llm: api_type: "openai" # or azure / ollama / groq etc. base_url: "YOUR_BASE_URL" api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" model: "gpt-4-turbo" # or gpt-3.5-turbo proxy: "YOUR_PROXY" # for LLM API requests # timeout: 600 # Optional. If set to 0, default value is 300. # Details: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/openai-service/ pricing_plan: "" # Optional. Use for Azure LLM when its model name is not the same as OpenAI's # RAG Embedding. # For backward compatibility, if the embedding is not set and the llm's api_type is either openai or azure, the llm's config will be used. embedding: api_type: "" # openai / azure / gemini / ollama etc. Check EmbeddingType for more options. base_url: "" api_key: "" model: "" api_version: "" embed_batch_size: 100 dimensions: # output dimension of embedding model repair_llm_output: true # when the output is not a valid json, try to repair it proxy: "YOUR_PROXY" # for tools like requests, playwright, selenium, etc. search: api_type: "google" api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" cse_id: "YOUR_CSE_ID" browser: engine: "playwright" # playwright/selenium browser_type: "chromium" # playwright: chromium/firefox/webkit; selenium: chrome/firefox/edge/ie mermaid: engine: "pyppeteer" pyppeteer_path: "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" redis: host: "YOUR_HOST" port: 32582 password: "YOUR_PASSWORD" db: "0" s3: access_key: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" secret_key: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY" endpoint: "YOUR_ENDPOINT" secure: false bucket: "test" azure_tts_subscription_key: "YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY" azure_tts_region: "eastus" iflytek_api_id: "YOUR_APP_ID" iflytek_api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" iflytek_api_secret: "YOUR_API_SECRET" metagpt_tti_url: "YOUR_MODEL_URL" omniparse: api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" base_url: "YOUR_BASE_URL" models: # "YOUR_MODEL_NAME_1 or YOUR_API_TYPE_1": # model: "gpt-4-turbo" # or gpt-3.5-turbo # api_type: "openai" # or azure / ollama / groq etc. # base_url: "YOUR_BASE_URL" # api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" # proxy: "YOUR_PROXY" # for LLM API requests # # timeout: 600 # Optional. If set to 0, default value is 300. # # Details: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/openai-service/ # pricing_plan: "" # Optional. Use for Azure LLM when its model name is not the same as OpenAI's # "YOUR_MODEL_NAME_2 or YOUR_API_TYPE_2": # api_type: "openai" # or azure / ollama / groq etc. # api_type: "openai" # or azure / ollama / groq etc. # base_url: "YOUR_BASE_URL" # api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" # proxy: "YOUR_PROXY" # for LLM API requests # # timeout: 600 # Optional. If set to 0, default value is 300. # # Details: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/openai-service/ # pricing_plan: "" # Optional. Use for Azure LLM when its model name is not the same as OpenAI's agentops_api_key: "YOUR_AGENTOPS_API_KEY" # get key from https://app.agentops.ai/settings/projects