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# Auto-anchor utils
import numpy as np
import torch
import yaml
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans
from tqdm import tqdm
from lib.utils import is_parallel
def check_anchor_order(m):
# Check anchor order against stride order for YOLOv5 Detect() module m, and correct if necessary
a = # anchor area
da = a[-1] - a[0] # delta a
ds = m.stride[-1] - m.stride[0] # delta s
if da.sign() != ds.sign(): # same order
print('Reversing anchor order')
m.anchors[:] = m.anchors.flip(0)
m.anchor_grid[:] = m.anchor_grid.flip(0)
def run_anchor(logger,dataset, model, thr=4.0, imgsz=640):
det = model.module.model[model.module.detector_index] if is_parallel(model) \
else model.model[model.detector_index]
anchor_num = *
new_anchors = kmean_anchors(dataset, n=anchor_num, img_size=imgsz, thr=thr, gen=1000, verbose=False)
new_anchors = torch.tensor(new_anchors, device=det.anchors.device).type_as(det.anchors)
det.anchor_grid[:] = new_anchors.clone().view_as(det.anchor_grid) # for inference
det.anchors[:] = new_anchors.clone().view_as(det.anchors) /, 1, 1) # loss
print('New anchors saved to model. Update model config to use these anchors in the future.')
def kmean_anchors(path='./data/coco128.yaml', n=9, img_size=640, thr=4.0, gen=1000, verbose=True):
""" Creates kmeans-evolved anchors from training dataset
path: path to dataset *.yaml, or a loaded dataset
n: number of anchors
img_size: image size used for training
thr: anchor-label wh ratio threshold hyperparameter hyp['anchor_t'] used for training, default=4.0
gen: generations to evolve anchors using genetic algorithm
verbose: print all results
k: kmeans evolved anchors
from utils.autoanchor import *; _ = kmean_anchors()
thr = 1. / thr
def metric(k, wh): # compute metrics
r = wh[:, None] / k[None]
x = torch.min(r, 1. / r).min(2)[0] # ratio metric
# x = wh_iou(wh, torch.tensor(k)) # iou metric
return x, x.max(1)[0] # x, best_x
def anchor_fitness(k): # mutation fitness
_, best = metric(torch.tensor(k, dtype=torch.float32), wh)
return (best * (best > thr).float()).mean() # fitness
def print_results(k):
k = k[np.argsort(] # sort small to large
x, best = metric(k, wh0)
bpr, aat = (best > thr).float().mean(), (x > thr).float().mean() * n # best possible recall, anch > thr
print('thr=%.2f: %.4f best possible recall, %.2f anchors past thr' % (thr, bpr, aat))
print('n=%g, img_size=%s, metric_all=%.3f/%.3f-mean/best, past_thr=%.3f-mean: ' %
(n, img_size, x.mean(), best.mean(), x[x > thr].mean()), end='')
for i, x in enumerate(k):
print('%i,%i' % (round(x[0]), round(x[1])), end=', ' if i < len(k) - 1 else '\n') # use in *.cfg
return k
if isinstance(path, str): # not class
raise TypeError('Dataset must be class, but found str')
dataset = path # dataset
labels = [db['label'] for db in dataset.db]
labels = np.vstack(labels)
if not (labels[:, 1:] <= 1).all():
# normalize label
labels[:, [2, 4]] /= dataset.shapes[0]
labels[:, [1, 3]] /= dataset.shapes[1]
# Get label wh
shapes = img_size * dataset.shapes / dataset.shapes.max()
# wh0 = np.concatenate([l[:, 3:5] * shapes for l in labels]) # wh
wh0 = labels[:, 3:5] * shapes
# Filter
i = (wh0 < 3.0).any(1).sum()
if i:
print('WARNING: Extremely small objects found. '
'%g of %g labels are < 3 pixels in width or height.' % (i, len(wh0)))
wh = wh0[(wh0 >= 2.0).any(1)] # filter > 2 pixels
# Kmeans calculation
print('Running kmeans for %g anchors on %g points...' % (n, len(wh)))
s = wh.std(0) # sigmas for whitening
k, dist = kmeans(wh / s, n, iter=30) # points, mean distance
k *= s
wh = torch.tensor(wh, dtype=torch.float32) # filtered
wh0 = torch.tensor(wh0, dtype=torch.float32) # unfiltered
k = print_results(k)
# Plot
# k, d = [None] * 20, [None] * 20
# for i in tqdm(range(1, 21)):
# k[i-1], d[i-1] = kmeans(wh / s, i) # points, mean distance
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7), tight_layout=True)
# ax = ax.ravel()
# ax[0].plot(np.arange(1, 21), np.array(d) ** 2, marker='.')
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7)) # plot wh
# ax[0].hist(wh[wh[:, 0]<100, 0],400)
# ax[1].hist(wh[wh[:, 1]<100, 1],400)
# fig.savefig('wh.png', dpi=200)
# Evolve
npr = np.random
f, sh, mp, s = anchor_fitness(k), k.shape, 0.9, 0.1 # fitness, generations, mutation prob, sigma
pbar = tqdm(range(gen), desc='Evolving anchors with Genetic Algorithm') # progress bar
for _ in pbar:
v = np.ones(sh)
while (v == 1).all(): # mutate until a change occurs (prevent duplicates)
v = ((npr.random(sh) < mp) * npr.random() * npr.randn(*sh) * s + 1).clip(0.3, 3.0)
kg = (k.copy() * v).clip(min=2.0)
fg = anchor_fitness(kg)
if fg > f:
f, k = fg, kg.copy()
pbar.desc = 'Evolving anchors with Genetic Algorithm: fitness = %.4f' % f
if verbose:
return print_results(k)