from import AsyncGenerator, Generator import logging import os from fastapi.testclient import TestClient from httpx import ASGITransport, AsyncClient from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download from openai import AsyncOpenAI import pytest import pytest_asyncio from faster_whisper_server.main import create_app disable_loggers = ["multipart.multipart", "faster_whisper"] def pytest_configure() -> None: for logger_name in disable_loggers: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.disabled = True # NOTE: not being used. Keeping just in case @pytest.fixture def client() -> Generator[TestClient, None, None]: os.environ["WHISPER__MODEL"] = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" with TestClient(create_app()) as client: yield client @pytest_asyncio.fixture() async def aclient() -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncClient, None]: os.environ["WHISPER__MODEL"] = "Systran/faster-whisper-tiny.en" async with AsyncClient(transport=ASGITransport(app=create_app()), base_url="http://test") as aclient: yield aclient @pytest_asyncio.fixture() def openai_client(aclient: AsyncClient) -> AsyncOpenAI: return AsyncOpenAI(api_key="cant-be-empty", http_client=aclient) @pytest.fixture def actual_openai_client() -> AsyncOpenAI: return AsyncOpenAI( base_url="" ) # `base_url` is provided in case `OPENAI_API_BASE_URL` is set to a different value # TODO: remove the download after running the tests @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def download_piper_voices() -> None: # Only download `voices.json` and the default voice snapshot_download("rhasspy/piper-voices", allow_patterns=["voices.json", "en/en_US/amy/**"])