import type { ChatMessage } from "gpt-tokenizer/GptEncoding"; import { appName, appRepository, appVersion } from "./appInfo"; import { addLogEntry } from "./logEntries"; import { getSettings, getTextGenerationState, updateResponse, updateTextGenerationState, } from "./pubSub"; import { ChatGenerationError, canStartResponding, defaultContextSize, getDefaultChatMessages, getFormattedSearchResults, } from "./textGenerationUtilities"; interface HordeResponse { id: string; kudos: number; } interface HordeStatusResponse { generations?: { text: string; model: string }[]; done?: boolean; faulted?: boolean; } interface HordeModelInfo { performance: number; queued: number; jobs: number; eta: number; type: string; name: string; count: number; } interface HordeUserInfo { username: string; kudos: number; } const aiHordeApiBaseUrl = ""; const aiHordeClientAgent = `${appName}:${appVersion}:${appRepository}`; const userMarker = "**USER**:"; const assistantMarker = "**ASSISTANT**:"; export const aiHordeDefaultApiKey = "0000000000"; async function startGeneration(messages: ChatMessage[]) { const settings = getSettings(); const aiHordeApiKey = settings.hordeApiKey || aiHordeDefaultApiKey; const aiHordeMaxResponseLengthInTokens = aiHordeApiKey === aiHordeDefaultApiKey ? 512 : 1024; const response = await fetch(`${aiHordeApiBaseUrl}/generate/text/async`, { method: "POST", headers: { apikey: aiHordeApiKey, "client-agent": aiHordeClientAgent, "content-type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ prompt: formatPrompt(messages), params: { max_context_length: defaultContextSize, max_length: aiHordeMaxResponseLengthInTokens, singleline: false, temperature: settings.inferenceTemperature, top_p: settings.inferenceTopP, min_p: 0.05, top_k: 0, rep_pen: 1, stop_sequence: [userMarker, assistantMarker], }, models: settings.hordeModel ? [settings.hordeModel] : undefined, }), }); const data = (await response.json()) as HordeResponse; if (! { throw new Error("Failed to start generation"); } return data; } async function handleGenerationStatus( generationId: string, onUpdate: (text: string) => void, ): Promise { let lastText = ""; try { let status: HordeStatusResponse; do { const response = await fetch( `${aiHordeApiBaseUrl}/generate/text/status/${generationId}`, { method: "GET", headers: { "client-agent": aiHordeClientAgent, "content-type": "application/json", }, }, ); status = await response.json(); if ( status.generations?.[0]?.text && status.generations[0].text !== lastText ) { lastText = status.generations[0].text; if (status.generations[0].model) { addLogEntry( `AI Horde completed the generation using the model "${status.generations[0].model}"`, ); } onUpdate(lastText.split(userMarker)[0]); } if (!status.done && !status.faulted) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } if (getTextGenerationState() === "interrupted") { throw new ChatGenerationError("Generation interrupted"); } } while (!status.done && !status.faulted); if (status.faulted) { throw new Error("Generation failed"); } const generatedText = status.generations?.[0].text; if (!generatedText) { throw new Error("No text generated"); } return generatedText.split(userMarker)[0]; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ChatGenerationError) { throw error; } throw new Error(`Error while checking generation status: ${error}`); } } export async function fetchHordeModels(): Promise { const response = await fetch( `${aiHordeApiBaseUrl}/status/models?type=text&model_state=all`, { method: "GET", headers: { "client-agent": aiHordeClientAgent, accept: "application/json", }, }, ); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Failed to fetch AI Horde models"); } return response.json(); } export async function fetchHordeUserInfo( apiKey: string, ): Promise { const response = await fetch(`${aiHordeApiBaseUrl}/find_user`, { headers: { apikey: apiKey, "Client-Agent": aiHordeClientAgent, }, }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch user info: ${response.statusText}`); } const data = await response.json(); return { username: data.username, kudos: data.kudos, }; } export async function generateTextWithHorde() { await canStartResponding(); updateTextGenerationState("preparingToGenerate"); const messages = getDefaultChatMessages(getFormattedSearchResults(true)); await executeHordeGeneration(messages, (text) => { streamTextInChunks(text, updateResponse); }); } export async function generateChatWithHorde( messages: ChatMessage[], onUpdate: (partialResponse: string) => void, ) { return await executeHordeGeneration(messages, onUpdate); } async function executeHordeGeneration( messages: ChatMessage[], onUpdate: (text: string) => void, ): Promise { const generation = await startGeneration(messages); return await handleGenerationStatus(, onUpdate); } function formatPrompt(messages: ChatMessage[]): string { return `${messages .map((msg) => `**${msg.role?.toUpperCase()}**:\n${msg.content}`) .join("\n\n")}\n\n${assistantMarker}\n`; } /** * Streams text in small chunks with a delay between each chunk for a smooth reading experience. * @param text The text to stream * @param updateCallback Function to call with each chunk of text * @param chunkSize Number of words per chunk (default: 3) * @param delayMs Delay between chunks in milliseconds (default: 50) */ function streamTextInChunks( text: string, updateCallback: (text: string) => void, chunkSize = 3, delayMs = 60, ): void { const words = text.split(" "); let accumulatedText = ""; let i = 0; const intervalId = setInterval(() => { const chunk = words.slice(i, i + chunkSize).join(" "); accumulatedText += `${chunk} `; updateCallback(accumulatedText.trim()); i += chunkSize; if (i >= words.length) { clearInterval(intervalId); } }, delayMs); }