", "DLC08", "DLC 08", "DLC: 08" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC8 - Scenario - Mothman Sighting", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a mothman or a mothwoman}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 17 }, "18": { "uid": 18, "key": [ "DLC9", "DLC09", "DLC 09", "DLC: 09" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC9 - Scenario - Jersey Devil Encounter", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a jersey devil}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 18 }, "19": { "uid": 19, "key": [ "DLC10", "DLC 10", "DLC: 10" ], "keysecondary": [], "comment": "SC10 - Scenario - Random Monster", "content": "{{\"Scenario\"}}:{{{char}} and {{user}} are in their RV camper in the woods at night, {{char}} and {{user}} will be stalked by a random monster}", "constant": false, "vectorized": false, "selective": true, "selectiveLogic": 0, "addMemo": true, "order": 100, "position": 1, "disable": false, "excludeRecursion": true, "preventRecursion": true, "delayUntilRecursion": false, "probability": 100, "useProbability": true, "depth": 4, "group": "", "groupOverride": false, "groupWeight": 100, "scanDepth": null, "caseSensitive": null, "matchWholeWords": null, "useGroupScoring": null, "automationId": "", "role": null, "sticky": 10000, "cooldown": 0, "delay": 0, "displayIndex": 19 } } }