import pickle |
import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import plotly.express as px |
df = pd.read_csv("X_train_test_combined_dataset_Filtered_dataset.csv") |
if 'YMDESUD5ANYO' not in df.columns: |
raise ValueError("The column 'YMDESUD5ANYO' is missing from the dataset. Please check your CSV file.") |
model_filenames = [ |
"YOWRCONC.pkl", "YOSEEDOC.pkl", "YO_MDEA5.pkl", "YOWRLSIN.pkl", |
"YODPPROB.pkl", "YOWRPROB.pkl", "YODPR2WK.pkl", "YOWRDEPR.pkl", |
"YODPDISC.pkl", "YOLOSEV.pkl", "YOWRDCSN.pkl", "YODSMMDE.pkl", |
"YO_MDEA3.pkl", "YODPLSIN.pkl", "YOWRELES.pkl", "YOPB2WK.pkl" |
] |
model_path = "models/" |
class ModelPredictor: |
def __init__(self, model_path, model_filenames): |
self.model_path = model_path |
self.model_filenames = model_filenames |
self.models = self.load_models() |
self.prediction_map = { |
"YOWRCONC": {2: "Did NOT have difficulty concentrating", 1: "Had difficulty concentrating"}, |
"YOSEEDOC": {2: "Did NOT feel the need to see a doctor", 1: "Felt the need to see a doctor"}, |
"YO_MDEA5": {2: "No restlessness/lethargy noticed", 1: "Others noticed restlessness/lethargy"}, |
"YOWRLSIN": {2: "Did NOT feel bored/lose interest", 1: "Felt bored/lost interest"}, |
"YODPPROB": {2: "No other problems for 2+ weeks", 1: "Had other problems for 2+ weeks"}, |
"YOWRPROB": {2: "No 'worst time ever' feeling", 1: "Had 'worst time ever' feeling"}, |
"YODPR2WK": {2: "No depressed feelings for 2+ wks", 1: "Had depressed feelings for 2+ wks"}, |
"YOWRDEPR": {2: "Did NOT feel sad/depressed daily", 1: "Felt sad/depressed mostly everyday"}, |
"YODPDISC": {2: "Overall mood not sad/depressed", 1: "Overall mood was sad/depressed"}, |
"YOLOSEV": {2: "Did NOT lose interest in things", 1: "Lost interest in enjoyable things"}, |
"YOWRDCSN": {2: "Was able to make decisions", 1: "Was unable to make decisions"}, |
"YODSMMDE": {2: "No 2+ wks depression symptoms", 1: "Had 2+ wks depression symptoms"}, |
"YO_MDEA3": {2: "No appetite/weight changes", 1: "Had changes in appetite/weight"}, |
"YODPLSIN": {2: "Never lost interest/felt bored", 1: "Lost interest/felt bored"}, |
"YOWRELES": {2: "Did NOT eat less than usual", 1: "Ate less than usual"}, |
"YOPB2WK": {2: "No uneasy feelings 2+ weeks", 1: "Uneasy feelings 2+ weeks"} |
} |
def load_models(self): |
loaded = [] |
for fname in self.model_filenames: |
try: |
with open(self.model_path + fname, "rb") as f: |
model = pickle.load(f) |
loaded.append(model) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Model file '{fname}' not found in path '{self.model_path}'.") |
except Exception as e: |
raise Exception(f"Error loading model '{fname}': {e}") |
return loaded |
def make_predictions(self, user_input: pd.DataFrame): |
""" |
Return: |
- A list of np.array [1/2], one for each model |
- A list of np.array [prob_of_2], if predict_proba is available, else np.nan |
IMPORTANT: This code assumes your model returns [1, 2]. |
If your model is returning [0, 1], you'll need a transform or re-train it to return [1, 2]. |
""" |
preds = [] |
probs = [] |
for model in self.models: |
y_pred = model.predict(user_input) |
preds.append(y_pred.flatten()) |
if hasattr(model, "predict_proba"): |
y_prob_2 = model.predict_proba(user_input)[:, 1] |
probs.append(y_prob_2) |
else: |
probs.append(np.full(len(user_input), np.nan)) |
return preds, probs |
def evaluate_severity(self, count_ones: int) -> str: |
""" |
Evaluate severity based on how many labels predicted = 1. |
The bigger the number of 1’s, the more severe the condition. |
""" |
if 0 <= count_ones <= 5: |
return "Low" |
elif 6 <= count_ones <= 10: |
return "Moderate" |
elif 11 <= count_ones <= 16: |
return "Severe" |
else: |
return "Cannot tell the status" |
predictor = ModelPredictor(model_path, model_filenames) |
categories_dict = { |
"1. Depression & Substance Use Diagnosis": [ |
], |
"2. Mental Health Treatment & Prof Consultation": [ |
], |
"3. Functional & Cognitive Impairment": [ |
], |
"4. Suicidal Thoughts & Behaviors": [ |
] |
} |
input_mapping = { |
"SUD only, no MDE": 1, |
"MDE only, no SUD": 2, |
"SUD and MDE": 3, |
"Neither SUD or MDE": 4 |
}, |
'YMDELT': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, |
'YMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, |
'YMDERSUD5ANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMSUD5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMIUD5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMIMS5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMIMI5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMDEHPO': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMDETXRX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMDEHARX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YMDEHPRX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YRXMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YHLTMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YTXMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YDOCMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YPSY2MDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YPSY1MDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'YCOUNMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, |
'MDEIMPY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, |
"No Difficulty": 1, |
"Some difficulty": 2, |
"A lot of difficulty or cannot do at all": 3 |
}, |
'YUSUITHK': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, |
'YUSUITHKYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, |
'YUSUIPLNYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, |
'YUSUIPLN': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4} |
} |
def validate_inputs(*args): |
for arg in args: |
if arg is None or arg == "": |
return False |
return True |
def get_nearest_neighbors_info(user_input_df: pd.DataFrame, k=5): |
user_cols = user_input_df.columns |
if not all(col in df.columns for col in user_cols): |
return "Cannot compute nearest neighbors. Some columns not found in df." |
sub_df = df[user_cols].copy() |
diffs = sub_df - user_input_df.iloc[0] |
dists = (diffs**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5 |
nn_indices = dists.nsmallest(k).index |
neighbors = df.loc[nn_indices] |
lines = [ |
f"**Nearest Neighbors (k={k})**", |
f"Distances range: {dists[nn_indices].min():.2f} to {dists[nn_indices].max():.2f}", |
"" |
] |
lines.append("**Label Distribution Among Neighbors**") |
label_cols = list(predictor.prediction_map.keys()) |
for lbl in label_cols: |
if lbl not in neighbors.columns: |
continue |
val_counts = neighbors[lbl].value_counts().to_dict() |
parts = [] |
for val_, count_ in val_counts.items(): |
if lbl in predictor.prediction_map and val_ in [1,2]: |
label_text = predictor.prediction_map[lbl][val_] |
parts.append(f"{count_} had '{label_text}' (value={val_})") |
else: |
parts.append(f"{count_} had numeric={val_}") |
lines.append(f"- {lbl}: " + "; ".join(parts)) |
lines.append("") |
return "\n".join(lines) |
def predict( |
): |
if not validate_inputs( |
): |
return ( |
"Please select all required fields.", |
"Validation Error", |
"No data", |
"No nearest neighbors info", |
None, |
None |
) |
try: |
user_input_dict = { |
'YMDELT': input_mapping['YMDELT'][YMDELT], |
'YMDEYR': input_mapping['YMDEYR'][YMDEYR], |
'YMSUD5YANY': input_mapping['YMSUD5YANY'][YMSUD5YANY], |
'YMIUD5YANY': input_mapping['YMIUD5YANY'][YMIUD5YANY], |
'YMIMS5YANY': input_mapping['YMIMS5YANY'][YMIMS5YANY], |
'YMIMI5YANY': input_mapping['YMIMI5YANY'][YMIMI5YANY], |
'YMDEHPO': input_mapping['YMDEHPO'][YMDEHPO], |
'YMDETXRX': input_mapping['YMDETXRX'][YMDETXRX], |
'YMDEHARX': input_mapping['YMDEHARX'][YMDEHARX], |
'YMDEHPRX': input_mapping['YMDEHPRX'][YMDEHPRX], |
'YRXMDEYR': input_mapping['YRXMDEYR'][YRXMDEYR], |
'YHLTMDE': input_mapping['YHLTMDE'][YHLTMDE], |
'YTXMDEYR': input_mapping['YTXMDEYR'][YTXMDEYR], |
'YDOCMDE': input_mapping['YDOCMDE'][YDOCMDE], |
'YPSY2MDE': input_mapping['YPSY2MDE'][YPSY2MDE], |
'YPSY1MDE': input_mapping['YPSY1MDE'][YPSY1MDE], |
'YCOUNMDE': input_mapping['YCOUNMDE'][YCOUNMDE], |
'MDEIMPY': input_mapping['MDEIMPY'][MDEIMPY], |
'LVLDIFMEM2': input_mapping['LVLDIFMEM2'][LVLDIFMEM2], |
'YUSUITHK': input_mapping['YUSUITHK'][YUSUITHK], |
'YUSUIPLN': input_mapping['YUSUIPLN'][YUSUIPLN] |
} |
except KeyError as e: |
missing_key = e.args[0] |
return ( |
f"Input mapping missing for key: {missing_key}. Please check your `input_mapping` dictionary.", |
"Mapping Error", |
"No data", |
"No nearest neighbors info", |
None, |
None |
) |
user_df = pd.DataFrame(user_input_dict, index=[0]) |
try: |
preds, probs = predictor.make_predictions(user_df) |
except Exception as e: |
return ( |
f"Error during prediction: {e}", |
"Prediction Error", |
"No data", |
"No nearest neighbors info", |
None, |
None |
) |
all_preds = np.concatenate(preds) |
count_ones = np.sum(all_preds == 1) |
severity_base = predictor.evaluate_severity(count_ones) |
filtered_probs_2 = [prob[0] for prob in probs if not np.isnan(prob[0])] |
filtered_probs_1 = [1 - prob[0] for prob in probs if not np.isnan(prob[0])] |
sum_prob_2 = sum(filtered_probs_2) |
sum_prob_1 = sum(filtered_probs_1) |
avg_prob_2 = np.mean(filtered_probs_2) |
avg_prob_1 = np.mean(filtered_probs_1) |
std_dev_prob_2 = np.std(filtered_probs_2) |
std_dev_prob_1 = np.std(filtered_probs_1) |
severity_msg = ( |
f"{severity_base} " |
f"(Avg Prob (Bad Mental Status)={avg_prob_1:.2f} ± {std_dev_prob_1:.2f}, " |
f"Avg Prob (Ok Mental Status)={avg_prob_2:.2f} ± {std_dev_prob_2:.2f})" |
) |
label_prediction_info = {} |
for i, fname in enumerate(model_filenames): |
lbl_col = fname.split('.')[0] |
pred_val = preds[i][0] |
prob_val_for_2 = probs[i][0] |
prob_of_pred_class = prob_val_for_2 if (pred_val == 2) else (1 - prob_val_for_2) |
label_prediction_info[lbl_col] = (pred_val, prob_val_for_2) |
domain_groups = { |
"Concentration and Decision Making": ["YOWRCONC", "YOWRDCSN"], |
"Sleep and Energy Levels": ["YO_MDEA5", "YOSEEDOC"], |
"Mood and Emotional State": [ |
], |
"Appetite and Weight Changes": ["YO_MDEA3", "YOWRELES"], |
"Duration and Severity of Depression Symptoms": [ |
] |
} |
final_str_parts = [] |
for gname, lbls in domain_groups.items(): |
group_lines = [] |
for lbl in lbls: |
if lbl not in label_prediction_info: |
continue |
pred_val, prob_val_for_2 = label_prediction_info[lbl] |
if np.isnan(prob_val_for_2): |
text_prob = "(No probability available)" |
else: |
if pred_val == 2: |
text_prob = f"(Prob= {prob_val_for_2:.2f} for predicted class = Ok Mental Status)" |
else: |
prob_of_1 = 1 - prob_val_for_2 |
text_prob = f"(Prob= {prob_of_1:.2f} for predicted class = Bad Mental Status)" |
if lbl in predictor.prediction_map and pred_val in [1, 2]: |
text_pred = predictor.prediction_map[lbl][pred_val] |
else: |
text_pred = f"Prediction={pred_val}" |
if pred_val == 2: |
icon = "✅" |
else: |
icon = "❌" |
group_lines.append(f"{lbl} => {icon} {text_pred} {text_prob}") |
if group_lines: |
final_str_parts.append(f"**{gname}**") |
final_str_parts.append("\n".join(group_lines)) |
final_str_parts.append("") |
if final_str_parts: |
final_str = "\n".join(final_str_parts) |
else: |
final_str = "No predictions made or no matching group columns." |
total_count_md = f"" |
nn_md = get_nearest_neighbors_info(user_df, k=5) |
input_counts = {} |
for col, val_ in user_input_dict.items(): |
matched = len(df[df[col] == val_]) |
input_counts[col] = matched |
bar_in_df = pd.DataFrame({ |
"Feature": list(input_counts.keys()), |
"Count": list(input_counts.values()) |
}) |
fig_in = px.bar( |
bar_in_df, x="Feature", y="Count", |
title="Number of Patients with the Same Input Feature Values" |
) |
fig_in.update_layout(width=1200, height=400) |
label_counts = {} |
for lbl_col, (pred_val, _) in label_prediction_info.items(): |
if lbl_col in df.columns: |
label_counts[lbl_col] = len(df[df[lbl_col] == pred_val]) |
if label_counts: |
bar_lbl_df = pd.DataFrame({ |
"Label": list(label_counts.keys()), |
"Count": list(label_counts.values()), |
"Pred_Val": [label_prediction_info[lbl_col][0] for lbl_col in label_counts.keys()] |
}) |
bar_lbl_df["Mental Status"] = bar_lbl_df["Pred_Val"].apply( |
lambda x: "Ok Mental Status" if x == 2 else "Bad Mental Status" |
) |
fig_lbl = px.bar( |
bar_lbl_df, |
x="Label", |
y="Count", |
color="Mental Status", |
color_discrete_map={ |
"Ok Mental Status": "green", |
"Bad Mental Status": "red" |
}, |
title="Number of Patients with the Same Predicted Label" |
) |
fig_lbl.update_layout(width=1200, height=400) |
else: |
fig_lbl = px.bar(title="No valid predicted labels to display.") |
fig_lbl.update_layout(width=1200, height=400) |
return ( |
final_str, |
severity_msg, |
total_count_md, |
nn_md, |
fig_in, |
fig_lbl |
) |
def combined_plot(feature_list, label_col): |
""" |
If user picks 1 feature => distribution plot. |
If user picks 2 features => co-occurrence plot. |
Otherwise => show error or empty plot. |
This function also maps numeric codes to text using 'input_mapping' |
and 'predictor.prediction_map' so that the plots display more readable labels. |
""" |
if not label_col: |
return px.bar(title="Please select a label column.") |
df_copy = df.copy() |
for col, text_to_num_dict in input_mapping.items(): |
if col in df_copy.columns: |
num_to_text = {v: k for k, v in text_to_num_dict.items()} |
df_copy[col] = df_copy[col].map(num_to_text).fillna(df_copy[col]) |
if label_col in predictor.prediction_map and label_col in df_copy.columns: |
map_12 = predictor.prediction_map[label_col] |
df_copy[label_col] = df_copy[label_col].map(map_12).fillna(df_copy[label_col]) |
if len(feature_list) == 1: |
f_ = feature_list[0] |
if f_ not in df_copy.columns or label_col not in df_copy.columns: |
return px.bar(title="Selected columns not found in dataset.") |
grouped = df_copy.groupby([f_, label_col]).size().reset_index(name="count") |
fig = px.bar( |
grouped, |
x=f_, |
y="count", |
color=label_col, |
title=f"Distribution of {f_} vs {label_col} (Mapped)" |
) |
fig.update_layout(width=1200, height=600) |
return fig |
elif len(feature_list) == 2: |
f1, f2 = feature_list |
if (f1 not in df_copy.columns) or (f2 not in df_copy.columns) or (label_col not in df_copy.columns): |
return px.bar(title="Selected columns not found in dataset.") |
grouped = df_copy.groupby([f1, f2, label_col]).size().reset_index(name="count") |
fig = px.bar( |
grouped, |
x=f1, |
y="count", |
color=label_col, |
facet_col=f2, |
title=f"Co-occurrence: {f1}, {f2} vs {label_col} (Mapped)" |
) |
fig.update_layout(width=1200, height=600) |
return fig |
else: |
return px.bar(title="Please select exactly 1 or 2 features.") |
with gr.Blocks(css=".gradio-container {max-width: 1200px;}") as demo: |
gr.Markdown( |
"#### **Disclaimer**: This is a prototype aiming to apply data-driven AI for mental assessment. " |
"It is advised to seek consultation and assessment from a real clinician whenever needed." |
) |
with gr.Tab("Prediction"): |
gr.Markdown("### Please provide inputs in each category below. All fields are required.") |
gr.Markdown("#### 1. Depression & Substance Use Diagnosis") |
cat1_col_labels = [ |
("YMDELT", "YMDELT: Had major depressive episode in lifetime"), |
("YMDEYR", "YMDEYR: Past-year major depressive episode"), |
("YMDERSUD5ANY", "YMDERSUD5ANY: MDE or SUD in past year?"), |
("YMSUD5YANY", "YMSUD5YANY: Past-year MDE & substance use disorder"), |
("YMIUD5YANY", "YMIUD5YANY: Past-year MDE & illicit drug use disorder"), |
("YMIMS5YANY", "YMIMS5YANY: Past-year MDE + severe impairment + substance use"), |
("YMIMI5YANY", "YMIMI5YANY: Past-year MDE w/ severe impairment & illicit drug use") |
] |
cat1_inputs = [] |
for col, label_text in cat1_col_labels: |
cat1_inputs.append( |
gr.Dropdown( |
choices=list(input_mapping[col].keys()), |
label=label_text |
) |
) |
gr.Markdown("#### 2. Mental Health Treatment & Professional Consultation") |
cat2_col_labels = [ |
("YMDEHPO", "YMDEHPO: Saw health prof only for MDE"), |
("YMDETXRX", "YMDETXRX: Received treatment/counseling if saw doc/prof for MDE"), |
("YMDEHARX", "YMDEHARX: Saw health prof & medication for MDE"), |
("YMDEHPRX", "YMDEHPRX: Saw health prof or med for MDE in past year?"), |
("YRXMDEYR", "YRXMDEYR: Used medication for MDE in past years"), |
("YHLTMDE", "YHLTMDE: Saw/talked to health prof about MDE"), |
("YTXMDEYR", "YTXMDEYR: Saw/talked to doc/prof for MDE in past year"), |
("YDOCMDE", "YDOCMDE: Saw/talked to general practitioner/family MD"), |
("YPSY2MDE", "YPSY2MDE: Saw/talked to psychiatrist"), |
("YPSY1MDE", "YPSY1MDE: Saw/talked to psychologist"), |
("YCOUNMDE", "YCOUNMDE: Saw/talked to counselor") |
] |
cat2_inputs = [] |
for col, label_text in cat2_col_labels: |
cat2_inputs.append( |
gr.Dropdown( |
choices=list(input_mapping[col].keys()), |
label=label_text |
) |
) |
gr.Markdown("#### 3. Functional & Cognitive Impairment") |
cat3_col_labels = [ |
("MDEIMPY", "MDEIMPY: MDE with severe role impairment?"), |
("LVLDIFMEM2", "LVLDIFMEM2: Difficulty remembering/concentrating") |
] |
cat3_inputs = [] |
for col, label_text in cat3_col_labels: |
cat3_inputs.append( |
gr.Dropdown( |
choices=list(input_mapping[col].keys()), |
label=label_text |
) |
) |
gr.Markdown("#### 4. Suicidal Thoughts & Behaviors") |
cat4_col_labels = [ |
("YUSUITHK", "YUSUITHK: Thought of killing self (past 12 months)?"), |
("YUSUITHKYR", "YUSUITHKYR: Seriously thought about killing self?"), |
("YUSUIPLNYR", "YUSUIPLNYR: Made plans to kill self in past years?"), |
("YUSUIPLN", "YUSUIPLN: Made plans to kill yourself in past 12 months?") |
] |
cat4_inputs = [] |
for col, label_text in cat4_col_labels: |
cat4_inputs.append( |
gr.Dropdown( |
choices=list(input_mapping[col].keys()), |
label=label_text |
) |
) |
all_inputs = cat1_inputs + cat2_inputs + cat3_inputs + cat4_inputs |
predict_btn = gr.Button("Predict") |
out_pred_res = gr.Textbox(label="Prediction Results (with Probability)", lines=8) |
out_sev = gr.Textbox(label="Suggested Mental Health Severity", lines=2) |
out_count = gr.Markdown(label="Total Patient Count") |
out_nn = gr.Markdown(label="Nearest Neighbors Summary") |
out_bar_input = gr.Plot(label="Input Feature Counts") |
out_bar_label = gr.Plot(label="Predicted Label Counts") |
predict_btn.click( |
fn=predict, |
inputs=all_inputs, |
outputs=[ |
out_pred_res, |
out_sev, |
out_count, |
out_nn, |
out_bar_input, |
out_bar_label |
] |
) |
with gr.Tab("Distribution/Co-occurrence"): |
gr.Markdown("### Select 1 or 2 features + 1 label to see a bar chart.") |
list_of_features = sorted(input_mapping.keys()) |
list_of_labels = sorted(predictor.prediction_map.keys()) |
selected_features = gr.CheckboxGroup( |
choices=list_of_features, |
label="Select 1 or 2 features" |
) |
label_dd = gr.Dropdown( |
choices=list_of_labels, |
label="Label Column (e.g. YOWRCONC, YOSEEDOC, etc.)" |
) |
generate_combined_btn = gr.Button("Generate Plot") |
combined_output = gr.Plot() |
generate_combined_btn.click( |
fn=combined_plot, |
inputs=[selected_features, label_dd], |
outputs=combined_output |
) |
feature_label_table_glossary_content = """ |
## Glossary for the Input Features and Target Labels |
The compiled glossary for each of the identified input features and output features is listed in Table 1 and Table 2 below. |
**Table 1: Target Labels** |
| S.N | Target Label | Description | |
|----|-------------|-------------| |
| 1 | YOWRCONC | On most days, did you have a lot more trouble than usual keeping your mind on things? | |
| 2 | YOSEEDOC | At any time in the past 12 months, did you see or talk to a medical doctor or other professional about your feelings? | |
| 3 | YO_MDEA5 | Others Noticed That the Respondent Was Restless or Lethargic | |
| 4 | YOWRLSIN | During that worst period of time, did you become bored with almost everything like school, work, hobbies, and things you like to do for fun? | |
| 5 | YODPPROB | Did you ever have any of the problems (sleep, eating, energy, etc.) for two weeks or longer? | |
| 6 | YOWRPROB | Can you think of the worst time when you felt for two weeks or longer and also had these other problems? | |
| 7 | YODPR2WK | Did you ever have a period of time that lasted most of the day, almost every day, for two weeks or longer? | |
| 8 | YOWRDEPR | During that time, did you feel sad, empty, or depressed for most of the day nearly every day? | |
| 9 | YODPDISC | Did you ever feel discouraged about how things were going in your life? | |
| 10 | YOLOSEV | Have you ever had a period when you lost interest and became bored with most things? | |
| 11 | YOWRDCSN | Were you unable to make up your mind about things? | |
| 12 | YODSMMDE | Score of Symptom Indicators 1 Through 9 | |
| 13 | YO_MDEA3 | Changes in Appetite or Weight | |
| 14 | YODPLSIN | Did you ever lose interest and become really bored with most things? | |
| 15 | YOWRELES | Did you eat much less than usual almost every day during that time? | |
| 16 | YOPB2WK | In the past 12 months, did you have a period of time when you felt for two weeks or longer? | |
**Table 1: Input Features** |
| S.N | Input Feature | Description | |
|----|---------------|-------------| |
| 1 | YMDEYR | Youth: Past Year Major Depressive Episode (MDE) | |
| 2 | YMDERSUD5ANY | Youth: Major Depressive Episode or Substance Use Disorder - Past Year - DSM-5 - Any | |
| 3 | YMIMS5YANY | Youth: Past Year Major Depressive Episode with Severe Impairment and Substance Use Disorder - DSM-5 - Any | |
| 4 | YMDELT | Youth: Lifetime Major Depressive Episode (MDE) | |
| 5 | YMDEHARX | Youth: Saw Health Professional and Prescribed Medication for Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 6 | YMDEHPRX | Youth: Saw Health Professional or Prescribed Medication for Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 7 | YMDETXRX | Youth: Received Treatment/Counseling or Prescribed Medication for Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 8 | YMDEHPO | Youth: Saw Health Professional Only for Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 9 | YMIMI5YANY | Youth: Past Year Major Depressive Episode with Severe Impairment and Illicit Drug Use Disorder - DSM-5 - Any | |
| 10 | YMIUD5YANY | Youth: Past Year Major Depressive Episode and Illicit Drug Use Disorder - DSM-5 - Any | |
| 11 | YMDESUD5ANYO | Youth: Only Major Depressive Episode, Only Substance Use Disorder, Both, or Neither - Past Year - DSM-5 - Any | |
| 12 | YCOUNMDE | Youth: Saw/Talked to Counselor About Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 13 | YPSY1MDE | Youth: Saw/Talked to Psychologist About Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 14 | YPSY2MDE | Youth: Saw/Talked to Psychiatrist About Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 15 | YHLTMDE | Youth: Saw/Talked to Health Professional About Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 16 | YDOCMDE | Youth: Saw/Talked to General Practitioner/Family Doctor About Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 17 | YTXMDEYR | Youth: Saw or Talked to Doctor/Professional for Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
| 18 | YUSUITHKYR | Youth: Seriously Thought About Killing Self in Past Year | |
| 19 | YUSUIPLNYR | Youth: Made Plans to Kill Self in Past Year | |
| 20 | YUSUITHK | Youth: Seriously Thought About Killing Self in Past 12 Months | |
| 21 | YUSUIPLN | Youth: Made Plans to Kill Yourself in Past 12 Months | |
| 22 | MDEIMPY | Youth: Major Depressive Episode with Severe Role Impairment | |
| 23 | LVLDIFMEM2 | Level of Difficulty Remembering or Concentrating | |
| 24 | YMSUD5YANY | Youth: Past Year Major Depressive Episode and Substance Use Disorder - DSM-5 - Any | |
| 25 | YRXMDEYR | Youth: Used Prescription Medication for Major Depressive Episode in Past Year | |
More information can be found at: |
- [NSDUH 2021 Codebook](https://www.datafiles.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/field-uploads-protected/studies/NSDUH-2021/NSDUH-2021-datasets/NSDUH-2021-DS0001/NSDUH-2021-DS0001-info/NSDUH-2021-DS0001-info-codebook.pdf) |
- [NSDUH 2022 Codebook](https://www.datafiles.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/field-uploads-protected/studies/NSDUH-2022/NSDUH-2022-datasets/NSDUH-2022-DS0001/NSDUH-2022-DS0001-info/NSDUH-2022-DS0001-info-codebook.pdf) |
""" |
def glossary_display(): |
return feature_label_table_glossary_content |
with gr.Tab("Feature and label description"): |
gr.Markdown(feature_label_table_glossary_content) |
with gr.Tab("Summary Statistics"): |
gr.Markdown("![Summary Statistics Table](https://huggingface.co/spaces/pantdipendra/AdolescentsMentalHealthPrediction/resolve/main/Table111.jpg)") |
demo.launch() |