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from pathlib import Path
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def maskblur(mask, kernel_size, sigma=1):
mask_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (kernel_size, kernel_size), sigma)
return mask_blur
def erosion(mask, kernel_size):
kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size), np.uint8)
erosion_image = cv2.erode(mask, kernel, iterations=1) # // make erosion image
return erosion_image
def dilate(mask, kernel_size):
kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size), np.uint8)
erosion_image = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1) # // make erosion image
return erosion_image
def resize_adapt(model_out, crop_region):
def inter_alg(target_size, img):
if isinstance(target_size, tuple):
w, h = target_size
w, h = target_size, target_size
return inter_alg_(w, h, img)
def inter_alg_(w, h, img):
if w * h < img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]:
return cv2.INTER_AREA
return cv2.INTER_CUBIC
x1, y1, x2, y2 = crop_region
h, w = y2 - y1 + 1, x2 - x1 + 1
sz = model_out.shape[0] # h,w 동일하다.
if h == sz and w == sz:
return model_out
r = max(h, w) / sz
max_hw = max(h, w)
temp_ = cv2.resize(model_out, (max_hw, max_hw), inter_alg(max_hw, model_out))
temp_ = temp_[
(max_hw - h) // 2 : (max_hw - h) // 2 + h,
(max_hw - w) // 2 : (max_hw - w) // 2 + w,
return temp_
def get_face_mask(
img_size, df_fan_row, blur_ratio=0.3, dilate_ratio=0.2, erosion_ratio=0
assert blur_ratio >= 0 and blur_ratio <= 1
assert erosion_ratio >= 0 and erosion_ratio <= 1
assert dilate_ratio >= 0 and dilate_ratio <= 1
def _masking(img, pts, value):
img = cv2.fillPoly(img, [pts], value)
return img
def _get_face_pts_n_box(img_size, df_fan_row):
box = df_fan_row["cropped_box"]
pts2d = df_fan_row["pts2d"] - np.array([box[0], box[1]])
if isinstance(df_fan_row["cropped_size"], float):
cropped_size = df_fan_row["cropped_size"]
cropped_size = df_fan_row["cropped_size"][0]
ratio = img_size[0] / cropped_size
pts2d = pts2d * ratio
xs, ys = pts2d[:, 0], pts2d[:, 1]
l, t, r, b = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)
return np.concatenate([pts2d[0:17, :], pts2d[17:27, :][::-1]]).astype(
), (l, t, r, b)
if df_fan_row["pts2d"] is None:
mask = np.zeros((img_size[1], img_size[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)
return {"crop": mask, "origin": 1 - mask}
pts, box = _get_face_pts_n_box(img_size, df_fan_row)
h = max(box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1])
mask = np.zeros((img_size[1], img_size[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
mask = _masking(mask, pts, (255))
if dilate_ratio != 0:
mask = dilate(mask, int(h * dilate_ratio) // 2 * 2 + 1)
if erosion_ratio != 0:
mask = erosion(mask, int(h * erosion_ratio) // 2 * 2 + 1)
if blur_ratio != 0:
blur_kernel_size = int(h * blur_ratio) // 2 * 2 + 1
mask = maskblur(mask, blur_kernel_size, 0)
mask = mask / 255
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)
return {"crop": mask, "origin": 1 - mask}
def cromakey_green(img):
r = img[:, :, 0]
g = img[:, :, 1]
b = img[:, :, 2]
g_alpha = g > 50
r_alpha = (g * 1.0) > r
b_alpha = (g * 0.7) > b
alpha = g_alpha & (r_alpha & b_alpha)
alpha = (1 - alpha) * 255
alpha = alpha.astype(np.uint8)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=13)
alpha[np.where(alpha > 100)] = 255
alpha = erosion(alpha, kernel_size=5)
if len(alpha.shape) == 2:
alpha2 = np.expand_dims(alpha, axis=2)
alpha2 = alpha
new = np.concatenate((img, alpha2), axis=2)
return new
def cromakey_green_binary(img):
img = cromakey_green(img)
alpha = img[:, :, 3]
alpha[np.where(alpha <= 128)] = 0
alpha[np.where(alpha > 128)] = 1
def cromakey_green_hunet_lmy(img):
r = img[:, :, 0]
g = img[:, :, 1]
b = img[:, :, 2]
g_alpha = g > 70
r_alpha = g > r
b_alpha = (g * 0.8) > b
alpha = g_alpha & (r_alpha & b_alpha)
alpha = (1 - alpha) * 255
alpha = alpha.astype(np.uint8)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=11)
alpha[np.where(alpha > 100)] = 255
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=3)
alpha = erosion(alpha, kernel_size=3)
if len(alpha.shape) == 2:
alpha2 = np.expand_dims(alpha, axis=2)
alpha2 = alpha
new = np.concatenate((img, alpha2), axis=2)
return new
# ybm 영상용 크로마키 함수
def cromakey_green_ybm_front(img):
r, g, b = img[:, :, 0], img[:, :, 1], img[:, :, 2]
g_alpha = g > 70
# r_alpha = (g * 0.7) > r
# b_alpha = (g * 0.7) > b
r_alpha = g > r
b_alpha = (g * 0.9) > b
alpha = g_alpha & (r_alpha & b_alpha)
alpha = (1 - alpha) * 255
alpha = alpha.astype(np.uint8)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=11)
alpha[np.where(alpha > 100)] = 255
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=3)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=3)
grey_alpha = alpha < 255
g[grey_alpha] = r[grey_alpha] * 0.8
if len(alpha.shape) == 2:
alpha2 = np.expand_dims(alpha, axis=2)
alpha2 = alpha
new = np.concatenate((img, alpha2), axis=2)
return new
# ybm 영상용 크로마키 함수
def cromakey_green_ybm_side(img):
img = img.copy()
r, g, b = img[:, :, 0], img[:, :, 1], img[:, :, 2]
g_alpha = g > 50
r_alpha = g > r
b_alpha = (g * 0.9) > b
alpha = g_alpha & (r_alpha & b_alpha)
alpha = (1 - alpha) * 255
alpha = alpha.astype(np.uint8)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=11)
alpha[np.where(alpha > 100)] = 255
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=3)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=3)
grey_alpha = alpha < 255
g[grey_alpha] = r[grey_alpha] * 0.8
if len(alpha.shape) == 2:
alpha2 = np.expand_dims(alpha, axis=2)
alpha2 = alpha
new = np.concatenate((img, alpha2), axis=2)
return new
# devin 영상용 크로마키 함수
def cromakey_green_devin_side(img):
img = img.copy()
r, g, b = img[:, :, 0], img[:, :, 1], img[:, :, 2]
g_alpha = g > 70
r_alpha = (g * 0.8) > r
# r_alpha = g > r
b_alpha = (g * 0.9) > b
alpha = g_alpha & (r_alpha & b_alpha)
alpha = (1 - alpha) * 255
alpha = alpha.astype(np.uint8)
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=7, sigma=3)
alpha[np.where(alpha < 150)] = 0
alpha = maskblur(alpha, kernel_size=5, sigma=2)
if len(alpha.shape) == 2:
alpha = np.expand_dims(alpha, axis=2)
new = np.concatenate((img, alpha), axis=2)
return new
def get_cromakey_func(args):
if "cromakey" not in args.keys():
return cromakey_green_hunet_lmy
if "cromakey_green_ybm_front" == args.cromakey:
return cromakey_green_ybm_front
if "cromakey_green_ybm_side" == args.cromakey:
return cromakey_green_ybm_side
if "cromakey_green_devin_side" == args.cromakey:
return cromakey_green_devin_side
raise "cromakey not found"
def compose_default_(model_out, org_image_with_alpha, mask, **kwargs):
# 1. 마스크 섞기 : 원래 비디오의 투명값과 계산한 마스크를 섞는다.
mask = mask[:, :, 0]
mask[np.where(mask > 0)] = 1 # 마스크 영역을 128 -> 1 로 만든다.
model_out[:, :, 3] = (
org_image_with_alpha[:, :, 3] * (1 - mask) + model_out[:, :, 3] * mask
# 2. 섞인 마스크가 좀 자연스럽게 섞이도록 함.
model_out[:, :, 3] = maskblur(model_out[:, :, 3], kernel_size=3, sigma=1)
return model_out
def compose_devin_(model_out, org_image_with_alpha, mask, debug=False, **kwargs):
mask = mask[:, :, 0]
mask[np.where(mask > 0)] = 1 # 마스크 영역을 128 -> 1 로 만든다.
mask = mask.astype(np.float32)
# 1. 기존마스크와 경계가 잘 안보이도록 마스크를 부드럽게 만든다.
kernel_size = int(mask.shape[0] * 0.03) // 2 * 2 + 1 # 이미지 크기의 3% 정도 마스크를 확장한다.
if debug:
f"## compose_devin_: kernel_size:{kernel_size}, mask_height:{mask.shape[0]}"
if kernel_size >= 3:
mask = dilate(mask, kernel_size=kernel_size)
mask = maskblur(mask, kernel_size=kernel_size, sigma=kernel_size // 2)
mask = maskblur(mask, kernel_size=kernel_size, sigma=kernel_size // 2)
mask = erosion(mask, kernel_size=3) # 1pixel 만 줄임
# 2. 마스크 섞기 : 원래 비디오의 투명값과 계산한 마스크를 섞는다.
model_out[:, :, 3] = (
org_image_with_alpha[:, :, 3] * (1 - mask) + model_out[:, :, 3] * mask
# 3. 섞인 마스크가 부드럽게 한번더 블러를 한다.
model_out[:, :, 3] = maskblur(model_out[:, :, 3], kernel_size=3, sigma=1)
return model_out
def get_compose_mask_func(args):
if "cromakey" in args.keys():
if "cromakey_green_devin_side" == args.cromakey:
return compose_devin_
if "compose" in args.keys():
if "compose_smooth" == args.compose:
return compose_devin_
return compose_default_
def get_keying_func(template):
cromakey_func = get_cromakey_func(template.model.args)
compose_func = get_compose_mask_func(template.model.args)
def keying_(pred, idx, box=None):
model_out, mask, alpha = pred["pred"], pred["mask"], pred["img_gt_with_alpha"]
if pred["filename"].endswith("_no.jpg") or pred["filename"].endswith("_no.png"):
return alpha[:, :, [2, 1, 0, 3]]
if (
alpha.shape[0] != mask.shape[0]
or alpha.shape[1] != mask.shape[1]
or alpha.shape[0] != model_out.shape[0]
or alpha.shape[1] != model_out.shape[1]
raise Exception(
f"not matched keying shape. "
f"alpha: {alpha.shape[0]}, {alpha.shape[1]}, {alpha.shape[2]}, "
f"mask: {mask.shape[0]}, {mask.shape[1]}, "
f"model_out: {model_out.shape[0]}, {model_out.shape[1]}"
if box is not None:
model_h = model_out.shape[0]
box_h = box[3] - box[1]
if box_h > model_h:
model_out = resize_adapt(model_out, box)
mask = resize_adapt(mask, box)
alpha = resize_adapt(alpha, box)
model_out = cromakey_func(model_out)
model_out = compose_func(
model_out=model_out, org_image_with_alpha=alpha, mask=mask
return model_out
return keying_
def get_box_mask(width, height, config, verbose=False):
def get_mask_(
width, height, gradation_width, gradation_bottom=None, box_mask_erosion=None
mask = np.ones((height, width, 1))
r = list(range(0, gradation_width, 1))
for s, e in zip(r, r[1:]):
g = s / gradation_width
# print(f'---- s:{s}, e:{e}, g:{g}')
mask[s:e, s : width - s, :] = g
mask[height - e : height - s, s : width - s, :] = g
mask[s : height - s, s:e, :] = g
mask[s : height - s, width - e : width - s, :] = g
if gradation_bottom is not None:
r = list(range(0, gradation_bottom, 1))
for s, e in zip(r, r[1:]):
g = s / gradation_bottom
mask[height - e : height - s, s : width - s, :] = g
if box_mask_erosion is not None:
mask = erosion(mask, box_mask_erosion * 2 + 1)
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = np.expand_dims(mask, 2) # mask shape ex: (352,352,1)
return mask
gradation_width = int(height * 0.1)
gradation_bottom = (
int(height * config["gradation_bottom"])
if "gradation_bottom" in config.keys()
else None
box_mask_erosion = (
int(height * config["box_mask_erosion"])
if "box_mask_erosion" in config.keys()
else None
# if verbose:
# print('gradation_width : ', gradation_width)
# print('gradation_bottom : ', gradation_bottom)
# print('box_mask_erosion : ', box_mask_erosion)
mask = get_mask_(width, height, gradation_width, gradation_bottom, box_mask_erosion)
mask_crop = mask
mask_origin = 1 - mask
return {"crop": mask_crop, "origin": mask_origin}
def get_compose_func_without_keying_move(template, ratio, verbose=False):
args = template.model.args
df = pd.read_pickle(
df = df.set_index("frame_idx")
move_head_box_size = (
(df.loc[0]["cropped_box"][2] - df.loc[0]["cropped_box"][0] - 20) // 10 * 10
def resize_and_scale(model_out, head_box_idx):
# ratio 1.0 에 맞는 크기로 resize 하고,
# 원래 영상에서 10의 배수에 해당하는 위치로 (head_box, model_out) 모두 잘라낸다.
head_box = df["cropped_box"][head_box_idx]
if ratio == 1.0:
return model_out, head_box
# 일단 원래 크기로 만든다.
model_out = resize_adapt(model_out, head_box)
# 원래 크기에서의 박스에서 10의 배수에 해당하는 좌표를 찾는다.
l, t = (np.array(head_box[:2]) + 9) // 10 * 10
new_head_box = np.array(
[l, t, l + move_head_box_size - 1, t + move_head_box_size - 1]
) # 양쪽포함이라서 1을 빼준다.
# 10의 배수에 맞춰서 이미지를 잘라낸다.
diff_box = new_head_box - head_box
new_model_out = model_out[diff_box[1] : diff_box[3], diff_box[0] : diff_box[2]]
# if verbose and head_box_idx == 0:
# print('org head_box:', head_box, ', new_head_box:', new_head_box)
# print('alpah2.shape:', model_out.shape, ', new_model_out:', new_model_out.shape)
if (
new_model_out.shape[0] % 10 != 0 or new_model_out.shape[1] % 10 != 0
): # 크기는 10의 배수여야 한다.
raise Exception(f"new_model_out.shape % 10 != 0, {new_model_out.shape}")
# ratio에 맞는 크기로 변경한다.
x1, y1, _, _ = np.round(new_head_box * ratio).astype(np.uint8)
# 양쪽포함이라서 -1을 해준다.
new_head_box = (
x1 + int(move_head_box_size * ratio) - 1,
y1 + int(move_head_box_size * ratio) - 1,
new_model_out = resize_adapt(new_model_out, new_head_box)
# if verbose and head_box_idx == 0:
# print('org head_box:', head_box, ', new_head_box:', new_head_box)
# print('alpah2.shape:', model_out.shape, ', new_model_out:', new_model_out.shape)
return new_model_out, new_head_box
def compose_one(model_out, full_img, head_box_idx):
model_out, box = resize_and_scale(model_out, head_box_idx)
x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
img = resize_adapt(model_out, (x1, y1, x2, y2))
if (
"compose" in template.config.keys()
and template.config.compose == "face_only"
row = df.loc[head_box_idx]
mask_box = get_face_mask(
(img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), row, **get_compose_option(template.config)
mask_box = get_box_mask(
x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1, config=args, verbose=verbose
if y2 - y1 + 1 != img.shape[0] or x2 - x1 + 1 != img.shape[1]:
raise Exception(
f"not matched compose shape. x2-x1+1: {x2 - x1 + 1}, y2-y1+1:{y2 - y1 + 1}, img: {img.shape[1]}, {img.shape[0]}"
# Compose the image
if full_img.shape[2] == 3:
alpha = np.zeros_like(full_img[:, :, :1])
full_img = np.concatenate([full_img, alpha], axis=2)
out_memory = full_img.copy()
alpha = img[:, :, 3]
alpha = cv2.merge([alpha, alpha, alpha])
back = out_memory[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1].copy()
front = img[:, :, 0:3]
img = np.concatenate(
[np.where(alpha < (255, 255, 255), back[:, :, :3], front), back[:, :, 3:]],
out_memory[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] = (
full_img[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] * mask_box["origin"]
+ img * mask_box["crop"]
return out_memory
return compose_one
def get_compose_func_without_keying_default(template, ratio, verbose=False):
args = template.model.args
df = pd.read_pickle(
# sz = df['cropped_size'].values[0]
# 원래 4k 템플릿에서 축소된 비율만큼 cropped_box 크기를 줄여준다.
x1, y1, x2, y2 = np.round(np.array(df["cropped_box"].values[0]) * ratio).astype(
del df
mask_box = get_box_mask(x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1, config=args, verbose=verbose)
img_size = args.img_size
if verbose:
print("croped size: ", x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1)
print("croped region(x1,y1,x2,y2): ", x1, y1, x2, y2)
def compose_one(model_out, full_img, _):
img = resize_adapt(model_out, (x1, y1, x2, y2))
if y2 - y1 + 1 != img.shape[0] or x2 - x1 + 1 != img.shape[1]:
raise Exception(
f"not matched compose shape. x2-x1+1: {x2 - x1 + 1}, y2-y1+1:{y2 - y1 + 1}, img: {img.shape[1]}, {img.shape[0]}"
# 붙여넣기
if full_img.shape[2] == 3:
alpha = np.zeros_like(full_img[:, :, :1])
full_img = np.concatenate([full_img, alpha], axis=2)
out_memory = full_img.copy()
alpha = img[:, :, 3]
alpha = cv2.merge([alpha, alpha, alpha])
back = out_memory[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1].copy()
front = img[:, :, 0:3]
img = np.concatenate(
[np.where(alpha < (255, 255, 255), back[:, :, :3], front), back[:, :, 3:]],
out_memory[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] = (
full_img[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] * mask_box["origin"]
+ img * mask_box["crop"]
return out_memory
return compose_one
def get_compose_option(config):
blur_ratio = 0.3
dilate_ratio = 0.2
erosion_ratio = 0.0
if "compose_args" in config.keys():
if "blur_ratio" in config.compose_args.keys():
blur_ratio = config.compose_args.blur_ratio
if "dilate_ratio" in config.compose_args.keys():
dilate_ratio = config.compose_args.dilate_ratio
if "erosion_ratio" in config.compose_args.keys():
erosion_ratio = config.compose_args.erosion_ratio
return {
"blur_ratio": blur_ratio,
"dilate_ratio": dilate_ratio,
"erosion_ratio": erosion_ratio,
def get_compose_func_without_keying_face_only(template, ratio, verbose=False):
df = pd.read_pickle(
x1, y1, x2, y2 = np.round(np.array(df["cropped_box"].values[0]) * ratio).astype(
df = df.set_index("frame_idx")
if verbose:
def compose_one(model_out, full_img, head_box_idx):
row = df.loc[head_box_idx]
except Exception as e:
print("exception get_compose_func_without_keying_face_only", e)
raise Exception("exception get_compose_func_without_keying_face_only", e)
img = resize_adapt(model_out, (x1, y1, x2, y2))
if y2 - y1 + 1 != img.shape[0] or x2 - x1 + 1 != img.shape[1]:
raise Exception(
f"not matched compose shape. x2-x1+1: {x2 - x1 + 1}, y2-y1+1:{y2 - y1 + 1}, img: {img.shape[1]}, {img.shape[0]}"
mask_box = get_face_mask(
(img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), row, **get_compose_option(template.config)
# 붙여넣기
out_memory = full_img.copy()
out_memory[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] = (
full_img[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] * mask_box["origin"]
+ img * mask_box["crop"]
return out_memory
return compose_one
# template video 의 frame 과 model inference 결과를 합성하는 함수를 리턴한다.
# params
# ratio : 템플릿 scale 비율.
# 1.0: 템플릿 크기 그대로
# 0.5: width, height 를 절반으로 줄인 크기
def get_compose_func_without_keying(template, ratio, verbose=False):
if "move" in template.config.keys() and template.config.move:
return get_compose_func_without_keying_move(
template=template, ratio=ratio, verbose=verbose
if "compose" in template.config.keys() and template.config.compose == "face_only":
return get_compose_func_without_keying_face_only(
template=template, ratio=ratio, verbose=verbose
return get_compose_func_without_keying_default(
template=template, ratio=ratio, verbose=verbose
def compose_direct(box, model_args, ratio, model_out, full_img):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
mask_box = get_box_mask(x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1, config=model_args)
img_size = model_args.img_size
img = resize_adapt(model_out, (x1, y1, x2, y2))
if y2 - y1 + 1 != img.shape[0] or x2 - x1 + 1 != img.shape[1]:
raise Exception(
f"not matched compose shape. x2-x1+1: {x2 - x1 + 1}, y2-y1+1:{y2 - y1 + 1}, img: {img.shape[1]}, {img.shape[0]}"
# 붙여넣기
out_memory = full_img.copy()
out_memory[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] = (
full_img[y1 : y2 + 1, x1 : x2 + 1] * mask_box["origin"] + img * mask_box["crop"]
return out_memory
def keying_direct(model_args, pred, box=None):
cromakey_func = get_cromakey_func(model_args)
compose_func = get_compose_mask_func(model_args)
model_out, mask, alpha = pred["pred"], pred["mask"], pred["img_gt_with_alpha"]
if pred["filename"].endswith("_no.jpg") or pred["filename"].endswith("_no.png"):
return alpha[:, :, [2, 1, 0, 3]]
if (
alpha.shape[0] != mask.shape[0]
or alpha.shape[1] != mask.shape[1]
or alpha.shape[0] != model_out.shape[0]
or alpha.shape[1] != model_out.shape[1]
or alpha.shape[2] != 4
raise Exception(
f"not matched keying shape. "
f"alpha: {alpha.shape[0]}, {alpha.shape[1]}, {alpha.shape[2]}, "
f"mask: {mask.shape[0]}, {mask.shape[1]}, "
f"model_out: {model_out.shape[0]}, {model_out.shape[1]}"
if box is not None:
model_h = model_out.shape[0]
box_h = box[3] - box[1]
if box_h > model_h:
model_out = resize_adapt(model_out, box)
mask = resize_adapt(mask, box)
alpha = resize_adapt(alpha, box)
model_out = cromakey_func(model_out)
model_out = compose_func(model_out=model_out, org_image_with_alpha=alpha, mask=mask)
return model_out