HikariDawn's picture
feat: initial push
history blame
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This file is the whole dataset curation pipeline to collect the least compressed and the most informative frames from video source.
import os, time, sys
import shutil
import cv2
import torch
import argparse
# Import files from the local folder
root_path = os.path.abspath('.')
from opt import opt
from dataset_curation_pipeline.IC9600.gene import infer_one_image
from dataset_curation_pipeline.IC9600.ICNet import ICNet
class video_scoring:
def __init__(self, IC9600_pretrained_weight_path) -> None:
# Init the model
self.scorer = ICNet()
self.scorer.load_state_dict(torch.load(IC9600_pretrained_weight_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
def select_frame(self, skip_num, img_lists, target_frame_num, save_dir, output_name_head, partition_idx):
''' Execution of scoring to all I-Frame in img_folder and select target_frame to return back
skip_num (int): Only 1 in skip_num will be chosen to accelerate.
img_lists (str): The image lists of all files we want to process
target_frame_num (int): The number of frames we need to choose
save_dir (str): The path where we save those images
output_name_head (str): This is the input video name head
partition_idx (int): The partition idx
stores = []
for idx, image_path in enumerate(sorted(img_lists)):
if idx % skip_num != 0:
# We only process 1 in 3 to accelerate and also prevent minor case of repeated scene.
# Evaluate the image complexity score for this image
score = infer_one_image(self.scorer, image_path)
if verbose:
print(image_path, score)
stores.append((score, image_path))
if verbose:
print(image_path, score)
# Find the top most scores' images
stores.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
selected = stores[-target_frame_num:]
# print(len(stores), len(selected))
if verbose:
print("The lowest selected score is ", selected[0]) # This is a kind of info
# Store the selected images
for idx, (score, img_path) in enumerate(selected):
output_name = output_name_head + "_" +str(partition_idx)+ "_" + str(idx) + ".png"
output_path = os.path.join(save_dir, output_name)
shutil.copyfile(img_path, output_path)
def run(self, skip_num, img_folder, target_frame_num, save_dir, output_name_head, partition_num):
''' Execution of scoring to all I-Frame in img_folder and select target_frame to return back
skip_num (int): Only 1 in skip_num will be chosen to accelerate.
img_folder (str): The image folder of all I-Frames we need to process
target_frame_num (int): The number of frames we need to choose
save_dir (str): The path where we save those images
output_name_head (str): This is the input video name head
partition_num (int): The number of partition we want to crop the video to
assert(target_frame_num%partition_num == 0)
img_lists = []
for img_name in sorted(os.listdir(img_folder)):
path = os.path.join(img_folder, img_name)
length = len(img_lists)
unit_length = (length // partition_num)
target_partition_num = target_frame_num // partition_num
# Cut the folder to several partition and select those with the highest score
for idx in range(partition_num):
select_lists = img_lists[unit_length*idx : unit_length*(idx+1)]
self.select_frame(skip_num, select_lists, target_partition_num, save_dir, output_name_head, idx)
class frame_collector:
def __init__(self, IC9600_pretrained_weight_path, verbose) -> None:
self.scoring = video_scoring(IC9600_pretrained_weight_path)
self.verbose = verbose
def video_split_by_IFrame(self, video_path, tmp_path):
''' Split the video to its I-Frames format
video_path (str): The directory to a single video
tmp_path (str): A temporary working places to work and will be delete at the end
# Prepare the work folder needed
if os.path.exists(tmp_path):
# Split Video I-frame
cmd = "ffmpeg -i " + video_path + " -loglevel error -vf select='eq(pict_type\,I)' -vsync 2 -f image2 -q:v 1 " + tmp_path + "/image-%06d.png" # At most support 100K I-Frames per video
if self.verbose:
def collect_frames(self, video_folder_dir, save_dir, tmp_path, skip_num, target_frames, partition_num):
''' Automatically collect frames from the video dir
video_folder_dir (str): The directory of all videos input
save_dir (str): The directory we will store the selected frames
tmp_path (str): A temporary working places to work and will be delete at the end
skip_num (int): Only 1 in skip_num will be chosen to accelerate.
target_frames (list): [# of frames for video under 30 min, # of frames for video over 30 min]
partition_num (int): The number of partition we want to crop the video to
# Iterate all video under video_folder_dir
for video_name in sorted(os.listdir(video_folder_dir)):
# Sanity check for this video file format
info = video_name.split('.')
if info[-1] not in ['mp4', 'mkv', '']:
output_name_head, extension = info
# Get info of this video
video_path = os.path.join(video_folder_dir, video_name)
duration = get_duration(video_path) # unit in minutes
print("We are processing " + video_path + " with duration " + str(duration) + " min")
# Split the video to I-frame
self.video_split_by_IFrame(video_path, tmp_path)
# Score the frames and select those top scored frames we need
if duration <= 30:
target_frame_num = target_frames[0]
target_frame_num = target_frames[1]
self.scoring.run(skip_num, tmp_path, target_frame_num, save_dir, output_name_head, partition_num)
# Remove folders if needed
def get_duration(filename):
video = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
frame_count = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
seconds = frame_count / fps
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
return minutes
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Fundamental setting
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--video_folder_dir', type = str, default = '../anime_videos', help = "A folder with video sources")
parser.add_argument('--IC9600_pretrained_weight_path', type = str, default = "pretrained/ck.pth", help = "The pretrained IC9600 weight")
parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type = str, default = 'APISR_dataset', help = "The folder to store filtered dataset")
parser.add_argument('--skip_num', type = int, default = 5, help = "Only 1 in skip_num will be chosen in sequential I-frames to accelerate.")
parser.add_argument('--target_frames', type = list, default = [16, 24], help = "[# of frames for video under 30 min, # of frames for video over 30 min]")
parser.add_argument('--partition_num', type = int, default = 8, help = "The number of partition we want to crop the video to, to increase diversity of sampling")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', type = bool, default = True, help = "Whether we print log message")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Transform to variable
video_folder_dir = args.video_folder_dir
IC9600_pretrained_weight_path = args.IC9600_pretrained_weight_path
save_dir = args.save_dir
skip_num = args.skip_num
target_frames = args.target_frames # [# of frames for video under 30 min, # of frames for video over 30 min]
partition_num = args.partition_num
verbose = args.verbose
# Secondary setting
tmp_path = "tmp_dataset"
# Prepare
if os.path.exists(save_dir):
# Process
start = time.time()
obj = frame_collector(IC9600_pretrained_weight_path, verbose)
obj.collect_frames(video_folder_dir, save_dir, tmp_path, skip_num, target_frames, partition_num)
total_time = (time.time() - start)//60
print("Total time spent is {} min".format(total_time))