Optimize performance and tweak UI
Browse files
@@ -9,16 +9,15 @@ from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
9 |
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
10 |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
11 |
from transformers import BertTokenizer,BertForMaskedLM
12 |
import cv2
13 |
import io
14 |
import time
15 |
16 |
17 |
def load_sentence_model():
18 |
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v1')
19 |
return sentence_model
20 |
21 |
22 |
def load_model(model_name):
23 |
if model_name.startswith('bert'):
24 |
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ def load_model(model_name):
30 |
def load_data(sentence_num):
31 |
df = pd.read_csv('tsne_out.csv')
32 |
df = df.loc[lambda d: (d['sentence_num']==sentence_num)&(d['iter_num']<1000)]
33 |
return df
34 |
35 |
36 |
def mask_prob(model,mask_id,sentences,position,temp=1):
@@ -67,7 +66,25 @@ def run_chains(tokenizer,model,mask_id,input_text,num_steps):
67 |
sentence,_ = sample_words(probs,pos,sentence)
68 |
return pd.DataFrame(data=data_list,columns=['step','sentence','next_sample_loc'])
69 |
70 |
71 |
def run_tsne(chain):
72 |
st.sidebar.write('Running t-SNE...')
73 |
st.sidebar.write('This takes ~1 min for 1000 steps with ~10 token sentences')
@@ -81,20 +98,92 @@ def run_tsne(chain):
81 |
tsne = pd.concat([chain, pd.DataFrame(tsne_vals, columns = ['x_tsne', 'y_tsne'],index=chain.index)], axis = 1)
82 |
return tsne
83 |
84 |
def clear_df():
85 |
if 'df' in st.session_state:
86 |
del st.session_state['df']
87 |
88 |
def update_sent_id(increment_value=0):
89 |
sent_id = st.session_state.sent_id
90 |
sent_id += increment_value
91 |
sent_id = min(len(st.session_state.df)-1,max(0,sent_id))
92 |
st.session_state.sent_id = sent_id
93 |
94 |
def initialize_sent_id():
95 |
st.session_state.sent_id = st.session_state.sent_id_from_slider
96 |
97 |
if __name__=='__main__':
98 |
# Config
99 |
max_width = 1500
100 |
padding_top = 0
@@ -121,139 +210,74 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
121 |
122 |
st.markdown(define_margins, unsafe_allow_html=True)
123 |
st.markdown(hide_table_row_index, unsafe_allow_html=True)
124 |
125 |
# Title
126 |
st.header("Demo: Probing BERT's priors with serial reproduction chains")
127 |
128 |
with st.expander("Expand to read the descriptions"):
129 |
st.text("Let's explore sentences in the serial reproduction chains generated by BERT!")
130 |
st.text("First, please choose the samples from the two pre-generated chains,")
131 |
st.text("or specify your own initial sentence, from which you can generate samples.")
132 |
st.text("After selecting the chain, you can use the slider to choose the starting point")
133 |
st.text("and then either click through steps or watch the autoplay.")
134 |
st.text("Finally, you can check 'Show candidates', to see which words are proposed")
135 |
st.text("when each word is masked out.")
136 |
# Load BERT
137 |
tokenizer,model = load_model('bert-base-uncased')
138 |
mask_id = tokenizer.encode("[MASK]")[1:-1][0]
139 |
140 |
# First step: load the dataframe containing sentences
141 |
input_type ='1. Choose the input type',on_change=clear_df,
142 |
options=('Use one of the example sentences','Use your own initial sentence'))
143 |
if input_type=='Use one of the example sentences':
144 |
sentence = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select the inital sentence",
145 |
('--- Please select one from below ---',
146 |
147 |
148 |
if sentence!='--- Please select one from below ---':
149 |
if sentence=='About 170 campers attend the camps each week.':
150 |
sentence_num = 6
151 |
elif sentence=='She grew up with three brothers and ten sisters.':
152 |
sentence_num = 8
153 |
st.session_state.df = load_data(sentence_num)
154 |
155 |
sentence = st.sidebar.text_input('Type
156 |
num_steps = st.sidebar.number_input(label='How many steps do you want to run?',value=
157 |
if st.sidebar.button('Run chains'):
158 |
chain = run_chains(tokenizer,model,mask_id,sentence,num_steps=num_steps)
159 |
st.session_state.df = run_tsne(chain)
160 |
st.session_state.finished_sampling = True
161 |
162 |
163 |
if 'df' in st.session_state:
164 |
df = st.session_state.df
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
ylims = [(min(y_tsne)//yscale_unit-1)*yscale_unit,(max(y_tsne)//yscale_unit+1)*yscale_unit]
170 |
color_list = sns.color_palette('flare',n_colors=int(len(df)*1.2))
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
explore_type ='3. Choose the way to explore',options=['Click through steps','Autoplay'])
178 |
if explore_type=='Autoplay':
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
start_autoplay = st.button('Play',key='play')
183 |
with cols[1]:
184 |
stop_autoplay = st.button('Stop',key='stop')
185 |
fig_place_holder = st.empty()
186 |
if start_autoplay and not stop_autoplay:
187 |
for sent_id in range(st.session_state.sent_id_from_slider,len(st.session_state.df),10):
188 |
sentence = df.cleaned_sentence.to_list()[sent_id]
189 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5),dpi=200)
190 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
plt.title(f'Step {sent_id}: {sentence}')
198 |
cols = fig_place_holder.columns([1,2,1])
199 |
with cols[1]:
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
if explore_type=='Click through steps':
205 |
button_labels = ['+1','+10','+100','+500']
206 |
cols = st.sidebar.columns([4,5,6,6])
207 |
for col_id,col in enumerate(cols):
208 |
with col:
209 |
210 |
211 |
button_labels = ['-1','-10','-100','-500']
212 |
cols = st.sidebar.columns([4,5,6,6])
213 |
for col_id,col in enumerate(cols):
214 |
with col:
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
sent_id = st.session_state.sent_id
219 |
sentence = df.cleaned_sentence.to_list()[sent_id]
220 |
input_sent = tokenizer(sentence,return_tensors='pt')['input_ids']
221 |
decoded_sent = [tokenizer.decode([token]) for token in input_sent[0]]
222 |
char_nums = [len(word)+2 for word in decoded_sent]
223 |
show_candidates = st.checkbox('Show candidates')
224 |
disp_style = '"font-family:san serif; color:Black; font-size: 20px"'
225 |
if explore_type=='Click through steps' and input_type=='Use your own initial sentence' and sent_id>0 and 'finished_sampling' in st.session_state:
226 |
sampled_loc = df.next_sample_loc.to_list()[sent_id-1]
227 |
disp_step = f'<p style={disp_style}>Step {st.session_state.sent_id}: '
228 |
disp_sent_before = f'{disp_step}<span style="font-weight:bold">'+' '.join(decoded_sent[1:sampled_loc])
229 |
new_word = f'<span style="color:Red">{decoded_sent[sampled_loc]}</span>'
230 |
disp_sent_after = ' '.join(decoded_sent[sampled_loc+1:-1])+'</span></p>'
231 |
st.markdown(disp_sent_before+' '+new_word+' '+disp_sent_after,unsafe_allow_html=True)
232 |
233 |
disp_step = f'<p style={disp_style}>Step {st.session_state.sent_id}: '
234 |
st.markdown(f'{disp_step}<span style="font-weight:bold">{sentence}</span></p>',unsafe_allow_html=True)
235 |
if show_candidates:
236 |
st.write('Click any word to see each candidate with its probability')
237 |
cols = st.columns(char_nums)
238 |
with cols[0]:
239 |
240 |
with cols[-1]:
241 |
242 |
for word_id,(col,word) in enumerate(zip(cols[1:-1],decoded_sent[1:-1])):
243 |
with col:
244 |
if st.button(word,key=f'word_{word_id}'):
245 |
probs = mask_prob(model,mask_id,input_sent,word_id+1)
246 |
_,candidates_df = sample_words(probs, word_id+1, input_sent)
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
cols = st.columns([1,2,1])
258 |
with cols[1]:
259 |
9 |
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
10 |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
11 |
from transformers import BertTokenizer,BertForMaskedLM
12 |
import io
13 |
import time
14 |
15 |
16 |
def load_sentence_model():
17 |
sentence_model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v1')
18 |
return sentence_model
19 |
20 |
21 |
def load_model(model_name):
22 |
if model_name.startswith('bert'):
23 |
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
29 |
def load_data(sentence_num):
30 |
df = pd.read_csv('tsne_out.csv')
31 |
df = df.loc[lambda d: (d['sentence_num']==sentence_num)&(d['iter_num']<1000)]
32 |
return df.reset_index()
33 |
34 |
35 |
def mask_prob(model,mask_id,sentences,position,temp=1):
66 |
sentence,_ = sample_words(probs,pos,sentence)
67 |
return pd.DataFrame(data=data_list,columns=['step','sentence','next_sample_loc'])
68 |
69 |
70 |
def show_tsne_panel(df, step_id):
71 |
x_tsne, y_tsne = df.x_tsne, df.y_tsne
72 |
xscale_unit = (max(x_tsne)-min(x_tsne))/10
73 |
yscale_unit = (max(y_tsne)-min(y_tsne))/10
74 |
xlims = [(min(x_tsne)//xscale_unit-1)*xscale_unit,(max(x_tsne)//xscale_unit+1)*xscale_unit]
75 |
ylims = [(min(y_tsne)//yscale_unit-1)*yscale_unit,(max(y_tsne)//yscale_unit+1)*yscale_unit]
76 |
color_list = sns.color_palette('flare',n_colors=int(len(df)*1.2))
77 |
78 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5),dpi=200)
79 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
return fig
87 |
88 |
def run_tsne(chain):
89 |
st.sidebar.write('Running t-SNE...')
90 |
st.sidebar.write('This takes ~1 min for 1000 steps with ~10 token sentences')
98 |
tsne = pd.concat([chain, pd.DataFrame(tsne_vals, columns = ['x_tsne', 'y_tsne'],index=chain.index)], axis = 1)
99 |
return tsne
100 |
101 |
def autoplay() :
102 |
for step_id in range(st.session_state.step_id, len(st.session_state.df), 1):
103 |
x = st.empty()
104 |
with x.container():
105 |
st.markdown(show_changed_site(), unsafe_allow_html = True)
106 |
fig = show_tsne_panel(st.session_state.df, step_id)
107 |
st.session_state.prev_step_id = st.session_state.step_id
108 |
st.session_state.step_id = step_id
109 |
#plt.title(f'Step {step_id}')#: {show_changed_site()}')
110 |
cols = st.columns([1,2,1])
111 |
with cols[1]:
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
def initialize_buttons() :
117 |
buttons = st.sidebar.empty()
118 |
button_ids = []
119 |
with buttons.container() :
120 |
row1_labels = ['+1','+10','+100','+500']
121 |
row1 = st.columns([4,5,6,6])
122 |
for col_id,col in enumerate(row1):
123 |
124 |
125 |
row2_labels = ['-1','-10','-100','-500']
126 |
row2 = st.columns([4,5,6,6])
127 |
for col_id,col in enumerate(row2):
128 |
129 |
130 |
show_candidates_checked = st.checkbox('Show candidates')
131 |
132 |
# Increment if any of them have been pressed
133 |
increments = np.array([1,10,100,500,-1,-10,-100,-500])
134 |
if any(button_ids) :
135 |
increment_value = increments[np.array(button_ids)][0]
136 |
st.session_state.prev_step_id = st.session_state.step_id
137 |
new_step_id = st.session_state.step_id + increment_value
138 |
st.session_state.step_id = min(len(st.session_state.df) - 1, max(0, new_step_id))
139 |
if show_candidates_checked:
140 |
st.write('Click any word to see each candidate with its probability')
141 |
142 |
143 |
def show_candidates():
144 |
if 'curr_table' in st.session_state:
145 |
146 |
step_id = st.session_state.step_id
147 |
sentence = df.cleaned_sentence.loc[step_id]
148 |
input_sent = tokenizer(sentence,return_tensors='pt')['input_ids']
149 |
decoded_sent = [tokenizer.decode([token]) for token in input_sent[0]]
150 |
char_nums = [len(word)+2 for word in decoded_sent]
151 |
cols = st.columns(char_nums)
152 |
with cols[0]:
153 |
154 |
with cols[-1]:
155 |
156 |
for word_id,(col,word) in enumerate(zip(cols[1:-1],decoded_sent[1:-1])):
157 |
with col:
158 |
if st.button(word,key=f'word_{word_id}'):
159 |
probs = mask_prob(model,mask_id,input_sent,word_id+1)
160 |
_, candidates_df = sample_words(probs, word_id+1, input_sent)
161 |
st.session_state.curr_table = st.table(candidates_df)
162 |
163 |
164 |
def show_changed_site():
165 |
df = st.session_state.df
166 |
step_id = st.session_state.step_id
167 |
prev_step_id = st.session_state.prev_step_id
168 |
curr_sent = df.cleaned_sentence.loc[step_id].split(' ')
169 |
prev_sent = df.cleaned_sentence.loc[prev_step_id].split(' ')
170 |
locs = [df.next_sample_loc.to_list()[step_id-1]] if 'next_sample_loc' in df else (
171 |
[i for i in range(len(curr_sent)) if curr_sent[i] not in prev_sent]
172 |
173 |
disp_style = '"font-family:san serif; color:Black; font-size: 20px"'
174 |
prefix = f'<p style={disp_style}>Step {st.session_state.step_id}: <span style="font-weight:bold">'
175 |
disp = ' '.join([f'<span style="color:Red">{word}</span>' if i in locs else f'{word}'
176 |
for (i, word) in enumerate(curr_sent)])
177 |
suffix = '</span></p>'
178 |
return prefix + disp + suffix
179 |
180 |
def clear_df():
181 |
if 'df' in st.session_state:
182 |
del st.session_state['df']
183 |
184 |
185 |
if __name__=='__main__':
186 |
187 |
# Config
188 |
max_width = 1500
189 |
padding_top = 0
210 |
211 |
st.markdown(define_margins, unsafe_allow_html=True)
212 |
st.markdown(hide_table_row_index, unsafe_allow_html=True)
213 |
input_type =
214 |
label='1. Choose the input type',
215 |
216 |
options=('Use one of the example sentences','Use your own initial sentence')
217 |
218 |
219 |
# Title
220 |
st.header("Demo: Probing BERT's priors with serial reproduction chains")
221 |
222 |
# Load BERT
223 |
tokenizer,model = load_model('bert-base-uncased')
224 |
mask_id = tokenizer.encode("[MASK]")[1:-1][0]
225 |
226 |
# First step: load the dataframe containing sentences
227 |
if input_type=='Use one of the example sentences':
228 |
sentence = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select the inital sentence",
229 |
('--- Please select one from below ---',
230 |
'About 170 campers attend the camps each week.',
231 |
"Ali marpet's mother is joy rose.",
232 |
'She grew up with three brothers and ten sisters.'))
233 |
if sentence!='--- Please select one from below ---':
234 |
if sentence=='About 170 campers attend the camps each week.':
235 |
sentence_num = 6
236 |
elif sentence=='She grew up with three brothers and ten sisters.':
237 |
sentence_num = 8
238 |
elif sentence=="Ali marpet's mother is joy rose." :
239 |
sentence_num = 2
240 |
st.session_state.df = load_data(sentence_num)
241 |
st.session_state.finished_sampling = True
242 |
243 |
sentence = st.sidebar.text_input('Type your own sentence here.',on_change=clear_df)
244 |
num_steps = st.sidebar.number_input(label='How many steps do you want to run?',value=500)
245 |
if st.sidebar.button('Run chains'):
246 |
chain = run_chains(tokenizer, model, mask_id, sentence, num_steps=num_steps)
247 |
st.session_state.df = run_tsne(chain)
248 |
st.session_state.finished_sampling = True
249 |
250 |
251 |
Let's explore sentences from BERT's prior! \
252 |
Use the menu to the left to select a pre-generated chain, \
253 |
or start a new chain using your own initial sentence.\
254 |
" if not 'df' in st.session_state else "\
255 |
Use the slider to select a step, or watch the autoplay.\
256 |
Click 'Show candidates' to see the top proposals when each word is masked out.\
257 |
258 |
259 |
if 'df' in st.session_state:
260 |
df = st.session_state.df
261 |
if 'step_id' not in st.session_state:
262 |
st.session_state.prev_step_id = 0
263 |
st.session_state.step_id = 0
264 |
265 |
266 |
explore_type =
267 |
'2. Choose how to explore the chain',
268 |
options=['Click through steps','Autoplay']
269 |
270 |
271 |
if explore_type=='Autoplay':
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
elif explore_type=='Click through steps':
277 |
278 |
with st.container():
279 |
st.markdown(show_changed_site(), unsafe_allow_html = True)
280 |
fig = show_tsne_panel(df, st.session_state.step_id)
281 |
cols = st.columns([1,2,1])
282 |
with cols[1]:
283 |