""" |
======================================================================== |
第一部分:来自EdgeGPT.py |
https://github.com/acheong08/EdgeGPT |
======================================================================== |
""" |
from .edge_gpt_free import Chatbot as NewbingChatbot |
load_message = "等待NewBing响应。" |
""" |
======================================================================== |
第二部分:子进程Worker(调用主体) |
======================================================================== |
""" |
import time |
import json |
import re |
import logging |
import asyncio |
import importlib |
import threading |
from toolbox import update_ui, get_conf, trimmed_format_exc |
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe |
def preprocess_newbing_out(s): |
pattern = r'\^(\d+)\^' |
sub = lambda m: '('+m.group(1)+')' |
result = re.sub(pattern, sub, s) |
if '[1]' in result: |
result += '\n\n```reference\n' + "\n".join([r for r in result.split('\n') if r.startswith('[')]) + '\n```\n' |
return result |
def preprocess_newbing_out_simple(result): |
if '[1]' in result: |
result += '\n\n```reference\n' + "\n".join([r for r in result.split('\n') if r.startswith('[')]) + '\n```\n' |
return result |
class NewBingHandle(Process): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__(daemon=True) |
self.parent, self.child = Pipe() |
self.newbing_model = None |
self.info = "" |
self.success = True |
self.local_history = [] |
self.check_dependency() |
self.start() |
self.threadLock = threading.Lock() |
def check_dependency(self): |
try: |
self.success = False |
import certifi, httpx, rich |
self.info = "依赖检测通过,等待NewBing响应。注意目前不能多人同时调用NewBing接口(有线程锁),否则将导致每个人的NewBing问询历史互相渗透。调用NewBing时,会自动使用已配置的代理。" |
self.success = True |
except: |
self.info = "缺少的依赖,如果要使用Newbing,除了基础的pip依赖以外,您还需要运行`pip install -r request_llms/requirements_newbing.txt`安装Newbing的依赖。" |
self.success = False |
def ready(self): |
return self.newbing_model is not None |
async def async_run(self): |
from request_llms.bridge_all import model_info |
endpoint = model_info['newbing']['endpoint'] |
while True: |
kwargs = self.child.recv() |
question=kwargs['query'] |
history=kwargs['history'] |
system_prompt=kwargs['system_prompt'] |
if len(self.local_history) > 0 and len(history)==0: |
await self.newbing_model.reset() |
self.local_history = [] |
prompt = "" |
if system_prompt not in self.local_history: |
self.local_history.append(system_prompt) |
prompt += system_prompt + '\n' |
for ab in history: |
a, b = ab |
if a not in self.local_history: |
self.local_history.append(a) |
prompt += a + '\n' |
prompt += question |
self.local_history.append(question) |
print('question:', prompt) |
async for final, response in self.newbing_model.ask_stream( |
prompt=question, |
conversation_style=NEWBING_STYLE, |
wss_link=endpoint, |
): |
if not final: |
print(response) |
self.child.send(str(response)) |
else: |
print('-------- receive final ---------') |
self.child.send('[Finish]') |
def run(self): |
""" |
这个函数运行在子进程 |
""" |
self.success = False |
self.local_history = [] |
if (self.newbing_model is None) or (not self.success): |
proxies, NEWBING_COOKIES = get_conf('proxies', 'NEWBING_COOKIES') |
if proxies is None: |
self.proxies_https = None |
else: |
self.proxies_https = proxies['https'] |
if (NEWBING_COOKIES is not None) and len(NEWBING_COOKIES) > 100: |
try: |
cookies = json.loads(NEWBING_COOKIES) |
except: |
self.success = False |
tb_str = '\n```\n' + trimmed_format_exc() + '\n```\n' |
self.child.send(f'[Local Message] NEWBING_COOKIES未填写或有格式错误。') |
self.child.send('[Fail]'); self.child.send('[Finish]') |
raise RuntimeError(f"NEWBING_COOKIES未填写或有格式错误。") |
else: |
cookies = None |
try: |
self.newbing_model = NewbingChatbot(proxy=self.proxies_https, cookies=cookies) |
except: |
self.success = False |
tb_str = '\n```\n' + trimmed_format_exc() + '\n```\n' |
self.child.send(f'[Local Message] 不能加载Newbing组件,请注意Newbing组件已不再维护。{tb_str}') |
self.child.send('[Fail]') |
self.child.send('[Finish]') |
raise RuntimeError(f"不能加载Newbing组件,请注意Newbing组件已不再维护。") |
self.success = True |
try: |
asyncio.run(self.async_run()) |
except Exception: |
tb_str = '\n```\n' + trimmed_format_exc() + '\n```\n' |
self.child.send(f'[Local Message] Newbing 请求失败,报错信息如下. 如果是与网络相关的问题,建议更换代理协议(推荐http)或代理节点 {tb_str}.') |
self.child.send('[Fail]') |
self.child.send('[Finish]') |
def stream_chat(self, **kwargs): |
""" |
这个函数运行在主进程 |
""" |
self.threadLock.acquire() |
self.parent.send(kwargs) |
while True: |
res = self.parent.recv() |
if res == '[Finish]': break |
elif res == '[Fail]': self.success = False; break |
else: yield res |
self.threadLock.release() |
""" |
======================================================================== |
第三部分:主进程统一调用函数接口 |
======================================================================== |
""" |
global newbingfree_handle |
newbingfree_handle = None |
def predict_no_ui_long_connection(inputs, llm_kwargs, history=[], sys_prompt="", observe_window=[], console_slience=False): |
""" |
多线程方法 |
函数的说明请见 request_llms/bridge_all.py |
""" |
global newbingfree_handle |
if (newbingfree_handle is None) or (not newbingfree_handle.success): |
newbingfree_handle = NewBingHandle() |
if len(observe_window) >= 1: observe_window[0] = load_message + "\n\n" + newbingfree_handle.info |
if not newbingfree_handle.success: |
error = newbingfree_handle.info |
newbingfree_handle = None |
raise RuntimeError(error) |
history_feedin = [] |
for i in range(len(history)//2): |
history_feedin.append([history[2*i], history[2*i+1]] ) |
watch_dog_patience = 5 |
response = "" |
if len(observe_window) >= 1: observe_window[0] = "[Local Message] 等待NewBing响应中 ..." |
for response in newbingfree_handle.stream_chat(query=inputs, history=history_feedin, system_prompt=sys_prompt, max_length=llm_kwargs['max_length'], top_p=llm_kwargs['top_p'], temperature=llm_kwargs['temperature']): |
if len(observe_window) >= 1: observe_window[0] = preprocess_newbing_out_simple(response) |
if len(observe_window) >= 2: |
if (time.time()-observe_window[1]) > watch_dog_patience: |
raise RuntimeError("程序终止。") |
return preprocess_newbing_out_simple(response) |
def predict(inputs, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history=[], system_prompt='', stream = True, additional_fn=None): |
""" |
单线程方法 |
函数的说明请见 request_llms/bridge_all.py |
""" |
chatbot.append((inputs, "[Local Message] 等待NewBing响应中 ...")) |
global newbingfree_handle |
if (newbingfree_handle is None) or (not newbingfree_handle.success): |
newbingfree_handle = NewBingHandle() |
chatbot[-1] = (inputs, load_message + "\n\n" + newbingfree_handle.info) |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=[]) |
if not newbingfree_handle.success: |
newbingfree_handle = None |
return |
if additional_fn is not None: |
from core_functional import handle_core_functionality |
inputs, history = handle_core_functionality(additional_fn, inputs, history, chatbot) |
history_feedin = [] |
for i in range(len(history)//2): |
history_feedin.append([history[2*i], history[2*i+1]] ) |
chatbot[-1] = (inputs, "[Local Message] 等待NewBing响应中 ...") |
response = "[Local Message] 等待NewBing响应中 ..." |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="NewBing响应缓慢,尚未完成全部响应,请耐心完成后再提交新问题。") |
for response in newbingfree_handle.stream_chat(query=inputs, history=history_feedin, system_prompt=system_prompt, max_length=llm_kwargs['max_length'], top_p=llm_kwargs['top_p'], temperature=llm_kwargs['temperature']): |
chatbot[-1] = (inputs, preprocess_newbing_out(response)) |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="NewBing响应缓慢,尚未完成全部响应,请耐心完成后再提交新问题。") |
if response == "[Local Message] 等待NewBing响应中 ...": response = "[Local Message] NewBing响应异常,请刷新界面重试 ..." |
history.extend([inputs, response]) |
logging.info(f'[raw_input] {inputs}') |
logging.info(f'[response] {response}') |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="完成全部响应,请提交新问题。") |