syntax = "proto3"; message ChatMessage { message FileContent { message Position { int32 line = 1; int32 column = 2; } message Range { Position start = 1; Position end = 2; } string filename = 1; string content = 2; Position position = 3; string language = 5; Range range = 6; int32 length = 8; int32 type = 9; int32 error_code = 11; } message UserMessage { string content = 1; int32 role = 2; string message_id = 13; } message Instructions { string instruction = 1; } message Model { string name = 1; string empty = 4; } // repeated FileContent files = 1; repeated UserMessage messages = 2; Instructions instructions = 4; string projectPath = 5; Model model = 7; string requestId = 9; string summary = 11; // Maybe it's empty, describing what the session did, but it's not a title, and it might be used as an additional setting string conversationId = 15; // Here's another one uuid } message ResMessage { string msg = 1; }