try: from docx import Document except ImportError: from docx.api import Document from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont import io import arabic_reshaper from bidi.algorithm import get_display class DocumentExporter: def __init__(self): # Register Arabic font for PDF try: pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Arabic', 'fonts/NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf')) except: pass # Fall back to default font if Arabic font is not available def export_to_pdf(self, content: dict) -> bytes: """Export the analysis results to PDF format.""" buffer = io.BytesIO() c = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=letter) # Set font for Arabic text try: c.setFont('Arabic', 14) except: c.setFont('Helvetica', 14) y = 750 # Starting y position # Add title title = "تحليل المستند القانوني" title = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(title)) c.drawString(500, y, title) y -= 30 # Add summary summary_title = "ملخص المستند" summary_title = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(summary_title)) c.drawString(500, y, summary_title) y -= 20 summary_text = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(content['summary'])) # Wrap text to fit page width words = summary_text.split() line = "" for word in words: if c.stringWidth(line + word, 'Arabic', 12) < 500: line += word + " " else: c.drawString(50, y, line) y -= 15 line = word + " " if line: c.drawString(50, y, line) y -= 30 # Add legal analysis analysis_title = "تحليل المخالفات القانونية" analysis_title = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(analysis_title)) c.drawString(500, y, analysis_title) y -= 20 analysis_text = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(content['legal_analysis'])) words = analysis_text.split() line = "" for word in words: if c.stringWidth(line + word, 'Arabic', 12) < 500: line += word + " " else: c.drawString(50, y, line) y -= 15 line = word + " " if line: c.drawString(50, y, line) y -= 30 # Add legislation mapping mapping_title = "الخريطة التشريعية" mapping_title = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(mapping_title)) c.drawString(500, y, mapping_title) y -= 20 mapping_text = get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(content['legislation_mapping'])) words = mapping_text.split() line = "" for word in words: if c.stringWidth(line + word, 'Arabic', 12) < 500: line += word + " " else: c.drawString(50, y, line) y -= 15 line = word + " " if line: c.drawString(50, y, line) return buffer.getvalue() def export_to_word(self, content: dict) -> bytes: """Export the analysis results to Word format.""" doc = Document() # Add title doc.add_heading("تحليل المستند القانوني", 0) # Add summary section doc.add_heading("ملخص المستند", level=1) doc.add_paragraph(content['summary']) # Add legal analysis section doc.add_heading("تحليل المخالفات القانونية", level=1) doc.add_paragraph(content['legal_analysis']) # Add legislation mapping section doc.add_heading("الخريطة التشريعية", level=1) doc.add_paragraph(content['legislation_mapping']) # Save to bytes buffer = io.BytesIO() return buffer.getvalue()