export const en = { game: { round: "Round", buildDescription: "Build a sentence together", buildSubtitle: "Take turns adding words to create a sentence", startSentence: "Start building your sentence...", inputPlaceholder: "Enter a SINGLE word...", addWord: "Add Word", makeGuess: "Make Guess", aiThinking: "AI is thinking...", aiDelayed: "The AI is currently busy. Please try again in a moment.", invalidWord: "Invalid Word", cantUseTargetWord: "You can't use the target word", lettersOnly: "Please use letters only", leaveGameTitle: "Leave Game?", leaveGameDescription: "Your current progress will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave?", cancel: "Cancel", confirm: "Confirm", describeWord: "Your goal is to describe the word" }, leaderboard: { title: "High Scores", yourScore: "Your Score", roundCount: "rounds", wordsPerRound: "words per round", enterName: "Enter your name", submitting: "Submitting...", submit: "Submit Score", rank: "Rank", player: "Player", roundsColumn: "Rounds", avgWords: "Avg. Words", noScores: "No scores yet", previous: "Previous", next: "Next", error: { invalidName: "Please enter a valid name", noRounds: "You need to complete at least one round", alreadySubmitted: "Score already submitted", newHighScore: "New High Score!", beatRecord: "You beat your previous record of {score}!", notHigher: "Score of {current} not higher than your best of {best}", submitError: "Error submitting score" } }, guess: { title: "AI's Guess", goalDescription: "Your goal was to describe the word", providedDescription: "You provided the description", aiGuessedDescription: "Based on your description, the AI guessed", correct: "This is right!", incorrect: "This is wrong.", nextRound: "Next Round", playAgain: "Play Again", viewLeaderboard: "Safe your score" }, themes: { title: "Choose a Theme", subtitle: "Select a theme for the word the AI will try to guess", standard: "Standard", technology: "Technology", sports: "Sports", food: "Food", custom: "Custom Theme", customPlaceholder: "Enter your custom theme...", continue: "Continue", generating: "Generating...", pressKey: "Press" }, welcome: { title: "Think in Sync", subtitle: "Build sentences together and let AI guess your word!", startButton: "Start Game", howToPlay: "How to Play", leaderboard: "Leaderboard", credits: "Created during the", helpWin: "Help us win by", onHuggingface: "Liking on Huggingface" }, howToPlay: { setup: { title: "Setup", description: "Choose a theme and get a secret word that the AI will try to guess." }, goal: { title: "Goal", description: "Build sentences together with the AI that describe your word without using it directly." }, rules: { title: "Rules", items: [ "Take turns adding words to build descriptive sentences", "Don't use the secret word or its variations", "Try to be creative and descriptive", "The AI will try to guess your word after each sentence" ] } } };