import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely.ops import unary_union from arcgis_operations import get_gdf_from_feature_layer from geospatial_operations import process_buildings, get_max_extent, create_plot def ss_intersect(geojson1, ss_geoselect, multiplier_factor, default_building_height): # Read the GeoJSON files input_gdf = gpd.read_file( # Check that CRS is EPSG:4326 if != 4326: raise ValueError("Input GeoJSON files must be in CRS EPSG:4326") if ss_geoselect==0: sensitive_sites_gdf = gpd.read_file("sensitive_sites/NYC_Parks_Properties.geojson") else: sensitive_sites_gdf = gpd.read_file("sensitive_sites/NYC_Parks_Zones.geojson") default_building_height_m = default_building_height * 0.3048 buffers, intersected_sites, intersection_desc = process_buildings(input_gdf, sensitive_sites_gdf, default_building_height_m, multiplier_factor) # Concatenate all buffer GeoDataFrames and save as a GeoJSON file buffers_gdf = pd.concat(buffers, ignore_index=True) buffers_gdf = buffers_gdf.to_crs("EPSG:4326") buffers_gdf.to_file("building_buffers.geojson", driver='GeoJSON') # Concatenate all intersected sensitive sites and save as a GeoJSON file if intersected_sites: intersected_sites_gdf = pd.concat(intersected_sites, ignore_index=True) intersected_sites_gdf = intersected_sites_gdf.to_crs("EPSG:4326") else: #if there aren't any intersections, return an empty geojson intersected_sites_gdf = gpd.read_file("files/No_intersecting_buildings.geojson") print("No buildings are in the vicinity of any sensitive sites.") intersected_sites_gdf.to_file("intersected_sensitive_sites.geojson", driver='GeoJSON') # Perform the union operation if there is more than one buffer if len(buffers) > 1: # Perform a unary union on the geometry column of the GeoDataFrame buffer_union = unary_union(buffers_gdf['geometry']) # Create a new GeoDataFrame from the union result buffer_union_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[buffer_union], crs="EPSG:4326") # Save the union GeoDataFrame as a GeoJSON file buffer_union_gdf.to_file("buffer_union.geojson", driver='GeoJSON') # Calculate the maximum extent extent = get_max_extent(input_gdf, buffers_gdf) lots_url = "" # Access MapPLUTO # Eventually should be a checkbox lots_gdf = get_gdf_from_feature_layer(lots_url) # Create and save the plot - which is the output image create_plot('output_image.png', extent, lots_gdf, sensitive_sites_gdf, buffer_union_gdf, intersected_sites_gdf, input_gdf) # Return the image, geojson files, and text description return 'output_image.png', "building_buffers.geojson", "buffer_union.geojson", intersection_desc