PolyAI-pheme / data /single_speaker_dataset.py
taras-sereda's picture
minimal set of files to run inference; pheme-small checkpoint
"""Main loading function.
Copyright PolyAI Limited.
import json
import os
import random
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import torch
from librosa.util import normalize
from pyannote.audio import Inference
from torch.utils import data
import constants as c
def random_crop(x, maxseqlen):
if x.shape[0] >= maxseqlen:
offset = random.randrange(x.shape[0] - maxseqlen + 1)
x = x[offset: offset + maxseqlen]
offset = 0
return x, offset
def dynamic_range_compression(x, C=0.3, M=6.5, clip_val=1e-5):
return (np.log(np.clip(x, a_min=clip_val, a_max=None)) + M) * C
def dynamic_range_decompression(x, C=0.3, M=6.5):
return np.exp(x / C - M)
class QuantizeDataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, hp, metapath, datadir=None, speaker_embedding_dir=None):
self.hp = hp
self.datadir = Path(datadir)
self.speaker_embedding_dir = speaker_embedding_dir
self.sem_mask_id = hp.n_semantic_codes
print(f"Loading metadata in {metapath}...")
with open(metapath, "r") as f:
self.text = json.load(f)
if 0 < self.hp.max_dataset_samples < len(self.text):
self.new_text = {}
num = 0
for k, v in self.text.items():
if num >= self.hp.max_dataset_samples:
self.new_text[k] = v
num += 1
self.text = self.new_text
self.datasetbase = [x for x in self.text.keys()]
self.dataset = [
os.path.join(self.datadir, x) for x in self.datasetbase]
if self.speaker_embedding_dir is None:
self.spkr_embedding = Inference(
# Print statistics:
n = len(self.dataset)
print(f"Total {n} examples")
self.lengths = [float(v["duration"]) for v in self.text.values()]
total_duration = sum(self.lengths)
avglen = total_duration / len(self.lengths)
maxlen = max(self.lengths)
minlen = min(self.lengths)
f"Average duration of audio: {avglen} sec, "
"Maximum duration: {maxlen} sec, Minimum duration: {minlen} sec"
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset)
def load_quantization(self, _name):
if self.hp.vocoder_type == 'NATIVE':
metadata = self.text[_name]
quantization = np.array(metadata["quantization"]).T # ..., 4
elif self.hp.vocoder_type == 'DAC':
codes_path = self.datadir.parent / 'audios-dac' / (os.path.splitext(_name)[0] + ".npy") # noqa
quantization = np.load(codes_path).T # ..., 12
elif self.hp.vocoder_type == 'ENCODEC':
codes_path = self.datadir.parent / 'audios-encodec' / (os.path.splitext(_name)[0] + ".npy") # noqa
quantization = np.load(codes_path).squeeze(0).T # ..., 8
elif self.hp.vocoder_type == 'SPEECHTOKENIZER':
codes_path = self.datadir.parent / 'audios-speech-tokenizer/acoustic' / (os.path.splitext(_name)[0] + ".npy") # noqa
quantization = np.load(codes_path).T # ..., 7
raise ValueError(f"Unknown vocoder_type {self.hp.vocoder_type}")
return quantization
def __getitem__(self, i):
dataname = self.dataset[i]
_name = self.datasetbase[i]
metadata = self.text[_name]
# Speaker 1
acoustic_tokens = self.load_quantization(_name)
acoustic_tokens = np.pad(
acoustic_tokens, [[1, 0],[0,0]], constant_values=c.SPKR_1)
npy_path = self.datadir.parent / 'audios-speech-tokenizer/semantic' / (os.path.splitext(_name)[0] + ".npy") # noqa
semantic_tokens = np.load(npy_path)[None]
semantic_tokens = np.pad(
semantic_tokens,[[0,0], [1, 0]], constant_values=c.SPKR_1)
if "name_2" in metadata:
wav, _ = sf.read(dataname.split(".")[0] + "_1.wav")
wav, _ = sf.read(dataname)
audio = normalize(wav) * 0.95
speaker_embedding = self.spkr_embedding(
{"waveform": torch.FloatTensor(audio).unsqueeze(0),
"sample_rate": self.hp.sample_rate,}
).reshape(1, -1)
speaker_embedding = np.repeat(
speaker_embedding, semantic_tokens.shape[1], axis=0)
# Speaker 2
if "text_2" in metadata:
_name = _name.split(".wav")[0] + "_2.wav"
acoustic_tokens_2 = self.load_quantization(_name)
acoustic_tokens_2 = np.pad(
acoustic_tokens_2, [[1, 0],[0,0]], constant_values=c.SPKR_2)
npy_path = self.datadir.parent / 'audios-speech-tokenizer/semantic' / (os.path.splitext(_name)[0] + ".npy") # noqa
semantic_tokens_2 = np.load(npy_path)[None]
semantic_tokens_2 = np.pad(
semantic_tokens_2,[[0,0], [1, 0]], constant_values=c.SPKR_2)
wav, _ = sf.read(dataname.split(".wav")[0] + "_2.wav")
audio = normalize(wav) * 0.95
speaker_embedding_2 = self.spkr_embedding(
{"waveform": torch.FloatTensor(audio).unsqueeze(0),
"sample_rate": self.hp.sample_rate,}
).reshape(1, -1)
speaker_embedding_2 = np.repeat(
speaker_embedding_2, semantic_tokens_2.shape[1], axis=0)
# Merge both speakers
acoustic_tokens = np.concatenate(
(acoustic_tokens, acoustic_tokens_2), axis=0)
semantic_tokens = np.concatenate(
(semantic_tokens, semantic_tokens_2), axis=1)
speaker_embedding = np.concatenate(
(speaker_embedding, speaker_embedding_2), axis=0)
speaker_embedding = speaker_embedding[:self.hp.max_length, :]
acoustic_tokens = acoustic_tokens[:self.hp.max_length, :]
semantic_tokens = semantic_tokens[:, :self.hp.max_length]
# # HACK - we have no 8 lvls pfb30
# acoustic_tokens = np.concatenate((semantic_tokens.T, acoustic_tokens), axis=1)
return speaker_embedding, acoustic_tokens, acoustic_tokens, dataname, semantic_tokens # noqa