import asyncio import os import anyio from httpx import ASGITransport, AsyncClient import pytest from faster_whisper_server.main import create_app @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_model_unloaded_after_ttl() -> None: ttl = 5 model = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" os.environ["WHISPER__TTL"] = str(ttl) os.environ["ENABLE_UI"] = "false" async with AsyncClient(transport=ASGITransport(app=create_app()), base_url="http://test") as aclient: res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 0 await"/api/ps/{model}") res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 1 await asyncio.sleep(ttl + 1) # wait for the model to be unloaded res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 0 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_ttl_resets_after_usage() -> None: ttl = 5 model = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" os.environ["WHISPER__TTL"] = str(ttl) os.environ["ENABLE_UI"] = "false" async with AsyncClient(transport=ASGITransport(app=create_app()), base_url="http://test") as aclient: await"/api/ps/{model}") res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 1 await asyncio.sleep(ttl - 2) # sleep for less than the ttl. The model should not be unloaded res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 1 async with await anyio.open_file("audio.wav", "rb") as f: data = await res = ( await "/v1/audio/transcriptions", files={"file": ("audio.wav", data, "audio/wav")}, data={"model": model} ) ).json() res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 1 await asyncio.sleep(ttl - 2) # sleep for less than the ttl. The model should not be unloaded res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 1 await asyncio.sleep(3) # sleep for a bit more. The model should be unloaded res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 0 # test the model can be used again after being unloaded # this just ensures the model can be loaded again after being unloaded res = ( await "/v1/audio/transcriptions", files={"file": ("audio.wav", data, "audio/wav")}, data={"model": model} ) ).json() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_model_cant_be_unloaded_when_used() -> None: ttl = 0 model = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" os.environ["WHISPER__TTL"] = str(ttl) os.environ["ENABLE_UI"] = "false" async with AsyncClient(transport=ASGITransport(app=create_app()), base_url="http://test") as aclient: async with await anyio.open_file("audio.wav", "rb") as f: data = await task = asyncio.create_task( "/v1/audio/transcriptions", files={"file": ("audio.wav", data, "audio/wav")}, data={"model": model} ) ) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # wait for the server to start processing the request res = await aclient.delete(f"/api/ps/{model}") assert res.status_code == 409 await task res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 0 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_model_cant_be_loaded_twice() -> None: ttl = -1 model = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" os.environ["ENABLE_UI"] = "false" os.environ["WHISPER__TTL"] = str(ttl) async with AsyncClient(transport=ASGITransport(app=create_app()), base_url="http://test") as aclient: res = await"/api/ps/{model}") assert res.status_code == 201 res = await"/api/ps/{model}") assert res.status_code == 409 res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 1 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_model_is_unloaded_after_request_when_ttl_is_zero() -> None: ttl = 0 os.environ["WHISPER__MODEL"] = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" os.environ["WHISPER__TTL"] = str(ttl) os.environ["ENABLE_UI"] = "false" async with AsyncClient(transport=ASGITransport(app=create_app()), base_url="http://test") as aclient: async with await anyio.open_file("audio.wav", "rb") as f: data = await res = await "/v1/audio/transcriptions", files={"file": ("audio.wav", data, "audio/wav")}, data={"model": "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en"}, ) res = (await aclient.get("/api/ps")).json() assert len(res["models"]) == 0