import os import requests # Remove unused import # Break long URL into multiple lines using parentheses JOIN_ORG_URL = ( os.getenv("JOIN_ORG_URL") or "" "XmxAybhNLOogLeBzZnBUVbazpTlDETqFId" ) def join_finishers_org(): """Join the finishers organization using the provided auth cookie. Args: user_auth_cookie (str): User's authentication cookie Returns: bool: True if join was successful, False otherwise """ # If you need to include a cookie for authentication, you can do so here # Otherwise, you can leave the headers empty headers = { # "Cookie": "session=abc123def456ghi789jkl012mno345pqr678" # Uncomment and add your cookie if needed } # Send the POST request response =, headers=headers) # Check the response status code if response.status_code == 200: print("Successfully joined the organization!") else: print(f"Failed to join the organization. Status code: {response.status_code}")