from io import BytesIO import pandas as pd import numpy as np import requests import streamlit as st import easyocr import PIL from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import streamlit.components.v1 as components import re from streamlit import session_state # from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie import streamlit as st import os from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv st.set_page_config( page_title="Intro", layout='wide' ) # Load environment variables _ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # Get OpenAI API key openai_api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') # Google Drive file ID for the video video_file_id = '1miZ6Zz4lt0wxTGbrtR8IltVr_fOPX6Vr' video_url = f'{video_file_id}' @st.cache_data def initialize_grocery_data(): return pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Quantity', 'Additional Notes/Expiration Date']) def manually_input_items(grocery_data): return grocery_data def upload_receipt(): st.header("Upload Receipt") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a receipt file", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "pdf"]) if uploaded_file is not None: st.success("Receipt uploaded successfully!") # Add your code here for processing the uploaded receipt if 'clicked' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.clicked = False if 'total_groceries' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.total_groceries = {} if 'grocery_data' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.grocery_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Quantity', 'Additional Notes/Expiration Date']) if 'editor_key' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.editor_key = 0 if 'manual_entry' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.manual_entry = True if 'file_uploaded' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.file_uploaded = False if 'ocr_extracted_values' not in st.session_state: session_state.ocr_extracted_values = pd.DataFrame() def click_save(): session_state.clicked = True def switch_style(): session_state.manual_entry = not session_state.manual_entry # Define the HTML and CSS styling for the title title_html = """

Nom Nom!

""" # Use st.markdown to display the title with the specified font st.markdown(title_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) caption_html = """

Helping College Students Keep Track of Groceries

""" st.markdown(caption_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) ingredient_quantities = {} # Initialize or retrieve the existing dataframe to store grocery items #grocery_data = initialize_grocery_data() tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Add Groceries", "Available Groceries"]) df = pd.DataFrame() with tab1: st.button("Switch Input", on_click=switch_style) col1, col2 = st.columns([1.5, 1]) if session_state.manual_entry: with col1: if not session_state.clicked: st.subheader("Add Groceries - Manually Input Items") session_state.grocery_data = st.data_editor(pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Quantity', 'Additional Notes/Expiration Date']), key=session_state.editor_key, num_rows="dynamic", hide_index=True, width=550) print(session_state.grocery_data) st.button("Save", on_click=click_save) else: session_state.editor_key += 1 with col2: file_id = '1_3FjYmWlJcY182qnLIjFPTZYj4gneUMg' base_url = '' image_url = base_url + file_id response = requests.get(image_url) img = # image1 ='') st.image(img, width=400) st.write("---") else: session_state.file_uploaded = False with col1: st.subheader("Upload receipt instead") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a receipt file", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) if uploaded_file is not None: session_state.file_uploaded = True st.success("Receipt uploaded successfully!") st.write("") if session_state.file_uploaded: receipt_image = st.image(receipt_image) reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=False) result = reader.readtext(np.array(receipt_image)) text_list = [] confidence_list = [] for idx in range(len(result)): pred_coor = result[idx][0] pred_text = result[idx][1] pred_confidence = result[idx][2] text_list.append(pred_text) confidence_list.append(pred_confidence) df = pd.DataFrame({'Text': text_list}) with col2: if session_state.file_uploaded: st.subheader("Updated Grocery List") df = df[~df['Text'].str.contains(r'[\d]')] df['Add to List?'] = None df2 = st.data_editor(df, use_container_width=True, num_rows = 'dynamic', column_config={"Text": "Item", "Add to List?" : st.column_config.CheckboxColumn( "Add to List?", help="Select if you want to add this to the list.", default=False )}, key="OCR_DataFrame") session_state.ocr_extracted_values = df2 st.button("Save", on_click=click_save) def ingredient_html_maker(ingredient, num_ingredients, map_for_grocery): return_val = f"
\n" return_val += f"


\n" # Ingredient name return_val += f"

Quantity: {num_ingredients}

\n" return_val += f"\n" return_val += f"\n" return_val += f"
\n" return return_val def list_display(total_groceries): list_html = '' with open('List.html') as list_file: list_html = list_html_without_end = list_html[:-6] end = list_html[-6:] final_list_html = list_html_without_end + "\n" for item in total_groceries: final_list_html += ingredient_html_maker(item, total_groceries[item], total_groceries) final_list_html += "\n" + end return components.html(final_list_html + javascript_code, height=500) with tab2: javascript_code = """ """ if session_state.clicked and session_state.manual_entry: for i in range(len(session_state.grocery_data)): existing_quantity = st.session_state.total_groceries.get(session_state.grocery_data["Name"][i], 0) st.session_state.total_groceries[session_state.grocery_data["Name"][i]] = int(existing_quantity) + int(session_state.grocery_data["Quantity"][i]) list_display(st.session_state.total_groceries) session_state.clicked = False st.rerun() elif session_state.clicked and not session_state.manual_entry and session_state.file_uploaded: for idx in session_state["OCR_DataFrame"]['edited_rows']: ingredient = session_state.ocr_extracted_values['Text'].iloc[idx] existing_quantity = st.session_state.total_groceries.get(ingredient, 0) st.session_state.total_groceries[ingredient]= int(existing_quantity) + 1 list_display(st.session_state.total_groceries) session_state.clicked = False st.rerun() else: list_display(st.session_state.total_groceries) st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) with open("total_groceries.txt", "w") as file: file.write(str(session_state.total_groceries))