import streamlit as st import json from pathlib import Path from utils.code_services import format_code, execute_code QUESTIONS_DIR = Path("data/questions") QUESTIONS_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def get_next_question_id(): existing_ids = [int( for folder in QUESTIONS_DIR.iterdir() if folder.is_dir() and] return max(existing_ids, default=-1) + 1 st.title("📝 Add a New Question") question_text = st.text_area("Enter Question", placeholder="Type the question here...", height=80) answer_text = st.text_area("Enter Answer", placeholder="Type the answer here...", height=80) user_code = st.text_area("Enter Code", placeholder="Write your Python solution here...", height=300) category = st.text_input("Category", placeholder="e.g. spatial") answer_category = st.text_input("#### Answer Category", placeholder="e.g. signal") plot = st.checkbox("## Does this require a plot?") libraries = st.text_input("Libraries (comma-separated)", placeholder="e.g. pandas, numpy") if st.button("Save Question"): if not all([question_text.strip(), answer_text.strip(), user_code.strip(), category.strip(), answer_category.strip()]): st.error("❌ All fields are required. Please fill them out.") else: formatted_code = format_code(user_code) output, error = execute_code(formatted_code) if error: st.error("❌ Code execution failed! Fix the following error before saving:") st.code(error, language="plaintext") else: question_id = get_next_question_id() question_dir = QUESTIONS_DIR / str(question_id) question_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (question_dir / "question.txt").write_text(question_text, encoding="utf-8") (question_dir / "answer.txt").write_text(answer_text, encoding="utf-8") (question_dir / "").write_text(formatted_code, encoding="utf-8") metadata = { "question_id": question_id, "category": category.strip().lower(), "answer_category": answer_category.strip(), "plot": plot, "libraries": [lib.strip() for lib in libraries.split(",")] if libraries else [] } with open(question_dir / "metadata.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4) new_entry = { "folder": question_id, "question": question_text, "answer": answer_text, "code": formatted_code, "metadata": metadata } with open ("output.jsonl", "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(new_entry, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n") st.success(f"✅ Question saved successfully! (ID: {question_id})")"refresh in-order to see the applied changes") if st.button("refresh") : st.rerun() if user_code: st.subheader("💻 Test Your Code Before Saving") formatted_test_code = format_code(user_code) st.code(formatted_test_code, language="python") if st.button("Execute Code"): output, error = execute_code(formatted_test_code) if error: st.error("❌ Code execution failed! Fix the following error:") st.error(error) else: st.success("✅ Code executed successfully!") st.success(f"Execution Output : {output}")