File size: 8,145 Bytes
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import os
import leafmap
import solara
import ipywidgets as widgets
from leafmap import leafmap
import leafmap.colormaps as cm
zoom = solara.reactive(2)
center = solara.reactive((20, 0))
maps = {
'Most limiting soil quality rating factor': '',
"Nutrient retention capacity": '',
"Rooting conditions" : '',
'Soil and terrain suitability, rain-fed': ''
maps_list= list(maps)
maps_values= list(maps.values())
legend_dict1 = {
"NA": "#FFFFFF", # Branco
"0.0 - 0.1": "#8B0000", # Vermelho escuro
"0.1 - 0.2": "#FF4500", # Laranja avermelhado
"0.2 - 0.3": "#FFA500", # Laranja
"0.3 - 0.4": "#FFD700", # Amarelo dourado
"0.4 - 0.5": "#FFFF00", # Amarelo
"0.5 - 0.6": "#ADFF2F", # Verde amarelado
"0.6 - 0.7": "#7FFF00", # Verde limão
"0.7 - 0.8": "#32CD32", # Verde médio
"0.8 - 0.9": "#008000", # Verde
"0.9 - 1.0": "#006400", # Verde escuro
"Permafrost": "#B0C4DE", # Cinza claro azulado
"Not evaluated": "#A9A9A9", # Cinza escuro
"Water": "#0000FF", # Azul
hex_colors_dict = {
0: "#FFFFFF", # NA
1: "#8B0000", # 0.0 - 0.1
2: "#FF4500", # 0.1 - 0.2
3: "#FFA500", # 0.2 - 0.3
4: "#FFD700", # 0.3 - 0.4
5: "#FFFF00", # 0.4 - 0.5
6: "#ADFF2F", # 0.5 - 0.6
7: "#7FFF00", # 0.6 - 0.7
8: "#32CD32", # 0.7 - 0.8
9: "#008000", # 0.8 - 0.9
10: "#006400", # 0.9 - 1.0
11: "#B0C4DE", # Permafrost
12: "#A9A9A9", # Not evaluated
13: "#0000FF", # Water
def add_widgets(m):
setattr(m, "zoom_to_layer", True)
style = {"description_width": "initial"}
padding = "0px 0px 0px 5px"
image = widgets.Dropdown(
options=[('Most limiting soil quality rating factor', maps_values[0]),
('Nutrient retention capacity', maps_values[1]),
('Rooting conditions', maps_values[2]),
('Soil and terrain suitability, rain-fed', maps_values[3]),
layout=widgets.Layout(width="270px", padding=padding),
output = widgets.Output()
def change_image(change):
if not in m.get_layer_names():
#mosaic = f"{url}/datasets/{dataset.value}/{image.value}.json"
layer_list = m.get_layer_names()
for layer in layer_list:
#municipiosBR= ''
#estadosBR = ''
#m.add_shp(estadosBR, layer_name='EstadosBR')
#m.add_shp(municipiosBR, layer_name='MunicipiosBR')
if image.value == maps_values[0]:
m.add_cog_layer(image.value, name= maps_list[0], colormap = hex_colors_dict, nodata =0)
m.add_legend(legend_title="Legend", legend_dict=legend_dict1)
elif image.value == maps_values[1]:
m.add_cog_layer(image.value, name= maps_list[1], colormap = hex_colors_dict, nodata =0)
m.add_legend(legend_title="Legend", legend_dict=legend_dict1)
elif image.value == maps_values[2]:
m.add_cog_layer(image.value, name= maps_list[2], colormap = hex_colors_dict, nodata=0)
m.add_legend(legend_title="Legend", legend_dict=legend_dict1)
elif image.value == maps_values[3]:
colors_dict = {
0: "#FFFFFF10", # Branco
1: "#006400", # Verde escuro
2: "#008000", # Verde
3: "#ADFF2F", # Verde claro
4: "#FFFF00", # Amarelo
5: "#DAA520", # Dourado escuro
6: "#FF8C00", # Laranja
7: "#A9A9A9", # Cinza escuro
8: "#D3D3D3", # Cinza claro
9: "#0000FF", # Azul
10: "#FF0000" # Vermelho
legend_dict = {
"NA": "#FFFFFF", # Branco
"SI > 75 : Very high": "#006400", # Verde escuro
"SI > 63 : High": "#008000", # Verde
"SI > 50 : Good": "#ADFF2F", # Verde claro
"SI > 35 : Medium": "#FFFF00", # Amarelo
"SI > 20 : Moderate": "#DAA520", # Dourado escuro
"SI > 10 : Marginal": "#FF8C00", # Laranja
"SI > 0 : Very marginal": "#A9A9A9", # Cinza escuro
"Not suitable": "#D3D3D3", # Cinza claro
"No cultivation": "#0000FF", # Azul
"Water": "#FF0000" # Vermelho
m.add_cog_layer(image.value, name= maps_list[3], colormap = colors_dict,nodata=0)
m.add_legend(legend_title="Legend", legend_dict=legend_dict)
output.outputs = ()
#output.append_stdout(f"Image date: {image_date}\n")
image.observe(change_image, names="value")
box = widgets.VBox(
[ image, output]
m.add_widget(box, position="topright", add_header=False)
class Map(leafmap.Map):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.add_layer_manager(opened= True)
def Page():
with solara.Column(style={"min-width": "500px"}):