.. _bpy.ops.mesh.primitive*add: | |
********** | |
Primitives | |
********** | |
.. admonition:: Reference | |
:class: refbox | |
:Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode | |
:Menu: :menuselection:`Add --> Mesh` | |
:Hotkey: :kbd:`Shift-A` | |
A common object type used in a 3D scene is a mesh. | |
Blender comes with a number of "primitive" mesh shapes that you can start modeling from. | |
You can also add primitives in Edit Mode at the 3D cursor. | |
.. figure:: /images/modeling_meshes_primitives_all.png | |
Blender's standard primitives. | |
.. note:: Planar Primitives | |
You can make a planar mesh three-dimensional by moving one or more of the vertices out of its plane | |
(applies to *Plane*, *Circle* and *Grid*). | |
A simple circle is often used as a starting point to create even the most complex of meshes. | |
Common Options | |
============== | |
These options can be specified in the :ref:`ui-undo-redo-adjust-last-operation` panel, | |
which appears when the object is created. | |
Options included in more than one primitive are: | |
Generate UVs | |
Generates a default UV unwrapping of new geometry. | |
This will be defined in the first UV layer (which will get added if needed). | |
Radius/Size, Align to View, Location, Rotation | |
See :ref:`Common Object Options <object-common-options>`. | |
Plane | |
===== | |
The standard plane is a single quad face, which is composed of four vertices, four edges, and one face. | |
It is like a piece of paper lying on a table; | |
it is not a three-dimensional object because it is flat and has no thickness. | |
Objects that can be created with planes include floors, tabletops, or mirrors. | |
Cube | |
==== | |
A standard cube contains eight vertices, twelve edges, and six faces, | |
and is a three-dimensional object. Objects that can be created out of cubes include dice, | |
boxes, or crates. | |
Circle | |
====== | |
Vertices | |
The number of vertices that define the circle or polygon. | |
Fill Type | |
Set how the circle will be filled. | |
Triangle Fan | |
Fill with triangular faces which share a vertex in the middle. | |
N-gon | |
Fill with a single :term:`n-gon`. | |
Nothing | |
Do not fill. Creates only the outer ring of vertices. | |
UV Sphere | |
========= | |
A standard UV sphere is made out of quad faces and a triangle fan at the top and bottom. | |
It can be used for texturing. | |
Segments | |
Number of vertical segments. Like the Earth's meridians, going pole to pole. | |
Rings | |
Number of horizontal segments. These are like the Earth's parallels. | |
.. note:: | |
Rings are face loops and not edge loops, which would be one less. | |
Icosphere | |
========= | |
An icosphere is a polyhedral sphere made up of triangles. | |
Icospheres are normally used to achieve a more isotropical layout of | |
vertices than a UV sphere, in other words, they are uniform in every direction. | |
Subdivisions | |
How many recursions are used to define the sphere. | |
At level 1 the icosphere is an icosahedron, a solid with 20 equilateral triangular faces. | |
Each increase in the number of subdivisions splits each triangular face into four triangles. | |
.. note:: | |
Subdividing an icosphere raises the vertex count very quickly even with few iterations | |
(10 times creates 5,242,880 triangles), | |
Adding such a dense mesh is a sure way to cause the program to crash. | |
Cylinder | |
======== | |
Objects that can be created out of cylinders include handles or rods. | |
Vertices | |
The number of vertical edges between the circles used to define the cylinder or prism. | |
Depth | |
Sets the starting height of the cylinder. | |
Cap Fill Type | |
Similar to circle (see above). When set to none, the created object will be a tube. | |
Objects that can be created out of tubes include pipes or drinking glasses | |
(the basic difference between a cylinder and a tube is that the former has closed ends). | |
Cone | |
==== | |
Objects that can be created out of cones include spikes or pointed hats. | |
Vertices | |
The number of vertical edges between the circles or tip, used to define the cone or pyramid. | |
Radius 1 | |
Sets the radius of the circular base of the cone. | |
Radius 2 | |
Sets the radius of the tip of the cone. which will create a frustum (a pyramid or cone with the top cut off). | |
A value of 0 will produce a standard cone shape. | |
Depth | |
Sets the starting height of the cone. | |
Base Fill Type | |
Similar to circle (see above). | |
Torus | |
===== | |
A doughnut-shaped primitive created by rotating a circle around an axis. | |
The overall dimensions can be defined by two methods. | |
Operator Presets | |
Torus preset settings for reuse. These presets are stored as scripts in the proper presets directory. | |
Major Segments | |
Number of segments for the main ring of the torus. | |
If you think of a torus as a "spin" operation around an axis, this is how many steps are in the spin. | |
Minor segments | |
Number of segments for the minor ring of the torus. | |
This is the number of vertices of each circular segment. | |
Torus Dimensions | |
---------------- | |
Add Mode | |
Change the way the torus is defined. | |
Major/Minor, Exterior/Interior | |
Major Radius | |
Radius from the origin to the center of the cross sections. | |
Minor Radius | |
Radius of the torus' cross section. | |
Exterior Radius | |
If viewed along the major axis, | |
this is the radius from the center to the outer edge. | |
Interior Radius | |
If viewed along the major axis, | |
this is the radius of the hole in the center. | |
Grid | |
==== | |
A regular quadratic grid which is a subdivided plane. | |
Example objects that can be created out of grids include landscapes | |
and organic surfaces. | |
X Subdivisions | |
The number of spans in the X axis. | |
Y Subdivisions | |
The number of spans in the Y axis. | |
Monkey | |
====== | |
This adds a stylized monkey head to use as a test mesh, | |
use :term:`Subdivision Surface` for a refined shape. | |
This is intended as a test mesh, similar to: | |
- `Utah Teapot <>`__ | |
- `Stanford Bunny <>`__. | |
.. hint:: History | |
This is a gift from old NaN to the community and is seen as a programmer's joke or | |
"Easter Egg". It creates a monkey's head once you press the *Monkey* button. | |
The Monkey's name is "Suzanne" and is Blender's mascot. | |
.. note:: Add-ons | |
In addition to the basic geometric primitives, | |
Blender has a number of script generated meshes to offer as pre-installed add-ons. | |
These are available when enabled in the :doc:`Preferences </editors/preferences/addons>` | |
(select the Category *Add Mesh*, then check any desired items). | |