import traceback from typing import List, Tuple from loguru import logger from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.output_parsers import ( PydanticOutputParser, OutputFixingParser, ) # 是我自己的语言模型,你可以直接使用 openai 的 # from langchain.llms.openai import OpenAIChat from LLM import OpenAIChat TEMPLATE = """\ please write a story at least 5 sentences long, using the words [{words}]. {format} Attention! The words should be highlighted, surrounded by "`". Therefore, the story should be in the following format. English: ... `word1` ... `word2` ... Chinese: ... `单词1` ... `单词2` ... """ class Story(BaseModel): story: str = Field(description="the story") translated_story: str = Field(description="the translated story") llm = OpenAIChat(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.3) parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=Story) prompt_template = PromptTemplate( template=TEMPLATE, input_variables=["words"], partial_variables={ "format": parser.get_format_instructions(), } ) parser = OutputFixingParser.from_llm(parser=parser, llm=llm) chain = LLMChain( llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_parser=parser, verbose=False, ) def tell_story(words: List[str]): count = 0 while count < 10: count += 1 try: resp: Story =", ".join(words)) if len(resp.story.strip()) == 0: continue if len(resp.translated_story.strip()) == 0: continue return resp except Exception as e: logger.error(e) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("retrying...") continue return Story(story="", translated_story="") def generate_story_and_translated_story(words: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: resp = tell_story(words) return resp.story, resp.translated_story