.. _bpy.types.EdgeSplitModifier: | |
******************* | |
Edge Split Modifier | |
******************* | |
The *Edge Split* modifier splits, duplicates edges within a mesh, | |
breaking 'links' between faces around those split edges. | |
The edges to split can be determined from the edge angle (i.e. angle between faces forming that edge), | |
and/or edges marked as sharp. | |
Splitting an edge affects vertex normal generation at that edge, making the edge appear sharp. | |
Hence, this modifier can be used to achieve the same effect as :ref:`Auto Smooth <auto-smooth>`, | |
making edges appear sharp when their angle is above a certain threshold. | |
It can also be used for manual control of the smoothing process, | |
where the user defines which edges should appear smooth or sharp | |
(see :ref:`Mesh Smoothing <modeling-meshes-editing-normals-shading>` for other ways to do this). | |
If desired, both modes can be active at once. | |
.. note:: | |
This modifier is kept mostly for historical/compatibility reasons. | |
Everything it can do in shading, and much more, | |
can now be achieved using :ref:`custom normals <modeling_meshes_normals_custom>`. | |
Unless you really need the topology changes it generates, it is not advised to use it in new projects. | |
.. note:: | |
Splitting edges can also be :ref:`performed manually <bpy.ops.mesh.edge_split>` in Edit Mode. | |
Options | |
======= | |
.. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_edge-split_panel.png | |
:align: right | |
The Edge Split modifier. | |
Edge Angle | |
When enabled, edges will be split if the angle between its | |
two adjacent faces is greater than the *Split Angle*. | |
Split Angle | |
On 0: all edges are split. On 180: no edges are split. | |
Sharp Edges | |
When enabled, edges will be split if they were :ref:`marked as sharp <bpy.ops.mesh.mark_sharp>`. | |
.. note:: | |
:term:`Non-manifold` edges will always be split. | |
Examples | |
======== | |
.. list-table:: | |
* - .. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_edge-split_example-1.png | |
Flat shading. | |
- .. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_edge-split_example-2.png | |
Smooth shading. | |
* - .. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_edge-split_example-3.png | |
Smooth shading with Edge Split. | |
- .. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_edge-split_example-4.png | |
Smooth shading with Edge Split and Subdivision Surface. | |