.. _bpy.types.MirrorModifier: |
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Mirror Modifier |
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The *Mirror* modifier mirrors a mesh along its local X, Y and/or Z axes, across the :term:`Object Origin`. |
It can also use another object as the mirror center, then use that object's local axes instead of its own. |
Options |
======= |
.. figure:: /images/modeling_modifiers_generate_mirror_panel.png |
:align: right |
The Mirror modifier. |
Axis |
The X, Y, Z axis along which to mirror, i.e. the axis perpendicular to the mirror plane of symmetry. |
To understand how the axis applies to the mirror direction, if you were to mirror on the X axis, |
the positive X values of the original mesh would become the negative X values on the mirrored side. |
You can select more than one of these axes. And will then get more mirrored copies. |
With one axis you get a single mirror, with two axes four mirrors, and with all three axes eight mirrors. |
Bisect |
If the mesh is already on both sides of the mirror plane, it is cut by that plane, |
and only one side (the "negative" one by default) is kept to perform the mirror process. |
Flip |
When *Bisect* is enabled on an axis, you can use this setting to switch the side kept and mirrored |
(i.e. when it is enabled, the "positive" side will be kept, instead of the "negative" one). |
Mirror Object |
An :ref:`Object Selector <ui-eyedropper>` to select an object (usually an empty), |
which position and rotation will be used to define mirror planes |
(instead of using the ones from the modified object). |
You can animate it to animate the mirror effect. |
Vertex Groups |
Try to mirror existing vertex groups. |
A very nice feature, but one that has very specific prerequisites: |
- The vertex groups you want to mirror must be named following the usual left/right pattern |
(i.e. suffixed by something like ".R", ".right", ".L", etc.). |
- The mirror side vertex group must already exist (it will not be created automatically). |
It must also be completely empty (no vertices assigned to it). |
Merge |
Where a vertex is in the same place (within the *Merge Limit* distance) as its mirror |
it will be merged with the mirrored vertex. |
Merge Limit |
The maximum distance between a vertex and its mirror copy at which they are merged together |
(being snapped on the mirror plane). Needs *Merge* to be enabled. |
Clipping |
Prevents vertices from moving through the mirror plane(s) while the user is transforming them in Edit Mode. |
If it is enabled but vertices are beyond the mirror plane and outside of the *Merge Limit*, |
the vertices will not be merged. But as soon as the vertices are within *Merge Limit* |
they are snapped together and cannot be moved beyond the mirror plane. |
.. note:: |
Vertices on the mirror plane will be unable to move away from the mirror plane |
as long as *Clipping* is enabled. |
You must disable it to be able to move the vertices along the mirror axis again. |
Flip UV |
The *Flip U* and *Flip V* options allows you to mirror the UV texture coordinates across the middle of the image. |
E.g. if you have a vertex with UV coordinates of (0.3, 0.9), |
its mirror copy will have UV coordinates of (0.7, 0.1). |
UV Offsets |
Amount to shift mirrored UVs on the U/V axes. |
It's useful for baking (as overlapping UVs can cause artifacts to appear in the baked map), |
so the UVs can be moved outside the image and not used for baking, but still be used for display. |
Hints |
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Many modeling tasks involve creating objects that are symmetrical. |
This modifier offers a simple and efficient way to do this, with real-time update of the mirror as you edit it. |
Once your modeling is completed you can either click *Apply* to make a real version of your mesh, |
or leave it as-is for future editing. |
Accurately Positioning the Mirror Plane |
--------------------------------------- |
To apply a *Mirror* modifier, it is common to have to move the object's origin onto |
the edge or face that is to be the axis for mirroring. |
This can be tricky when attempted visually. |
A good technique to achieve an exact position is |
to select the edge, then :doc:`snap </scene_layout/object/editing/transform/control/snap>` *Cursor to Selection*. |
This will position the 3D Cursor in the center of the edge. |
Finally, use the :ref:`Set Origin <bpy.ops.object.origin_set>` menu, and select *Origin to 3D Cursor*. |
This will move the object's origin (and thus, the mirror plane) to where the 3D cursor is located, |
and the mirroring will be exact. |
An alternative is to use an Empty as a *Mirror Object* that you move to the correct position. |