import einops import numpy as np import torch import pytorch_lightning as pl from typing import Dict from torchvision.utils import make_grid from tqdm import tqdm from yacs.config import CfgNode from lib.datasets.track_dataset import TrackDatasetEval from lib.models.modules import MANOTransformerDecoderHead, temporal_attention from hawor.utils.pylogger import get_pylogger from hawor.utils.render_openpose import render_openpose from lib.utils.geometry import rot6d_to_rotmat_hmr2 as rot6d_to_rotmat from lib.utils.geometry import perspective_projection from hawor.utils.rotation import angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix from import default_collate from .backbones import create_backbone from .mano_wrapper import MANO log = get_pylogger(__name__) idx = 0 class HAWOR(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, cfg: CfgNode): """ Setup HAWOR model Args: cfg (CfgNode): Config file as a yacs CfgNode """ super().__init__() # Save hyperparameters self.save_hyperparameters(logger=False, ignore=['init_renderer']) self.cfg = cfg self.crop_size = cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE self.seq_len = 16 self.pose_num = 16 self.pose_dim = 6 # rot6d representation self.box_info_dim = 3 # Create backbone feature extractor self.backbone = create_backbone(cfg) try: if cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.get('PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS', None): whole_state_dict = torch.load(cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] backbone_state_dict = {} for key in whole_state_dict: if key[:9] == 'backbone.': backbone_state_dict[key[9:]] = whole_state_dict[key] self.backbone.load_state_dict(backbone_state_dict) print(f'Loaded backbone weights from {cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS}') for param in self.backbone.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False else: print('WARNING: init backbone from sratch !!!') except: print('WARNING: init backbone from sratch !!!') # Space-time memory if cfg.MODEL.ST_MODULE: hdim = cfg.MODEL.ST_HDIM nlayer = cfg.MODEL.ST_NLAYER self.st_module = temporal_attention(in_dim=1280+3, out_dim=1280, hdim=hdim, nlayer=nlayer, residual=True) print(f'Using Temporal Attention space-time: {nlayer} layers {hdim} dim.') else: self.st_module = None # Motion memory if cfg.MODEL.MOTION_MODULE: hdim = cfg.MODEL.MOTION_HDIM nlayer = cfg.MODEL.MOTION_NLAYER self.motion_module = temporal_attention(in_dim=self.pose_num * self.pose_dim + self.box_info_dim, out_dim=self.pose_num * self.pose_dim, hdim=hdim, nlayer=nlayer, residual=False) print(f'Using Temporal Attention motion layer: {nlayer} layers {hdim} dim.') else: self.motion_module = None # Create MANO head # self.mano_head = build_mano_head(cfg) self.mano_head = MANOTransformerDecoderHead(cfg) # default open torch compile if cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.get('TORCH_COMPILE', 0):"Model will use torch.compile") self.backbone = torch.compile(self.backbone) self.mano_head = torch.compile(self.mano_head) # Define loss functions # self.keypoint_3d_loss = Keypoint3DLoss(loss_type='l1') # self.keypoint_2d_loss = Keypoint2DLoss(loss_type='l1') # self.mano_parameter_loss = ParameterLoss() # Instantiate MANO model mano_cfg = {k.lower(): v for k,v in dict(cfg.MANO).items()} self.mano = MANO(**mano_cfg) # Buffer that shows whetheer we need to initialize ActNorm layers self.register_buffer('initialized', torch.tensor(False)) # Disable automatic optimization since we use adversarial training self.automatic_optimization = False if cfg.MODEL.get('LOAD_WEIGHTS', None): whole_state_dict = torch.load(cfg.MODEL.LOAD_WEIGHTS, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] self.load_state_dict(whole_state_dict, strict=True) print(f"load {cfg.MODEL.LOAD_WEIGHTS}") def get_parameters(self): all_params = list(self.mano_head.parameters()) if not self.st_module is None: all_params += list(self.st_module.parameters()) if not self.motion_module is None: all_params += list(self.motion_module.parameters()) all_params += list(self.backbone.parameters()) return all_params def configure_optimizers(self) -> torch.optim.Optimizer: """ Setup model and distriminator Optimizers Returns: Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.Optimizer]: Model and discriminator optimizers """ param_groups = [{'params': filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.get_parameters()), 'lr': self.cfg.TRAIN.LR}] optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(params=param_groups, # lr=self.cfg.TRAIN.LR, weight_decay=self.cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHT_DECAY) return optimizer def forward_step(self, batch: Dict, train: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Run a forward step of the network Args: batch (Dict): Dictionary containing batch data train (bool): Flag indicating whether it is training or validation mode Returns: Dict: Dictionary containing the regression output """ image = batch['img'].flatten(0, 1) center = batch['center'].flatten(0, 1) scale = batch['scale'].flatten(0, 1) img_focal = batch['img_focal'].flatten(0, 1) img_center = batch['img_center'].flatten(0, 1) bn = len(image) # estimate focal length, and bbox bbox_info = self.bbox_est(center, scale, img_focal, img_center) # backbone feature = self.backbone(image[:,:,:,32:-32]) feature = feature.float() # space-time module if self.st_module is not None: bb = einops.repeat(bbox_info, 'b c -> b c h w', h=16, w=12) feature =[feature, bb], dim=1) feature = einops.rearrange(feature, '(b t) c h w -> (b h w) t c', t=16) feature = self.st_module(feature) feature = einops.rearrange(feature, '(b h w) t c -> (b t) c h w', h=16, w=12) # smpl_head: transformer + smpl # pred_mano_params, pred_cam, pred_mano_params_list = self.mano_head(feature) # pred_shape = pred_mano_params_list['pred_shape'] # pred_pose = pred_mano_params_list['pred_pose'] pred_pose, pred_shape, pred_cam = self.mano_head(feature) pred_rotmat_0 = rot6d_to_rotmat(pred_pose).reshape(-1, self.pose_num, 3, 3) # smpl motion module if self.motion_module is not None: bb = einops.rearrange(bbox_info, '(b t) c -> b t c', t=16) pred_pose = einops.rearrange(pred_pose, '(b t) c -> b t c', t=16) pred_pose =[pred_pose, bb], dim=2) pred_pose = self.motion_module(pred_pose) pred_pose = einops.rearrange(pred_pose, 'b t c -> (b t) c') out = {} if 'do_flip' in batch: pred_cam[..., 1] *= -1 center[..., 0] = img_center[..., 0]*2 - center[..., 0] - 1 out['pred_cam'] = pred_cam out['pred_pose'] = pred_pose out['pred_shape'] = pred_shape out['pred_rotmat'] = rot6d_to_rotmat(out['pred_pose']).reshape(-1, self.pose_num, 3, 3) out['pred_rotmat_0'] = pred_rotmat_0 s_out = self.mano.query(out) j3d = s_out.joints j2d = self.project(j3d, out['pred_cam'], center, scale, img_focal, img_center) j2d = j2d / self.crop_size - 0.5 # norm to [-0.5, 0.5] trans_full = self.get_trans(out['pred_cam'], center, scale, img_focal, img_center) out['trans_full'] = trans_full output = { 'pred_mano_params': { 'global_orient': out['pred_rotmat'][:, :1].clone(), 'hand_pose': out['pred_rotmat'][:, 1:].clone(), 'betas': out['pred_shape'].clone(), }, 'pred_keypoints_3d': j3d.clone(), 'pred_keypoints_2d': j2d.clone(), 'out': out, } # print(output) # output['gt_project_j2d'] = self.project(batch['gt_j3d_wo_trans'].clone().flatten(0,1), out['pred_cam'], center, scale, img_focal, img_center) # output['gt_project_j2d'] = output['gt_project_j2d'] / self.crop_size - 0.5 return output def compute_loss(self, batch: Dict, output: Dict, train: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute losses given the input batch and the regression output Args: batch (Dict): Dictionary containing batch data output (Dict): Dictionary containing the regression output train (bool): Flag indicating whether it is training or validation mode Returns: torch.Tensor : Total loss for current batch """ pred_mano_params = output['pred_mano_params'] pred_keypoints_2d = output['pred_keypoints_2d'] pred_keypoints_3d = output['pred_keypoints_3d'] batch_size = pred_mano_params['hand_pose'].shape[0] device = pred_mano_params['hand_pose'].device dtype = pred_mano_params['hand_pose'].dtype # Get annotations gt_keypoints_2d = batch['gt_cam_j2d'].flatten(0, 1) gt_keypoints_2d =[gt_keypoints_2d, torch.ones(*gt_keypoints_2d.shape[:-1], 1, device=gt_keypoints_2d.device)], dim=-1) gt_keypoints_3d = batch['gt_j3d_wo_trans'].flatten(0, 1) gt_keypoints_3d =[gt_keypoints_3d, torch.ones(*gt_keypoints_3d.shape[:-1], 1, device=gt_keypoints_3d.device)], dim=-1) pose_gt = batch['gt_cam_full_pose'].flatten(0, 1).reshape(-1, 16, 3) rotmat_gt = angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix(pose_gt) gt_mano_params = { 'global_orient': rotmat_gt[:, :1], 'hand_pose': rotmat_gt[:, 1:], 'betas': batch['gt_cam_betas'], } # Compute 3D keypoint loss loss_keypoints_2d = self.keypoint_2d_loss(pred_keypoints_2d, gt_keypoints_2d) loss_keypoints_3d = self.keypoint_3d_loss(pred_keypoints_3d, gt_keypoints_3d, pelvis_id=0) # to avoid nan loss_keypoints_2d = torch.nan_to_num(loss_keypoints_2d) # Compute loss on MANO parameters loss_mano_params = {} for k, pred in pred_mano_params.items(): gt = gt_mano_params[k].view(batch_size, -1) loss_mano_params[k] = self.mano_parameter_loss(pred.reshape(batch_size, -1), gt.reshape(batch_size, -1)) loss = self.cfg.LOSS_WEIGHTS['KEYPOINTS_3D'] * loss_keypoints_3d+\ self.cfg.LOSS_WEIGHTS['KEYPOINTS_2D'] * loss_keypoints_2d+\ sum([loss_mano_params[k] * self.cfg.LOSS_WEIGHTS[k.upper()] for k in loss_mano_params]) losses = dict(loss=loss.detach(), loss_keypoints_2d=loss_keypoints_2d.detach() * self.cfg.LOSS_WEIGHTS['KEYPOINTS_2D'], loss_keypoints_3d=loss_keypoints_3d.detach() * self.cfg.LOSS_WEIGHTS['KEYPOINTS_3D']) for k, v in loss_mano_params.items(): losses['loss_' + k] = v.detach() * self.cfg.LOSS_WEIGHTS[k.upper()] output['losses'] = losses return loss # Tensoroboard logging should run from first rank only @pl.utilities.rank_zero.rank_zero_only def tensorboard_logging(self, batch: Dict, output: Dict, step_count: int, train: bool = True, write_to_summary_writer: bool = True, render_log: bool = True) -> None: """ Log results to Tensorboard Args: batch (Dict): Dictionary containing batch data output (Dict): Dictionary containing the regression output step_count (int): Global training step count train (bool): Flag indicating whether it is training or validation mode """ mode = 'train' if train else 'val' batch_size = output['pred_keypoints_2d'].shape[0] images = batch['img'].flatten(0,1) images = images * torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225], device=images.device).reshape(1,3,1,1) images = images + torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], device=images.device).reshape(1,3,1,1) losses = output['losses'] if write_to_summary_writer: summary_writer = self.logger.experiment for loss_name, val in losses.items(): summary_writer.add_scalar(mode +'/' + loss_name, val.detach().item(), step_count) if render_log: gt_keypoints_2d = batch['gt_cam_j2d'].flatten(0,1).clone() pred_keypoints_2d = output['pred_keypoints_2d'].clone().detach().reshape(batch_size, -1, 2) gt_project_j2d = pred_keypoints_2d # gt_project_j2d = output['gt_project_j2d'].clone().detach().reshape(batch_size, -1, 2) num_images = 4 skip=16 predictions = self.visualize_tensorboard(images[:num_images*skip:skip].cpu().numpy(), pred_keypoints_2d[:num_images*skip:skip].cpu().numpy(), gt_project_j2d[:num_images*skip:skip].cpu().numpy(), gt_keypoints_2d[:num_images*skip:skip].cpu().numpy(), ) summary_writer.add_image('%s/predictions' % mode, predictions, step_count) def forward(self, batch: Dict) -> Dict: """ Run a forward step of the network in val mode Args: batch (Dict): Dictionary containing batch data Returns: Dict: Dictionary containing the regression output """ return self.forward_step(batch, train=False) def training_step(self, joint_batch: Dict, batch_idx: int) -> Dict: """ Run a full training step Args: joint_batch (Dict): Dictionary containing image and mocap batch data batch_idx (int): Unused. batch_idx (torch.Tensor): Unused. Returns: Dict: Dictionary containing regression output. """ batch = joint_batch['img'] optimizer = self.optimizers(use_pl_optimizer=True) batch_size = batch['img'].shape[0] output = self.forward_step(batch, train=True) # pred_mano_params = output['pred_mano_params'] loss = self.compute_loss(batch, output, train=True) # Error if Nan if torch.isnan(loss): raise ValueError('Loss is NaN') optimizer.zero_grad() self.manual_backward(loss) # Clip gradient if self.cfg.TRAIN.get('GRAD_CLIP_VAL', 0) > 0: gn = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.get_parameters(), self.cfg.TRAIN.GRAD_CLIP_VAL, error_if_nonfinite=True) self.log('train/grad_norm', gn, on_step=True, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, logger=True, batch_size=batch_size) optimizer.step() # if self.global_step > 0 and self.global_step % self.cfg.GENERAL.LOG_STEPS == 0: if self.global_step > 0 and self.global_step % 100 == 0: self.tensorboard_logging(batch, output, self.global_step, train=True, render_log=self.cfg.TRAIN.get("RENDER_LOG", True)) self.log('train/loss', output['losses']['loss'], on_step=True, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, logger=False, batch_size=batch_size) return output def inference(self, imgfiles, boxes, img_focal, img_center, device='cuda', do_flip=False): db = TrackDatasetEval(imgfiles, boxes, img_focal=img_focal, img_center=img_center, normalization=True, dilate=1.2, do_flip=do_flip) # Results pred_cam = [] pred_pose = [] pred_shape = [] pred_rotmat = [] pred_trans = [] # To-do: efficient implementation with batch items = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(db))): item = db[i] items.append(item) # padding to 16 if i == len(db) - 1 and len(db) % 16 != 0: pad = 16 - len(db) % 16 for _ in range(pad): items.append(item) if len(items) < 16: continue elif len(items) == 16: batch = default_collate(items) items = [] else: raise NotImplementedError with torch.no_grad(): batch = {k: for k, v in batch.items() if type(v)==torch.Tensor} # for image_i in range(16): # hawor_input_cv2 = vis_tensor_cv2(batch['img'][:, image_i]) # cv2.imwrite(f'debug_vis_model.png', hawor_input_cv2) # print("vis") output = self.forward(batch) out = output['out'] if i == len(db) - 1 and len(db) % 16 != 0: out = {k:v[:len(db) % 16] for k,v in out.items()} else: out = {k:v for k,v in out.items()} pred_cam.append(out['pred_cam'].cpu()) pred_pose.append(out['pred_pose'].cpu()) pred_shape.append(out['pred_shape'].cpu()) pred_rotmat.append(out['pred_rotmat'].cpu()) pred_trans.append(out['trans_full'].cpu()) results = {'pred_cam':, 'pred_pose':, 'pred_shape':, 'pred_rotmat':, 'pred_trans':, 'img_focal': img_focal, 'img_center': img_center} return results def validation_step(self, batch: Dict, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx=0) -> Dict: """ Run a validation step and log to Tensorboard Args: batch (Dict): Dictionary containing batch data batch_idx (int): Unused. Returns: Dict: Dictionary containing regression output. """ # batch_size = batch['img'].shape[0] output = self.forward_step(batch, train=False) loss = self.compute_loss(batch, output, train=False) output['loss'] = loss self.tensorboard_logging(batch, output, self.global_step, train=False) return output def visualize_tensorboard(self, images, pred_keypoints, gt_project_j2d, gt_keypoints): pred_keypoints = 256 * (pred_keypoints + 0.5) gt_keypoints = 256 * (gt_keypoints + 0.5) gt_project_j2d = 256 * (gt_project_j2d + 0.5) pred_keypoints = np.concatenate((pred_keypoints, np.ones_like(pred_keypoints)[:, :, [0]]), axis=-1) gt_keypoints = np.concatenate((gt_keypoints, np.ones_like(gt_keypoints)[:, :, [0]]), axis=-1) gt_project_j2d = np.concatenate((gt_project_j2d, np.ones_like(gt_project_j2d)[:, :, [0]]), axis=-1) images_np = np.transpose(images, (0,2,3,1)) rend_imgs = [] for i in range(images_np.shape[0]): pred_keypoints_img = render_openpose(255 * images_np[i].copy(), pred_keypoints[i]) / 255 gt_project_j2d_img = render_openpose(255 * images_np[i].copy(), gt_project_j2d[i]) / 255 gt_keypoints_img = render_openpose(255*images_np[i].copy(), gt_keypoints[i]) / 255 rend_imgs.append(torch.from_numpy(images[i])) rend_imgs.append(torch.from_numpy(pred_keypoints_img).permute(2,0,1)) rend_imgs.append(torch.from_numpy(gt_project_j2d_img).permute(2,0,1)) rend_imgs.append(torch.from_numpy(gt_keypoints_img).permute(2,0,1)) rend_imgs = make_grid(rend_imgs, nrow=4, padding=2) return rend_imgs def project(self, points, pred_cam, center, scale, img_focal, img_center, return_full=False): trans_full = self.get_trans(pred_cam, center, scale, img_focal, img_center) # Projection in full frame image coordinate points = points + trans_full points2d_full = perspective_projection(points, rotation=None, translation=None, focal_length=img_focal, camera_center=img_center) # Adjust projected points to crop image coordinate # (s.t. 1. we can calculate loss in crop image easily # 2. we can query its pixel in the crop # ) b = scale * 200 points2d = points2d_full - (center - b[:,None]/2)[:,None,:] points2d = points2d * (self.crop_size / b)[:,None,None] if return_full: return points2d_full, points2d else: return points2d def get_trans(self, pred_cam, center, scale, img_focal, img_center): b = scale * 200 cx, cy = center[:,0], center[:,1] # center of crop s, tx, ty = pred_cam.unbind(-1) img_cx, img_cy = img_center[:,0], img_center[:,1] # center of original image bs = b*s tx_full = tx + 2*(cx-img_cx)/bs ty_full = ty + 2*(cy-img_cy)/bs tz_full = 2*img_focal/bs trans_full = torch.stack([tx_full, ty_full, tz_full], dim=-1) trans_full = trans_full.unsqueeze(1) return trans_full def bbox_est(self, center, scale, img_focal, img_center): # Original image center img_cx, img_cy = img_center[:,0], img_center[:,1] # Implement CLIFF (Li et al.) bbox feature cx, cy, b = center[:, 0], center[:, 1], scale * 200 bbox_info = torch.stack([cx - img_cx, cy - img_cy, b], dim=-1) bbox_info[:, :2] = bbox_info[:, :2] / img_focal.unsqueeze(-1) * 2.8 bbox_info[:, 2] = (bbox_info[:, 2] - 0.24 * img_focal) / (0.06 * img_focal) return bbox_info