from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import numpy as np import pyaudio import pytest from import DirectAudioProcessor class TestMicInput: @pytest.fixture def init_module(self): self.mic_input = DirectAudioProcessor(sample_rate=44100) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") @patch("pyaudio.PyAudio") def test_start_recording(self, mock_pyaudio): """Test recording start functionality.""" self.mic_input.start_recording() assert self.mic_input.is_recording # Verify that the PyAudio settings are correct format=pyaudio.paFloat32, channels=1, rate=44100, input=True, stream_callback=self.mic_input._audio_callback, ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") def test_start_recording_when_already_recording(self): """Test that starting recording when already recording raises RuntimeError.""" self.mic_input.is_recording = True with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info: self.mic_input.start_recording() assert str(exc_info.value) == "Recording is already in progress" @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") def test_audio_callback(self): """Test that the audio callback is called with the correct data.""" # Create sample audio data that matches the buffer size buffer_duration = 0.2 sample_rate = 44100 buffer_size = int(sample_rate * buffer_duration) test_data = np.array([0.1] * buffer_size, dtype=np.float32) test_bytes = test_data.tobytes() # Create a mock callback mock_callback = Mock() self.mic_input._callback = mock_callback # Call the audio callback result = self.mic_input._audio_callback(test_bytes, len(test_data), {}, 0) # Verify the callback was called with the correct data # First element of call_args is the first argument of the callback function np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mock_callback.call_args[0][0], test_data) # pyaudio.paContinue is an integer constant representing the stream status # 0: continue, 1: complete, 2: error assert result == (test_bytes, pyaudio.paContinue) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") @patch("pyaudio.PyAudio") def test_stop_recording(self, mock_pyaudio): """Test recording stop functionality.""" # First start recording to set up the stream self.mic_input.start_recording() # Now test stopping self.mic_input.stop_recording() # Verify recording state assert not self.mic_input.is_recording assert self.mic_input._stream is None assert is None # Verify that stream methods were called mock_stream = mock_stream.stop_stream.assert_called_once() mock_stream.close.assert_called_once() mock_pyaudio.return_value.terminate.assert_called_once() @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") def test_stop_recording_not_recording(self): """Test that stopping when not recording raises an error.""" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Recording is not in progress"): self.mic_input.stop_recording() @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") def test_append_to_buffer(self): """Test appending data to the buffer.""" initial_data = np.array([0.1, 0.2], dtype=np.float32) new_data = np.array([0.3, 0.4], dtype=np.float32) expected_data = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], dtype=np.float32) self.mic_input._buffer = initial_data self.mic_input._append_to_buffer(new_data) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.mic_input._buffer, expected_data) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_module") def test_process_buffer(self): """Test processing buffer when it reaches the desired size.""" # Setup buffer with more data than buffer_size buffer_size = self.mic_input._buffer_size test_data = np.array([0.1] * (buffer_size + 2), dtype=np.float32) self.mic_input._buffer = test_data # Setup mock callback mock_callback = Mock() self.mic_input._callback = mock_callback # Process buffer self.mic_input._process_buffer() # Verify callback was called with correct data np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( mock_callback.call_args[0][0], test_data[:buffer_size] ) # Verify remaining data in buffer np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( self.mic_input._buffer, test_data[buffer_size:] )