import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import { Container, Paper, Button, Box, Typography, LinearProgress, } from "@mui/material"; import RestartAltIcon from "@mui/icons-material/RestartAlt"; import axios from "axios"; import { ComicLayout } from "./layouts/ComicLayout"; import { getNextPanelDimensions } from "./layouts/utils"; // Get API URL from environment or default to localhost in development const API_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL || "http://localhost:8000"; // Generate a unique client ID const CLIENT_ID = `client_${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}`; // Create axios instance with default config const api = axios.create({ headers: { "x-client-id": CLIENT_ID, }, }); // Function to convert text with ** to bold elements const formatTextWithBold = (text) => { if (!text) return ""; const parts = text.split(/(\*\*.*?\*\*)/g); return, index) => { if (part.startsWith("**") && part.endsWith("**")) { // Remove the ** and wrap in bold return {part.slice(2, -2)}; } return part; }); }; function App() { const [storySegments, setStorySegments] = useState([]); const [currentChoices, setCurrentChoices] = useState([]); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const [isDebugMode, setIsDebugMode] = useState(false); const isInitializedRef = useRef(false); const currentImageRequestRef = useRef(null); const pendingImageRequests = useRef(new Set()); // Track pending image requests const generateImageForStory = async (storyText, segmentIndex) => { try { // Cancel previous request if it exists if (currentImageRequestRef.current) { currentImageRequestRef.current.abort(); } // Add this segment to pending requests pendingImageRequests.current.add(segmentIndex); console.log("Generating image for story:", storyText); const dimensions = getNextPanelDimensions(storySegments); console.log("[DEBUG] Story segments:", storySegments); console.log("[DEBUG] Dimensions object:", dimensions); console.log( "[DEBUG] Width:", dimensions?.width, "Height:", dimensions?.height ); if (!dimensions || !dimensions.width || !dimensions.height) { console.error("[ERROR] Invalid dimensions:", dimensions); pendingImageRequests.current.delete(segmentIndex); return null; } // Create new AbortController for this request const abortController = new AbortController(); currentImageRequestRef.current = abortController; const response = await `${API_URL}/api/${isDebugMode ? "test/" : ""}generate-image`, { prompt: `Comic book style scene: ${storyText}`, width: dimensions.width, height: dimensions.height, }, { signal: abortController.signal, } ); // Remove from pending requests pendingImageRequests.current.delete(segmentIndex); if ( { return; } return null; } catch (error) { if (axios.isCancel(error)) { console.log("Image request cancelled for segment", segmentIndex); // On met quand même à jour le segment pour arrêter le spinner setStorySegments((prev) => { const updatedSegments = [...prev]; if (updatedSegments[segmentIndex]) { updatedSegments[segmentIndex] = { ...updatedSegments[segmentIndex], image_base64: null, imageRequestCancelled: true, // Flag pour indiquer que la requête a été annulée }; } return updatedSegments; }); } else { console.error("Error generating image:", error); } pendingImageRequests.current.delete(segmentIndex); return null; } }; const handleStoryAction = async (action, choiceId = null) => { setIsLoading(true); try { // 1. D'abord, obtenir l'histoire const response = await `${API_URL}/api/${isDebugMode ? "test/" : ""}chat`, { message: action, choice_id: choiceId, } ); // 2. Créer le nouveau segment sans image const newSegment = { text: formatTextWithBold(, isChoice: false, isDeath:, isVictory:, radiationLevel:, is_first_step:, is_last_step:, image_base64: null, }; let segmentIndex; // 3. Mettre à jour l'état avec le nouveau segment if (action === "restart") { setStorySegments([newSegment]); segmentIndex = 0; } else { setStorySegments((prev) => { segmentIndex = prev.length; return [...prev, newSegment]; }); } // 4. Mettre à jour les choix immédiatement setCurrentChoices(; // 5. Désactiver le loading car l'histoire est affichée setIsLoading(false); // 6. Tenter de générer l'image en arrière-plan try { const image_base64 = await generateImageForStory(, segmentIndex ); if (image_base64) { setStorySegments((prev) => { const updatedSegments = [...prev]; if (updatedSegments[segmentIndex]) { updatedSegments[segmentIndex] = { ...updatedSegments[segmentIndex], image_base64: image_base64, }; } return updatedSegments; }); } } catch (imageError) { console.error("Error generating image:", imageError); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error:", error); // En cas d'erreur, créer un segment d'erreur qui permet de continuer const errorSegment = { text: "Le conteur d'histoires est temporairement indisponible. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques instants...", isChoice: false, isDeath: false, isVictory: false, radiationLevel: storySegments.length > 0 ? storySegments[storySegments.length - 1].radiationLevel : 0, image_base64: null, }; // Ajouter le segment d'erreur et permettre de réessayer if (action === "restart") { setStorySegments([errorSegment]); } else { setStorySegments((prev) => [...prev, errorSegment]); } // Donner l'option de réessayer setCurrentChoices([{ id: 1, text: "Réessayer" }]); setIsLoading(false); } }; // Start the story when the component mounts useEffect(() => { if (!isInitializedRef.current) { handleStoryAction("restart"); isInitializedRef.current = true; } }, []); // Empty dependency array since we're using a ref const handleChoice = async (choiceId) => { // Si c'est l'option "Réessayer", on relance la dernière action if (currentChoices.length === 1 && currentChoices[0].text === "Réessayer") { // Supprimer le segment d'erreur setStorySegments((prev) => prev.slice(0, -1)); // Réessayer la dernière action await handleStoryAction( "choice", storySegments[storySegments.length - 2]?.choiceId || null ); return; } // Comportement normal pour les autres choix const choice = currentChoices.find((c) => === choiceId); setStorySegments((prev) => [ ...prev, { text: choice.text, isChoice: true, choiceId: choiceId, // Stocker l'ID du choix pour pouvoir réessayer }, ]); // Continue the story with this choice await handleStoryAction("choice", choiceId); }; // Filter out choice segments const nonChoiceSegments = storySegments.filter( (segment) => !segment.isChoice ); return ( {/* 0 && storySegments[storySegments.length - 1].radiationLevel >= 7 ? "error.light" : "inherit", }, }} > Radiation:{" "} {storySegments.length > 0 ? `${ storySegments[storySegments.length - 1].radiationLevel }/10` : "0/10"} */} {/* {isLoading && } */} {currentChoices.length > 0 ? ( { => ( ))} ) : storySegments.length > 0 && storySegments[storySegments.length - 1].is_last_step ? ( ) : null} ); } export default App;