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Update App_Function_Libraries/RAG/
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# Description: This script contains the main RAG pipeline function and related functions for the RAG pipeline.
# Import necessary modules and functions
import configparser
import logging
import os
import time
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional
from App_Function_Libraries.DB.Character_Chat_DB import get_character_chats, perform_full_text_search_chat, \
fetch_keywords_for_chats, search_character_chat, search_character_cards, fetch_character_ids_by_keywords
from App_Function_Libraries.DB.RAG_QA_Chat_DB import search_rag_chat, search_rag_notes
# Local Imports
from App_Function_Libraries.RAG.ChromaDB_Library import process_and_store_content, vector_search, chroma_client
from App_Function_Libraries.RAG.RAG_Persona_Chat import perform_vector_search_chat
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_custom_openai
from App_Function_Libraries.Web_Scraping.Article_Extractor_Lib import scrape_article
from App_Function_Libraries.DB.DB_Manager import fetch_keywords_for_media, search_media_db, get_notes_by_keywords, \
from App_Function_Libraries.Utils.Utils import load_comprehensive_config
from App_Function_Libraries.Metrics.metrics_logger import log_counter, log_histogram
# 3rd-Party Imports
import openai
from flashrank import Ranker, RerankRequest
# Functions:
# Initialize OpenAI client (adjust this based on your API key management)
openai.api_key = "your-openai-api-key"
# Get the directory of the current script
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Construct the path to the config file
config_path = os.path.join(current_dir, 'Config_Files', 'config.txt')
# Read the config file
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# Read the configuration file'config.txt')
search_functions = {
"Media DB": search_media_db,
"RAG Chat": search_rag_chat,
"RAG Notes": search_rag_notes,
"Character Chat": search_character_chat,
"Character Cards": search_character_cards
# RAG pipeline function for web scraping
# def rag_web_scraping_pipeline(url: str, query: str, api_choice=None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# try:
# # Extract content
# try:
# article_data = scrape_article(url)
# content = article_data['content']
# title = article_data['title']
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"Error scraping article: {str(e)}")
# return {"error": "Failed to scrape article", "details": str(e)}
# # Store the article in the database and get the media_id
# try:
# media_id = add_media_to_database(url, title, 'article', content)
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"Error adding article to database: {str(e)}")
# return {"error": "Failed to store article in database", "details": str(e)}
# # Process and store content
# collection_name = f"article_{media_id}"
# try:
# # Assuming you have a database object available, let's call it 'db'
# db = get_database_connection()
# process_and_store_content(
# database=db,
# content=content,
# collection_name=collection_name,
# media_id=media_id,
# file_name=title,
# create_embeddings=True,
# create_contextualized=True,
# api_name=api_choice
# )
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"Error processing and storing content: {str(e)}")
# return {"error": "Failed to process and store content", "details": str(e)}
# # Perform searches
# try:
# vector_results = vector_search(collection_name, query, k=5)
# fts_results = search_db(query, ["content"], "", page=1, results_per_page=5)
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"Error performing searches: {str(e)}")
# return {"error": "Failed to perform searches", "details": str(e)}
# # Combine results with error handling for missing 'content' key
# all_results = []
# for result in vector_results + fts_results:
# if isinstance(result, dict) and 'content' in result:
# all_results.append(result['content'])
# else:
# logging.warning(f"Unexpected result format: {result}")
# all_results.append(str(result))
# context = "\n".join(all_results)
# # Generate answer using the selected API
# try:
# answer = generate_answer(api_choice, context, query)
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"Error generating answer: {str(e)}")
# return {"error": "Failed to generate answer", "details": str(e)}
# return {
# "answer": answer,
# "context": context
# }
# except Exception as e:
# logging.error(f"Unexpected error in rag_pipeline: {str(e)}")
# return {"error": "An unexpected error occurred", "details": str(e)}
# RAG Search with keyword filtering
# FIXME - Update each called function to support modifiable top-k results
def enhanced_rag_pipeline(
query: str,
api_choice: str,
keywords: Optional[str] = None,
fts_top_k: int = 10,
apply_re_ranking: bool = True,
database_types: List[str] = ["Media DB"]
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Perform full text search across specified database type.
query: Search query string
api_choice: API to use for generating the response
keywords: Optional list of media IDs to filter results
fts_top_k: Maximum number of results to return
apply_re_ranking: Whether to apply re-ranking to results
database_types: Type of database to search
Dictionary containing search results with content
log_counter("enhanced_rag_pipeline_attempt", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
start_time = time.time()
# Load embedding provider from config, or fallback to 'openai'
embedding_provider = config.get('Embeddings', 'provider', fallback='openai')
logging.debug(f"Using embedding provider: {embedding_provider}")
# Initialize relevant IDs dictionary
relevant_ids: Dict[str, Optional[List[str]]] = {}
# Process keywords if provided
if keywords:
keyword_list = [k.strip().lower() for k in keywords.split(',')]
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline - Keywords: {keyword_list}")
for db_type in database_types:
if db_type == "Media DB":
media_ids = fetch_relevant_media_ids(keyword_list)
relevant_ids[db_type] = [str(id_) for id_ in media_ids]
elif db_type == "RAG Chat":
conversations, _, _ = search_conversations_by_keywords(keywords=keyword_list)
relevant_ids[db_type] = [str(conv['conversation_id']) for conv in conversations]
elif db_type == "RAG Notes":
notes, _, _ = get_notes_by_keywords(keyword_list)
relevant_ids[db_type] = [str(note_id) for note_id, _, _, _ in notes]
elif db_type == "Character Chat":
relevant_ids[db_type] = [str(id_) for id_ in fetch_keywords_for_chats(keyword_list)]
elif db_type == "Character Cards":
relevant_ids[db_type] = [str(id_) for id_ in fetch_character_ids_by_keywords(keyword_list)]
logging.error(f"Unsupported database type: {db_type}")
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline - {db_type} relevant IDs: {relevant_ids[db_type]}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error fetching relevant IDs: {str(e)}")
relevant_ids = {db_type: None for db_type in database_types}
relevant_ids = {db_type: None for db_type in database_types}
# Perform vector search
vector_results = []
for db_type in database_types:
db_relevant_ids = relevant_ids.get(db_type)
results = perform_vector_search(query, db_relevant_ids, top_k=fts_top_k)
logging.debug(f"\nenhanced_rag_pipeline - Vector search results for {db_type}: {results}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error performing vector search on {db_type}: {str(e)}")
# Perform vector search
#vector_results = perform_vector_search(query, relevant_media_ids)
#ogging.debug(f"\n\nenhanced_rag_pipeline - Vector search results: {vector_results}")
# Perform full-text search
#fts_results = perform_full_text_search(query, database_type, relevant_media_ids, fts_top_k)
# v2
# Perform full-text search across specified databases
fts_results = []
for db_type in database_types:
db_relevant_ids = relevant_ids.get(db_type)
db_results = perform_full_text_search(query, db_type, db_relevant_ids, fts_top_k)
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline - FTS results for {db_type}: {db_results}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error performing full-text search on {db_type}: {str(e)}")
#logging.debug("\n\nenhanced_rag_pipeline - Full-text search results:")
"\n\nenhanced_rag_pipeline - Full-text search results:\n" + "\n".join(
[str(item) for item in fts_results]) + "\n"
# Combine results
all_results = vector_results + fts_results
# FIXME - specify model + add param to modify at call time
# You can specify a model if necessary, e.g., model_name="ms-marco-MiniLM-L-12-v2"
# Apply re-ranking if enabled and results exist
if apply_re_ranking and all_results:
logging.debug(f"\nenhanced_rag_pipeline - Applying Re-Ranking")
if all_results:
ranker = Ranker()
# Prepare passages for re-ranking
passages = [{"id": i, "text": result['content']} for i, result in enumerate(all_results)]
rerank_request = RerankRequest(query=query, passages=passages)
# Rerank the results
reranked_results = ranker.rerank(rerank_request)
# Sort results based on the re-ranking score
reranked_results = sorted(reranked_results, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)
# Log reranked results
logging.debug(f"\n\nenhanced_rag_pipeline - Reranked results: {reranked_results}")
# Update all_results based on reranking
all_results = [all_results[result['id']] for result in reranked_results]
# Extract content from results (top fts_top_k by default)
context = "\n".join([result['content'] for result in all_results[:fts_top_k]])
#logging.debug(f"Context length: {len(context)}")
logging.debug(f"Context: {context[:200]}")
# Generate answer using the selected API
answer = generate_answer(api_choice, context, query)
if not all_results:"No results found. Query: {query}, Keywords: {keywords}")
return {
"answer": "No relevant information based on your query and keywords were found in the database. Your query has been directly passed to the LLM, and here is its answer: \n\n" + answer,
"context": "No relevant information based on your query and keywords were found in the database. The only context used was your query: \n\n" + query
# Log metrics
pipeline_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("enhanced_rag_pipeline_duration", pipeline_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("enhanced_rag_pipeline_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return {
"answer": answer,
"context": context
except Exception as e:
log_counter("enhanced_rag_pipeline_error", labels={"api_choice": api_choice, "error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error in enhanced_rag_pipeline: {str(e)}")
logging.error(f"Error in enhanced_rag_pipeline: {str(e)}")
return {
"answer": "An error occurred while processing your request.",
"context": ""
# Need to write a test for this function FIXME
def generate_answer(api_choice: str, context: str, query: str) -> str:
# Metrics
log_counter("generate_answer_attempt", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
start_time = time.time()
logging.debug("Entering generate_answer function")
config = load_comprehensive_config()
logging.debug(f"Config sections: {config.sections()}")
prompt = f"Context: {context}\n\nQuestion: {query}"
if api_choice == "OpenAI":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_openai
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_openai(config['API']['openai_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "Anthropic":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_anthropic
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_anthropic(config['API']['anthropic_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "Cohere":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_cohere
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_cohere(config['API']['cohere_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "Groq":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_groq
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_groq(config['API']['groq_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "OpenRouter":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_openrouter
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_openrouter(config['API']['openrouter_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "HuggingFace":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_huggingface
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_huggingface(config['API']['huggingface_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "DeepSeek":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_deepseek
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_deepseek(config['API']['deepseek_api_key'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "Mistral":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Summarization_General_Lib import summarize_with_mistral
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_mistral(config['API']['mistral_api_key'], prompt, "")
# Local LLM APIs
elif api_choice == "Local-LLM":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_local_llm
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_local_llm(config['Local-API']['local_llm_path'], prompt, "")
elif api_choice == "Llama.cpp":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_llama
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_llama(prompt, "", config['Local-API']['llama_api_key'], None, None)
elif api_choice == "Kobold":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_kobold
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_kobold(prompt, config['Local-API']['kobold_api_key'], "", system_message=None, temp=None)
elif api_choice == "Ooba":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_oobabooga
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_oobabooga(prompt, config['Local-API']['ooba_api_key'], custom_prompt="", system_message=None, temp=None)
elif api_choice == "TabbyAPI":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_tabbyapi
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_tabbyapi(prompt, None, None, None, None, )
elif api_choice == "vLLM":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_vllm
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_vllm(prompt, "", config['Local-API']['vllm_api_key'], None, None)
elif api_choice.lower() == "ollama":
from App_Function_Libraries.Summarization.Local_Summarization_Lib import summarize_with_ollama
answer_generation_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("generate_answer_duration", answer_generation_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
log_counter("generate_answer_success", labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
return summarize_with_ollama(prompt, "", config['Local-API']['ollama_api_IP'], config['Local-API']['ollama_api_key'], None, None, None)
elif api_choice.lower() == "custom_openai_api":
logging.debug(f"RAG Answer Gen: Trying with Custom_OpenAI API")
summary = summarize_with_custom_openai(prompt, "", config['API']['custom_openai_api_key'], None,
log_counter("generate_answer_error", labels={"api_choice": api_choice, "error": str()})
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported API choice: {api_choice}")
except Exception as e:
log_counter("generate_answer_error", labels={"api_choice": api_choice, "error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error in generate_answer: {str(e)}")
return "An error occurred while generating the answer."
def perform_vector_search(query: str, relevant_media_ids: List[str] = None, top_k=10) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
start_time = time.time()
all_collections = chroma_client.list_collections()
vector_results = []
for collection in all_collections:
collection_results = vector_search(, query, k=top_k)
if not collection_results:
continue # Skip empty results
filtered_results = [
result for result in collection_results
if relevant_media_ids is None or result['metadata'].get('media_id') in relevant_media_ids
search_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("perform_vector_search_duration", search_duration)
log_counter("perform_vector_search_success", labels={"result_count": len(vector_results)})
return vector_results
except Exception as e:
log_counter("perform_vector_search_error", labels={"error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error in perform_vector_search: {str(e)}")
# V2
def perform_full_text_search(query: str, database_type: str, relevant_ids: List[str] = None, fts_top_k=None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Perform full-text search on a specified database type.
query: Search query string
database_type: Type of database to search ("Media DB", "RAG Chat", "RAG Notes", "Character Chat", "Character Cards")
relevant_ids: Optional list of media IDs to filter results
fts_top_k: Maximum number of results to return
List of search results with content and metadata
log_counter("perform_full_text_search_attempt", labels={"database_type": database_type})
start_time = time.time()
# Set default for fts_top_k
if fts_top_k is None:
fts_top_k = 10
# Call appropriate search function based on database type
if database_type not in search_functions:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported database type: {database_type}")
# Call the appropriate search function
results = search_functions[database_type](query, fts_top_k, relevant_ids)
search_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("perform_full_text_search_duration", search_duration,
labels={"database_type": database_type})
labels={"database_type": database_type, "result_count": len(results)})
return results
except Exception as e:
labels={"database_type": database_type, "error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error in perform_full_text_search ({database_type}): {str(e)}")
# v1
# def perform_full_text_search(query: str, relevant_media_ids: List[str] = None, fts_top_k=None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
# log_counter("perform_full_text_search_attempt")
# start_time = time.time()
# try:
# fts_results = search_db(query, ["content"], "", page=1, results_per_page=fts_top_k or 10)
# filtered_fts_results = [
# {
# "content": result['content'],
# "metadata": {"media_id": result['id']}
# }
# for result in fts_results
# if relevant_media_ids is None or result['id'] in relevant_media_ids
# ]
# search_duration = time.time() - start_time
# log_histogram("perform_full_text_search_duration", search_duration)
# log_counter("perform_full_text_search_success", labels={"result_count": len(filtered_fts_results)})
# return filtered_fts_results
# except Exception as e:
# log_counter("perform_full_text_search_error", labels={"error": str(e)})
# logging.error(f"Error in perform_full_text_search: {str(e)}")
# raise
def fetch_relevant_media_ids(keywords: List[str], top_k=10) -> List[int]:
log_counter("fetch_relevant_media_ids_attempt", labels={"keyword_count": len(keywords)})
start_time = time.time()
relevant_ids = set()
for keyword in keywords:
media_ids = fetch_keywords_for_media(keyword)
except Exception as e:
log_counter("fetch_relevant_media_ids_error", labels={"error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error fetching relevant media IDs for keyword '{keyword}': {str(e)}")
# Continue processing other keywords
fetch_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("fetch_relevant_media_ids_duration", fetch_duration)
log_counter("fetch_relevant_media_ids_success", labels={"result_count": len(relevant_ids)})
return list(relevant_ids)
def filter_results_by_keywords(results: List[Dict[str, Any]], keywords: List[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
log_counter("filter_results_by_keywords_attempt", labels={"result_count": len(results), "keyword_count": len(keywords)})
start_time = time.time()
if not keywords:
return results
filtered_results = []
for result in results:
metadata = result.get('metadata', {})
if metadata is None:
logging.warning(f"No metadata found for result: {result}")
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
logging.warning(f"Unexpected metadata type: {type(metadata)}. Expected dict.")
media_id = metadata.get('media_id')
if media_id is None:
logging.warning(f"No media_id found in metadata: {metadata}")
media_keywords = fetch_keywords_for_media(media_id)
if any(keyword.lower() in [mk.lower() for mk in media_keywords] for keyword in keywords):
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing result: {result}. Error: {str(e)}")
filter_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("filter_results_by_keywords_duration", filter_duration)
log_counter("filter_results_by_keywords_success", labels={"filtered_count": len(filtered_results)})
return filtered_results
# FIXME: to be implememted
def extract_media_id_from_result(result: str) -> Optional[int]:
# Implement this function based on how you store the media_id in your results
# For example, if it's stored at the beginning of each result:
return int(result.split('_')[0])
except (IndexError, ValueError):
logging.error(f"Failed to extract media_id from result: {result}")
return None
# Chat RAG
def enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat(query: str, api_choice: str, character_id: int, keywords: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Enhanced RAG pipeline tailored for the Character Chat tab.
query (str): The user's input query.
api_choice (str): The API to use for generating the response.
character_id (int): The ID of the character being interacted with.
keywords (Optional[str]): Comma-separated keywords to filter search results.
Dict[str, Any]: Contains the generated answer and the context used.
log_counter("enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat_attempt", labels={"api_choice": api_choice, "character_id": character_id})
start_time = time.time()
# Load embedding provider from config, or fallback to 'openai'
embedding_provider = config.get('Embeddings', 'provider', fallback='openai')
logging.debug(f"Using embedding provider: {embedding_provider}")
# Process keywords if provided
keyword_list = [k.strip().lower() for k in keywords.split(',')] if keywords else []
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat - Keywords: {keyword_list}")
# Fetch relevant chat IDs based on character_id and keywords
if keyword_list:
relevant_chat_ids = fetch_keywords_for_chats(keyword_list)
relevant_chat_ids = fetch_all_chat_ids(character_id)
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat - Relevant chat IDs: {relevant_chat_ids}")
if not relevant_chat_ids:"No chats found for the given keywords and character ID: {character_id}")
# Fallback to generating answer without context
answer = generate_answer(api_choice, "", query)
# Metrics
pipeline_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat_duration", pipeline_duration, labels={"api_choice": api_choice})
labels={"api_choice": api_choice, "character_id": character_id})
return {
"answer": answer,
"context": ""
# Perform vector search within the relevant chats
vector_results = perform_vector_search_chat(query, relevant_chat_ids)
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat - Vector search results: {vector_results}")
# Perform full-text search within the relevant chats
# FIXME - Update for DB Selection
fts_results = perform_full_text_search_chat(query, relevant_chat_ids)
logging.debug("enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat - Full-text search results:")
logging.debug("\n".join([str(item) for item in fts_results]))
# Combine results
all_results = vector_results + fts_results
apply_re_ranking = True
if apply_re_ranking:
logging.debug("enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat - Applying Re-Ranking")
ranker = Ranker()
# Prepare passages for re-ranking
passages = [{"id": i, "text": result['content']} for i, result in enumerate(all_results)]
rerank_request = RerankRequest(query=query, passages=passages)
# Rerank the results
reranked_results = ranker.rerank(rerank_request)
# Sort results based on the re-ranking score
reranked_results = sorted(reranked_results, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)
# Log reranked results
logging.debug(f"enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat - Reranked results: {reranked_results}")
# Update all_results based on reranking
all_results = [all_results[result['id']] for result in reranked_results]
# Extract context from top results (limit to top 10)
context = "\n".join([result['content'] for result in all_results[:10]])
logging.debug(f"Context length: {len(context)}")
logging.debug(f"Context: {context[:200]}") # Log only the first 200 characters for brevity
# Generate answer using the selected API
answer = generate_answer(api_choice, context, query)
if not all_results:"No results found. Query: {query}, Keywords: {keywords}")
return {
"answer": "No relevant information based on your query and keywords were found in the database. Your query has been directly passed to the LLM, and here is its answer: \n\n" + answer,
"context": "No relevant information based on your query and keywords were found in the database. The only context used was your query: \n\n" + query
return {
"answer": answer,
"context": context
except Exception as e:
log_counter("enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat_error", labels={"api_choice": api_choice, "character_id": character_id, "error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error in enhanced_rag_pipeline_chat: {str(e)}")
return {
"answer": "An error occurred while processing your request.",
"context": ""
def fetch_relevant_chat_ids(character_id: int, keywords: List[str]) -> List[int]:
Fetch chat IDs associated with a character and filtered by keywords.
character_id (int): The ID of the character.
keywords (List[str]): List of keywords to filter chats.
List[int]: List of relevant chat IDs.
log_counter("fetch_relevant_chat_ids_attempt", labels={"character_id": character_id, "keyword_count": len(keywords)})
start_time = time.time()
relevant_ids = set()
media_ids = fetch_keywords_for_chats(keywords)
fetch_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("fetch_relevant_chat_ids_duration", fetch_duration)
labels={"character_id": character_id, "result_count": len(relevant_ids)})
return list(relevant_ids)
except Exception as e:
log_counter("fetch_relevant_chat_ids_error", labels={"character_id": character_id, "error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error fetching relevant chat IDs: {str(e)}")
return []
def fetch_all_chat_ids(character_id: int) -> List[int]:
Fetch all chat IDs associated with a specific character.
character_id (int): The ID of the character.
List[int]: List of all chat IDs for the character.
log_counter("fetch_all_chat_ids_attempt", labels={"character_id": character_id})
start_time = time.time()
chats = get_character_chats(character_id=character_id)
chat_ids = [chat['id'] for chat in chats]
fetch_duration = time.time() - start_time
log_histogram("fetch_all_chat_ids_duration", fetch_duration)
log_counter("fetch_all_chat_ids_success", labels={"character_id": character_id, "chat_count": len(chat_ids)})
return chat_ids
except Exception as e:
log_counter("fetch_all_chat_ids_error", labels={"character_id": character_id, "error": str(e)})
logging.error(f"Error fetching all chat IDs for character {character_id}: {str(e)}")
return []
# End of Chat RAG
# Function to preprocess and store all existing content in the database
# def preprocess_all_content(database, create_contextualized=True, api_name="gpt-3.5-turbo"):
# unprocessed_media = get_unprocessed_media()
# total_media = len(unprocessed_media)
# for index, row in enumerate(unprocessed_media, 1):
# media_id, content, media_type, file_name = row
# collection_name = f"{media_type}_{media_id}"
#"Processing media {index} of {total_media}: ID {media_id}, Type {media_type}")
# try:
# process_and_store_content(
# database=database,
# content=content,
# collection_name=collection_name,
# media_id=media_id,
# file_name=file_name or f"{media_type}_{media_id}",
# create_embeddings=True,
# create_contextualized=create_contextualized,
# api_name=api_name
# )
# # Mark the media as processed in the database
# mark_media_as_processed(database, media_id)
#"Successfully processed media ID {media_id}")
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(f"Error processing media ID {media_id}: {str(e)}")
#"Finished preprocessing all unprocessed content")
# ElasticSearch Retriever
# End of