.. TODO/Review: {{review|im=needs examples}}. | |
.. _bpy.types.MultiresModifier: | |
************************ | |
Multiresolution Modifier | |
************************ | |
The *Multiresolution* modifier (often shortened to "Multires") gives you the ability to subdivide a mesh similarly | |
to the :doc:`Subdivision Surface </modeling/modifiers/generate/subdivision_surface>` modifier, | |
but also allows you to edit the new subdivision levels in :doc:`Sculpt Mode </sculpt_paint/sculpting/introduction>`. | |
.. note:: | |
*Multiresolution* is the only modifier that cannot be repositioned in the stack after any modifier that will | |
change geometry or other object data (i.e. all *Generate*, some *Modify* and some *Simulate* modifiers | |
cannot come before the *Multiresolution* one). | |
Options | |
======= | |
.. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_multiresolution_panel.png | |
:align: right | |
The Multiresolution modifier. | |
Type | |
Sets the type of subdivision. | |
Simple | |
Maintains the current shape, and simply subdivides edges. | |
Catmull-Clark | |
Creates a smooth surface, usually smaller than the original, using the standard | |
`Catmull-Clark <>`__ | |
subdivision surface algorithm. | |
Levels | |
------ | |
The left column of settings control the general quality generated by the modifier in various contexts. | |
Preview | |
Set the level of subdivisions to show in Object Mode. | |
Sculpt | |
Set the level of subdivisions to use in Sculpt Mode. | |
Render | |
Set the level of subdivisions to show when rendering. | |
Quality | |
How precisely the vertices are positioned (relatively to their theoretical position), | |
can be lowered to get a better performance when working on heavy meshes. | |
Operations | |
---------- | |
The right column gathers several operators necessary to manage multi-resolution workflow. | |
Subdivide | |
Adds another level of subdivision. | |
Delete Higher | |
Deletes all subdivision levels that are higher than the current one. | |
Reshape | |
Copies vertex coordinates from another mesh. | |
To use it, first select a different mesh object with matching topology and vertex indices, | |
then :kbd:`Shift` select the object you wish to copy vertex coordinates to, and click *Reshape*. | |
Apply Base | |
Modifies the original unsubdivided mesh to match the form of the subdivided mesh. | |
Further Options | |
--------------- | |
UV Smooth | |
How to handle UVs during subdivision. | |
Smooth, keep corners | |
UV islands are smoothed, but their boundary remain sharp. | |
Sharp | |
UV remain unchanged. | |
Subdivide UVs | |
When enabled, the UV maps will also be subdivided. | |
(I.e. Blender will add "virtual" coordinates for all sub-faces created by this modifier.) | |
Optimal Display | |
When rendering the wireframe of this object, the wires of the new subdivided edges will be skipped | |
(only displays the edges of the original geometry). | |
Save External | |
Saves displacements to an external ``.btx`` file. | |