import streamlit as st import os import shutil from pathlib import Path from utils.load_jsonl import load_data DATA_DIR = Path("data/questions") JSONL_FILE = "output.jsonl" questions_data = load_data(JSONL_FILE) categories = sorted(set(q["metadata"]["category"] for q in questions_data)) st.title("🗑️ Delete a Question") if not categories: st.warning("No categories available.") st.stop() selected_category = st.selectbox("Select a Category", categories) filtered_questions = {int(q["folder"]): q["question"][:50] + "..." for q in questions_data if q["metadata"]["category"] == selected_category} if not filtered_questions: st.warning("No questions found in this category.") st.stop() selected_question_id = st.selectbox("Select Question to Delete", list(filtered_questions.keys()), format_func=lambda x: f"ID {x}: {filtered_questions[x]}") selected_question = next((q for q in questions_data if int(q["folder"]) == selected_question_id), None) if selected_question: st.subheader("Question Details") st.text_area("Question", value=selected_question["question"], disabled=True, height=70) st.text_area("Answer", value=selected_question["answer"], disabled=True, height=70) st.subheader("Code") st.code(selected_question["code"], language="python") metadata = selected_question["metadata"] st.subheader("Meta data") st.write(f"Category : **{metadata['category']}**") st.write(f"Answer Category : **{metadata['answer_category']}**") st.write(f"Plot Required : **{'Yes' if metadata['plot'] else 'No'}**") st.write(f"Libraries : **{', '.join(metadata['libraries']) if metadata['libraries'] else 'None'}**") def rename_folders(deleted_id): """Renames folders after deleting one to maintain continuous numbering.""" all_folders = sorted([int(f) for f in os.listdir(DATA_DIR) if f.isdigit()]) for folder_id in all_folders: if folder_id > deleted_id: old_path = DATA_DIR / str(folder_id) new_path = DATA_DIR / str(folder_id - 1) shutil.move(old_path, new_path)"Need to check the box in-order to delete the question") confirm = st.checkbox("Confirm Deletion") if st.button("🚨 Delete This Question"): if confirm: question_folder = DATA_DIR / str(selected_question_id) if question_folder.exists(): shutil.rmtree(question_folder) rename_folders(selected_question_id) st.success(f"✅ Question ID {selected_question_id} deleted successfully!")"Refresh to see the applied changes") if st.button("Refresh"): st.rerun() else: st.warning("⚠️ Please check 'Confirm Deletion' before proceeding.") else: st.error("❌ Failed to load question data.")