***** |
Shape |
***** |
.. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_properties_resolution-panel.png |
:align: center |
Shape panel. |
.. _bpy.types.Curve.resolution_v: |
Resolution Preview U/V |
Resolution to use in the 3D Viewport. |
Render U/V |
Just like :ref:`NURBS curves <curve-nurbs>`, *Resolution* controls the detail of the surface. |
The higher the *Resolution* the more detailed and smoother the surface is. |
The lower the *Resolution* the rougher the surface. However, here you have two resolution settings, |
one for each interpolation axis (U and V). |
You can adjust the resolution separately for both preview and render, |
to not slow things down in the viewport, but still get good render results. |
.. list-table:: |
* - .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_properties_resolution-1x1-wire.png |
Resolution 1×1. |
- .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_properties_resolution-3x3-wire.png |
Resolution 3×3. |
* - .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_properties_resolution-1x1.png |
Resolution of 1 for both U and V. |
- .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_properties_resolution-3x3.png |
Resolution of 3 for both U and V. |
.. seealso:: |
The panels of the *Curve and Surface* tab are the same as for |
:doc:`curves </modeling/curves/introduction>`, just with fewer options... |