import streamlit as st import cv2 import base64 from detection import * background_image = """ """ st.markdown(background_image, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.components.v1.html("

Face Detection Web App

") vis = True db_mode = st.checkbox("Add to data base") if db_mode: vis = False if not vis: st.html("

Storing Image to Database

") input_method = st.checkbox("Camera Mode") cam_inp , file_inp = None , None if input_method: cam_inp = st.camera_input(label="Say Cheese!") else: file_inp = st.file_uploader("Upload a Photo!") if cam_inp != None: file = cam_inp else: file = file_inp if file and vis: min_conf = st.number_input("Enter the desired confidence value:" , min_value=0.0 , max_value=1.0, step=0.10, disabled= not vis , value=0.65) if min_conf: img , labels = detect_and_fetch(file , min_confidence= min_conf) st.image(img , caption='Detections' , use_column_width=True) st.header('Detected:') labels = set(labels) for i in labels: if i is not "Unknown": st.text(i) else: name = st.text_input("Write the Name of Person" , disabled= vis) if name: process = write_and_upsert(file , name) if process: st.text("Uploaded Sucessfully!")