server <- function(input, output,session) { | |
options(shiny.maxRequestSize=150*1024^2) | |
originaldir <- reactiveValues(datapath = getwd()) # directry of shiny R script | |
global <- reactiveValues(datapath = getwd()) # directory of file path in lipidomics tab | |
col = reactiveValues(col = col) | |
svg_path <- paste(getwd(),"/svg",sep = "") | |
observeEvent(input$filetype,{ | |
if(input$filetype =="Sample in rows"){ | |
shinyjs::show("ontfile") | |
}else{ | |
shinyjs::hide("ontfile") | |
} | |
if(input$ClassorMol =="TRUE"){ | |
shinyjs::show("X1") | |
shinyjs::show("X2") | |
}else{ | |
shinyjs::hide("X1") | |
shinyjs::hide("X2") | |
} | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$ClassorMol,{ | |
if(input$ClassorMol =="TRUE"){ | |
shinyjs::show("X1") | |
shinyjs::show("X2") | |
}else{ | |
shinyjs::hide("X1") | |
shinyjs::hide("X2") | |
} | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$file1, { | |
tryCatch({ | |
originaldata <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath, header = F, check.names = F, fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM") | |
}, error = function(e) { | |
showNotification(paste("Failed to load the file", e$message), type = "error") | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$submit,{ | |
tryCatch({ | |
if(input$filetype == "Sample in rows"){ | |
Lipidomedata <- processSampleInRows(originaldata, session, input)[[1]] | |
lipidont <- read.csv(input$ontfile$datapath, sep = ",", check.names = FALSE) | |
metadata <- processSampleInRows(originaldata, session, input)[[2]] | |
alitable <- read.csv(input$ontfile$datapath, check.names = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM") | |
colnames(alitable) <- c("Metabolite name","Ontology") | |
letchoice <- c(colnames(Lipidomedata)[!colnames(Lipidomedata) %in% colnames(metadata)],"Others") | |
moldata <- processSampleInRowstomoldata(originaldata, session, input)[[1]] | |
}else if(input$filetype == "MS-DIAL export"){ | |
Lipidomedata <- processMSDIALExport(originaldata, session, input)[[1]] | |
metadata <- processMSDIALExport(originaldata, session, input)[[2]] | |
alitable <- process_alignment_file(originaldata)[[1]] %>% select(c(1,2)) | |
moldata <- processMSDIALExporttomoldata(originaldata, session, input)[[1]] | |
} | |
if(length(input$transcriptomefile) !=0){ | |
transcriptome <- read.csv(input$transcriptomefile$datapath,check.names = F,fileEncoding ="UTF-8-BOM") %>% t() | |
colnames(transcriptome) <- transcriptome[1,] | |
transcriptome <- transcriptome[-1,] %>% data.frame() | |
transcriptome[,-c(1)] <- apply(transcriptome[,-c(1)],2,as.numeric) %>% data.frame() | |
transcriptome <- rownames_to_column(transcriptome,"name") | |
transcriptome[,2] <- as.character(transcriptome[,2]) | |
} | |
if(length(input$file1) !=0 & length(input$transcriptomefile) != 0){ | |
Ensembl <- gconvert(query = colnames(transcriptome)[-c(1:2)] , organism = "mmusculus",#sapiens | |
target="ENSG", mthreshold = Inf, filter_na = TRUE) %>% select(input,target) | |
transcriptome <- transcriptome %>% select(-2) | |
data <- inner_join(Lipidomedata,transcriptome,by =c("name")) | |
moldata <- inner_join(moldata,transcriptome,by =c("name")) | |
} | |
else{ | |
data <- Lipidomedata | |
} | |
}, error = function(e) { | |
showNotification(paste("Error:Invalid CSV file format. Please ensure your file is a properly formatted CSV.", e$message), type = "error") | |
}) | |
metainfocol <- ncol(metadata) | |
lipidclassproperties <- read_csv("./pathwaymap/lipidclassproperties.csv") | |
processAndUpdateInputs(data, session, metadata, metainfocol) | |
processAndUpdateInputs2(moldata, session, metadata, metainfocol) | |
observeEvent(input$y,{ | |
targetclass <- filter(alitable,Ontology %in% input$y) | |
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, "mol", selected = targetclass$`Metabolite name`[1], choices = targetclass$`Metabolite name`) | |
}) | |
shinyjs::onclick(id = "Colorpicker",{ | |
ShowtestModaldialog(data,input,col$col) | |
} | |
) | |
shinyjs::onclick(id = "exportgraph",{ | |
ShowtestModaldialog2(data,input,col$col) | |
} | |
) | |
observeEvent(input$w,{ | |
updateOrderInput(session, "levels", | |
items = c(unique(as.matrix(select(data,input$w)))), | |
item_class = "success") | |
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, "q", selected = c(unique(as.matrix(select(data,input$w))))[1], choices = c(unique(as.matrix(select(data,input$w))))) | |
col$col <<- rainbow_hcl(length(unique(as.matrix(select(data,input$w))))) | |
col$col <<- setNames(col$col,unique(as.matrix(select(data,input$w)))) | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$levels,{ | |
if (!is.null(input$levels) && any(input$levels != "")) { | |
dataa <<- mutate(data, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
moldataa <<- mutate(moldata, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
} | |
}) | |
observe({ | |
if (length(grep("selectcolor", names(input), value = TRUE)) != 0) { | |
col$col <<- process_select_color_input(input,data) | |
} | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$levels,{ | |
observe({ | |
if (!is.null(input$mol) && input$mol != "") { | |
if(!is.null(input$levels) && any(input$levels != "")){ | |
output$plottest <- renderPlotly({ | |
if(input$mydrop == "box"){ | |
process_boxplot(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "bar"){ | |
process_barplot(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "violin"){ | |
process_violinplot(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "polar"){ | |
process_polarplot(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "coding"){ | |
process_dotplot(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
} | |
) | |
output$mappingraph <- renderPlot({ | |
if(input$mydrop == "box"){ | |
process_boxplot_diagram(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "bar"){ | |
process_barplot_diagram(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "violin"){ | |
process_violinplot_diagram(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "polar"){ | |
process_polar_diagram(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "coding"){ | |
process_dotplot_diagram(input,input$y,dataa,col$col) | |
} | |
} | |
) | |
observeEvent(input$mol,{ | |
output$plottest2 <- renderPlotly({ | |
if(input$mydrop == "box"){ | |
process_boxplot(input, paste("`",input$mol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "bar"){ | |
process_barplot(input, paste("`",input$mol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "violin"){ | |
process_violinplot(input,paste("`",input$mol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "polar"){ | |
process_polarplot(input,paste("`",input$mol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "coding"){ | |
process_dotplot(input,paste("`",input$mol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
}) | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
}) | |
graph_json <- reactive({ | |
if (input$pathwaytype == "Global pathway") { | |
read_graph_json("./pathwaymap/globalpathway.cyjs") | |
} else if (input$pathwaytype == "Ceramide pathway") { | |
read_graph_json("./pathwaymap/ceramidepathway.cyjs") | |
} else if (input$pathwaytype == "Remodeling pathway") { | |
read_graph_json("./pathwaymap/remodeling.cyjs") | |
} | |
}) | |
style_file_path <- "./pathwaymap/nodestyle1.js" | |
styles_xml_path <- "./pathwaymap/styles.xml" | |
# CYJSファイルのダウンロード | |
output$exportCYJS <- downloadHandler( | |
filename = function() { | |
paste0(input$pathwaytype, "_", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"), ".cyjs") | |
}, | |
content = function(file) { | |
writeLines(graph_json, file) | |
}, | |
contentType = "application/json" | |
) | |
# styles.xmlファイルのダウンロード | |
output$exportStyles <- downloadHandler( | |
filename = function() { | |
"styles.xml" | |
}, | |
content = function(file) { | |
file.copy(styles_xml_path, file) | |
}, | |
contentType = "application/xml" | |
) | |
#observeEvent(input$sidebarCollapse, { | |
# toggleClass(id = "content", class = "active") | |
#}) | |
observeEvent(input$toggle_sidebar, { | |
shinyjs::runjs("toggleSidebar()") | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$pathway, { | |
output$graphContainer <- renderUI({ | |
cyjShinyOutput("cyjShinytest", height = "90%", width = "90%") | |
}) | |
}) | |
output$cyjShinytest <- renderCyjShiny({ | |
#p <- input$pathway | |
#if (p != 0) { | |
if (input$pathwaytype == "Global pathway") { | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/globalpathway.cyjs"), collapse = "") | |
} else if (input$pathwaytype == "Ceramide pathway") { | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/ceramidepathway.cyjs"), collapse = "") | |
} else if (input$pathwaytype == "Remodeling pathway") { | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/remodeling.cyjs"), collapse = "") | |
} | |
test <- fromJSON(graph_json) | |
test <-$elements$nodes) | |
if (input$viewacyllevel == TRUE) { | |
cyjShiny(graph_json, layoutName = "preset", styleFile = "./pathwaymap/nodestyle1.js") | |
} else { | |
cyjShiny(graph_json, layoutName = "preset", styleFile = "./pathwaymap/nodestyle2.js") | |
} | |
# } else { | |
#} | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$getSelectedNodes, ignoreInit=TRUE, { | |
output$selectedNodesDisplay <- renderText({" "}) | |
getSelectedNodes(session) | |
}) | |
output$corselect <- renderPlotly({ | |
if(input$pathwaytype == "Global pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/globalpathway.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
}else if(input$pathwaytype == "Ceramide pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/ceramidepathway.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
}else if(input$pathwaytype == "Remodeling pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/remodeling.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
} | |
test <- fromJSON(graph_json) | |
test <-$elements$nodes) | |
test1 <- test[test$data$id %in% unlist(input$selectedNodes),] | |
dataa <- mutate(data, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
if(length(test1$data$shared_name) == 2){ | |
moldataa <- mutate(moldata, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
targetclass <- filter(alitable,Ontology %in% test1$data$shared_name) | |
if(! test1$data$shared_name[1] %in% colnames(data)) { | |
a <- Ensembl[Ensembl$target %in% test1$data$Ensembl_ID[1],] | |
test1$data$shared_name[1] <- a$input | |
} | |
if(! test1$data$shared_name[2] %in% colnames(data)) { | |
b <- Ensembl[Ensembl$target %in% test1$data$Ensembl_ID[2],] | |
test1$data$shared_name[2] <- b$input | |
} | |
if(input$ClassorMol == FALSE){ | |
cor_value <- cor(dataa[,test1$data$shared_name[1]], dataa[,test1$data$shared_name[2]],method = "spearman") | |
g <- ggplot(dataa,aes_string(test1$data$shared_name[1],test1$data$shared_name[2],fill = input$w,size = input$size))+geom_point(shape =21,color = "black")+ | |
scale_fill_manual(values = unlist(col$col)) + ggtitle(paste("r = ",round(cor_value, 2))) | |
}else{ | |
moldataa <- mutate(moldata, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
cor_value <- cor(moldataa[,input$X1], moldataa[,input$X2],method = "spearman") | |
g <- ggplot(moldataa,aes_string(paste("`",input$X1,"`",sep =""),paste("`",input$X2,"`",sep =""),fill = input$w,size = input$size))+geom_point(shape =21,color = "black")+ | |
scale_fill_manual(values = unlist(col$col))+ ggtitle(paste("r = ",round(cor_value, 2))) | |
} | |
plotly::ggplotly(g) | |
} | |
}) | |
output$textOutput <- renderText({ | |
if(input$ClassorMol == FALSE){ | |
"Select two nodes from the network to analyze their correlation."} | |
else{ | |
"Select two features to analyze their correlation." | |
} | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$selectedNodes, { | |
if(input$pathwaytype == "Global pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/globalpathway.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
}else if(input$pathwaytype == "Ceramide pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/ceramidepathway.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
}else if(input$pathwaytype == "Remodeling pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/remodeling.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
} | |
test <- fromJSON(graph_json) | |
test <-$elements$nodes) | |
test1 <- test[test$data$id %in% unlist(input$selectedNodes),] | |
moldataa <- mutate(moldata, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
targetclass <- filter(alitable,Ontology %in% test1$data$shared_name) | |
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, "selectmol", selected = targetclass$`Metabolite name`[1], choices = targetclass$`Metabolite name`) | |
},ignoreNULL = TRUE) | |
output$corselect2 <- renderPlot({ | |
if(input$pathwaytype == "Global pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/globalpathway.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
}else if(input$pathwaytype == "Ceramide pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/ceramidepathway.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
}else if(input$pathwaytype == "Remodeling pathway"){ | |
graph_json <<- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/remodeling.cyjs"), collapse="") | |
} | |
test <- fromJSON(graph_json) | |
test <-$elements$nodes) | |
test1 <- test[test$data$id %in% unlist(input$selectedNodes),] | |
moldataa <- mutate(moldata, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
targetclass <- filter(alitable,Ontology %in% test1$data$shared_name) | |
if(length(test1$data$shared_name) > 0 && input$selectmol != " "){ | |
if(test1$data$shared_name[1] %in% colnames(data)) { | |
if(input$mydrop == "box"){ | |
g <- process_boxplot_diagram(input,paste("`",input$selectmol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "bar"){ | |
g <- process_barplot_diagram(input,paste("`",input$selectmol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "violin"){ | |
g <- process_violinplot_diagram(input,paste("`",input$selectmol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "polar"){ | |
g <- process_polar_diagram(input,paste("`",input$selectmol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "coding"){ | |
g <- process_dotplot_diagram(input,paste("`",input$selectmol,"`",sep =""),moldataa,col$col) | |
}} | |
plot(g) | |
} | |
}) | |
observeEvent(input$save_pdf,{ | |
shinyscreenshot::screenshot(selector="#cyjShinytest") | |
}) | |
#Creating heatmap | |
observeEvent(input$actionplottest, { | |
waiter::waiter_show( | |
id = NULL, | |
html = tagList(waiter::spin_loader(), | |
"Loading ..."), | |
color = "#333e48", | |
logo = "", | |
image = "" | |
) | |
file_list <- list.files(svg_path) | |
if (length(unlist(file_list)) > 0) { | |
file.remove(file.path(svg_path, file_list)) | |
} else { | |
} | |
if(is.null(input$transcriptomefile) == FALSE){ | |
Ensembl <- gconvert(query = colnames(transcriptome)[-c(1:2)] , organism = "mmusculus",#sapiens | |
target="ENSG", mthreshold = Inf, filter_na = TRUE) %>% select(input,target) | |
graph_json1 <- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/ceramidepathway.cyjs"), collapse="") %>% fromJSON() | |
graph_json2 <- paste(readLines("./pathwaymap/remodeling.cyjs"), collapse="") %>% fromJSON() | |
Ensemblinmap <- c(graph_json1$elements$nodes$data$Ensembl_ID,graph_json2$elements$nodes$data$Ensembl_ID) | |
Ensemblinmap <- Ensemblinmap[-which(Ensemblinmap %in% "")] | |
geneinmap <- Ensembl[Ensembl[,2] %in% Ensemblinmap,] | |
transcriptome2 <- colnames(transcriptome)[colnames(transcriptome) %in% geneinmap$input] | |
data <- data[,colnames(data) %in% c(colnames(data)[1:metainfocol],colnames(Lipidomedata),transcriptome2)] | |
dataa <- mutate(data, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
names(dataa)[match(geneinmap$input, names(dataa))] <- geneinmap$target | |
} else { | |
dataa <- mutate(data, !!as.symbol(input$w) := !!as.symbol(input$w) %>% factor(levels = input$levels)) | |
} | |
# if (length(grep("selectcolor", names(input), value = TRUE)) != 0) { | |
# col <<- process_select_color_input(input,data) | |
# } | |
if(input$mydrop == "box"){ | |
process_action_boxplot(input,dataa,metainfocol,svg_path,col$col,output) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "bar"){ | |
process_action_barplot(input,dataa,metainfocol,svg_path,col$col,output) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "violin"){ | |
process_action_violinplot(input,dataa,metainfocol,svg_path,col$col,output) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "polar"){ | |
process_action_polarplot(input,dataa,metainfocol,svg_path,col$col,output) | |
} | |
else if(input$mydrop == "coding"){ | |
process_action_dotplot(input,dataa,metainfocol,svg_path,col$col,output) | |
} | |
# if(input$filetype == "MS-DIAL export"){ | |
# exportgroupnodeheatmap(originaldata,metadata,paste(global$datapath,"",sep =""),input$w,input$levels,originaldir,input)} | |
Sys.sleep(3) | |
waiter::waiter_hide() | |
} | |
) | |
observeEvent(input$w,{ | |
output$heatmap <- renderPlot({ | |
if(length(unlist(input$selectedNodes)) > 0 ) { | |
test <- fromJSON(graph_json) | |
test <-$elements$nodes) | |
test1 <- test[test$data$id %in% unlist(input$selectedNodes),] | |
groupnodeheatmap(lipidclassproperties,originaldata,metadata,input$w,input$levels,test1$data$shared_name[1],input) | |
} | |
}) | |
}) | |
} )})} |