import re import string import orjson import streamlit as st from annotated_text.util import get_annotated_html from pipelines.keyphrase_extraction_pipeline import KeyphraseExtractionPipeline from pipelines.keyphrase_generation_pipeline import KeyphraseGenerationPipeline @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, show_spinner=False) def load_pipeline(chosen_model): if "keyphrase-extraction" in chosen_model: return KeyphraseExtractionPipeline(chosen_model) elif "keyphrase-generation" in chosen_model: return KeyphraseGenerationPipeline(chosen_model, truncation=True) def generate_run_id(): return f"run_{re.sub('keyphrase-extraction-|keyphrase-generation-', '', st.session_state.chosen_model)}_{st.session_state.current_run_id}" def extract_keyphrases(): st.session_state.keyphrases = pipe(st.session_state.input_text) st.session_state.history[generate_run_id()] = { "run_id": st.session_state.current_run_id, "model": st.session_state.chosen_model, "text": st.session_state.input_text, "keyphrases": st.session_state.keyphrases, } st.session_state.current_run_id += 1 def get_annotated_text(text, keyphrases, color="#d294ff"): for keyphrase in keyphrases: text = re.sub( rf"({keyphrase})([^A-Za-z0-9])", rf"$K:{keyphrases.index(keyphrase)}\2", text, flags=re.I, ) result = [] for i, word in enumerate(text.split(" ")): if "$K" in word and "(\d+)$", word.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) ): result.append( ( re.sub( r"\$K:\d+", keyphrases[ int( "(\d+)$", word.translate( str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation) ), ).group(1) ) ], word, ), "KEY", color, ) ) else: if i == len(st.session_state.input_text.split(" ")) - 1: result.append(f" {word}") elif i == 0: result.append(f"{word} ") else: result.append(f" {word} ") return result def render_output(layout, runs, reverse=False): runs = list(runs.values())[::-1] if reverse else list(runs.values()) for run in runs: layout.markdown( f"""
Run: {run.get('run_id')}
Model: {run.get('model')}
""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) result = get_annotated_text(run.get("text"), list(run.get("keyphrases"))) layout.markdown( f"""Text:
{get_annotated_html(*result)} """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if "generation" in run.get("model"): abstractive_keyphrases = [ (keyphrase, "KEY", "#FFA500") for keyphrase in run.get("keyphrases") if keyphrase.lower() not in run.get("text").lower() ] for i in range(len(abstractive_keyphrases)): if i % 2 == 0: abstractive_keyphrases.insert(i + 1, " ") layout.markdown( f"Absent keyphrases: {get_annotated_html(*abstractive_keyphrases) if abstractive_keyphrases else 'None' }
", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) layout.markdown("---") if "config" not in st.session_state: with open("config.json", "r") as f: content = st.session_state.config = orjson.loads(content) st.session_state.history = {} st.session_state.keyphrases = [] st.session_state.current_run_id = 1 st.set_page_config( page_icon="🔑", page_title="Keyphrase extraction/generation with Transformers", layout="centered", ) with open("css/style.css") as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.header("🔑 Keyphrase extraction/generation with Transformers") description = """ Keyphrase extraction is a technique in text analysis where you extract the important keyphrases from a document. Thanks to these keyphrases humans can understand the content of a text very quickly and easily without reading it completely. Keyphrase extraction was first done primarily by human annotators, who read the text in detail and then wrote down the most important keyphrases. The disadvantage is that if you work with a lot of documents, this process can take a lot of time ⏳. Here is where Artificial Intelligence 🤖 comes in. Currently, classical machine learning methods, that use statistical and linguistic features, are widely used for the extraction process. Now with deep learning, it is possible to capture the semantic meaning of a text even better than these classical methods. Classical methods look at the frequency, occurrence and order of words in the text, whereas these neural approaches can capture long-term semantic dependencies and context of words in a text. This space gives you the ability to extract keyphrases out of a custom text with transformer-based extraction and generation models. Keyphrase extraction models are transformer models fine-tuned as a token classification problem where each word in the document is classified as being part of a keyphrase or not. The labels used during fine-tuning are B (Beginning of a keyphrase), I (Inside a keyphrases), and O (Outside a keyhprase). While keyphrase extraction use encoder-only models to interpret the document. Keyphrase generation models work a bit differently. Here you use an encoder-decoder model (e.g. BART, T5) to generate keyphrases from a given text. These models also have the ability to generate keyphrases, which are not present in the text 🤯. This can be really interesting in certain applications. For example if you want to make a news article more discoverable. Try it out yourself! 👇 """ st.write(description) with st.form("keyphrase-extraction-form"): st.session_state.chosen_model = st.selectbox( "Choose your model:", st.session_state.config.get("models") ) st.markdown( f"For more information about the chosen model, please be sure to check out the [🤗 Model Card]({st.session_state.get('config').get('model_author')}/{st.session_state.chosen_model})." ) st.session_state.input_text = ( st.text_area( "✍ Input", st.session_state.config.get("example_text"), height=350, max_chars=2500, ) .replace("\n", " ") .strip() ) with st.spinner("Extracting keyphrases..."): _, button_container = st.columns([7, 1]) pressed = button_container.form_submit_button("Extract") if pressed and st.session_state.input_text != "": with st.spinner("Loading pipeline..."): pipe = load_pipeline( f"{st.session_state.config.get('model_author')}/{st.session_state.chosen_model}" ) with st.spinner("Extracting keyphrases"): extract_keyphrases() elif st.session_state.input_text == "": st.error("The text input is empty 🙃 Please provide a text in the input field.") if len(st.session_state.history.keys()) > 0: options = st.multiselect( "Specify the runs you want to see", st.session_state.history.keys(), format_func=lambda run_id: f"Run {run_id.split('_')[-1]}: {run_id.split('_')[1]}", ) if options: render_output( st, {key: st.session_state.history[key] for key in options}, ) else: render_output(st, st.session_state.history, reverse=True)