.. _bpy.types.ExplodeModifier: |
**************** |
Explode Modifier |
**************** |
The *Explode* modifier is used to alter the mesh geometry by moving/rotating its faces in a way |
that roughly tracks particles emitted by that object, making it look as if the mesh is being exploded |
(broken apart and pushed outward). |
For this modifier to have any visible effect, there needs to be a particle system on its object. |
That particle system will control how the mesh is exploded. |
Both the number of emitted particles and number of faces determine how granular the *Explode* modifier is. |
More faces and more particles will mean more individual pieces. |
.. Broken link to the demo video... |
Here is |
a `demo video <https://wiki.blender.org/uploads/7/7b/Manual_-_Explode_Modifier_-_Exploding_Cube_-_2.5.ogg>`__ |
showing a cube with a particle system and *Explode* modifier. |
(`blend-file <https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/File:Manual_-_Explode_Modifier_-_Exploding_Cube_-_2.5.blend>`__). |
Here is |
a `demo blend-file <https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/File:Manual_-_Explode_Modifier_-_Exploding_Cube_-_2.5.blend>`__ |
showing a cube with a particle system and *Explode* modifier. |
.. note:: |
The *Explode* modifier must come after the *Particle System* one in the :ref:`modifier stack <modifier-stack>`, |
in order for the former to get required data from the later. |
Options |
======= |
.. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_simulate_explode_panel.png |
:align: right |
The Explode modifier, with a Particle System above it. |
Vertex Group |
Vertices in this group may not be affected by the *Explode* modifier. |
Vertices with full weight are not affected at all, |
while vertices with less weight have a higher chance of being affected. |
Vertices with null weight will be treated like those which do not belong to the group at all, and explode normally. |
Protect |
Clean vertex group edges. Depending on the weights assigned to that vertex group, |
either completely protect those faces from being affected by the *Explode* modifier |
(which would happen if the faces had a weight value of 1), |
or completely remove protection from those faces |
(which would happen if the faces had a weight value of 0). |
Particle UV |
If set, the U value of the coordinates in that :term:`UV map` will be overwritten |
with the age of the particle attached to the matching mesh face |
(in proportion, from 0 for not yet born particles, to 1 for dead ones). |
The V value is set to a constant 0.5 value. |
This allows e.g. to make the color of a fragment (face) vary during it 'explosion' phase, |
by using a texture with a gradient of colors along its *U* axis. |
Cut Edges |
Split the mesh in pieces based on location of emitted particles, instead of using existing faces. |
This will typically give a splitting that appears more random. |
Unborn |
Show faces when their attached particles are unborn. |
Alive |
Show faces when their attached particles are alive. |
Dead |
Show faces when their attached particles are dead. |
Size |
Scale each face using the size of its attached particle, once that particle is alive. |
Refresh |
Refresh data in the *Explode* modifier. |